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Reading - 3

Topics Covered
 Active Reading
 Organisation and Types of Passages VARC

Number of questions : 17

In this class we would apply the concepts of Critical If you just read passively, then you are dealing with
Reading to solve the questions in the various kinds only the superficial aspect of the text – the
of Reading Comprehension passages. information that is provided. This allows you to answer
only certain type of questions. But, typical RC
However, before that we must spend some time in
questions represent a wide variety of questions and
understanding what makes a person have a high
in order to tackle all of them you need the ability to
accuracy rate in solving Reading Comprehension
read critically. Active reading gets at the “deep
questions. ‘Active Reading’ is the most important
structure”, that is, inference, tone, and organization,
skill that ensures high accuracy in Reading
which allows you to answer all types of questions.
Comprehension. Apart from that, it always helps to
know what kind of logic is followed by examiners in
How can you be an active reader?
developing the passages and questions. This class
would help you understand the importance of Active a. Pay attention to the opening paragraph
Reading and the organization and types of passages. The manner in which the author introduces
the text reveals a lot about the writer’s attitude,
aim, viewpoint, or approach. This is important
Importance of Active Reading
in enhancing your overall comprehension of
the passage. Ideally, you should pause for a
Whenever you read any text, whether it is a book, a
second after reading the first paragraph in
research report or a reading comprehension passage,
order to quickly reflect upon these issues.
you must get involved in it as if you are in conversation
with the author. Active reading is different from passive b. Analyze the arguments
reading. It is an important skill that aids your While reading, analyse what you have read
comprehension. An active reader applies certain and draw inferences. Practise this more during
questions and theories that help to enhance clarity. the preparatory stage, so that it becomes a
It is a step ahead of merely “skimming” the text. matter of habit. This skill will come in very
Active reading involves applying logical and rhetorical handy while attempting inferential questions
skills. as their answers are not explicitly stated in
the passage.

Reading - 3 Page 1
Organization and Types of Passages Noting the role of the Royal Air Force in saving his
country during the Battle of Britain, Winston Churchill
Organization of passages refers to the arrangement observed that never had so many owed so much to
of thoughts in an orderly and functional way in order so few. We owe a great deal — indeed, literally
to create a balanced course of action. The text is so everything — to evolution, and yet never have so
arranged that the purpose is clear, the main idea many said and written so much about something
logically stated and developed, and a similar logic is they understood so poorly. Not that evolution is all
applied to move along the passage. that difficult to understand. Rather, so many people
Besides organization, it is also important for you to have such strong feelings about it, often connected
familiarize yourself with the different types of to so many regrettable stock phrases, that clear
passages that appear in the entrance examinations. thought has often been obscured. This is especially
Thus, you should acquaint yourself with a variety of unfortunate in today’s intellectual — or, more to the
texts while reading in the preparatory stage. Limiting point, anti-intellectual — climate, with the Bush
yourself to reading only one or two types of passages administration persistently seeking to trump science
(not subject matter) will be counterproductive, with ideology.
because the actual test will present a wide variety, Notwithstanding recent victories of science over so-
and your preparation would only help you crack the called intelligent design in Pennsylvania and Utah,
types you have practised upon. An equitable amount this particular struggle is not likely to end soon. The
of time and effort should be spent on various kinds following catalog of misconceptions, along with
of passages. responses, is therefore offered for scholars who may
Types of Passages well find themselves confronting voices whose
amplitude and frequency exceed their wisdom.
These kinds of passages deal with arguments “It’s only a theory.” Biologists often speak of “the
made by the author on a subject. The common theory of evolution”, but not because evolution is a
opinion/argument is stated, followed by the guess or mere speculation. My Random House
author’s counter arguments. Logic plays a big Dictionary provides, among its definitions of “theory”,
part in fashioning these counter-arguments, the following: “a proposed explanation whose status
and typically at least a few questions that follow is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established
will test you on this. A question can also be propositions that are regarded as reporting matters
asked about your opinion on the logic used of actual fact”. Someone might express a “theory”
by the author. that Elvis Presley still lives, or that trailer parks attract
tornadoes. The same person might also say,
Passage - I “Biologists have a theory that human beings evolved”,
in which case, knowingly or not, a very different use
Directions for questions 1 and 2: Read the following of the word has been employed. Indeed, my
passage carefully and answer the questions that dictionary also gives this definition of “theory”: “a
follow. more or less verified established explanation
accounting for known facts or phenomena”, with
Start Time: examples that include number theory, the theory of
relativity, atomic theory, and so forth. In this sense,

