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When the Gallup
Organization applied Six
Sigma principles to sales and
Manage Your Human
service groups at several Sigma

companies, it learned how
much performance variation
exists between seemingly by John H. Fleming, Curt Coffman, and
similar work groups.
Managing that variability can James K. Harter
raise overall performance by
orders of magnitude and can
create organic growth.

Included with this full-text Harvard Business Review article:


1 Article Summary
The Idea in Brief—the core idea
The Idea in Practice—putting the idea to work

2 Manage Your Human Sigma

10 Further Reading
A list of related materials, with annotations to guide further

exploration of the article’s ideas and applications

Reprint R0507J
This document is authorized for educator review use only by ALI RAZA, Quaid-i-Azam University until Jan 2020. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Manage Your Human Sigma

The Idea in Brief The Idea in Practice

Companies routinely assess the quality of To enhance employee-customer engagement:
manufacturing processes. But what about
these insights, call-center managers could
the quality of employees’ dealings with cus- ASSESS EMOTIONS
reinforce exceptional performance and ad-
tomers? Each employee-customer encoun- Studies suggest that emotions play a larger dress poor performance.
ter—every sale, every call-center conversa- role than analysis in people’s decisions. Thus
tion—creates or erodes value for a it’s vital to measure your employees’ and cus- CENTRALIZE RESPONSIBILITY FOR
company. tomers’ emotions. For employees, monitor en-

Yet most businesses don’t measure or man- ergy level and strength of commitment. For
In most companies, customer data reside in
age the quality of employee-customer en- customers, assess their:
the marketing or quality department; em-
counters. If they did, they’d discover ex- • Confidence: Do they feel your company al- ployee data, in HR; and financial data, in fi-
treme differences in employee and ways delivers on its promises? nance. To gain a true picture of the health of
customer satisfaction across units. For ex- employee-customer encounters, bring these
ample, some stores operated by the same • Pride: Do they identify positively with your
data together on one platform. Assign respon-
retail chain are exceptional places to work company?
sibility for measuring and monitoring the
and shop; others, awful. • Passion: Do they view your company as ir- health of the employee-customer relationship
Unpleasant employee-customer encoun- replaceable in their lives? to a single organizational structure, with an
ters damage revenues and profits. How to executive champion who has the authority to
elevate the quality of these shared experi- MEASURE ENCOUNTERS LOCALLY initiate and manage change.
ences in every part of your company? Start High-level assessments of company perfor-
by measuring employees’ and customers’ mance (“We’re the leader in customer satisfac- DEVELOP LOCAL MANAGERS

emotional engagement with your organi- tion”; “We’re one of the best places to work”) Local managers strongly influence their em-
zation. Why? Energized and committed em- provide good marketing copy. But they ob- ployees’ engagement and thus performance,
ployees engage customers and work more scure performance variation across company retention—and customers’ experiences. En-
productively. Customers who feel strongly locations, and thus don’t give local managers courage managers to use training, perfor-

connected to your company spend more the information they need to improve their mance reviews, and coaching to foster em-
and stay loyal. When employees and cus- units’ performance. To address this, measure ployees’ learning and correct performance
tomers are happy, your profits can soar. employee-customer encounters at the work- shortfalls. Support managers with similar
group level. tools. If interventions don’t improve local per-

By measuring employee-customer encoun-

formance, replace managers.
ters in each part of your company, you Example:
manage them better—spotting and ad- A telecom company formerly measured cus-
dressing problems before they poison your tomer and employee satisfaction at the
bottom line. In one study, companies that company level through random customer
applied these practices outperformed surveys and annual companywide em-
peers by 26% in gross margins—and 85% ployee surveys. But the results generated lit-
in sales growth. tle useful information about local conditions.
When the company began measuring cus-

tomer and employee satisfaction at the

work-group level, it gained valuable informa-
tion. For example, call-center data revealed
that each customer’s experience hinged on
the service representative who took the call.
The top 10% of reps produced six positive in-
teractions for every negative one, while the
bottom 10% yielded only three positive for
every four negative encounters. Armed with

page 1
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When the Gallup Organization applied Six Sigma principles to sales

and service groups at several companies, it learned how much

performance variation exists between seemingly similar work groups.
Managing that variability can raise overall performance by orders of
magnitude and can create organic growth.

