Mid - Term E Businessg1 2021

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‫جامعة المنوفية‬


Name: Section: Group: 1

E-Business, Midterm Exam

Question-1: Choose the correct answer

1. An/A _______ is define as the buying and selling, marketing and servicing of products and services via computer
a. E-Commerce b. E-Business c. Both a and b d. None of above
2. The protocols for communicating over the ARPAnet became known as .________
a. TCP b. FTP c. HTTP d. SMTP
3. _______ is a system that facilitates the convergence of voice and video with existing forms of internet communication
a. Voip b. ISPs c. WML d. IP
4. An/A _______ is an industry specific system geared towards vertical standards in the IT, electronics and hi-tech
a. Rosetta Net b. UDDI c. UBL d. ebXML
5. Which of the following is operates by providing products from one business to another, through either online
auctions or e-marketplaces.
a. B2B b. B2C c. C2C d. C2B
6. The new economy has been boosted by the development of the ________.
a. infrastructure that supports the ICT b. convergence of the internet and television
c. diffusion of information technologies d. All of Above
7. A B2C model requires
a. an online marketplace b. forward auctions c. reverse auctions d. None of Above
8. One of the growths and development of the mobile wireless industry is _______
a. The investment capital flowing into the industry b. Internet Service Providers
c. The Open Buying on the Internet d. The Open Trading Protocol
9. ________ is the underlying system and standards that makes up the set-top box.
a. Platform b. Middleware c. ADSL d. IPTV
10. One of the key characteristics of e-commerce is ________.
a. ease of entry for firms b. require large sales teams c. cost complexity d. None of Above
11. ________ is a manifestation of the convergence of new interactive technologies such as the internet.
a. Interactive television b. Interactive telephone c. Interactive board d. EPGs
12. ________ is one of the most important aspects of secure payment systems for e-business.
a. authenticity of transactions b. authenticity of e-business c. authenticity of translation d. None of Above
13. PDA stands for
a. Personal Digital Assistant b. Process Data Assistant c. Personal Data Advancement d. Process Data Analysis
14. the ________ model was essentially a stopgap in the quest for a universally acceptable system.
a. Portal b. UDDI c. UMTS d.B2B
15. During Online auctions buyers _______
a. set the prices and bid against each other b. can browse the products
c. proceed to an electronic checkout d. Non of Above
With my best wishes
Dr. Mohamed Adel

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