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16 Holidays

“I hate vacations. I hate them. I have no fun on them. I get nothing done. People sit and
relax, but I don't want to relax. I want to see something.”
― Paul Theroux

Mixed up vocabulary
rueoinv - (n) something you bring back from your holidays to remember them by
geguga - (n) all the bags you take with you on holiday
e​xirneeepc - (n) you have these on holiday, good and bad
vlrae ​
t​ a​
egtn - (n) a person who helps you to arrange a holiday
map ​
c​ s​eti - (n) somewhere you can pitch your tent
ddieu ​
g​ t​
ruo - (n) to be shown around an interesting place by an expert
g​ s​
intgseheig - (v) to take a look at a place’s most famous locations

Idioms and collocations

day __________ ​
I’m really looking forward to the ​ to Napoleon's birthplace tomorrow.
bed and __________ ​
We stayed in a cosy little ​ by the seaside.
__________ in advance​
If you ​ you can get some really good deals.
The Niagara Falls is Canada’s most visited ​
tourist __________.
Don’t pack too much! Last time you brought ​
everything but the kitchen __________.

breakfast sink attraction trip book

Grammar bit
Everything about the holiday was wonderful. ​
Everyday was warm and sunny and ​all the
activities were fun and enjoyable. ​
Everybody had a good time and they were sorry to
have to leave.
20 Holidays

Have you ever stayed at a really Where did you go for your last
nice hotel? holiday?

What would be your dream What kind of souvenirs do you

holiday? bring back from your holidays?

Do you try to learn a little of

Have you been or would you
the language before
like to go on a cruise?
holidaying abroad?

Would you like to live What tips would you give

somewhere that you have holidaymakers who came to
visited for a holiday? visit your town?

Do you know where your next

What was your worst holiday?
holiday will be?

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