Page 2 Reading - 3
and this only, evolution is a theory. It is, in fact, as events, merely eliminating the unfit. It creates novelty
close to truth as any science is ever likely to get. because it adds a crucial process: a mechanism for
“selective retention”.
“Evolutionary logic is circular: The fittest are
those that survive, and those that survive are
Imagine that instead of those hypothetical monkeys
the fittest. So it doesn’t say anything.” First,
creating all of Shakespeare, we wanted just a single
natural selection is not about surv ival, but
phrase, “to be or not to be”. It consists of 18
reproduction: specifically, individuals’ and genes’
characters, including spaces. Given the alphabet plus
reproducing themselves. Survival is evolutionarily
a possible blank space, we have a total of 27
important because — and only because — it
possibilities for each slot. The chance that one of
contributes to reproduction. Second, “fitness” does
our monkeys might randomly get the initial “t” is
not determine natural selection; rather, natural
thus 1/27. The chance that it would simultaneously
selection is the unavoidable result of how “fit”
and randomly place an “o” in the second slot is
something is, which is to say, how successful it is
1/27 × 1/27 = 1/729. The chance of getting all
in promoting its genes. Fitness leads to the important
18 characters correct, by chance alone, is thus
prediction that natural selection favoring a particular
1/27 times itself 17 times, which is inconceivably
type should result in a larger proportion of that type
in future populations. This prediction has been
repeatedly tested and confirmed.
But what if, instead of tossing out every meaningless
“Natural selection is just a negative process; it word and having to start afresh each time, those
cannot create anything new.” Natural selection patterns that were promising — even by a little bit —
is only “negative” in that certain individuals and their were retained, and then randomly modified yet again,
genes fall by the evolutionary wayside in preference once more retaining (that is, selecting) those that
to others, which prosper. But evolution is not merely were more “fit”? I started with 18 random strikes on
a question of deleting those organisms that are less a computer keyboard and programmed the machine
fit; because of mutation (which provides genetic to make a few small changes — introduce some
novelty) and reproduction (which combines DNA in new letters — every “generation”. Those changes
unique ways), new genetic material is constantly are equivalent to mutation and recombination,
being produced. And much depends on this regular providing regular sources of random variation on an
generation of genetic diversity, on the world being, existing theme. Next I added the simple requirement
as the poet Louis MacNeice put it, “incorrigibly of selectively retaining whatever most closely
plural”. In his poem “Snow”, MacNeice went on to approximates “to be or not to be”, after which the
feel “the drunkenness of things being various”, a “organism” randomly varies again, with the outcome
variousness that is essential as the building blocks screened once more for resemblance — however
from which evolution constructs those things that slight — to the target. The result was that after a
we identify as highly adapted organisms, including very small number of generations — usually on the
ourselves. order of 30 — the desired outcome was obtained.

But although the production of div ersity is In one test, for example, I started with “fuwl sazgh
fundamentally random, the power of natural selection ekm fje”. Discouraging, perhaps, but after several
is that it is not simply at the mercy of haphazard runs it had become the dimly recognizable “tubl hot
nnoq ioby”. By run 22, it was “tu bep ok not ts e”.