Manage Your Human

by John H. Fleming, Curt Coffman, and
James K. Harter

“Quality” is easy to measure and manage in employee-customer encounter must be man-

some contexts, and extremely difficult in oth- aged with great care.
ers. Businesspeople have a pretty good idea Quality improvement methodologies such

how to judge the manufacturing process that as Six Sigma are extremely useful in manu-
yields a snazzy new handheld device, for exam- facturing contexts, where ingredients with
ple. But what about the retail employee’s at- predictable properties are repeatedly com-
tempts to sell the gadget? Or the call center bined in the same ways, but they’re less use-

employee’s efforts to help the customer navi- ful when it comes to the employee-customer
gate its eccentricities? Businesses aren’t espe- encounter, with its volatile human dimen-
cially good at measuring and managing the sions. To address this problem of fit, we’ve de-
quality of those processes—or indeed of most veloped a quality improvement approach
work done by nonmanufacturing businesses that we call Human Sigma. Like Six Sigma,
and units. Human Sigma focuses on reducing variability
Yet it’s essential that organizations learn and improving performance. But while Six
to measure and manage quality in all kinds Sigma applies to processes, systems, and out-
of business settings. In manufacturing, value put quality, our approach looks at the quality

is created on the factory floor. In sales and of the employee-customer encounter, weav-
service organizations, and in many profes- ing together a consistent method for assess-
sional service firms, value is created when an ing it and a disciplined process for managing
employee interacts with a customer. Indeed, and improving it.
the employee-customer encounter is the fac- As we developed our thinking about Human
tory floor of sales and services. If these orga- Sigma, we arrived at several core principles for
nizations are going to achieve meaningful measuring and managing interactions between
operational and financial improvements, the customers and employees:

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 2

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Manage Your Human Sigma

• It’s important not to think like an econo- defects? Are its parameters within specified

mist or an engineer when you’re assessing the manufacturing tolerances? Is it delivered on
employee-customer interaction. Emotions, it time? Widespread use of Six Sigma and TQM
turns out, inform both sides’ judgments and be- methodologies has resulted in vastly improved
havior even more powerfully than rationality product quality over the past two decades.
does. Inspired by these improvements, businesses
• The employee-customer encounter must have tried to apply Six Sigma principles in

be measured and managed locally, because sales and service settings. In early attempts, re-
there are enormous variations in quality at the searchers and managers alike assumed that the
work-group and individual levels. customers in those settings would be as fo-
• It’s possible to arrive at a single measure of cused on conformance to requirements as the
effectiveness for the employee-customer en- engineers on the factory floor were. Had this
counter; this measure has a high correlation been the case—had customers been rational
with financial performance. creatures who judged their interactions with
• To improve the quality of the employee- company representatives using rigorous, ana-

customer interaction, organizations must con- lytical standards—then simple flawlessness on
duct both short-term, transactional interven- the company’s part would have resulted in sat-
tions (such as coaching) and long-term, transfor- isfied, profitable, lifelong customers.
mational ones (such as changing the processes But nothing human is ever that simple. Peo-
for hiring and promotion). In addition, the com- ple may think that their behavior is purely ra-
pany’s organizational structure often must be tional, but it rarely is. Twenty years of research
adjusted so that the employee-customer en- in two very different fields—neuroscience and
counter can be managed holistically. behavioral economics—has established quite
Human Sigma grew out of a multiyear, clearly that people base their decisions on a
research-based initiative designed to map complicated mixture of emotion and reason.
the terrain of the employee-customer en- Indeed, recent work suggests that emotions
counter. We identified ways to measure the may play a larger role than analysis.
effectiveness of the encounter, explored Customer Engagement. That work in neu-
how those metrics could best be used, and roscience and behavioral economics is borne

assessed the benefits that could result from out by research into customer satisfaction and
their application. This work was based on di- engagement. Results from a large and growing
rect experience with hundreds of compa- number of case studies suggest that “extremely
nies and millions of customers and employ- satisfied” customers (people who provide the
ees. We then tested and cross-validated our highest rating of overall satisfaction with a com-
findings in 1,979 business units—involved in pany’s products and services) fall into two dis-
financial services, professional services, re- tinct groups: those who have a strong emo-
tail, and sales—within ten companies. The tional connection to the company and those

