Master File Mind Sciences and Personal Grooming

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Compiled and presented by:

Muhammad Ayub Khan

Compiled and presented by:

Muhammad Ayub Khan

No Copy rights
Edition No. : 1
Nov, 2022

Bismillah Book Depot

Hashmi Trust Building, New Urdu Bazar Karachi
Contact No. 0335-7550901, 032945752



To provide opportunity to every one (especially students) to improve

himself or herself by acquiring the awareness of Mind, Body and soul
with positive thoughts and attitude.


 (Allah) taught man what he knew not.

(Chapter 96: Verse 5).

 Modern mind technologists also say that all resources people need to
make changes in life are already within them.

 We have firm believe that Pakistan has all required resources to get
respectable position in world, only thing needed is positive state of

 We are sure that by utilizing and channelizing our resources (Including

Human resource) revolution can bring in Pakistan.

 We believe that by training, development and continuous efforts

hopelessness can be converted into enthusiasm, determination and
 We are sure that by using modern technologies, new concepts, and
awareness positive state of mind can be developed.
 We believe that if we help the people in solving their problem, and
remove their barriers, they can perform in an excellent manner and can
make their dreams true.
 We are sure we can bring changes in our life and can serve Pakistan in
an excellent manner if we have awareness of our mind, body and soul.
 We give value to everyone irrespective of their religion, language, cast
 We give value to Teachers and students who are serving to the Pakistan.


1- Introduction
2- Concept of Mind Sciences
3- Mind and Brain
4- NLP
5- Competence level
6- Presupposition of NLP
7- The Map is not territory
8- Perceptual Position
9- Modalities and Sub-modalities
10- Knowing yourself and others (Representation system)
11- Knowing yourself and others (Eye accessing Cues)
12- Swish Pattern
13- Meditation
14- SWOT Analysis
15- Seven habits of highly effective people
16- Time Management
17- Leadership
18- Presentation
19- Meetings and reports
20- Multiple Intelligence
21- Interpersonal skills
22- Power of Affirmation
23- Self esteem
24- Power of positive mental attitude(PPMA)
25- Relaxation


This book has compiled for the students, Learner and those who has desire to
improve themselves. There are so many topics and management techniques,
which are very important but it is difficult to cover all. I decided to select
some important topics, collected useful information from different books,
presentations and websites. All the material combined and shaped them in a
form of book. The purpose of this exercise is to provide ease to anyone who
wants to learn the things quickly.

Most of the students are uncomfortable when they join organization. They
have technical knowledge but do not know much about the management as
well as the use of mind. The book has design in a way that it facilitates
everybody to educate himself and can enhance his skill and knowledge.

The chapter 1 to 3 are introduction about the concept of Mind Sciences as

well as some knowledge of mind and brain. Chapter 4 to 13 covers the
introduction of NLP and some useful techniques for performance
enhancement. Chapter 14-17 aware you about conceptual knowledge,
chapter 18-19 gives some insight about the presentations and the meetings.
Last five chapter for character building, changing attitude, changing
behavior and image building for success.

This book has complied during lock down period due to corona virus. I
thought to work for the book is the best utilization of available time. The
book has no commercial purpose. The aim is to share knowledge among
the people, anybody can arrange photocopy and distribute to the students,
subordinates and friends.

Muhammad Ayub Khan


Whatever information receives from our five senses, our mind process those
information and act accordingly. It does not matter what we do but it does
matter what we understand about what we are doing. During processing and
installation of information, which we receive through five senses some time
the processing is done by wrong method or with negativity and the person, is
stuck in his life. A person may stick in relationships, career, business,
relationship, Education, Emotions, Learning skills, etc. The reasons are the
process of information.
Now the role of Mind Science is to identify the areas due to which a person is
facing failures, uninstall that information, and reinstall that information with
positivity, so that the person could cross the barrier and progress as per his

This particular subject is very much practical and interactive. Discussion,

demonstration, presentations, communications, exercises, therapies and many
other interesting activities have made the subject very effective. Many mind
techniques are taught to the student. During the sessions, complete
opportunity is provided to the participants to take part in all activities, which
helps them to become a confident, successful and fearless person.

Mind sciences breaks all chains and releases all blockages, releases negativity,
gives strength, always gives solution, converts weaknesses into strengths,
develops positive person, gives courage to face challenges and leads towards
success. Mind science helps a person to take out from past, resolves old
issues, make nervous and immune system stronger, empower a person to
select his own path, make success easy, keeps happy.

Students are facing so many problems, which are hurting their performance.
Mind sciences is very powerful subject can change life. It helps students of all
fields. It makes them creative, train them how mind can be used in effective
manner, and how they can plan success and can make there dreams true.

Concept of Mind Sciences

Mind Sciences means any tool or technique that enhances the functioning of
the human mind, or that allows an individual to use more than 3 to 4 percent
of their mental capabilities. This includes Para-Psychology and Meta Physics,
both which are beyond the boundaries of Physics and Psychology.

The science and art of how the mind (Conscious and subconscious) works to
give us our behavior and communication.

Human mind is comprising of conscious and subconscious mind.

Subconscious mind is responsible of all those activities, which are necessary
for our life. It is infinite and it is never sleep but our conscious mind is

The Greatest Power is the Power of our Subconscious Mind. Once we

understand this and learn to use the power within us, we can create wonderful
changes in our life. We can achieve our targets and goals.
How can we access this power of our Subconscious? Is there a Key? Yes. The
Alpha Level of our mind is the key. This level can be reached through training
and learning. Scientists have done a lot of research about the functioning of
our brain. The electrical impulses emitted continuously by the brain keep
changing in frequency depending on the activity involved in. An equipment
called EEG in cycles per second measures this.
Alpha is a brainwave frequency between 7 and 14 cycles per second. This is a
level between sleep and wakefulness. While functioning at this level, apart
from the usual left-brain activity, our right brain also is activated. This makes
a person's thinking very powerful, very intuitive and very creative. This level
connects us with our subconscious and helps us to access the amazing powers
lying dormant there. It has been found that any thought projected in the mind
at this level will certainly be manifested in real life.

Mind and Brain

The most important organ in our body is brain, the joy and sorrow of life
comes from it, we operate our entire life through the functioning of the brain.

The brain is safely secured in our head. It should not be confused with mind.
The brain is physical and the mind is functional. The brain is hardware and the
mind is software. There are approximately 100 billion neurons in the brain.
The adult brain weighs about 1.4 kg and is only 2% of the body weight.

The brain has three major parts:

Brain stem:

The brain stem takes care of the survival mechanism of the body. It is the first
part of the brain to be formed in the womb. It has three nerve center - mid
brain, pons and medulla oblongata. The nerve center in mid brain help control
movements of the eyes. Pons contains many of the control areas for eye and
face movements. Medulla oblongata regulates breathing, heartbeat and blood


The cerebellum is located just behind the brain stem and manages the
movement of our body. Therefore, it contains memory for movement.
Balance, Posture, coordination of complex muscle activities, Walking,
Writing, and Speech.


The largest portion of the brain is cerebrum. It consists of two hemispheres

that are connected together at the corpus callosum. It is the real brain where
thinking and feelings arise.
It is divided in four areas a) frontal lobe deals with abstract problem solving b)
parietal lobe helps process information from the senses c) occipital lobe
governs vision d) temporal lobe controls memory, hearing and language.

Brain cell

Brain has approximately 100 billion neurons. Neurons have specialized

extensions called Dendrites and Axons. Axons carry information away from
the cell body and dendrites receives and transmit itto the receiving cell.

Nero transmitters

Communicate with each other across a synapse and through chemical called
Nero-transmitters. The exchange of chemical messages between neurons
is called Nero-transmission.


A synapse is a specialized structure that permits a neuron to pass an electrical

or chemical signal to another cell. The synapse contains a small microscopic
gap that separates neurons and the gap consists of neurotransmitters.

Spinal Cord

A large bundle of nerve fibers located in the back that extends from the base
of the brain to the lower back, the spinal cord carries messages to and from the
brain and the rest of the body.

Brain Hemisphere

There are two hemisphere of brain. Each hemisphere is responsible for

different modes of thinking pattern, each specializing in certain skill.

Left Brain :

a) logical b) linear c) orderly d) rational e)sequential f) organised

g) dealing abstract ideas h) reality based i) writing j) Auditory
k) identifying facts and figures

Right Brain :

a) creative b) imaginative c) random d) intuitive e) non verbal ways

of knowing f) unorganised g) spatial awareness h) shape and pattern
recognition i) art j) music k) color sensitivity l) feeling of presence
of people and object

To lead an effective life both hemispheres of the brain should be
given equal importance. Those who makes use of both hemispheres
of the brain tend to produce better results in life. They learn very

Brain Wave pattern

Brain is made up of billions of cells called neurons, they

communicate each other and produces an enormous amount of
electrical activity in the brain, which can be detected using sensitive
medical equipment called EEG, measures electricity level over areas of
the scalp.

The combination of electric activity of the brain is commonly called Brain

wave pattern. Brain activity is dependent on what a person is doing.

Brain frequencies

The electroencephalograph (EEG) is a machine that monitors brainwave-

Four main brainwave patterns:

BETA: 21-14 cycle per second

ALPHA:14 – 7 cycle per second

THETA: 7 - 4 cycle per second
DELTA: 0.5 – 4 cycle per second

When the brain waves reach zero the brain is dead. To be productive, it is
better that the brain emits alpha waves most of the time in our wakeful state.

Boost your Brain Power


Diets for Brain



Brain damage

The brain is damage through stress and tension, poor nutrition, lack
of physical and mental exercise and various toxic substances. When

a person endures stress on a regular basis he profusely secretes the
brain destroying chemical, cortisone. This diminishes brain power.


The brain should be constantly used or else it loses its power. When
the brain is stimulated intellectually and physically you can see the
measurable changes in its structure.

The way you use your brain can alter its very form. Due to such
activities new connections between neurons are formed.

Power of Sub Conscious Mind
We have only one mind, but one mind possesses two distinct and
characteristics functional parts.