Reading - 3 Page 3
And by 29, “to be ok not to bo”, which even the most just about everything else that human beings do
cynical monkey is likely to acknowledge as having outside the anatomy and physiology of their own
just about arrived, and a whole lot more quickly than bodies. Cultural evolution, like biological evolution,
1/27 to the 18th power would suggest. requires variation, but instead of genetic mutations,
its raw material comes from ideas and concepts,
“Evolution is no longer going on, especially in
innovations of mind and matter that may ultimately
the case of human beings.” Evolution happens
be traceable — however indirectly — to humanity’s
anytime there are changes in a population’s genetic
DNA, but which are not a simple matter of
makeup. The most powerful mechanism of
biochemical alterations in genetic material. Cultural
evolutionary change is natural selection, which
evolution, like biological evolution, proceeds by
operates whenever some individuals leave more
selective retention of whatever works or is favored
genetic representatives than others do. The only way
for any other reason (such as obvious efficiency, the
for evolution to cease would be if everyone reproduced
vagaries of fashion, or even the dictates of the
equally; more precisely, if genes continued to replace
powerful). To some extent, human beings are like a
themselves in exactly the same proportion as they
train traveling on two tracks, but in our case, the
currently exist. Just a moment’s reflection should
wheels on one track (biological evolution) move
convince anyone that evolution is very alive, for human
slowly while those on the other (cultural evolution)
beings as for everything else, so long as “differential
move rapidly. No wonder our species feels pulled
reproduction” is going on.
apart. But this disparity, rather than negating the
That doesn’t mean, however, that the conditions of impact of biological evolution, only italicizes its
evolution are the same as they have been in the significance.
past. The “selective environment” for human beings,
for example, has changed dramatically from the “Evolution acts for the good of the species.” All
Pleistocene. Certain traits that almost certainly were sorts of things evolve: galaxies, stars, a person’s
strongly selected against, such as myopia and thinking, a government’s policies. But none of those
diabetes, are now neutral or, at worst, only mildly qualify as evolution as biologists understand the term.
negative. Human ingenuity has come up with People have evolved; a person does not. Evolution
eyeglasses and insulin, which only scratch the involves change, but not the change that takes place
surface of how modern Homo sapiens has modified in growth, aging, changing one’s clothes or even
natural selection, hence its own evolution. one’s mind. To qualify as biological evolution, there
must be a change in a population’s gene pool over
“Biological evolution no longer matters, having time. This is why only populations evolve, not
been superseded by cultural evolution.” Cultural individuals — because each of us is stuck with our
evolution is real, and it may in fact be the one sense private genetic endowment. And yet individuals are
in which human beings do experience Lamarckian crucial to evolution, both individual bodies and
evolution, via a kind of inheritance of acquired individual genes. In fact, one of the most important
characteristics. Cultural evolution, like biological and useful realizations of recent years is that
evolution, involves change, but instead of genes, it evolution operates most strongly at the lowest
is based on cultural practice: language; technology; possible levels, notably that of individuals and genes,
styles of clothing; ways of living; traditions including not groups or species.
culinary, religious, military, intellectual, social; and

Page 4 Reading - 3
Natural selection works by differential reproduction, with some individuals and their genes more successful
than others. A species is the sum total of its individuals and their genes. It has no metaphysical existence
of its own, and, as far as can be determined, no one is looking out for the good of the species as a whole,
although each component has been selected to look out for itself. Analogously, in a free-market society,
individuals and corporations seek to maximize their profits; any larger-order benefit derived by the nation is
simply the unintentional summed effects of all those private, enterprising activities going on at a lower level.

End Time:

1. What is the author’s reaction to calling evolution a theory?





2. Given below are the controversial issues regarding evolution that the author evaluates in the passage.
Write down his comments on each one of them.
i. It’s only a theory. ____________________________

ii. Circularity of the logic of evolution. ____________________________

iii. Natural evolution is a negative process. ____________________________

iv. Evolution is no longer going on. ____________________________

v. Cultural evolution supersedes biological evolution. ____________________________

vi. Evolution acts for the good of the species. ____________________________


Discursive passages present a discourse by the author on a particular subject. The author presents his or
her ideas on the subject matter and opinions are stated with the use of logic.

Reading - 3 Page 5
Passage - II only the X people on either side of him, he expands
his sample still further.
Directions for questions 1 and 2: Read the following
On the other hand, if the percentage favouring the
passage carefully and answer the questions that
two candidates is the same in the expanded sample
as it is when he polls only the X people on either
Start Time:
side of him, Henry decides he may be working too
In recent years the US electorate has become highly hard. In this case he reduces his sample to the X-1
polarised. Large contiguous regions of the country people on either side of him. If the percentage
(the red states) favour the Republicans, other large favouring the candidates is the same in this smaller
contiguous regions favour the Democrats (the blue sample, he reduces that sample further.
states), and relatively small regions in between (which
we might label purple) constitute the so-called Every voter updates his or her favorite daily and
battleground states. interacts with other voters according to these same
rules. (At the cost of complicating the model we can
There are many reasons for this dichotomy, but some allow voters to consult an acquaintance network
light may be shed by an abstract model introduced rather than only their immediate physical
in 1999 by Joshua Epstein of the Brookings neighbours.)
Epstein’s model showed that the result of all this
Imagine that around a big circle are millions of people consulting is a little surprising. After several days of
who are asked daily whether they intend to vote for this sequential updating of votes, there are long arcs
George Bush or John Kerry. Assume that they have of solid Bush voters and long arcs of solid Kerry
an initial favorite, randomly choosing Bush or Kerry, voters and, between them, small arcs of very mixed
but that they are very conformist and decide daily to voters. After a short while, voters in the solid arcs
consult some of their immediate neighbours. After need consult only their immediate neighbours to
polling those on either side of them, they adjust their decide how to vote and almost never change their
vote to conform with that of the majority of their votes. Voters between the solid arcs need to consult
neighbours. many people on either side of them and change their
vote quite frequently.
How many people each voter consults varies from Although Epstein applied his model to more
day to day and is determined by the fact that they automatically followed social norms, the idea of
are “lazy statisticians”. They expand their samples extending it to voting is seductive. People do tend to
of adjacent voters only as much as necessary, surround themselves with others of like mind and
wishing always to conform with minimum exertion. generally only those at the borders between
partisans, the so-called swing voters, are open to
There are various ways to model this general idea, much change. His major point is that social norms,
but let’s assume the following specific rule. If one often a result of nothing more than propinquity, make
day a voter, say Henry, polls the X people on either it unnecessary to think much - about what to wear,
side of him, the next day he expands his sample to which side of the road to drive on, when to eat, etc.
the X+1 people on either side of him. If the
percentage favouring the two candidates in this To the considerable extent that voting is - for many -
expanded sample is different than it is when he polls an unthinking emulation of those with whom they