results thus far have been extraordinary. who do not. When we examine indicators of
The ten companies, all of which have ap- customer behavior (such as attrition, frequency
plied the best-practice principles for manag- of use, total revenue, and total spending), a
ing the employee-customer encounter, to- clear and striking pattern emerges. Emotionally
gether outperformed their five largest peers satisfied customers contribute far more to the
during 2003 by 26% in gross margins and by bottom line than rationally satisfied customers
85% in sales growth. We can’t guarantee do, even though they are equally “satisfied.” In
John H. Fleming (fleming_hs@gallup. readers comparable results, but we believe fact, the behavior of rationally satisfied custom-
com) is the chief scientist for customer that closely monitoring the health of a firm’s ers looks no different from that of dissatisfied

engagement, Curt Coffman employee-customer relationships will result customers. The pattern shown in the exhibit
( is a global in dramatic performance improvements. “Emotional Satisfaction Matters Most” has
practice leader, and James K. Harter emerged in every study we have examined.
( is the chief Emotions Frame the Encounter Imagine that you could peek inside the
scientist for employee engagement Six Sigma processes are data driven, rational, heads of your customers as they thought
at the Gallup Organization. They are and analytic. They focus on conformance to about your company. Would people with a
based in Princeton, New Jersey; Den- requirements, which are generally specified in strong emotional connection to the firm show
ver; and Omaha, Nebraska, respectively. functional terms. Does the product have any different brain activity than other customers?

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 3

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Manage Your Human Sigma

As it turns out, the answer is yes. We studied ment. While inside a functional magnetic res-

three groups of customers of a luxury retailer onance imaging (fMRI) machine, the custom-
in Japan. One group was strongly attached ers responded to simple agree-or-disagree
emotionally (according to our measure of statements about the retailer, about their
emotional attachment), one was moderately bank, and about various aspects of daily life.
attached, and the third had little or no attach- The brains of customers who had the stron-
gest levels of emotional attachment to the re-

tailer were significantly more active while the
subjects were thinking about the company.
The increased activity was concentrated in
Emotional Satisfaction Matters Most parts of the brain related to emotion, emo-
At a large U.S. retail bank, the attrition card provider were virtually indistin- tional-cognitive processing, and memory.
rate of dissatisfied customers was guishable from rationally satisfied card- Moreover, the enhanced brain activity was
scarcely different from that of “rationally holders in their purchase behavior, while company specific; customers who were pas-
satisfied” customers, those who de- customers who were emotionally satis- sionate about the retailer but not the bank

scribed themselves as extremely satis- fied by factors such as service, features, did not show the same enhanced levels of
fied but scored low on an emotional- and brand image spent more, on aver- neural activity when thinking about the bank.
attachment metric that measures four age, than people in the other groups. (The attitude survey that had been used to
dimensions—confidence, integrity, (The emotionally satisfied group also in- separate the subjects into three groups
pride, and passion. By contrast, the attri- creased its spending by 67% over 12 proved to be a good proxy for the fMRI study,
tion rate of people who were “emotion- months, compared with 8% for the ratio- in that it reliably predicted which individuals
ally satisfied” by the bank was, on aver- nally satisfied group; there was a small would show the enhanced activity levels).
age, 37% lower. Similarly, dissatisfied decrease within the dissatisfied group.) Even more striking was the relationship be-
customers of an international credit tween emotional attachment and self-reported
share of spending, which were strongly corre-
ATTRITION RATES OF BANK CUSTOMERS lated at 0.6 on a scale of -1 to +1. This suggests
(account closures per six months)
7% to us that there is an underlying neurological
6.0% mechanism that links emotional attachment
6% 5.8%
to subsequent behavior.

5% Clearly, a Six Sigma approach to measuring

and managing the quality of the employee-
Copyright © 2005 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.