A Conscious Mind
Objective Mind

B Sub - Conscious Mind

Subjective Mind

Conscious Mind is also called as Objective Mind because it deals

with outward objects. We gain knowledge through five senses.

Sub- Conscious Mind is also called as Subjective Mind. It is aware

of its environment, but not by means of the physical senses. It sees
without the natural organs of vision.

Function of subconscious mind

 It controls the automatic function heartbeats, breathing,

digestion, physical development, immune system etc.

 It controls our learned function, habits, attitude, the way we

walk or drive a car, how we use our reflexes in different
situations, the way we program ourselves to behave.

 It maintains our memory record all our experiences of life

regarding what we think, what we say and what we imagine of

 Controls our Extra Senses Perceptions, e.g. Telepathy and
 Controls Body Language.
 Controls energy and creativity.
 Solves our problems and achieves our goals.
 Controls our instincts and intuitions.
 Sub Conscious Mind never sleep.

How both mind work

What think with your conscious mind, and whatever you think
habitually sinks down into your subconscious mind, your Conscious
mind, which then creates according to nature of thoughts.
If you think good, good will follows; if you think evil, evil will
follows. Your mind works this way.

Why there is chaos and misery in the world is that so many

people do not understand interaction of CM and SCM.

Law of subconscious mind

Subconscious mind is principle. It works according

to the law of belief, Law of our mind is law of belief
and belief of your mind is the thought of your


Where you are now and where you want to be is an issue or problem
to tackle.

It may be habit or behavior you want to change.

Change does not happen as result of will power.


Neuro linguistic programming is the systematic study of human

performance. It is unique model of how people learn, motivate
themselves, and change their behavior to achieve excellence in any

NLP is valuable wherever human communication skills can enhance

results in business consultation, management, negotiation,
education, counseling, therapy, relationships, parenting, nursing,
public speaking, sports performance, and many other areas.
NLP is a way of thinking and method for achieving Excellence in your
life. Its structure comes from Modeling people have already achieved
success in many different areas.

NLP was invented by John Grinder and Richard Bandler.

Both modelled three successful therapists who produced excellent

Firtz Perls Milton Erickson Virginia Satir

1883 - 1970 1901 - 1980 1916 - 1988

Level of competence

There are four level of competence:

Level 1

Unconscious incompetence

You don’t know what you don’t know.

Level 2

Conscious incompetence

You are very aware of what you don’t know.

Level 3

Conscious competence

You are very aware of what you do know.

Level 4

Unconscious competence

You can use your knowledge without thinking about it.


1- Every behavior is positive intention.

2- People will normally make the best choice available to them in

any given situation.

3- A map is not the territory it depicts; words are not the things they
describe; symbols are not the things they are represent

4- If you go on doing what you are doing now are likely to go on

getting the same results as you are getting now.

5- If you want something different you must do something different,

and keep varying your behavior until you get the result that you

6- You cannot, not communicate.

7- The meaning of your communication is the response that you get.

8- Everyone has all of the resources they need.

9- Every behavior is appropriate in some context.

10- People aren’t broken and don’t need to be ‘fixed’.

11- Your mind and body are indivisible parts of the same system.

12- There is no such thing as failure, only feedback.

13- What one person can do, other people can learn to do.

14- The person with most flexible will control the system.

15- Learning is living, we cannot not learn.

The Map is not the Territory

Our ability to interact with the external world is greatly influenced

by our very restricted conscious abilities. For example, whilst we
receive an estimated 2.4 million bit of information every minute
(through our various senses), we can only consciously handle
about 300-500 bits of information per minute. The remaining 2.35
million bits of information are filtered and dealt with at the
subconscious level.

The processing of abstracting limited picture of the total reality in

which we live is called mapping or map-making. No two persons
ever have exactly the same map of any part of the external world.
A single word can be the basis for two quite separate maps.
Everyone has their own personal views of the world, their own
map of reality.
The truth is that our knowledge, on any subject will always be
incomplete. We can never be totally accurate in our description of
any person, thing, event or whatever. One writer put it:

 Whatever we do or say, it is certain that will be

misunderstood---to some degree

 Whatever we see or hear, it is certain we will misunderstand it

---to some degree

We can make our communication more effective and our

relationships more harmonious if we aware both the strength and
the limitations of our mental maps.

There are three ways of misunderstanding external reality:

1- Deletion

Is process by which we selectively pay attention to

certain aspect of our experiences and exclude others.

2- Distortion

It occurs when a speaker draws conclusion that have non-

logical formulation or assume faulty connections
between different parts of their experience.

3- Generalization

Involves interpreting our experience as an absolute truth,

which applies in all circumstances. Generalization also
describe the rules or limits which govern our behavior.

Perceptual Position

One powerful way to increase effectiveness in relating to others is to

extend your information about the way they behave and how they
make their choices. This technique provides a practical way to do

The three basic perceptual positions are:

1- 1st position:

Self ----This is your own reality, how you see, hear and feel about
the situation. You think in terms of what matter to you.

2- 2nd position:

Other ----This is the other person’s reality. How it would look,

sound and feel if you were they. How might it affect them?

3- 3rd position:

Self ----This is the detached observer. How might this appear to

someone, who is not involved? You can watch both parties
interact and understand but not experience either person’s

Perceptual positioning is also useful when you are considering a
new product. By thinking in the following terms, you will be able to
broaden your approach and increase your flexibility:

 How might other staff feel about this approach?

 How will this look from the customers’, suppliers’

manufacturers’ and employees’ point of view?

 What would this sound like to the sales team?

Modalities and Sub modalities

According to the NLP, information in the brain is coded by the

five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Each of
these senses, also called Modalities has a subset of qualities
called Sub modalities.

As information retrieved from the brain through memory, the

sub modalities determine the memory’s shape in terms of
contrast, color and volume. For example when remembering a
person from the past, the sub-modalities would determine
whether in your mind’s eye the person appeared near or far to
you, if you saw him or her distinctly and in color black or
white and so forth.

The way that the sub modality

The way the sub modalities arrange the memory plays a
significant role in how the memory itself affects people. NLP
can be used to adjust internal memories and feelings by
adjusting the sub-modalities of the experience. Pleasant
memories can be reinforced by increasing their proximity to
you in your inner vision, while upsetting memories can be
diminished by making them dimmer and placing the farther
away from you.



You can also gain further information about representational systems via the eye
accessing cues which concentrate on eye movements.

Knowing yourself and others
(Representation system and PTS)

We represent information internally through our basic senses

i.e. in pictures (visual), sound (auditory), feelings (kinesthetic),
taste (gustatory) and smell (olfactory). The words in the
brackets are the NLP terminology used to refer to the senses.
We all see, hear, feel, smell and taste in our own way, unless
we have some neurological damage.

Different people have different response. None is right or

wrong, they just are. We may have any style of thinking which
is called preferred thinking style.


Eyes : These people look up to right or left or their

eyes may appear unfocused.

Gesture : Their gestures are quick and angular, and

include pointing.

Breathing : High Shallow and quick.

Words : The words that capture their attention include:

See, look, imagine, reveal, perspective.

Presentations: They prefer pictures, diagrams, movies.


Eyes : These people look down to the left and appear


Gesture : Their gesture are rhythmic, touching one’s

face (i.e. rubbing the chain)

Breathing : Mid chest, rhythmic

Words : The words that capture their attention include:

Hear, listen, ask, tell, clicks, in-tune.

Presentations: The prefer list, summarize, quote, read.


Eyes : These people look down to the right.

Knowing yourself and others
(Eye Accessing Cues)

Vc: Visual constructed: seeing images of things never seen

before, or seeing thing differently than they were seen

Ac: Auditory constructed: hearing sound not hear before.

K: Kinesthetic: Feeling emotions, tactile sensation (sense of

touch) or feeling of muscle movement.

Vr: Visual remember: seeing images of things seen before, in

the same way they were seen before.

Ar: Auditory remembered: remembering sounds heard


Ad: Auditory digital: talking to oneself.

People move their eyes in systematic directions, depending

upon the kind of thinking they are doing. These movements
are called Eye Accessing Cues.

Research in NLP suggests that people using visual
representational system tend to look upward or ahead they
want to see chart or diagrams. Auditory people look sideways
they preferred talking, discussion etc., kinesthetic people look
down wards, they may be in olfactory or gustatory mode.

Swish Pattern

An NLP Swish Pattern is the process of taking a behavior or state

and changing the sub modalities to enhance a new behavior or state,
sometimes accompanied by a noise like “swwwwishhhh” at the time
of changing them.

Swish is an NLP technique to change how we think, feel and act. It

is an effective and efficient sub modality change. It is a way of
telling our brains “This not That” and replacing something we don't
want with something we do want.

For changing BEHAVIOUR.

For changing bad HABITS.

For improve PERFORMANCE.

For removing FEAR AND PHOBIAS.

For clearing UNWANTED PICTURE in mind.


There are many ways to explain meditation, what it is, how it works.
Meditation, it is said, is a way to evoke the relaxation response.
Meditation, other say, is a way to train and strengthen awareness; a
method for centering and focusing the self; a way to halt constant
verbal thinking and relax the body mind technique for calming the
central nervous system; a way to relieve stress, bolster self-esteem,
reduce anxiety, and alleviate depression.
Meditation is the process of calming the mind and making still the
body to create a feeling of inner peace and well-being. Too often in
our increasingly hectic daily lives, we don’t spare the time to slow
down and simply “be”. Meditation is widely recognized in culture
throughout the world for its ability to connect the mind and body to
the spirit.