Page 6 Reading - 3
associate, the model helps explain the near uniformity are easy to comprehend and are likely to be
of their friends’ political opinions. found stated in the passage. Here, applying
skimming would help as long as you are aware
When there’s some sort of shock to the system, of the mind-map of the passage.
Epstein’s model suggests something else rather
interesting. If a large number of voters change their Passage - III
vote suddenly for some reason (say, a terrorist attack
or environmental catastrophe), the changed voter Directions for questions 1 to 3: Read the following
passage carefully and answer the questions that
preferences soon settle down to a new equilibrium
just as stable with solid Bush, solid Kerry, and mixed
border areas, but located at different places around Start Time:
the circle. The model thus shows how political
allegiances can sometimes change suddenly, but In 1957, Heinrich Böll published his famous travel
then settle quickly into a new and different book Irisches Tagebuch, which was later translated
segmentation just as rigidly adhered to as the old. as Irish Journal. The Irish hated it and the Germans
loved it. For the Irish it had too many donkeys and
End Time:
stonewalls, too much dreaming and backward
innocence. For the Germans, however, it was
1. Why do the voters in the solid arcs need to precisely these simple things that became so
consult only their immediate neighbours? attractive. They carried the book with them in their
(1) They want to know the real picture and a rucksacks, searching for a kind of emotional
small sample will suffice connection to the people and the landscape. It gave
(2) They slowly become lazy and do not want them a sense of innocence and belonging, an inner
to work hard at this
life of feelings that was denied to them in their own
(3) The reassuring findings discourage them
to do more work at this
(4) They become rebellious and try to foster
In fact, it was not a book about Ireland at all, but a
open mindedness.
book about all the things that were missing in
(5) They desire to build up a strong affinity
Germany. Ireland was abundant with elusive qualities
with their neigbours by showing faith on
them. such as soul, sadness, longing, timelessness, all
the romance of liberation and freedom. The Irish lived
2. According to Epstein, social norms are more like there was no tomorrow. There was music
often than not a result of which of the everywhere and drinking. And maybe it is exactly
following? this intoxicating naturalism, this idealism of
(1) Proclivity (2) Proximity (3) Inequity
uncomplicated life, which appealed so much to the
(4) Equality (5) Inquiry
German mind. Ireland had the same iconic value as
the Che Guevara poster on the bedroom wall.
In a descriptive passage, the author presents
Had Boll written the same book about Germany, it
a description of an experience/an event. The
would no doubt have been shunned as fascist. On
questions that follow these type of passages
the cliffs of Moher, the German could find a sense of
typically involve a lower level of inference, and
home that had no ideological associations. They