4% 3.8%
customer interaction needs to take customers’
emotions into account. Building on the work
of psychologist Ben Schneider and manage-
2% ment professor David Bowen, we have devel-
oped just such a measure of customer engage-
ment. It combines traditional metrics of

Emotionally Rationally Dissatisfied
customer loyalty (overall satisfaction, likeli-
satisfied satisfied hood to repurchase, and likelihood to recom-
mend) with a short battery of items that as-
AVERAGE MONTHLY SPENDING BY sesses the emotional nature of customers’
commitment. The first dimension it looks at is
confidence. Does this company always deliver
on its promises? Are its people competent? The
second is integrity. Does this company treat me
$200 the way I deserve to be treated? If something

goes awry, can I count on the company to fix it

$136 $136 fast? The next element is pride, a sense of posi-
tive identification with the company. The
fourth dimension is passion. Is the company ir-
replaceable in my life and a perfect fit for me?
Truly passionate customers, by the way, are rel-
atively rare. They are customers for life, and
Emotionally Rationally Dissatisfied
satisfied satisfied they are worth their weight in gold.

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 4

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Manage Your Human Sigma

Our research suggests that for all kinds of touts itself as an industry leader in on-time

companies, fully engaged customers—those performance and has the flight departure and
who score in roughly the upper 15% to 20% on arrival data to prove it. A cellular provider
our measure—deliver a 23% premium over the claims to be a leader in customer satisfaction,
average customer in terms of share of wallet, citing an independent study of customers. A
profitability, revenue, and relationship growth. retailer announces that it has won an award
Actively disengaged customers—those who for being one of the country’s best places to

score in the bottom 20% to 30%—represent a work for the fifth year in a row. Each of these
13% discount on the same measures. And summary claims—based on the results of sur-
within a given company, business units whose veys—may be legitimate, but quick reviews of
levels of customer engagement are in the top the on-time performance of specific flights, or
25% tend to outperform all other units on mea- candid conversations with cellular customers,
sures of profit contribution, sales, and growth or visits to several stores in the retail chain, in-
by a factor of 2:1. evitably reveal a considerable range of perfor-
Employee Engagement. Every interaction mance hidden behind the averages. Some

an employee has with a customer represents flights are never on time; some always are.
an opportunity to build that customer’s emo- Some customers experience nothing but prob-
tional connection—or to diminish it. Obvi- lems; others are routinely delighted. And
ously, these interactions are not the only way some stores are exceptional places to work,
to the customer’s heart, but they are a large while others are awful. High-level averages of
and largely untapped resource. In the United company performance may provide good mar-
States, just 29% of employees are energized keting copy, and they may make executives
and committed at work, according to Gallup feel better about their position in the market-
Fully engaged customers Poll data. Perhaps more distressing is that place. But because they obscure the consider-
54% are effectively neutral—they show up able variation from location to location within
deliver a 23% premium and do what is expected, but little more. The a company, they don’t give managers and exec-
remaining employees, almost two out of ten, utives the information they need to improve
over the average are disengaged. performance.
customer in terms of Work groups whose members are positively Local variability shows up on virtually every

engaged have higher levels of productivity and performance metric we have examined. And it
share of wallet, profitability, better safety and attendance tends to be vast. In fact, the variations within a
profitability, revenue, records, and higher levels of retention. Not sur- company easily dwarf the differences between
prisingly, they’re also more effective at engaging competitors. Also, performance roughly fol-
and relationship growth. the customers they serve. Disengaged employ- lows a normal distribution, suggesting that
ees have a profound impact, too. We estimate local variability is largely unmanaged. (See the
that they cost companies $300 billion per year exhibit “It All Depends on Which Store You’re
in lost productivity in the United States alone. In.”) For sales and service organizations, un-

They also destroy customer relationships with managed variability in the quality of the cus-
remarkable facility, day in and day out. tomer experience represents a significant
Performance metrics that acknowledge the threat to the enterprise’s sustainability, be-
importance of emotional engagement—on the cause customers experience variation, not aver-
part of both customers and employees—pro- ages. Exactly the same pattern of performance
vide much stronger links to desired financial variability emerges on employee measures, as
and operational outcomes. But deciding which well, with similar implications.
metrics to use is just the first step toward effec- The only way to improve local performance
tive management of the employee-customer is to provide feedback at the level where the

encounter. Deciding how to deploy them is variability originates. Suppose that instead of
equally important. Unfortunately, in many assessing your own heart rate, your physician
companies, metrics designed with the right in- based treatment on a measurement of the av-
tentions are often deployed in the wrong ways. erage heart rate for your entire town. It sounds
absurd, but in many companies, something
The Encounter Must Be Measured akin to this happens every day. The employee-
Locally customer encounter is assessed at the wrong
We have all seen the claims: A major airline level of specificity for the measurement to be

