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Thomas School Suranussi Jalandhar

Duration : 3 hours M:M 70

Q1. Fill in the blanks:- (10)

1. _________ line begins with a keyword and ends with a colon.
2. Two types of looping statements are__________.
3. A string is a__________ I characters.
4. ________ function returns True if the given string starts with the specified substring, else return
5. List in Python is classified as a ________ data type.
6. The __________ operator replicates a list.
7. A Python _________ is a collection modules and packages.
8. A module can be classified as either ______ or ______.
9. Online _________ is a theft of personal information in order to commit a fraud.
10. __________ means using another person's work, without permission or without paying for it if it
is being sold.
Q2. Multiple choice questions:- (10)
1. Unsolicited commercial email is known as _.
a) Spam c) malware
b) Virus d) Spyware
2. Which of the following is not a type of a cybercrime?
a) Data theft c) Forgery
b) Damage of data d) Installing antivirus for protection.
3. Credit card fraud may include:
a) Stealing of credit card c) Unauthorized and illegal use of credit card
b) Stealing information d) Phishing
4. What is the output of math.ceil (4.4)?
a) 5 c) 4
b) 4.0 d) 5.0
5. What is the value of x , if x = math.factorial (0)?
a) 1 c) 0
b) Error d) None of these
6. Which of following not a valid string operation?
a) Slicing c) Concatenation
b) Repetition d) Floor
7. What is the correct Python code to display the last four characters of “ Digital India”?
a) Str[-4:] c) str[4:]
b) Str[*4:] d) str[/4:]
8. An empty /null statement in Python is:
a) go c) pass
b) over d) ;
9. Which statement is used to iterate itself over a range of values or a sequence?
a) If c) while’
b) D0-while d) for
10. A graphical representation of an algorithm to solve a given problem:
a) Flowchart c) Pie Chart
b) Bar chart d) Column chart


1. Flowchart is not a graphical representation of steps to solve a given problem.
2. Indentation while working with blocks is not necessary in Python.
3. The mean() method calculates the arithmetic mean of the numbers in a list.
4. Public Domain Software is free and can be used with restrictions.
5. E- document becomes legal after it is digitally signed.

Q3. Answer the following questions:-

1. How are tuples different from lists when both are sequences? (3)
2. What is antivirus software? (3)
3. What is string? (3)
4. How can you create an empty string? (3)
5. Difference between indexing and traversing of string. (3)
6. What are the difference between lists and strings? Write a program to create a dictionary
names of competition winner students as keys and number of their wins as values. (5)
7. What is a module? Give at least two reasons why we need modules. (5)
What is traversing a string?
8. Write the measures to protect your system involve physical protection as well software
protection. (5)
9. Explain what is meant by Viruses, Pharming and Phishing? (5)
10. How can we prevent identity theft? (5)
11. Write the difference between the following:- (5)
a) Copyright and patent
b) Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement
c) Active and Passive Footprints
Free software and Free and open-Source Software
12. Write a program to accept a number and display whether the number is a Palindrome or not.

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