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Chapter-2: E-Business: E-business technology

Answer the following Questions:

1. The huge growth in internet usage has only been possible because of the information infrastructure
that supports such a large amount of information traffic. There are concerns that if internet usage
continues to grow at levels seen during the last decade, then further infrastructure development will be
required to support the demand. However, the introduction of broadband technology has helped
alleviate congestion on the internet by accommodating greater numbers of users as well as offering
high-speed services.

There have been considerable developments in the technologies that facilitate the transmission of data
and information between computers since the use of EDI in the early 1960s. Program languages have
become more sophisticated and offer flexibility and efficiency for users. Java, the XML suite of languages
and Bluetooth are just some of the numerous program languages available to users in the modern era,
each possessing their own set of attributes. Technological developments have also increased the
number of channels through which e-business communication scan take place. Mobile wireless internet
and interactive television are two examples of these increasingly influential channels of communication.

2. An important issue relating to broadband rollout is the method of dealing with local-loop unbundling.
This is the process that permits smaller firms into the competitive market for ADSL services. Unbundling
allows firms to access and install the necessary technology in British Telecom(BT) exchanges to compete
in the ‘last mile’ of the telecommunications link between provider and user. However, demand for
access to local exchanges has been lower than predicted because of a combination of poor sites offered
and a lack of robust business models. BT has now opened up more of its infrastructure to make
investment in broadband more attractive to smaller firms.


a) Ease of use over the internet;

b) The capability of supporting a wide range of applications;

c) Compatibility with SGML;

d) Legibility to the human eye;

e) Minimal optional features; and

f) Ease of program writing for processing XML documents.

4. The main characteristic of interactive television is the engagement of the viewer in the television
experience since it offers the possibility of interaction between consumer and content. The
development of digital television has opened up a whole new range of interactive applications in the
communications and broadcasting industries through extending transmission systems, increasing
technical standards and broadening the range of content provision. Developments in television and
computer technologies are driving the communications and broad casting industries towards structural
convergence of internet and television. As the television and the internet become one, the
viewer/consumer will be able to connect directly to the website of the product being offered.



7. Figure 2.1.

8. Figure 2.2.

9. Figure 2.4.

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