Benefits of Meditation

One of many benefits of meditation is that it opens your mind to

new ideas. When the bowl is full, trying to pour more water into it
just causes an overflow. The same happens with our mind. When it
is full of thoughts, there is no room for new ideas. Meditation is a
very effective technique for improving your creativity and problem
solving capacity. "Talented" people do it naturally. Artists and poets
call it "inspiration". Many famous people such as Albert Einstein
and Thomas Edison were known to have practiced various forms of

Meditation is sometimes described as "listening to the silence

between thoughts". Our effort in meditation is directed towards
consciously increasing the periods of such silence. Without a true
silence in your own thoughts, you cannot listen to thoughts of

Experiments have proved that meditation is benefiting in the

following ways:

1. Blood pressure is normalized.

2. Life expectancy is increased naturally.
3. Eye sight improves considerably.
4. Triglycerides and cholesterol in blood diminish to a great extent.
5. Creative powers develop with wonders.
6. Meditator is immune from grumbling.
7. Heart performance is better.

8. Hearing potency is accelerated.
9. Defensive powers against ailments excel.
10. Depression and stress disappear.
11. Pressure causing worries & difficulties lessen.
12. Blood Red Cells enhance substantially.
13. Memory sharpens.
14. Decision making power is better.
15. Meditation absolves of Insomnia.
16. Fear is suppressed by bravery.
17. Sense of security is gained.
18. Meditators are away from all sorts of whimsical thoughts.
19. Jealousy is non-existent.
20. After successful meditation a man gets rid of Talisman, negative
thoughts, evil spirit, ghosts and goblins.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is technique that enables group / individual to

move from everyday problems / traditional strategies to a fresh

Technique is credited to Albert Humphrey, Research project at

Standford University in the 1960’s to 1970’s.

A SWOT analysis is of an organization or person’s Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in relationship to internal
and external factors.

Strengths Weakness

Opportunities Threats

Tips for SWOT

• Be analytical and specific

• Record all things and ideas
• Be selective on final evaluation
• Choose the right people for the exercise
• Select a suitable SWOT leader
• Thing out of box
• Be open to change

Example of an Organization


1- Reputation
2- Value added products
3- Technology
4- Great talent pool


1- No formal marketing department

2- Less focus on customer
3- Limited resources
4- No standard Quality system


1- European market
2- New consumers installing plants
3- Latest technology
4- Government Support

1- Political instability in country

2- Smuggling
3- New manufacturers in competition
4- Raw material supplier loyalty

SWOT analysis brings IDEAS and we have to establish

objectives and actions.



The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
(Book written by Stephen R. Covey)

This book first published in 1989. The book first introduces the
concept of Paradigm Shift and prepares the reader for a change in
mindset. It helps the reader to understand that there exists a different
perspective, a viewpoint that may be different from his own and
asserts that two people can see the same thing and yet differ with
each other. Once the reader is prepared for this, it introduces the
seven habits, in a proper order.

Paradigm and Paradigm shift

Paradigms: A system of beliefs, ideas, values, and habits that is a

way of thinking about the real world.

A paradigm is an example, model or pattern, especially the most

basic or central one.

Paradigm shift move us from one way of seeing the world to

another. The shift creates powerful change.

Characteristic Ethic Vs Personality Ethic

Two way of success:

Characteristic Ethic
Integrity, responsibility, Fidelity, Public image, Patience, Courage,
Compassion Justice, Honesty, Contribution, Humility

Personality Ethic: Behavior, Attitude, Upgrade Skills

If we get success through Characteristic ethics, it will be long

lasting. The characteristic ethics are the foundation of success.

(Habits of private victory)

1st Habit
“Be Proactive”

Take initiative in life by realizing that your decisions (and how they
align with life's principles) are the primary determining factor for
effectiveness in your life. Take responsibility for your choices and
the consequences that follow.


2nd Habit
“Begin with end in mind”

Self-discover and clarify your deeply important character values and

life goals. Envision the ideal characteristics for each of your various
roles and relationships in life. Create a mission statement.



3rd Habit
“Put first thing first”

Prioritize, plan, and execute your week's tasks based on importance

rather than urgency. Evaluate whether your efforts exemplify your
desired character values, propel you toward goals, and enrich the
roles and relationships that were elaborated in Habit 2.

Put first thing first

 Fruit of Habit 1 & 2

 Time Management

Habit of public victory
4th Habit
“Think win / win”

Genuinely strive for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in

your relationships. Value and respect people by understanding a
"win" for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only
one person in the situation had gotten his way.

5th Habit
“Seek first to understand, then to be understood”

Use empathic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person,

which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open
mind to being influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere of
caring, respect, and positive problem solving.
 Empathic listening
 Selective listening
 Diagnose before you prescribe

6th Habit


Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to

achieve goals no one person could have done alone. Get the best
performance out of a group of people through encouraging
meaningful contribution, and modeling inspirational and supportive

 1 + 1 = 1 1/2
 1 + 1 = 10 ,100, 1000, ……

Habit of renewal
7th Habit
“Sharpen the saw”
Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a
sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. It primarily emphasizes on
exercise for physical renewal, prayer (meditation, yoga, etc.) and
good reading for mental renewal. It also mentions service to the
society for spiritual renewal.

1- Physical (exercise, nutrition, stress management)

2- Mental (reading, visualizing, planning)
3- Social (emotional, service, synergy, safety)
4- Spiritual (meditation, study, prayer)

Time Management
Time Management is the ability to prioritize our day according to a
strategic vision and then to accomplish these prioritizations through

Poor Time Management

1- Inability to meet dead line.

2- Working in excess 50-60 hour per week.
3- Losing sight of individual objectives and priorities.
4- Making hasty decisions (without considering ramification)
5- Stress
6- Insufficient time spent with family.
7- Inherent fear of delegation.
8- Messy desk


1-Clarity of thinking
4 -Good memory
6-Clarity of thinking
7-Methodical approach
9- Calmness

Tips of effective time management

1-Spent time on planning and organizing

a) Think and plan.
b) Organize in a way that sense to you.

2- Set goals
a) Decide what you want to do.
b) Take SMART approach.
c) Goals gives you direction.

3- Prioritize
a) Prioritize and identify what you value.
b) Flagging or highlighting is very helpful.
c) Once prioritize then concentrate on those, which add

1- Use of to do list
a) What is urgent and important?
b) Put them in order of reference.
c) One completed deleted from your list.
d) Allow time of interruptions and destructions.

e) Save larger block of time for priorities.
f) Ask your self-questions and go back to your goal.

2- Consider to your Biological time

a) Find out, which is your best time to study.
b) Are you a morning person?
c) A night owl?
d) Late afternoon?

3- Do Right Things Right

a) Doing things right is Effectiveness.

b) Doing right things is Efficiency.
c) Focus first for your Effectiveness.
d) Concentrate on Efficiency.

4- Eliminate the Urgent

a) Urgent task has short terms Consequences.

b) Important task are long term and goal related.
c) Flagging and or highlighting items are important.
d) Attach dead line to each of item.

5-Conquer procrastination

a) Learn to say “NO”.

b) Reward yourself.
For good time management Goal must be SMART.
S Specific
M Measureable
A Achievable
R Realistic
T Time Bonded

Time quadrant system

The best way of prioritization is to get understanding of Time

Quadrant system and the word IMPORTANT & URGENT. The
technical definition of the words:

Any action of yours that takes you towards your goals or
objectives is called important.

Any action of yours that cannot wait and if delayed will lose its

Urgent- Important
• Tax deadline
• Wife in emergency room
• Car engine goes out

• Household chores
• Call from your kid’s principal saying you need to come in for a
meeting about his behavior
• Praying on time (with Jamaat).
• Responding to an accident or a fire.
• Taking life savings drugs on time.
• Responding to a heart attack.
• Donating blood when a friend is in need.
• Performing Hajj.
• Studying for a test due tomorrow. Term paper deadline
Important -Not Urgent

• Day to day routine activities.

• Upgrading one's education.
• Taking preventive measures.
• Exercise.
• Taking a vacation.
• Savings.
• Routine medical checkup.
• Regular car maintenance.
Urgent-Not Important
• Responding to a wrong phone call.
• Text messages
• Responding to a false (fire) alarm.
• Attending to an unexpected guest.
• Watching a particular TV program.
• Watching a live cricket match.
• Most emails (some emails could be urgent and important)
• Co-worker who comes by your desk during your prime
working time to ask a favor
• Attending a function, which doesn't take us towards any goal
(like Mahndi).

Not Urgent-Not Important
• Watching TV
• Window-shopping
• Listening to music/songs
• Basant Mella
• Chewing pan
• Smoking
• To buy all the accessories of a computer

Time management tips for personal life

1. Get yourself a clear goal for your personal life.

2. Keep a detailed schedule of what you need to do when you're

not working.

3. Keep your “to do list”, appointments, phone numbers and

notes on a paper or in an electronic organizer.

4. Keep some time to catch your breath.

5. Stay focused; avoid procrastinating.

6. Work on your personal goals each day.

7. Exercise, meditate, give back to the community develop your

human and social side.

8. Give yourself a deadline for each goal.

9. Keep your goal in site: put a picture or a quotation that has a

direct link to your goals. The more you see it, the sooner it will
come true.

10. Get everyone in the house to pitch in with the house chores.
Get someone else to mow the lawn.

Time management tips for work

1. Keep your work environment clean.

2. Don't let piles of paper take over your desk, file it or lose it!

3. Keep focused; When you think of something you should do

while working on another project, write it down on your "to
do" list to get it out of your mind.

4. Take some quiet time during the day and don't answer the
phone (if that's not an integral part of your job) to get ahead in
your work. Make sure you return each call in a reasonable

5. If you communicate by emails at work, create your signature

with your company name, title and telephone number. That
way, you only click on one button to have your signature
appear at the bottom of your message instead of writing it two
dozen times a day.

6. Avoid personal calls during office hours.

7. Make the phone call you despite the most first thing in the
morning. You'll reduce your stress level and will spend a better

8. If you are invited to a meeting that has nothing to do with your

job, advice the person that you won't go.

9. The opposite is true: Invite only the relevant people to your

10. Eat a light lunch.


Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to

accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that
makes it more cohesive and coherent or Leadership is a process
whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a
common goal.
Leaders carry out this process by applying their
leadership knowledge and skills. This is called Process Leadership.
However, we know that we have traits that can influence our
actions. This is called Trait Leadership.