Reading - 3 Page 7
could learn to play the tin whistle and even sing songs The hidden agony of this discontinuity has never been
about freedom. Unlike the Irish, Germans abroad fully explored. In effect, they became a homeless
tend to forget where they come from. There is no people, and still are. The physical destruction of
German enclave in New York as there used to be. German cities, the occupation by foreign armies,
Where the Irish and the Italians always longed to be was overcome by adapting and rebuilding. But the
on the map, to be heard and not forgotten, the intellectual homelessness was more profound, and
Germans longed to be invisible. included a ruthless defection from anything that had
a spiritual link with the German soul. There is an
The emotional attachment to home, to the land, to unacknowledged loneliness in being German.
the place in which you are born, is something
It is right that Germans have turned their back on
hereditary that lies deep in the human psyche, which
the arrogance of nationalism. They are the only
is why it could be so abused by Nazi ideology. The
people in the world who have so comprehensively
result of this abuse is the systematic denial ever
examined their own past. They have been to hell
since of any feelings of belonging, a denial that has
and back with guilt, and their overriding sense of
become so pervasive in German consciousness that
duty towards their victims is unheard of in any other
it has erased these human instincts almost
society. Remembering the Holocaust has replaced
the crucifixion of Christ as a leading icon in our society.
Memorials have become religious sites that provide
Of course the Germans have feelings. They fall in a new kind of holiness and guide us towards a fair
love, they have desires like everyone else, they feel and racially tolerant society. If there is such a thing
passionate about football and you can hear the odd as absolution, it is only by remembering and revisiting
person proclaim “I love Berlin” or “I love Bavaria”. Of these sites.
course they feel sadness and grief, compassion,
End Time:
friendship, the entire spectrum of human emotions.
But there was always something missing too. They
1. What is the author trying to communicate by
had no dream-life, at least not until the Wim Wenders
talking about Ireland being like “the Che
movie Himmel ber Berlin came out. Or maybe it
Guevara poster on the bedroom wall”?
started again when the Berlin wall came down, with
(1) All over the world people think of Ireland
people crying and embracing each other on the as being a magical place.
streets. (2) For the Germans, Ireland exemplifies the
realization of their wishes.
Up to now, Germans have trained themselves to feel (3) Che Guevara was from Ireland and hence
no pain, no sense of loss, no compassion for the analogy.
themselves. Nowhere in the world was the father (4) The aspect of “unfettered freedom” is
and son gap so wide as it was in Germany. From shown in both the cases.
the late 60s, young people prosecuted their parents (5) Germans consider Ireland's way of living
and reshaped the German conscience. All this was as valueless.
essential for German renewal, but it also led to a
dislocation, a kind of orphaned state. In the process
of exorcising the Nazi crimes, generations of
Germans also denied their own heritage and severed
an emotional link with their own people.

Page 8 Reading - 3
2. What does the statement that “there is no Poem
German enclave in New York” indicate?
(1) The Americans do not like the Germans. Directions for questions 1 and 4: Read the following
(2) The world over Germans are vilified for peom and answer the questions that follow.
their past.
(3) Germans do their best to disassociate Start Time:
from their nationality.
(4) Germany is a country that is undergoing I do what many dream of, all their lives,
massive problems. —Dream? strive to do, and agonize to do,
(5) New York lacks enough space to
And fail in doing.
accommodate any German enclave.
I could count twenty such
3. How does the transformation of the Holocaust On twice your fingers, and not leave this town,
to an iconic status affect the Germans’ sense Who strive—you don’t know how the others strive
of national pride? To paint a little thing like that you smeared
(1) It helps them feel happier about their Carelessly passing with your robes afloat,—
country. Yet do much less, so much less, Someone says,
(2) It is the first thing people think of when (I know his name, no matter)—so much less!
they find out someone is German. Well, less is more, Lucrezia: I am judged.
(3) It binds together all Germans and makes There burns a truer light of God in them,
them feel unified. In their vexed beating stuffed and stopped-up brain,
(4) It enhances the German's desire to relate Heart, or whate’er else, than goes on to prompt
more with their country mentally and This low-pulsed forthright craftsman’s hand of mine.
emotionally. Their works drop groundward, but themselves, I know,
(5) It fuels the wish to not to be German and Reach many a time a heaven that’s shut to me,
disassociate from the country. Enter and take their place there sure enough,
Though they come back and cannot tell the world.
D. ANALOGY My works are nearer heaven, but I sit here.
Analogy is defined as “similarity in some The sudden blood of these men! at a word—
respects between things that are otherwise Praise them, it boils, or blame them, it boils too.
dissimilar”. So, a passage that uses analogy I, painting from myself and to myself,
takes two instances, objects, etc. and points Know what I do, am unmoved by men’s blame
out the similarities between them. This is used Or their praise either. Somebody remarks
to make a bigger point about one or both of Morello’s outline there is wrongly traced,
these subjects. Reading only a part of the His hue mistaken; what of that? or else,
passage or using only the skimming and Rightly traced and well ordered; what of that?
scanning technique would be Speak as they please, what does the mountain care?
counterproductive in the case of analogy- Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp,
driven passages. Inference would be used Or what’s a heaven for? All is silver-grey,
extensively, so you are likely to get questions Placid and perfect with my art: the worse!
that test this aspect. I know both what I want and what might gain,
And yet how profitless to know, to sigh