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 5

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Manage Your Human Sigma

useful. What does a cellular provider’s descrip- random sample of people who have recently

tion of itself as “an industry leader in customer called. Telecom A also conducts an annual em-
satisfaction” mean to a customer who is rou- ployee survey. When you receive your copy of
tinely confronted with subpar service at a local the quarterly customer satisfaction scorecard,
level? And what does a company’s label as “one you find that 88% of callers were satisfied with
of the country’s best places to work” mean to the service they received. The employee sur-
an employee whose local workplace is misera- vey, meanwhile, reveals that just 40% of work-

ble and depressing? ers companywide feel they are adequately
When the employee-customer encounter is compensated. What exactly does this informa-
assessed at the level of the local work group, tion tell you? Not very much. To truly under-
executives can learn a lot about organiza- stand the totality of the employee-customer
tional performance. Let’s say you manage one encounter, you need metrics that go deeper
of several customer service call centers oper- into the organization. Fortunately, Telecom A
ated by a large telecommunications provider has deployed just such metrics, and they have
that we’ll call Telecom A. Like its sibling cen- produced some startling insights.

ters, yours is a state-of-the-art facility, with an One insight—and this is borne out by one of
integrated CRM system that allows your CSRs the largest CSR-level studies ever conducted
to access each customer’s relationship with (including some 5,000 reps)—is that the cus-
the company—including account activity, rev- tomer’s experience still depends almost en-
enue, and profitability—in real time. Calls are tirely on the particular rep who takes the call.
routed automatically to make the most effi- The best 10% of CSRs produce six positive in-
cient use of capacity. Every CSR is compre- teractions for every negative one, based on
hensively trained, monitored, and coached, postcontact interviews with customers. The
and there’s little variation in the reps’ pay worst 10% yield only three positive for every
from center to center. four negative encounters. Critical information
To assess how well it is meeting its custom- of this type was hidden behind the overall sum-
ers’ requirements, Telecom A measures satis- mary score of 88% customer satisfaction. With-
faction at the company level by regularly sur- out the deeper metrics, you as a call center
veying, and providing feedback from, a manager would have been unable to identify

or manage the sources of both poor and excep-

tional performance.
Or consider Bank B. Some time ago, its top
It All Depends on Which Store You’re In executives recognized that employees affect
profitability through two separate paths. The
Levels of customer engagement vary the left and exceptional performers on
first might be described as direct cost efficien-
widely across the 1,100 stores of a retail the right. The top stores’ performance is
cies. Committed employees generate greater
chain we studied. Each bar represents 3.5 times as strong as the poorest
output at a higher quality level than uncom-

the number of stores that fall into one of stores’. The shape of the curve (a normal
mitted workers. They also stay longer with the
28 customer-engagement performance distribution) suggests that the variabil-
firm, reducing training and replacement ex-
bands, with poorly performing stores on ity is unmanaged.
penses. These efficiencies translate directly
into enhanced profitability. The second path
Average could be called indirect customer outcomes. Pro-
Copyright © 2005 Harvard Business School
Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.

140 ductive and committed employees generate

stronger customer connections, which lead to

higher levels of customer retention, profitabil-

100 ity, and growth.

Early in their efforts to understand how to

boost employee productivity and commit-
60 ment, Bank B executives routinely assessed
workers’ opinions by surveying a random sam-
ple. They hoped to identify a key set of issues
20 that, if improved, would make employees hap-
pier and more productive. The results were dis-
Poor RANGE OF LOCAL PERFORMANCE Excellent appointing. It was not until they assessed