Four Factors of Leadership Leader

You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you
know, and what you can do. Also, note that it is the followers, not
the leader or someone else who determines if the leader is
successful. If they do not trust or lack confidence in their leader,
then they will be uninspired. To be successful you have to convince
your followers, not yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy
of being followed.
Different people require different styles of leadership. For example,
a new hire requires more supervision than an experienced employee.
A person who lacks motivation requires a different approach than
one with a high degree of motivation. You must know your people!
The fundamental starting point is having a good understanding of
human nature, such as needs, emotions, and motivation.
You lead through two-way communication much of it is nonverbal.
For instance, when you “set the example,” that communicates to
your people that you would not ask them to perform anything that
you would not be willing to do. What and how you communicate

either builds or harms the relationship between you and your
All situations are different. What you do in one situation will not
always work in another. You must use your judgment to decide the
best course of action and the leadership style needed for each
situation. For example, you may need to confront an employee for
inappropriate behavior, but if the confrontation is too late or too
early, too harsh or too weak, then the results may prove ineffective.
Also, note that the situation normally has a greater effect on a
leader's action than his or her traits. This is because while traits may
have an impressive stability over a period, they have little
consistency across situations this is why a number of leadership
scholars think the Process Theory of Leadership is a more
accurate than the Trait Theory of Leadership.

Leadership, Management, Command, & Control

The four pillars of an organization are Leadership, Management,
Command, and Control. They are important for every leader and
manager to understand because they directly drive the organization.
Used properly, the business will grow; used improperly, the business
will sink.

These are not distinct processes, but rather concepts that all leaders
perform in order to build and strengthen their organizations.
As the above diagram shows, the four pillars overlap, thus they are
not separate processes. This blending gives the organization the
ability to focus on opportunities and deal with threats:
o Leadership drives the interpersonal aspects of the
organization, such as moral and team spirit.
o Management deals with the conceptual issues of the
organization, such as planning and organizing.
o Command guides the organization with well thought-out
visions that makes it effective.
o Control provides structure to the organization in order to
make it more efficient.

Four types of leaders

o Authoritarian — strong on tasks, weak on people skills

o Country Club — strong on people skills, weak on tasks
o Impoverished — weak on tasks, weak on people skills
o Team Leader — strong on tasks, strong on people skills
Authoritarian Leader (high task, low relationship)
Leaders who get this rating are very much task oriented and are hard
on their workers (autocratic). There is little or no allowance for
cooperation or collaboration. Heavily task oriented people display
these characteristics: they are very strong on schedules; they expect
people to do what they are told without question or debate; when
something goes wrong they tend to focus on who is to blame rather
than concentrate on exactly what is wrong and how to prevent it;
they are intolerant of what they see as dissent (it may just be
someone's creativity), so it is difficult for their subordinates to
contribute or develop.
Team Leader (high task, high relationship)
These leaders lead by positive example and endeavor to foster a
team environment in that all team members can reach their highest
potential, both as team members and as people. They encourage the
team to reach team goals as effectively as possible, while also
working tirelessly to strengthen the bonds among the various
members. They normally form and lead some of the most productive
Country Club Leader (low task, high relationship)
These leaders predominantly use reward power to maintain
discipline and to encourage the team to accomplish its goals.
Conversely, they are almost incapable of employing the more
punitive coercive and legitimate powers. This inability results from

fear that using such powers could jeopardize relationships with the
other team members.
Impoverished Leader (low task, low relationship)
These leaders use a “delegate and disappear” management style.
Since they are not committed to either task accomplishment or
maintenance; they essentially allow their team to do whatever it
wishes and prefer to detach themselves from the team process by
allowing the team to suffer from a series of power struggles.
Leadership & Direction
The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) Cycle was developed by Dr.
Walter Shewhart as a plan of action for creating processes and
products. A four-step method uses not only direction and control to
execute, but also provide an interactive process for continuous

It is often called the Shewhart Cycle or Deming wheel. While the

four steps of the cycle look easy, it actually takes a lot of work by all
team members to complete the cycle correctly. One of Shewhart's
students, W. Edwards Deming later used it extensively, thus the
PDCA cycle is often known as the Deming Wheel (Smith, Hawkins,
2004). Deming used a modified version—PDSA (Plan, Do, Study,
Act) as he believed study (analysis) provided a better description
than check.

A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a
deadline. In addition, that goal will remain a dream unless you
create and execute a plan of action to accomplish it. Every goal that
gets accomplished has a good plan behind of it.
Good plans start with a brainstorming session that includes all the
people involved with the project. This allows everyone to be part of
the solution, in addition to gathering the best ideas.
A detailed plan normally includes the who, what, when, where, how,
and why:
o Who does it involve and who will do what?
o What are we going to do? What will happen if we do not do it?
o When does it start and end?
o Where will it take place?
o How will it take place?
o Why must we do it?
Also, the plan must be organized. Organizing is the process of
creating and maintaining the conditions for effectively executing
plans. It involves systematically defining and arranging each task
with respect to the achievement of the objective. It includes three
major steps:

o Determine all tasks.

o Set up a structure to accomplish all tasks.
o Allocate resources.
All essential information must be brought out. It is also important to
consider timing—when each task must be started and completed.

Now, organize all these details into categories, such as needs,
supplies, support, equipment, coordination, major tasks, etc. List all
the details under the categories. Create a to-do list for each category.
This list will become the checklist to ensure everything is
progressing as planned.
Your team cannot do everything at once; some tasks are more
important than others while others have to be accomplished before
another task can begin. Set priorities for each checkpoint and assign
someone to perform each task on the list. Develop a system for
checking each other and ensuring that each task is accomplished on
Check or Study
Throughout the project's execution, there are three things that you
must be involved in: standards, performance, and adjustments.
The standard means, “is this project being completed or
accomplished as planned? Are all the check marks being completed
as stated in the planning process? The standard, which is set, must
mean the same to you and your people.
Performance is measured by completing the tasks and objectives
correctly. While the standard relates to the project, performance
relates to the people working on the project.
If performance does not meet standards, then adjustments can be
made in two ways—improve the performance or lower the
standards. Most of the time, improving the performance is the
appropriate choice. However, a leader may face a situation where
the standard is unrealistic, which means it may be lowered. This is
usually caused by poor estimates or the inability to obtain the proper

Now you are ready to execute the plan. If your plans are solid,
things will go smoothly. If your plans are faulty, then you might
have a very long and hard project ahead of you!
Traits of a Good Leader
Compiled by the Santa Clara University and the Tom Peters Group:
o Honest — Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your
actions. Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust.
o Competent — Base your actions on reason and moral
principles. Do not make decisions based on childlike
emotional desires or feelings.
o Forward-looking — Set goals and have a vision of the future.
The vision must be owned throughout the organization.
Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it.
They habitually pick priorities stemming from their basic
o Inspiring — Display confidence in all that you do. By
showing endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina,
you will inspire others to reach for new heights. Take charge
when necessary.
o Intelligent — Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.
o Fair-minded — Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice is
the enemy of justice. Display empathy by being sensitive to
the feelings, values, interests, and well-being of others.
o Broad-minded — Seek out diversity.
o Courageous — Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal,
regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display
a confident calmness when under stress.

o Straightforward — Use sound judgment to make a good
decision at the right time.
o Imaginative — Make timely and appropriate changes in your
thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of
new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Be

Other Traits: Enthusiasm, Unselfishness, Knowledgeable,

Loyalty, Endurance, Trustworthiness, Sense of humor,
Types of leader
Transactional leader:
A leader who clarifies subordinate’s role and task requirements,
initiates structure, provides rewards and displays consideration
for subordinates.
Charismatic Leader:
A leader who has the ability to motivate subordinates to excel
and surpass expected performance.
Transformation leader:
A leader distinguished by a special ability to bring about
innovation and change.

Interactive leader:
A leader who is concerned with consensus building, is open and
accommodating, and encourages participation.
Servant leader:
A leader of works to fulfill subordinate’s needs and goals as well
as to achieve the organizations larger objectives and mission.

Boss Vs Leader

Boss Vs Leader
Drives employee Coach Employee
Depends on authority Depends on good will
Inspires fears Generates enthusiasm
“I” “WE”
Blame for the breakdown Fixes the breakdown
Knows how it is done Shows how it is done
Uses people Develop people
Takes credit Gives credit
Says “Go” Says “Let us go”
Command Ask

Dissatisfaction and frustration of Leaders

• “YES” man Culture

• Rewarding of incompetent people
• Patronizing/ encouraging of bad peoples
• Too much organizational “politics”.
• Isolation of Good people
• In justifications
• Too much uncompensated time
• Unprofessional approach
• Not enough authority to carryout responsibility.
• Too many “people” problems
• Pursuit of conflicting objects (or goals)

Good leaders
are made not born.
if you have the desire and
willpower, you can become
an effective leader.
Good leaders develop
through a never ending
process of self-study,
education, training, and


Presentations and reports are ways of communicating ideas and

information to a group. But unlike a report, a presentation carries the
speaker's personality better and allows immediate interaction
between all the participants.
A report is the orderly presentation of the results of the research,
which seeks truth and interprets facts into constructive ideas and
suggestions. A report is normally built on research that finds,
develops, or substantiates knowledge. Once all the facts are
collected, they are then organized and presented in a report designed
to meet a need for specific information.
A presentation is created in the same manner as a report; however, it
adds one additional element — The Human Element.
A good presentation contains at least four elements:
o Content — It contains information that people need. But
unlike reports, which are read at the reader's own pace,
presentations must account for how much information the
audience can absorb in one sitting.
o Structure — It has a logical beginning, middle, and end. It
must be sequenced and paced so that the audience can
understand it. Whereas reports have appendices and footnotes
to guide the reader, the speaker must be careful not to lose the
audience when wandering from the main point of the
o Packaging — It must be well prepared. A report can be reread
and portions skipped over, but with a presentation, the
audience is at the mercy of a presenter.

o Human Element — A good presentation will be remembered
much more than a good report because it has a person attached
to it. However, you must still analyze the audience's needs to
determine if they would be better met if a report was sent
The Voice
The voice is probably the most valuable tool of the presenter. It
carries most of the content that the audience takes away. One of the
oddities of speech is that we can easily tell others what is wrong
with their voice, e.g. too fast, too high, too soft, etc., but we have
trouble listening to and changing our own voices.
There are following main terms used for defining vocal qualities:
o Volume: How loud the sound is. The goal is to be heard
without shouting. Good speakers lower their voice to draw the
audience in, and raise it to make a point.
o Tone: The characteristics of a sound. An airplane has a
different sound than leaves being rustled by the wind. A voice
that carries fear can frighten the audience, while a voice that
carries laughter can get the audience to smile.
o Pitch: How high or low a note is.
o Pace: This is how long a sound lasts. Talking too fast causes
the words and syllables to be short, while talking slowly
lengthens them. Varying the pace helps to maintain the
audience's interest.
The Body
Your body communicates different impressions to the audience.
People not only listen you, they also watch you. Displaying good
posture tells your audience that you know what you are doing and
you care deeply about it. Also, a good posture helps you to speak
more clearly and effective.