Reading - 3 Page 9
“Had I been two, another and myself, 1. Which of the following options best reflects
Our head would have o’erlooked the world!” No doubt. the tone of the speaker in the poem?
Yonder’s a work now, of that famous youth (1) Pedantic (2) Didactic
The Urbinate who died five years ago. (3) Hortatory (4) Wistful
(’Tis copied, George Vasari sent it me.) (5) Irate
Well, I can fancy how he did it all,
Pouring his soul, with kings and popes to see, 2. Which of the following statements best
Reaching, that heaven might so replenish him, reflects the central theme of this poem?
Above and through his art—for it gives way; (1) An artist’s lament for the fact that worldly
That arm is wrongly put—and there again— concerns have prevented him from fulfilling
A fault to pardon in the drawing’s lines, his promise as a great artist
Its body, so to speak: its soul is right, (2) The triumph of the artist’s art in terms of
He means right—that, a child may understand. spiritual power over that of his peers
Still, what an arm! and I could alter it: (3) An artist’s grievance about his wife
But all the play, the insight and the stretch— expressed in a wistful note
(Out of me, out of me! And wherefore out? (4) An artist’s reflection upon the beauty of
Had you enjoined them on me, given me soul, the evening and his experience
We might have risen to Rafael, I and you! (5) A tirade against mediocre artists becoming
Nay, Love, you did give all I asked, I think— successful
More than I merit, yes, by many times.
3. Who is the copier of the famous work of art
But had you—oh, with the same perfect brow,
by the Urbinate?
And perfect eyes, and more than perfect mouth,
(1) George Vasari (2) Raphael
And the low voice my soul hears, as a bird
(3) Morello (4) Agnolo
The fowler’s pipe, and follows to the snare —
(5) Cannot be determined
Had you, with these the same, but brought a mind!
Some women do so. Had the mouth there urged 4. It can be inferred from the passage that the
”God and the glory! never care for gain. artist’s wife Lucrezia
”The present by the future, what is that? (1) holds artists like Raphael and Agnolo in
”Live for fame, side by side with Agnolo! higher regard than the artist.
”Rafael is waiting: up to God, all three!” (2) has not given the artist the right advice
I might have done it for you. So it seems: and support in the development of his
Perhaps not. All is as God over-rules. career.
Beside, incentives come from the soul’s self; (3) has been the only model after whom the
At the end, artist has fashioned his concept of
God, I conclude, compensates, punishes. feminine beauty.
(4) was not earlier proud of the artist and his
End Time:
(5) was an extremely talented artist herself.

Page 10 Reading - 3
Test your knowledge

Directions for questions 1 to 3: The passage given which one person can affect another. The rhetor must
below is followed by a set of questions. Choose the know that what he puts into his discourse will be
most appropriate answer to each question. roughly reflected in what the audience takes out.
Otherwise persuasion is meaningless, for the rhetor
Knowledge originates either in scientific, objective
has no predictable influence on his audience. To do
observation of the “real” world, or in emotional, highly
his job, the rhetor must believe human beings act
personal apprehension of values expressed as I like
not at random, but rather for reasons that he can
or approve of this. Rhetoric is not possible within
predict and use. This assumption, however, has been
this duality. We, can however, question this duality
treated simply as an assumption, an article of faith.
and this involves some border crossing from the
territory of philosophy into the old world of rhetoric
1. A suitable title for the passage is
that turns to study the particular sites where writing
takes place to explore how writing and persuasion (1) W ays through which knowledge is
works. From this perspective the structure of a discovered.
scientific report is not just a matter of superficial (2) Knowledge can be discovered only
style, but rather a complex stock of argumentative through rhetoric.
moves or commonplaces that serve to reinforce and (3) Rhetoric and the discovery of knowledge.
reproduce a view of the world that characterizes the (4) Traditional Rhetoric and its assumptions.
discipline of science. In short, the “common” topics
have become, in their way, as specialized as the 2. The tone of the passage is predominantly
“special” topics (or specialized knowledge that
(1) Descriptive
characterizes a particular discipline).
(2) Argumentative
(3) Analytical
Knowledge is also discovered through dialectic.
(4) Didactic
Knowledge is not created through the isolated self
interacting with the physical world, nor even by groups 3. Which of the following can be inferred from
of selves attempting to achieve Platonic certainty the passage?
through the discursive testing of logical propositions
or mathematical axioms. Rather, knowledge is (1) The ‘duality’ as regards the origin of
developed communally through the process of knowledge takes into account communal
making an intelligible world with my fellow human interactions.
being. Hence we have the idea of an ongoing (2) The effectiveness of Rhetoric as a means
conversation with persuasion a necessary means of to discover knowledge is suspect.
keeping the conversation (as a form of social (3) Persuasion is one of the factors which
interaction) going. impede the discovery of knowledge
through rhetoric.
But how do we influence each other through (4) The Rhetor can influence his audience
language? In ‘Why Does Rhetoric Need a Theory of even if the audience is not interested in
Reading’? Doug Brent says: what he is saying.
Traditional rhetoric simply had to have faith that an
audience could interpret accurately. Rhetoric is
traditionally defined as the art of using language to
influence others’ behaviour and belief. This implies
that discourse is a reasonably reliable means by