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 6

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Manage Your Human Sigma

worker attitudes at the branch level that they place to place, the only remaining culprit is the

started to make progress. At the branches, em- way those processes and policies are imple-
ployee attitudes ran the gamut from delight to mented locally. But that brings us to a consid-
disgust. Because Bank B measured at the cor- eration of exactly who is doing the implement-
rect level of specificity, it discovered that some ing and how the implementation is being
local work groups epitomized the highest stan- managed. To reduce variability in the customer
dards of excellence, while others were totally experience, businesses must focus on reducing

demoralized. variability in local “people” processes (the
Local performance variation is the scourge “who” and “how” of implementation). The
of organizations that aspire to high perfor- power of a local focus on reducing variability
mance. While it is in the nature of perfor- lies in its simplicity and flexibility. Each unit
mance distributions to show variation (after can identify and correct its own problems.
all, “average” is simply a summary that repre-
sents almost no one’s actual experience), the The Link to Financial Vitality
magnitude of the variability is a critical mea- Conventional analyses of employee attitudes,

sure of organizational health. More than two customer requirements, and financial perfor-
decades ago, W. Edwards Deming and Joseph mance have emphasized the linearity of the rela-
Juran noted that variability on critical perfor- tionships among them: Employee attitudes af-
mance metrics is a threat to the vitality of an fect customer attitudes, and customer attitudes
enterprise because it is evidence that the affect financial performance. We believe that
business is not being managed effectively. the three factors also interact in complicated
And intuitively, it makes sense that the ways. Our Human Sigma metric combines em-
greater the range of performance on critical ployee and customer engagement into a single
Local performance performance measures, the more costly the measurement that, we believe, provides a more
business is to operate. comprehensive way of capturing and under-
variation is the scourge Unfortunately, in most organizations, vari- standing this dynamic system.
ability in the effectiveness of the employee- The Human Sigma model grew out of a par-
of organizations that customer encounter goes largely undiag- tially failed experiment. Several years ago, we
aspire to high nosed. As a result, revenues and profits are were working with a large, multisite retailer on

bled off, and growth is anemic. The extensive two separate initiatives to measure and improve
performance. range of local performance variation that ex- its relationships with its employees and its cus-
ists in every company we’ve studied means tomers. By surveying all workers as well as a sam-
that there is really no such thing as a single ple of customers at each store, we were able to
corporate culture or unified brand. There are provide metrics for both relationships at the local
as many cultures and “brands” as there are level. We also found, not too surprisingly, that
local work groups and customer touch points. scores on both measures were strongly linked to
Local managers sometimes blame variabil- the stores’ financial performance.

ity from location to location on factors such as As the project evolved, we wanted to under-
store size, age, or locale that are beyond their stand what the top performers on each measure
control. Our research doesn’t back them up. did differently from their less-stellar counterparts.
For example, within a chain of retail stores, We first identified the ten highest-performing
controlling for those and other “immutable” stores on the basis of employee engagement, then
variables—including local demographics and did the same for customer engagement. Our
the presence or absence of competitors—elimi- working assumption was that at least a few of the
nates only a portion of the performance varia- top employee-engagement stores would also be
tion among stores. top customer-engagement stores. We were

What explains this local variability? We’ve wrong. Just one store appeared on both lists.
controlled for the factors that can’t be As we thought about that finding, we re-
changed. And the factors that are common turned to the data and noticed two things: As
across the enterprise—product, price, pro- we expected, stores that performed well (de-
cesses, policies, and so forth—can’t, by defini- fined as simply being in the top half, rather
tion, explain local variability (they often play a than the top ten) on both employee and cus-
critical role in driving customer engagement, tomer engagement produced considerably bet-
of course). If these factors don’t differ from ter financial results than those that did poorly

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 7

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Manage Your Human Sigma

on both measures. But stores that performed the remaining stores—a difference that trans-

well on both metrics also outperformed stores lated into more than $32 million in additional
that scored high on one but not the other. This annual profits for the entire chain. The exhibit
observation suggested that customer and em- “The Interaction of Employee and Customer
ployee engagement interact to promote finan- Engagement” shows how the average net gain
cial performance. per business unit is associated with low and
Our subsequent research has confirmed that high engagement of workers and customers.