Throughout your presentation, display:
o Eye contact: This helps to regulate the flow of
communication. It signals interest in others and increases the
speaker's credibility. Speakers who make eye contact open the
flow of communication and convey interest, concern, warmth,
and credibility.
o Facial Expressions: Smiling is a powerful cue that transmits
happiness, friendliness, warmth, and liking. So, if you smile
frequently you will be perceived as more likable, friendly,
warm, and approachable. Smiling is often contagious and
others will react favorably. They will be more comfortable
around you and will want to listen to you more.
o Gestures: If you fail to gesture while speaking, you may be
perceived as boring and stiff. A lively speaking style captures
attention, makes the material more interesting, and facilitates
o Posture and body orientation: You communicate numerous
messages by the way you talk and move. Standing erect and
leaning forward communicates that you are approachable,
receptive, and friendly. Interpersonal closeness results when
you and your audience face each other. Speaking with your
back turned or looking at the floor or ceiling should be avoided
as it communicates disinterest.
o Proximity: Cultural norms dictate a comfortable distance for
interaction with others. You should look for signals of
discomfort caused by invading other's space. Some of these are
rocking, leg swinging, tapping, and gaze aversion. Typically,
in large rooms, space invasion is not a problem. In most
instances, there is too much distance. To counteract this, move
around the room to increase interaction with your audience.
Increasing the proximity enables you to make better eye
contact and increases the opportunities for others to speak.

o Voice. One of the major criticisms of speakers is that they
speak in a monotone voice. Listeners perceive this type of
speaker as boring and dull. People report that they learn less
and lose interest more quickly when listening to those who
have not learned to modulate their voices.
Active Listening
Good speakers not only inform their audience they also listen to
them. By listening, you know if they are understanding the
information and if the information is important to them. Active
listening is NOT the same as hearing! Hearing is the first part and
consists of the perception of sound.
Listening, the second part, involves an attachment of meaning to the
aural symbols that are perceived. Passive listening occurs when the
receiver has little motivation to listen carefully. Active listening
with a purpose is used to gain information, to determine how
another person feels, and to understand others. Some good traits of
effective listeners are:
o Spend more time listening than talking (but of course, as a
presenter, you will be doing most of the talking).
o Do not finish the sentence of others.
o Do not answer questions with questions.
o Aware of biases. We need to control them.
o Never daydream or become preoccupied with their own
thoughts when others talk.
o Let the other speaker talk. Do not dominate the conversation.
o Plan responses after others have finished speaking...NOT
while they are speaking. Their full concentration is on what
others are saying, not on what they are going to respond with.
o Provide feedback but do not interrupt incessantly.

The main enemy of a presenter is tension, which ruins the voice,
posture, and spontaneity. The voice becomes higher as the throat
tenses. Shoulders tighten up and limits flexibility while the legs start
to shake and causes unsteadiness. The presentation
becomes canned as the speaker locks in on the notes and starts to
read directly from them.
First, do not fight nerves, welcome them! Then you can get on
with the presentation instead of focusing in on being nervous. Actors
recognize the value of nerves...they add to the value of the
performance. This is because adrenaline starts to kick in. It's a left
over from our ancestors' “fight or flight” syndrome. If you welcome
nerves, then the presentation becomes a challenge and you become
better. If you let your nerves take over, then you go into the flight
mode by withdrawing from the audience. Again, welcome your
nerves, recognize them, let them help you gain that needed edge! Do
not go into the flight mode! When you feel tension or anxiety,
remember that everyone gets them, but the winners use them to their
advantage, while the losers get overwhelmed by them. Tension can
be reduced by performing some relaxation exercises.
Before the presentation, visualize the room, audience, and you
giving the presentation. Mentally go over what you are going to do
from the moment you start to the end of the presentation.
During the presentation Take a moment to yourself by getting a
drink of water, take a deep breath, concentrate on relaxing the tense
part of your body, and then return to the presentation saying to
yourself, “I can do it!”
Know that even the best presenters make mistakes. The key is to
continue after the mistake. If you pick up and continue, so will the
audience. Winners continue! Losers stop!

Keep cool if a questioner disagrees with you. You are a
professional! No matter how hard you try, not everyone in the world
will agree with you!
Although some people get a perverse pleasure from putting others
on the spot, and some try to look good in front of the boss, most
people ask questions from a genuine interest. Questions do not mean
you did not explain the topic good enough, but that their interest is
deeper than the average audience.
Always allow time at the end of the presentation for questions. After
inviting questions, do not rush ahead if no one asks a question.
Preparing the Presentation
(To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail)
The first step of a great presentations is preplanning. Preparing for a
presentation basically follows the same guidelines as a meeting.
The second step is to prepare the presentation. A good presentation
starts out with introductions and may include an icebreaker such as a
story, interesting statement or fact, or an activity to get the group
warmed up. The introduction also needs an objective, that is, the
purpose or goal of the presentation. This not only tells you what you
will talk about, but it also informs the audience of the purpose of the
Next, comes the body of the presentation. Do NOT write it out word
for word. All you want is an outline. By jotting down the main
points on a set of index cards, you not only have your outline, but
also a memory jogger for the actual presentation. To prepare the
presentation, ask yourself the following:
o What is the purpose of the presentation?
o Who will be attending?
o What does the audience already know about the subject?

o What is the audience's attitude towards me (e.g. hostile,
There are several options for structuring the presentation:
o Timeline: Arranged in sequential order.
o Climax: The main points are delivered in order of increasing
o Problem/Solution: A problem is presented, a solution is
suggested, and benefits are then given.
o Classification: The important items are the major points.
o Simple to complex: Ideas are listed from the simplest to the
most complex. Can also be done in reverse order.
You want to include some visual information that will help the
audience understand your presentation. Develop charts, graphs,
slides, handouts, etc.
After the body, comes the closing. This is where you ask for
questions, provide a wrap-up (summary), and thank the participants
for attending.
Notice that you told them what they are about to hear (the
objective), told them (the body), and told them what they heard (the
wrap up).
Finally, the important part — practice, practice, practice. The main
purpose of creating an outline is to develop a coherent plan of what
you want to talk about. You should know your presentation so well,
that during the actual presentation, you should only have to briefly
glance at your notes to ensure you are staying on track. This will
also help you with your nerves by giving you the confidence that
you can do it.
Your practice session should include a live session by practicing in
front of coworkers, family, or friends. They can be valuable at

providing feedback and it gives you a chance to practice controlling
your nerves. Another great feedback technique is to make a video or
audio tape of your presentation and review it critically with a
We all have a few habits, and some are more annoying than others.
For example, if we say “uh”, “you know,” or put our hands in our
pockets and jingle our keys too often during a presentation, it
distracts from the message we are trying to get across.
The best way to break one of these distracting habits is with
immediate feedback. This can be done with a small group of
coworkers, family, or friends. Take turns giving small off-the-cuff
talks about your favorite hobby, work project, first work assignment,
etc. The talk should last about five minutes. During a speaker's first
talk, the audience should listen and watch for annoying habits.
The next time the person gives her or his talk, each audience
member should wave the corresponding sign in the air whenever
they hear or see the annoying habit. For most people, this method
will break a habit by practicing at least once a day for one to two
Your slides should not only be engaging, but also easy to understand
quickly. Think “Visual” — such as pictures, charts, and drawings
that support what you will be speaking about.

Tips and Techniques for Great Presentations

Eleanor Roosevelt was a shy young girl who was terrified at the
thought of speaking in public. But with each passing year, she grew
in confidence and self-esteem. She once said, “No one can make you
feel inferior, unless you agree with it.”
o If you have handouts, do not read straight from them. The
audience does not know if they should read along with you or
listen to you read.
o Do not put both hands in your pockets for long periods. This
tends to make you look unprofessional. It is OK to put one
hand in a pocket but ensure there is no loose change or keys to
jingle around. This will distract the listeners.
o Use the pointer for what it is intended and then put it down;
otherwise, the audience will become fixated upon your
“sword”, instead upon you.
o Do not lean on the podium for long periods. The audience will
begin to wonder when you are going to fall over.
o Speak to the audience...NOT to the visual aids, such as flip
charts or overheads. Also, do not stand between the visual aid
and the audience.
o Speak clearly and loudly enough for all to hear. Do not speak
in a monotone voice. Use inflection to emphasize your main
o The disadvantages of presentations are that people cannot see
the punctuation and this can lead to misunderstandings. An
effective way of overcoming this problem is to pause at the
time when there would normally be punctuation marks.

o Learn the name of each participant as quickly as possible. Tell
them what name and title you prefer to be called.
o Listen intently to comments and opinions. By using a lateral
thinking technique (adding to ideas rather than dismissing
them), the audience will feel that their ideas, comments, and
opinions are worthwhile.
o Circulate around the room as you speak. This movement
creates a physical closeness to the audience.
o List and discuss your objectives at the beginning of the
presentation. Let the audience know how your presentation fits
in with their goals. Discuss some of the fears and
apprehensions that both you and the audience might have. Tell
them what they should expect of you and how you will
contribute to their goals.
o Vary your techniques (lecture, discussion, debate, films, slides,
reading, etc.)
o Get to the presentation before your audience arrives; be the last
one to leave.
o You should be confident enough with your own material so
that the audience's interests and concerns, not the presentation
outline, determines the format. Use your background,
experience, and knowledge to interrelate your subject matter.
o When writing on flip charts use no more than 7 lines of text
per page and no more than 7 word per line (the 7 x 7 rule).
Also, use bright and bold colors, and pictures as well as text.
o Consider the time of day and how long you have got for your
talk. Time of day can affect the audience. After lunch is known
as, the graveyard section in training and speaking circles as
audiences will feel more like a nap than attending a

o Most people find that if they practice in their head, the actual
talk will take about 25 percent longer. Using a flip chart or
other visual aids also adds to the time. Remember — it is
better to finish slightly early than to overrun.