Reading - 3 Page 11
Directions for questions 4 to 6: The passage given of this principle by Gandhi. While the Jain concept
below is followed by a set of questions. Choose the of fasting is renunciation of action that of Gandhi
most appropriate answer to each question. was fasting for a cause. In the Sermon on the Mount,
another great inspiration for Gandhi, Jesus says,
The magic of Mahatma Gandhi is that he defies “Resist not him that is evil, but whosoever smiteth
categorization. W ould one call him a saint, thee on thy right cheek turn to him the other also.”
philosopher, social reformer, or politician? Actually, Forgiveness, the central principle of Christ, was
he was all of these and perhaps, much more than embraced by Gandhi, but he did not stop at that. He
any of these. He was a deeply religious person, but extended this principle to make non-violent opposition
which religion could one ascribe his beliefs to? He a potent weapon. Fighting against injustice without
was greatly influenced by Vedanta, but was not really causing any harm or harboring any ill-feelings towards
a traditional Vedantist. Vedantic thought tells us the the enemy came to be his guiding principle. Hence,
atman or self in each individual is essentially one, a though deeply religious, he cannot be categorized
part of the divine being or Brahman. The traditional as belonging to any particular sect or creed. Like all
interpretation of this principle is an effort to great messiahs and masters, he rose above the
disassociate oneself from the world and its practices of the day and culled the essence from
machinations so that one becomes free of maya or each faith, beautifully interweaving various religious
the illusion of a separately existing, ego-bound I . traditions to create a mosaic of spirituality that was
Gandhi applied this principle in his unique way, uniquely his own.
extending it to strive for a better society, free of all
divisions. He worked for caste and communal amity 4. This passage principally intends to:
and maintained that the service of the neediest people (1) Extol disciplinary ideas.
is the worship of Daridranarayan (God in the form of (2) Recognize the great work done.
the poor). His life’s mission was to work for the (3) Identify the creation and practice of an
betterment of society by affirmative action. For him, ideology.
India’s independence was not merely about wrangling (4) Extend religious beliefs.
power from the British but about creating a more
equitable society or Swarajya, “for those toiling and 5. The phrase “defies categorization” in the
unemployed millions who do not get even a square passage means:
meal a day and have to scratch along with a piece of (1) Challenges classification.
stale roti and a pinch of salt”. (2) Resists grouping.
(3) Rebels labeling
The Bhagavad Gita says, “You have the right to act, (4) Disobeys groups
but do so without expecting the fruits of your action.”
From this, Gandhi drew inspiration to persevere 6. The last paragraph of the passage succeeds
undaunted in his struggle, fully understanding that mainly in:
his may be a prolonged struggle which may or may (1) Laying down the political ideologies of the
not yield the expected results within a reasonable times.
period of time. (2) Bringing out the greatness of the future
Many attribute his fetish for fasts to the Jain (3) Highlighting the evolution of Gandhian
philosophy, which was an early influence on him. ideology.
However, there was a key difference in the application (4) Defining true religion.