customer and employee engagement aug- As we have refined the Human Sigma con-
ment each other at the local level, creating an cept, we have developed a method for com-
opportunity for accelerated improvement and bining employee and customer engagement
growth of overall financial performance. Our scores at the local unit level to yield a single
meta-analysis of the financial performance of score that is reliably related to the unit’s over-
the 1,979 business units in the ten companies all financial vitality. (See the sidebar “The
in our present study reveals that local business Math Behind the Human Sigma Score.”) This
units that score above our database median on score allows us to classify units into six broad

both employee and customer engagement performance levels. Units in the lower two
metrics are, on average, 3.4 times more effec- levels are in dire need of improvement: Those
tive financially (in terms of total sales and reve- that engage employees without engaging cus-
nue, performance to target, and year-over-year tomers have become too inwardly focused
gain in sales and revenue) than units that rank and have lost direction. Those that engage
in the bottom half on both measures. The dou- customers without engaging employees are
bly stellar units are also roughly twice as effec- living on borrowed time; over the long term,
tive financially as units that are high perform- customer engagement will tend to erode. We
ers on one—but not both—of these critical consider units in the top three levels to be op-
vital signs. In one luxury retail chain, for exam- timized. Obviously, we believe that sales and
ple, the stores that scored high on both mea- services companies should strive to move all
sures generated an average of $21 more in of their local units into the top performance
earnings per square foot of retail space than level. This means that, over time, local perfor-
mance variability must be reduced and over-

all performance increased. While difficult,

such improvement is indeed possible. And the
The Interaction of Employee and Customer movement of units into successively higher
Human Sigma levels brings with it enhanced
Engagement financial performance.
Local business units with even moderately high levels of both worker and customer
engagement are, on average, more effective financially than units with very high lev- How to Get There
els of only one form of engagement. A detailed look at how to manage and reduce

variability at the local level would turn into a

lengthy discussion, so we will make just three
High quick points.
These partially These optimized
units are
Responsibility for Human Sigma must be
optimized units are
centralized. Since employee and customer
1.7 3.4
Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2005 Harvard Business School

engagement are intimately connected—and


times more
effective than the times more effective since, taken together, they have an outsize ef-
baseline. than the baseline. fect on financial performance—they need to be
managed holistically (at the same time that

they’re managed locally, which we’ll get to in

These partially the next paragraph). That’s easier said than
optimized units are done. In most companies, data about customers
[1] 1.7 stay inside the marketing or quality depart-
Baseline units times more effective
ment. Data about employee well-being reside,
are nonoptimized. than the baseline.
for the most part, in the HR department. And
financial data, of course, live in finance. But
High only when these data are brought together on a

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 8

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Manage Your Human Sigma

The Math Behind the Human Sigma Score

A business unit’s Human Sigma score is computed by first converting through HS6. The HS4 threshold is defined at 50. The HS3 threshold
its mean scores on employee and customer engagement into percen- is defined as one standard deviation (SD) below that (using the stan-
tile equivalents (based on the observed distribution of scores for each dard deviation of the Human Sigma score distribution). The HS5
metric). If a unit’s converted scores on both metrics are above the me- threshold is defined as one SD above the HS4 threshold. Successive
dian value for the distribution, the Human Sigma score is the square thresholds are one SD away from the adjacent level. In algebraic

root of the product of the two percentile values, corrected for certain terms: If employee engagement percentile and customer engage-
boundary conditions. (This correction value is equivalent to the ratio ment percentile are both above 50, then:
of the two percentiles—highest over lowest—raised to the 0.125
power.) If a unit’s converted score on either metric is below the me-
dian value for the distribution, the Human Sigma score is the square If either employee engagement percentile or customer engagement
root of the product of the two percentile values divided by 2. This pro- percentile is less than or equal to 50, then:
duces a single bimodally distributed score that is then used to estab-
lish threshold values that define each of six Human Sigma levels, HS1

single platform can a true picture of the health
of the employee-customer encounter be drawn.
It is simply not sufficient to provide managers
with a “dashboard” of seemingly unrelated
gauges and dials drawn from various and dis-
Some companies will need to overhaul
their HR practices. A set of longer-term, trans-
formational interventions may be necessary in
some instances. Executives or outside consult-
ants may need to reexamine how local leaders
persed quarters of the organization. What this do their jobs, how these managers are being
means in practice is that the responsibility for developed, and how decisions are made and
measuring and monitoring the health of the executed at the local level. If the Human
employee-customer relationship must reside Sigma numbers throughout the organization
within a single organizational structure, with are lower than expected, or if parts of the orga-
an executive champion who has the authority nization sustain low numbers over time, then

