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(a) Design an ideal Band stop FIR filter with the Frequency response

With (Case-i) rectangular window, (Case-ii) Hamming window and (Case-iii) Blackman window. In all
three cases find the filter coefficients and the frequency response for N=11 .

(b) From the results obtained for all the three cases in question (a) Plot the frequency response and the
magnitude response in dB as a function of the normalized frequency. Compare the improvement in
the decrease of the highest side lobe with respect to the central lobe in the three cases of the FIR
filter. (*Use MATLAB as tool for plotting graph of the formula obtained by manual calculation in (a),
i.e. by analytical method).
Table 1 Analysis by analytical method
SL. FIR filter with window Decrease in magnitude
No. of highest side lobe
wrt central (dB)
1 Rectangular window
2 Hamming window
3 Blackman window

(c) Write MATLAB codes to design the band stop filter given in question (a) using (Case-i) rectangular
window, (Case-ii) Hamming window and (Case-iii) Blackman window. Plot the Magnitude response
(in dB) as a function of the normalized frequency in all three cases and compare the improvement in
the decrease of the highest side lobe with respect to the central lobe of the FIR filter.

Table 2 Analysis by using MATLAB

SL. FIR filter with window Decrease in magnitude
No. of highest side lobe
wrt central (dB)
1 Rectangular window
2 Hamming window
3 Blackman window

Conclusion: (analyze the results in table 1 and table 2 and tell how much improvement has been
obtained due t which window and which window technique should be prefered and why)

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