One of the biggest complaints about most organizations is meetings

is that they waste too much of our precious time. This is bad news
for the leadership team of organizations as meetings are important
because that is where an organization's culture and
climate perpetuates itself. Meetings are one of the ways that the
organization's leaders tell its workers, “You are a member.” If you
have bad, boring, and time wasting meetings, then the people begin
to believe that this is a bad and boring company that does not care
about time. Likewise, great meetings tell the workers, “This is a
GREAT organization to be working for!” In addition, bad meetings
lead to more bad meetings, which cost even more money.

Why are there so many bad meetings? Poor planning by the

meeting's organizer and a lack of involvement by the participants.
Listed below are recommended guidelines for conducting effective
Prepare For the Meeting
o Define the objectives and desired outcomes. Know what you
are trying to achieve by having a meeting.
o Determine if a different activity or medium could be used
besides a meeting.
o Determine topics to cover and the best format for the
discussion of each one. Know what you want to get
accomplished by the end of the meeting.
o Estimate the length of the meeting. People need to know how
much time they need to allocate for the meeting.

o Create an agenda that is carefully scripted:
o Give Start and Stop times. Time is money — plan
o Identify the place of the meeting.
o List participants and guests.
o List what the participants’ role are and what is expected
from them so they may gather all the relevant data they
need to bring to the meeting.
o Prepare a structured discussion to frame the purpose,
topics, and direction of the meeting.
o Deliver the agenda in advance so that the participants have
time to plan and prepare for the meeting.
o Make every meeting a learning event: incorporate creative and
cutting edge education on your particular topic by using books,
speakers, or videos. The people attending are giving up their
time for you, thus you need to give something back to them.
o Use a variety of tools and activities to make the meeting
productive and fun — get them charged up!

Prepare to Attend a Meeting (for all participants)

o Know the purpose of the meeting. Know what your purpose

for attending is.
o Gather all data that you need to bring to the meeting.
o Know the agenda of the meeting and ensure your agenda
coincides with the meeting agenda.
o Know your role and the path that you are going to follow.

o Arrive on time and be prepared to stay until at least the
planned stop time.
o Take the meeting seriously, but do have some fun while
Set Up the Meeting Place

o Select a physical setting that is comfortable, big enough, and

will serve the purpose.
o Create a warm and attractive atmosphere conducive to
o Provide appropriate refreshments.
o Have appropriate visual aids and learning aids on hand.
o Always do something a little different and something new.
Make them glad that they came.

Assign a Note Taker (minutes)

o Who attended?
o What problems discussed?
o Key decisions reached.
o Next Steps (action items):
o Who needs to accomplish a task — list team and outside
o Start and end date of task.
o What is it exactly that they need to accomplish?

Start the Meeting
o Communicate the purpose and desired outcomes to all
o Clarify the type of participation and interaction desired.
o Set the ground rules (Norms), e.g.:
o When the meeting will stop and end?
o How each member will be heard?
o How conflict will be resolved?
o What is expected of each member?
o Confidential topics.
o Show that you value their ideas, opinions, and questions.

Conduct the Meeting

o Take time to tell and hear stories. Be creative in how you share
o Clarify and paraphrase key ideas.
o Ask for different points of view; protect new ideas.
o Use brainstorming.
o Record ideas and notes on a flip chart:
o Use bright colors and bold shapes.
o Use pictures, as well as text.
o Use bullets to emphasize key points.
o Use no more than 7 words per line and 7 lines per chart.

o Keep all flip charts posted so that they can easily be referred
back to.
o At the end of the meeting, give them to the note taker so that
they can be incorporated into the minutes.
o Ask open-ended questions to encourage their input.
o Keep the focus on ideas and objectives, not people.
o Assign next steps throughout the meeting. Make all next steps
specific assignments.
o Stay focused on the agenda topics.
Ethics of the Meeting
o Everyone must be in time.
o Must have notebook.
o Sitting gesture must be positive.
o No cross talks.
o Listen carefully.
o Use proper words.
o Do not abuse.
o Do not eat anything.
o Respect each other.
o Stay focused on the agenda topics.
o Do not criticize.
o Show your difference of opinion in proper manner.
o Do not tell lie.
o Correct data must present.

o Do not play with pen or with your mobile.
o Do not discuss irrelevant topic.
o Do not waste time.
Keep the Meeting Focused and Moving

o Get information and data from the meeting. Ensure people are
o Let the people carry the content; you guide the process.
o Acknowledge and reinforce constructive contributions.
o Use the agenda to stay on track.
o Vary the pace: speed up, slow down, take breaks, and change
o Keep the group aware of where they are in the process.
o Periodically summarize key points and ask for agreement.
o Help the group reach consensus and reach conclusions.

o Help the group decide on next steps.

o Review assigned next steps. Ensure each person knows their
duties to perform. Make sure everyone goes from “meeting” to
o Conclude by summarizing the group's accomplishments.
o Thank group members sincerely for their participation and

Follow Up (Action Items)

o Evaluate the meeting. What worked? What needs


o Plan post-meeting logistics.

o Using the minutes and your impressions, create a document

that clearly describes the meeting. Use comments, questions,
criticisms, and insights to enhance the quality of the document.

o Distribute the document to all participants and other key

players within the organization.

o Monitor progress on next steps.

Multiple Intelligence

Many of us are familiar with three general categories in which people

learn: visual learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners.
Beyond these three general categories, many theories of and
approaches toward human potential have been developed. Among
them is the theory of multiple intelligences, developed by Howard
Gardner, Ph.D., Professor of Education at Harvard University.

Gardner’s early work in psychology and later in human cognition and

human potential led to the development of the initial six intelligences.
Today there are nine intelligences and the possibility of others may
eventually expand the list. These intelligences (or competencies)
relate to a person’s unique aptitude set of capabilities and ways they
might prefer to demonstrate intellectual abilities.

Human Potential

Human potential can be tied to one’s preferences to learning; thus,

Gardner’s focus on human potential lies in the fact that people have
a unique blend of capabilities and skills (intelligences). This model
can be used to understand “overall personality, preferences and
strengths”. Gardner asserts that people who have an affinity toward
one of the intelligences do so in concert with the other intelligences
as “they develop skills and solve problems”.

1-Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

Listens and responds to the spoken word. Enjoys reading, writing,

and discussing.
Remembers what has been said. Remembers what has been read.
Speaks and writes effectively. Can learn other languages.


Editors / Journalists / Lawyers / Politician / Poets / PR and media

consultants / Speakers / Teachers / Professors / Trainers /
Translators / Writer

2-Mathematical - Logical Intelligence
Is familiar with the concepts of quantity, time, and cause and effect.
Uses abstract symbols to represent concrete objects and concepts.
Likes math and using technology to solve complex problems.


Scientist / Computer programmer / Inventor / Accountant /

Mathematician / Planner / Organizer / Bankers / Engineer /
Statisticians / Brokers / Researchers
3-Visual-Spatial Intelligence

Learns by seeing and observing. Recognizes faces, objects, shapes,

colors, details, and scenes. Thinks in pictures and visualizes detail.
Uses visual images as an aid in recalling information. Enjoys
doodling, drawing, painting, sculpting, or otherwise reproducing
objects in visible form.


Designer / Painter / Photographer / Drawing maker / Navigator /

Architect / Sculptor / Interior designer / Artist / City planners /
Graphic designers / Inventors

4-Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Enjoys concrete learning experiences such as field trips, model

building, or participating in role-play, games, assembling objects, or
physical exercise.
Demonstrates skill in acting, athletics, dancing, sewing, carving, or


Athlete / Actor /Actress / Dancer / performer / Choreographer

/Jeweler /Inventor / Mechanic / Physical Therapist / Recreational
Director /Biologist /Geologist Nurses / Physical education teacher
5-Musical Intelligence

Listens and responds with interest to a variety of sounds including

the human voice, environmental sounds, and music, and organizes
such sounds into meaningful patterns. Is eager to be around and
learn from music and musicians.


Musician / Composer / Band Director / Sound board operator /

Filmmaker / Stage Music art / Music teacher / Singer / Songwriter /
Studio Engineer / Instrument Manager / Acoustic Engineer / Voice
coaches / Musical instrument repair experts
6-Interpersonal Intelligence
Bonds with parents and interacts with others. Forms and maintains
social relationships. Perceives the feelings, thoughts, motivations,
behaviors, and lifestyles of others.


Manager / Counselor / Administrator / Politician / Nurse / Therapist

/ School principal Psychologist / Social worker / Demonstrator /
Religious leader / Guide / Editor /Historian / Trainers

7-Intrapersonal Intelligence

Is aware of his range of emotions. Is motivated to identify and

Pursue goals. Works independently. Establishes and lives by an
ethical value system. Strives for self-actualization.


Poets / Counselor / Writer / Therapist / Program planner /

Psychologist / Theologian Researcher / Psychiatrist
8-Naturalist Intelligence

Recognizes and can name many different types of trees, flowers, and
plants. Has an interest in and good knowledge of how the body
works and keeps abreast of health related issues? Is conscious of
tracks, nests, and wildlife on a walk and can “read” weather signs.
Has an understanding of, and interest in, the main global
environmental issues?


