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E n d G a m e Second B u i l d

This is the second end game build and

the one i am currently using. Thanks to

the rather new Mighty Wrathful Seeker

set, you can completly skip the

attackspeed item and still easily hit

4.5/5.0 with the JoR buff. I have been •


using it since the Seeker set came out,

and it feels really nice to be this tanky.

As you can see, this build has 3 H P

items, so you get a good amount of

lankiness without losing too much dmg

(no sargon gloves)

Just for information:

The boots here have 3MS and 1 dmg

e n c h a n t + 9MS gems and 1 crit g e m .

This will change a bit if you have the

new rune from the Paragon boss,

which gives you an extra 10% MS and

6% AS.

There is another build with the Big Game H u n t ring with h i g h dmg/hp but the

attackspeed is kinda low (without using mortis pet). I dont have the ring so i cannot

recreate it. There are people r u n n i n g around having 720k+ dmg with 4m HP but low
Big Game H u n t
attackspeed with that b u i l d . I like the idea to keep the stats "balanced" and i also like
having high attackspeed s o i w o u l drecommend using the "CE set build". The Big

Game H u n t ring is also not that accessible since its bound to an event that maybe

comes once a year and the ring itself has a pretty low dropprate.

by Kaas1(AoD@)

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