to initiate and manage change. a broader intervention may be needed. The

The local manager is nonetheless the sin- company may need to look at how it selects
gle most important factor in local group per- employees, promotes people into manage-
formance. Local-level managers have a huge ment, does performance appraisals, ap-
role to play, for better or worse, in local perfor- proaches succession planning, and recognizes
mance. Earlier Gallup research suggested that performance.
employees join great companies but leave •••
poor managers. That is, employees join a com- Ask any chief executive to list his or her most

pany for a variety of both high-minded and pressing business challenges, and you will no
practical reasons. But, invariably, their work- doubt hear concerns about customer and em-
ing lives revolve around local environments ployee retention, authentic and sustainable
that can either nourish them and foster their growth, eroding margins, and cost efficiencies.
learning or starve them, causing them ulti- Clearly, there is no single solution to those
mately to leave the company—or to hang challenges. But we are confident that measur-
around, unproductively waiting for retire- ing and managing two simple factors—em-
ment. Local managers whose work groups ployee and customer engagement—can lead
show suboptimal performance should be to breakthrough improvements in all aspects

encouraged to use the familiar tool kit of of your business.

interventions: targeted training, perfor-
mance reviews, action learning, and indi- Reprint R0507J
vidual coaching. And managers themselves To order, see the next page
should be supported in similar ways. If none of or call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500
these interventions leads to better perfor- or go to
mance, the local manager should be replaced.

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 9

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Manage Your Human Sigma

Further Reading

The Employee-Customer-Profit Chain at establishes relationships among profitability,
Sears customer loyalty, and employee satisfaction,
by Anthony J. Rucci, Steven P. Kirn, and loyalty, and productivity. The authors provide
Richard T. Quinn a service-profit chain audit that helps you de-
Harvard Business Review termine what drives your profit and suggests
January–February 1998 actions that can create long-term profitability.

Product no. 98109
Want to Perfect Your Company’s Service?
The authors describe another way of measur- Use Behavioral Science
ing the impact of employee satisfaction on by Richard B. Chase and Sriram Dasu
customer satisfaction—and thus on your bot- Harvard Business Review
tom line—using Sears, Roebuck and Co. as an June 2001
example. Sears has radically changed the way Product no. R0106D
it does business and dramatically improved its
Chase and Dasu shed additional light on the
financial results. But its turnaround was more
emotional aspects of the customer experi-
than a strategic break with the past. It re-
ence. Though legions of scholars and practi-
quired a radical change in the logic and cul-
tioners have created cults around “delighting
ture of the company, based on a new business
customers,” they haven’t carefully considered
model—and new forms of measurement. Led
the underlying psychology of service encoun-
by CEO Arthur Martinez, a group of more than
ters—the subtle feelings customers experi-
100 top-level executives spent three years re-

ence. To engage and satisfy customers, end

building the company around its custom-
encounters on a positive note, getting un-
ers—with help from a measurement system
pleasant aspects of an encounter over with
that tracks success from management behav-
early. Build customers’ commitment by offer-
ior through employee attitudes to customer
ing them choices. And establish routines and
satisfaction and financial performance.
stick to them. Ultimately, only one thing really
Putting the Service-Profit Chain to Work matters in a service encounter: the customer’s
by James L. Heskett, Thomas O. Jones, perception of what occurred. This article helps

Gary Loveman, W. Earl Sasser, Jr., and you engineer your service encounters to en-
Leonard A. Schlesinger hance your customers’ experiences during the
Harvard Business Review process as well as their recollections of an en-
March–April 1994 counter after it’s over.
Product no. 94204

This article presents an additional tool for as-

sessing employee-customer engagement. In
To Order the new economics of service, frontline work-

ers and customers must be the center of man-

For Harvard Business Review reprints and agement concern. Successful managers heed
subscriptions, call 800-988-0886 or the factors that drive profitability in this new
617-783-7500. Go to service paradigm: investment in people,
technology that supports frontline workers,
For customized and quantity orders of revamped recruiting and training practices,
Harvard Business Review article reprints, and compensation linked to performance.
call 617-783-7626, or e-mai The service-profit chain, developed from analyses of successful service organizations,

page 10
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