Veterinary / Animal scholar / Plant scholar / Chef / Designer /

Weather researcher / Documentary producer / Environment
researcher / Animal protection activist / Marine biologist / Farmer /
Gardner / Zookeeper

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish

by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole
life believing that it is stupid”
(Albert Einstein)

Interpersonal skill
Interpersonal skills are the life skills we use every day to
communicate and interact with other people, individually and in


Interpersonal skills are the foundation when building Successful

relationships. This skill set is essential to become an effective
communicator and develop your interpersonal experiences into
valuable relationships.

Successful people build pleasing and magnetic personalities, which

is what makes them Charismatic. Relationship based on talent and
personality alone, without character, make life miserable. A lasting
winning combination requires both character and charisma.

Factors preventing relationships

• Selfishness
• Lack of courtesy
• Not meeting commitments
• Rude behavior
• Lack of integrity and honesty
• Self –centeredness
• Arrogance
• Conceit
• Negative attitude
• Closed mind
• Past bad behavior
• Touchy nature
• Lack of listening

• Suspicious nature
• Low morals
• Lack of discipline
• Lack of compassion
• Impatience
• Anger
• Manipulative behavior
• Inconsistency
• Unwillingness to accept truth
• Greed
• An uncaring attitude

Ego and Pride

• The biggest hurdle in building relationship is EGO.

• EGO is negative pride resulting in arrogance.
• EGO is self –intoxicating.
• Healthy pride is feeling of accomplishment with humility.
• EGO gives a swollen head while PRIDE gives a swollen
• A big head gives a big headache where a big heart gives

Selfishness and Self - interest

Selfishness is a negative and destructive.

 It destroys relationships because it is based on negative
 It believes in the win / lose principle.

Self-interest is positive.
 It welcomes prosperity, peace of mind, good health and
 Self-interest believes in win / win.

Envy / Jealousy

• Jealousy is the sign of poor mentality

• Jealous people never get ahead in life and prevent other from
• Biggest challenge comes when jealousy become national

Open minded and Empty minded

• Open mind is flexible.

• It evaluates and may accept or reject ideas and concepts based
on merit.

• An empty mind is dumping ground for good and bad.

• It accepts anything without evaluation.

Sympathy and Empathy

• Sympathy: Is “I understand how you feel”.

• Empathy: Is “I feel how you feel”

Build a positive personality

1-Accept responsibility
3-Think win / win
4-Choose your words carefully
5-Spoken words can’t be retrieved
6-Don’t criticize and complain
7-Smile and be kind
8-Put positive interpretation on other people’s behavior
9- Be a good listener
10-Be enthusiastic

11-Give honest and sincere appreciation
12 -Don’t gossip
13-Discuss but don’t argue
14- Forgive and forget
15-Turn your promises into commitments
16-Be grateful but do not expect gratitude
17- Be dependable and practice loyalty
18- Accept mistakes immediately
19- Practice courtesy on daily basis
20- Develop sense of humor
21- Don’t be sarcastic and put other down
22-Turn your promises into commitments
23- Have a friend, be a friend
24- Practice honesty, integrity and sincerity.
25- Show empathy

Top 10 Interpersonal List of skills

1- Look
2- Listen
3- Ask
4- Learn
5- Understand
6- Acknowledge
7- Identify
8- Commit
9- Contribute
10- Follow up

Power of Affirmation

Affirmations are mind power technique, are statements that you say
either loudly or quietly to yourself. You affirm to yourself whatever
it is you want to happen. They work because whatever you verbally
repeat to yourself will influence your thoughts.

The word affirmation comes from the Latin affirmare, originally

meaning "to make steady, strengthen." When we verbally affirm our
dreams and ambitions, we are instantly empowered with a deep
sense of reassurance that our wishful words will become reality.

Affirmations are proven methods of self-improvement because of

their ability to rewire our brains. In the sequence of thought-speech-
action, affirmations play an integral role by breaking patterns of
negative thoughts, negative speech, and, in turn, negative actions.

Simply stated the purpose of Affirmation is to pass a command from

the conscious mind to the subconscious mind. The Sub Conscious
mind has the ability to accept anything as true, and, work

Affirmations are simple, easy to use and very powerful. Many

professional athletes, Successful business people, Artists, sports
persons, Speakers, Presenters, Students, Sales man etc., use them to
achieve their targets and goals, you can use them too, in any area of
your life.

Rules for affirmations:

Significant guidelines for affirmations:

1- Make your affirmation a positive statement.

2- Make your affirmation in present tense.

3- Affirmation must be personal.
4-The Affirmation must trigger feelings.

I am successful, confident and achieve my goals.

Examples of affirmation

• I enjoy my relationship with other people.

• I have an excellent memory with clear and easy recall.
• I am well-organized person.
• I like and respect myself.
• I am an expert and have positive attitude.
• I enjoy my life, my profession.

Professional affirmation
• I keep my knowledge updated through innovative ways.
• I delightedly take pride in my work and in my company.
• I always have positive picture of company and myself.
• I am excited to be a super achiever of my objectives.
Team affirmation

• We always respect our colleagues and customer.

• We work together joyously.
• We achieve targets and goals with pride.
• We appreciate each other.

Affirmation by: Dr. Carmen Harra

1) I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its


2) Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.

3) My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.

4) I am superior to negative thoughts and low actions.

5) I have been given endless talents, which I begin to utilize today.

6) I forgive those who have harmed me in my past.

7) A river of compassion washes away my anger and replaces it with


8) My marriage is becoming stronger, deeper, and more stable each


9) I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful.

10) My business is growing, expanding, and thriving.

11) Creative energy surges through me and leads new and brilliant

12) I am closer to finding the perfect job for me.

13) My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful

with prosperity.

14) Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive

15) I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends.

16) The perfect partner for me is coming into my life sooner than I

17) I radiate beauty, charm, and grace.

18) I am conquering my illness; I am defeating it steadily each day.

19) My obstacles are moving out of my way; my path is carved

towards greatness.

20) I wake up today with strength in my heart and clarity in my


21) My fears of tomorrow are simply melting away.

22) I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will

23) My efforts are being supported by the universe; my dreams

manifest into reality before my eyes.

Dr. Emile Coue’s technique is so simple:

“Every day in every way, I am feeling better and better”

Self-esteem is the judgment or opinion we hold about ourselves.
It’s the extent to which we perceive ourselves to be worthwhile and
capable human beings. Self-esteem is the picture we have of

Self-esteem is made up of all the experiences and relationships

we’ve had in our lives. Everyone we’ve ever met has added or
taken away from how we see ourselves.

High Self-Esteem
People with high self-esteem:

• Like to meet new people

• Don’t worry about how others will judge them
• Have the courage to express themselves
• Lives’ are enriched with each new encounter
• Are nicer to be around
• Ideas are met with interest because others want to hear
what they have to say.
• Are magnets to positive opportunities
• Have an “I THINK I CAN” attitude!!!!!

Low Self-Esteem

People with low self-esteem:

• Don’t believe in themselves.
• See themselves failing before they even begin.
• Have a hard time forgiving their mistakes and make
themselves pay the price forever.
• Believe they can never be as good as they should be or as
good as others.
• Are afraid to show their creativity because they will be
• Are dissatisfied with their lives.
• Spend most of their time alone.
• Complain and criticize.
• Worry about everything and do nothing.
• Have an “I CAN’T DO IT” attitude.
Advantages of high self-esteem
• Builds strong conviction.
• Creates willingness to accept responsibility.
• Builds optimistic attitude.
• Leads to better relationships and fulfilling lives.
• Makes a person more sensitive to other’s needs.
• Develop a caring attitude.
• Makes a person self-motivated and ambitious.
• Makes a person open to new opportunities and challenges.
• Improve performance and increase risk-taking ability.
• Helps a person give and receive both criticism and
compliments tactfully and easily.

Some common signs of low self-esteem
• They have critical nature.
• They have high egos.
• They are arrogant and believe they know it all.
• They have superiority complex.
• They are close minded and self-centered.
• They constantly make excuse –always justifying failures.
• They never accept responsibility – always blame others
• They are jealous by nature.
• Reluctance to learn new things or avoiding a challenge.
• Over-reacting to things and situations.
• Being unable to make choices or solve problems.
• Putting themselves down.
High Vs Low Self Esteem
High Self Esteem Low Self Esteem
• Talk about ideas • Talk about people
• Caring attitude • Critical attitude
• Humility • Arrogance
• Confidence • Confusion
• Concerned about • Concerned about
character reputation
• Assertive • Aggressive
• Accept • Blame the whole
responsibility world
• Self interest • Selfish
• Understanding • Greedy
• Willing to learn • Know it all
• Discuss • Argue
• Internally driven • Externally driven
• Respects others • Look down others
• Giver • Taker
• Guided • Misguided
• Knows limit • Everything goes
• Enjoy decency • Enjoy vulgarity

Few steps to improve your self-esteem

1. Forgive yourself for past mistakes.

2. Focus on your positive attributes.

3. Follow the example of successful people.

4. Become a self-talker.

5. Exhibit a good attitude.

6. Get plenty of rest.

7. Make your work/study skills your own.

8. Practice your talents.

9. Become physically fit.

10. Learn new things.

11. Improve your personal relationships.

12.Dress well!!!!


You are a unique individual. No one else is like you in the whole
world. This makes you special already!
Our time in this world is limited. Make it happened for you so
you leave your mark in this world!

Power of positive mental attitude

Attitude is mental position relative to a way of thinking or being. If

you think you can, you are right. If you think you can’t, you are
right again. It is all a matter of attitude.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines ATTITUDE as a

“State of mind or feeling with regard to some matter”.

