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King Abdul Aziz University Academic year 1435/1436

Department of Mathematics 2014/2015

Math 110 (S & E) Syllabus / Term (1)

Book: Calculus Early Transcendentals by James Stewart 7th edition


Section Theoretical (Definitions & Theorem) Examples Exercises HW

• Intervals (Table )
Appendix A Numbers, • Inequalities
Inequalities and Absolute • Absolute value
Read 1,2,3,6,8
Values Properties (1-6)

Appendix B Coordinate • Slope of line 4

Geometry and lines • Point-slope form of the equation of a line. Read 7,8
• Angles (convert formula) 1-12(odd)
• Trigonometric functions
Appendix D Trigonometry • Trigonometric identities. 1,4 4,30
• Graphs of the trigonometric functions 34(odd)
(domain $ range).
• Definition: Domain and Range of a
(polynomial, absolute , rational, radical of
first and second degree)Functions- see 7-10, 32-
the workshop at 34,43,
1.1 Four ways to represent 2,6,7,8,11 4,76,
• Graphs of Functions and vertical line test. 47,73-78
a function Read 1 38,42,45.
• Piecewise defined functions.
• Symmetry (Odd & even) functions.
• Increasing and Decreasing Functions
Ch1: Functions and Models

• Essential functions (Polynomials, power,

1.2 Mathematical Models: A
rational, algebraic, trigonometric,
Catalog of essential 5 2 1
exponential and logarithmic)

• Transformation of functions.
i) Vertical and horizontal shifts.
1.3 New functions from old ii) Vertical and horizontal reflecting. 1,2,3(b) , 6-9 1(a-f) 29-37(odd)
functions • Combination of functions (f±g, f.g, f/g, ,39 ,45
Composite Functions) and their domain.

• Laws of Exponents 1
1.5 Exponential Functions 9,20 1,3,17
• The Number e.
• Definition1: (1-1) & horizontal line text.
• Definition 2: Inverse Functions.
• How to find the inverse function.
1,2(by graphs) 37(b),40,
1.6 Inverse Functions and • Logarithmic functions 21-26(odd)
4-13 48(a),51(
Logarithms • Natural logarithm. 35-41(all)
Read 3,6 a,b), 52,
• Graphs and growth of natural logarithm
57, 64
• Inverse of Trigonometric Functions

• Definition1-6
12 ,57
Ch2: Limits and

2.2 The Limits of a • Fig17 1, 7-10


Functions • One-sided limits 4,8,11

• Infinite limits (vertical asymptote)
12, 19,
• The Limits Laws
2.3 Calculating Limits 2(a)-9,11 15,23,28, 20,22,25,
• Theorem1,2
Using the Limits Laws 29 27, 31,
• The squeezed theorem.
• Definition1: Continuity at A number.
• Definition2: Continuity from the right and 2(a-c),4,6,8,9,
46 17,20,21,25
2.5 Continuity from the left 10
, 38, 41,45
• Definition3: Continuity on an interval. Read 5,7
• Theorem4-10
• Definition1-3
• Infinite limits at infinity 19,26,33,
2.6 Limits at infinity 1-11 34,43
• Theorem 35 , 43, 44
• Limx->∞ (axn) if n odd or even
• Tangents
2.7 Derivatives and rates • Definition1-2
of charge • Derivatives
• Definition 4
• Constant functions
3.1 The Derivative of
• Power functions
polynomials and 1-6,8 27 3-35(odd)
• New derivatives from old
exponential function
Exponential functions
Ch3: Differentiation Rules

3.2 The product and • The product rule
1-5 3-33(odd)
quotient rules • Quotient rule
Derivative of Sine Function, Derivative of Cosine 21,40,46
3.3 Derivatives of 1-7(odd),
Function, Derivative of other Basic 1,2,4-6 42, ,45
Trigonometric Functions 39,49
Trigonometric Function. ,47, 48
3.4 The Chain Rule and 1-
The Chain Rule. 1-9 53
Parametric Equations 15(odd),47
Implicit Differentiation, Derivatives of Higher 5-
3.5 Implicit Differentiation Order, Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric 12,26 11(odd),25,
Functions. 35,37,49,55
3.6 Derivatives of
Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions 1-8 19,52 17(odd),31,
Logarithmic Functions
tions of


• Definition1,2,6

4.1 Maximum and Minimum 4-8

• Extreme Value Theorem , Critical 4 5,29,47,53
Values Read 2,3
2 ,12
4.2 The Mean Value • Rolle's Theorem, The Mean Value Theorem. 2-3 1,13

• Increasing/decreasing test
• Monotonic Function and Concavity, First and
4.3 How derivatives affect second derivative Test 12 9,19
Read 7
the shape of a graph • Test for Concavity.
• Definition: inflection point

Marks  distribution  :-­‐      First  Exam  (120  min;  33  marks);  Second  Exam  (120  min;  33  marks);  Final  Exam  (120  min;  44  marks);  
Appendices  A&B  are  not  included  in  the  exams.  
Exam1  will  held  on  24-­‐12-­‐1435H  from  Appendix  D,  sec.1.1-­‐end  of  sec.1.5.    
Exam2  from  sec.1.6-­‐end  of  sec.3.6.    
Final  exam:  All  chapters.  

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