Positive attitude, positive thinking, and optimism are now known to
be a root cause of many positive life benefits. Studies show positive
people can experience an increased life span, lower rates of
depression, lower levels of stress, greater resistance to the common
cold, better overall well-being, reduced risk of death from
cardiovascular disease and better coping skills during times of
hardship and stress. It seems people with a positive attitude simply
live longer, happier, healthier, more successful lives.
Attitude is defined as the mental position that represents an
individual's degree of like or dislike for an item – a generally
positive or negative view of a person, place, thing, or event. A
positive attitude is, therefore, the inclination to generally be in an
optimistic, hopeful state of mind. However, attitudes are expected
to change as a function of experience – so someone with a typically
negative attitude can change!
Overall, people with a positive attitude are optimists and believe
they are accountable for good things and that good things will
generally come their way. If something bad comes instead,
optimists tend to write it off as an isolated incident, an anomaly, or
something out of their control. They continue to believe things will
be better in the future.

However, your way of thinking, whether positive or negative, is a
habit… and habits can be changed! But it takes practice. If your
first thoughts about the meaning of something that has happened are
negative thoughts, take the first step toward a positive attitude by
simply recognizing your thoughts as negative and trying to create a
more positive thought. Thoughts are always under your control and
can be changed! The following steps can also help you create a
more positive attitude.
Think Positively? WHY?

All of our feelings, beliefs and knowledge emanate from our internal
thoughts. We think on a conscious and a subconscious level. We are
in control. Sometimes we just think we are not!
We can be positive or negative, enthusiastic or dull, active or
passive. We can choose to fly high or lay low. Our attitudes are
maintained by the inner conversations we constantly have with
ourselves, both consciously and subconsciously.

If you are mainly POSITIVE, you will be focused on good things,

happy thoughts and successful out comes. Otherwise, if you are
mainly NEGATIVE, you will be focused on bad things and sad
thoughts, unsuccessful out comes.

The Benefits of Positive Attitude

• Helps achieving goals and attaining success.

• Success achieved faster and more easily.

• More happiness.

• More energy.

• Greater inner power and strength.

• The ability to inspire and motivating yourself and others.

• Lower rate of depression/stress.

• Increased life span, reduced risk of death from cardiovascular


• Life smiles at you.

• People respect you.


The choice is yours…

With a Bad Attitude, you can never have a Positive day and with a
Positive attitude you can never had bad Day.

A Positive attitude is like a magnet for positive results.


Life is 10% what happens to YOU and 90% how YOU respond to it.


The baggage you carry shapes your attitude. The root causes of bad
attitude are Low Self Esteem, Stress, Fear, Resentment and Anger.

Toss the BAGGAGE and lighten the load.


Words are a powerful tool that we have at our disposal. We can

create a strong mindset by consistently thinking positive thoughts.
Create the habits by replacing words and thoughts:









• Count your blessings daily.
• Get proper rest and exercise.
• Set aside personal time with family and close friends.
• Help someone less fortunate.
• Read and listen to motivational books and tapes.

Influence your environment

• Sprinkle some positive on negatives.

• Spread a smile around.

• Focus on the good of each day.

• Say Please and Thanks.

• Practice empathy.

• Never miss an opportunity to complement.

• See criticism as opportunity to improve.
• Say Please and Thanks.
• Practice empathy.
• Never miss an opportunity to complement.
• See criticism as opportunity to improve.
• Keep promises.
• Cultivate your sense of humor.
• Keep open mind to changes.
• Forgive people.

Example of Positive Attitude

Ibraham Lincon

“Whatever you are be a good one.”

Thomas Edison

“I will not say I failed 1000 times, I will say

that I discovered there are 1000 ways that can
cause failure.”

Steeve Jobs

“Some time when you innovate, you make

mistakes. It is best to admit quickly, and get
on with improving your other innovations.”

Nelson Mandela

“It always seems impossible until it is done.”

Mother Teresa

“Some people come in your life as blessings

some come in your life as lessons.”

Abdul Sattar Edhi

“No religion is higher than humanity.”


Relaxation is the act of relaxing mind and body, and can also be
defined as the state of being relaxed. Relaxation response is the
opposite of the stress response.
Relaxation is a skill that has to be learned. Fortunately, just as our
bodies have an inbuilt stress response mechanism it also has an
inbuilt mechanism for triggering relaxation. This is called The
Relaxation Response.

Relaxation response has shown that simple technique can: increase

energy, decrease fatigue as well as increase arousal from a drowsy
state. It can increase motivation, productivity, and improve decision-
making ability. The relaxation response, lowers stress hormone
levels and lowers blood pressure.

Relaxation techniques have the ability to decrease our levels of

arousal or anxiety and reverse the stress response. By learning a
relaxation technique, you create pleasant body sensations. Your
tension, anxiety, stress and worry as well as any pain you may be
experiencing eases and you gradually increase your sense of
calmness and peace of mind.

With the help of following, you can experience and get the benefits
of the relaxation.

For the relaxation please visit my Youtube Channel and listen

Audio (Skoon in Urdu)
Youtube Channel: ayubkhanmindsciences
Contact Email:

2-Smile and Be Happy

Take comfortably position. Close your eyes and bring your attention
to your breath. The following breathing exercise helps to relax your
body and mind.
Breathe in for the count of 4, hold the breath for the count of 4 and
then exhale slowly for the count of 8. Again, repeat this process,
breathing in for the count of 4, holding the breath for the count of 4
and then breathe out for the count of 8.
Now, bring your attention to your face. If so, allow those areas to
soften and relax. Allow your lips and cheeks to relax and begin to
form a smile. You may like to think of something amusing or simply
the love you have for your family or friends. Simply focus on
whatever brings up a happy memory or feeling. If you are holding
any tension in any part of your body, allow your smile to soften that
area now.
Allow the muscles to soften and relax. Stay as long as you need at
each area of your body, until you relax fully. When you have
finished relaxing one tight area, move onto the next area that is tight
and tense.
Smile into the muscles and allow them to relax. Now bring your
awareness to your heart and feel the smile and happiness in your
heart. You may like to visualize your heart opening or pulsating and
expanding with love energy. You may like to visualize this heart
energy as pink and green light. The pink light represents
unconditional love and the green light is the color of healing. Hold
this focus for a few minutes, focusing on the love in your heart

The following are some positive affirmations to help you feel
happier throughout your day.
- I am happy and relaxed despite my external circumstances.
- I find it easy to be happy and smile often.
- I am responsible for my own happiness.
- Happiness comes easily to me.
- When I smile, the whole world smiles with me.
Now bring your awareness back to your face. Are you feeling
happier and lighter?

When you leave this meditation, you will find it easier to smile and
be happier throughout your day. It is now time to leave this
meditation. Very gently bring your awareness to body, giving your
fingers and toes a wiggle. And when you feel ready, open your eyes,
coming back to waking consciousness.

3-Progressive Relaxation

Close your eyes and relax. Just for a moment, imagine all the muscle
groups in your body letting go. Take a deep breath and exhale now.
Imagine your breath flowing out through your rib cage and
spreading relaxation throughout your body.
Relax all the muscle groups around your face, relax your scalp,
forehead, eyebrows and your eyelids. Relax your cheeks, nose,
mouth and especially those muscle groups around your mouth and
Make sure your teeth are not clenched together. Relax your chin and
jaw and allows all those muscles in your face to just let go. Now
your neck relaxes right through your shoulders. Feel your shoulders
relaxing completely. Get rid of any tension that might be in your
shoulder area. It feels good to do that. Allow your arm to relax. Now
relax your upper arms, your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, and
your hands even your fingers and let go.
Allow yourself to breath comfortably. Feel your breathing. Feel the
rhythm of your breathing. Allow your chest muscles to relax
completely. Feel your stomach muscles just relaxing. Get rid of any
tension that might be in that area.
Allow your back muscle to relax. Relax spinal column, hips and
thighs. Relax your legs, knees, calves, ankles and even your toes.
Just allow those muscle groups to just relax completely.
Letting yourself go. Letting your mind and body become one.
Feeling good. Feeling so good. Now you are feeling relax and
wonderful. Everything is calm quiet and comfortable. In a moment, I
am going to count 1 to 5. At the count of five, you will open your

One----- feeling good.
Two-----feeling alert, awake and feel, more light around you.
Three----you have more energy to perform your task.
Four-----You have flow of positive thought.
Five ----- open your eyes slowly and slowly.

Be Happy. God bless you

The book has been compiled by taking material from many
books of Management Sciences and Mind Sciences. Name of
some books are given below:
 Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R.
 The Power of Visualization by Muneeb Kudwai
 Contemporary Management by Gareth R. Jones
 Need to Know NLP by Collins
 Art of Science and Leadership
 Develop your NLP Skills by Andrew Bradbury
 Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gardner
 Understanding NLP by MO Shapiro
 Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins
 Boost your brain power by DR. G Francis

“God helps those who help themselves”

Muhammad Ayub Khan is Professional Mechanical Engineer and working as General
Manager and head of department in the largest tyre manufacturing company of Pakistan.

He got engineering degree from NED University and has more than thirty year of
experience of Design, Development, Manufacturing, QMS and Management. He has
attended many courses, seminars and workshops on the subject of Modern Management,
Conflict Management, Negotiation skills, Re-Engineering, Quality Management System,
The Change management, Customer Voice, Design and Development, Master Presentation,
Leadership, Kaizen, Teamwork, SPC, and SAP etc.; He visited abroad (USA, Germany,
South Korea, China, Thailand, Malaysia, and India.) for attending Technical / Quality
conferences and for evaluating the different manufacturing plants.

He has done Ph.D. in mind sciences under the supervision of Prof. Moiz Hussain. He is
Certified Licensed NLP Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, and has thorough knowledge
of all subject of Mind Sciences.
Muhammad Ayub Khan delivers lectures and conducting workshops at different Institutes,
Colleges, Universities, Organizations and gatherings. He is a firm believer of PMA (Positive
Mental Attitude), which can bring the changes in our lives or others. His mission is to
spread awareness among the peoples so that everyone could get benefit and achieve their
personal / professional targets and goals. Now his aim is to include MIND SCIENCES as a
subject in Universities, so that the students could prepare themselves for the use of great gift
of Allah, Mind Power.


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