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Page 12 Reading - 3
VARC : Solutions CEX-V-0253/23

Reading - 3
Passage - II Passage - III

1 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 5

Poem Test your knowledge

1 4 2 1 3 5 4 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 4 3 5 1 6 3

Passage - I Passage - III

1. The author addresses this point at the beginning and 1. 2 The author mentions this analogy at the end of the
talks about how theory is a term that is variously second paragraph. The author has introduced the idea
understood. He emphasizes the correct way in which of how the Germans consider Ireland to be a glorious
the theory of evolution is to be unders tood as place, and it is a place which is an ideal. Putting up
something scientific. someone’s poster on the wall is idealizing them, and in
a similar way the Germans know that Ireland is the
2. i. The way the word theory is understood needs to perfect antithesis to how they feel about their country.
be qualified. This makes option (2) correct.

ii. Natural selection is an outfall of how fit something 2. 3 The author mentions this in the third paragraph. This is
is in the process of procreation. a part of his statement where he is trying to indicate
the various ways in which Germans disassociate
iii. There is also a positive aspect which is the themselves from “Germanness”. In a country like USA,
addition of genetic diversity through mutation and all nationalities have an enclave to meet others from
reproduction. the home country, but not Germany, because Germans
want to wish away their nationality. This makes option
iv. It is continuing through the selective environment (3) correct.
that has undergone a change.
3. 5 The author talks about the Holocaust becoming an icon,
v. Cultural evolution italicizes the significance of and this is one of the major symbols because of which
biological evolution. the Germans feel a sense of negativity towards their
past. They want to wish it away and therefore they
vi. Although this indicates the lack of evolutionary long to be disconnected from this identification. This
leaps at an individual level, the importance of makes option (5) correct.
individual in the process cannot be underestimated
either. Poem
1. 4 The poem, written in a melancholic note, is all about a
Passage - II talented artist’s wistfulness for the fact that inspite of
1. 3 The author mentions this in the eighth paragraph, where being a superior crafts man his work has never
he talks about how the process of consulting those reached the level of beauty reached by some of his
around you about their political choice has gone on for peers who are less talented than he is. The overall
sometime. Further, those who are in the solid arcs are tone of the poem is therefore one of wistfulness for
asking fewer people, since those they ask around desired heights of glory not reached. The following
them have the same choice, leading them to believe lines further highlight the wistful tone of the author:
that they are doing far more work to find out the same “Well, less is more, Lucrezia: I am judged.
answer. This makes option (3) correct. There burns a truer light of God in them,
In their vexed beating stuffed and stopped-up brain,
2. 2 The author mentions this in the ninth paragraph where Heart, or whate’er else, than goes on to prompt
he mentions the importance of propinquity, which This low-pulsed forthright craftsman’s hand of mine.
means “nearness or kinship” in creating social norms. Their works drop groundward, but themselves, I know,
This is Epstein’s belief. Hence, option (2) is correct. Reach many a time a heaven that’s shut to me…”

Reading - 3 Page 1
2. 1 Refer to the following lines from the poem: passage. Option (1) becomes too general for the
pas sage. Option (2) cannot be validated by the
“Well, less is more, Lucrezia: I am judged. pas sage since the last line says that even the
There burns a truer light of God in them, assumption in rhetoric has been treated only as an
In their vexed beating stuffed and stopped-up brain, assumption. Option (4) is too specific. The passage
Heart, or whate’er else, than goes on to prompt does not deal only with rhetoric and its assumptions.
This low-pulsed forthright craftsman’s hand of mine. Rhetoric is being explained as a means to the discovery
Their works drop groundward, but themselves, I know, of knowledge.
Reach many a time a heaven that’s shut to me…”
2. 3 The passage consists of either the opinions of the
Also refer to the following lines: author or Doug Brent. The author delves deep into the
“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, origins of knowledge and rhetoric through an analysis
Or what’s a heaven for? All is silver-grey, of both. Hence option (3) is correct. The author does
Placid and perfect with my art: the worse! not focus on description. He also does not argue or
I know both what I want and what might gain, indulge in arguments/counter-arguments. The author’s
And yet how profitless to know, to sigh tone is not that of preaching. Hence, didactic is
”Had I been two, another and myself, incorrect.
”Our head would have o’erlooked the world!”
These lines clearly indicate that inspite of being a 3. 2 Option (1) is incorrect as the 'duality' expressed by
superior craftsman, the artist has never been able to the initial lines of the passage does not take into account
rise to the heights of spirituality that leads to great art. communal interactions which are central to the
The central theme of the poem therefore is the artist’s rhetorical mode. Option (3) cannot be validated by the
lament for the fact that worldly concerns have passage. Yes, 'persuasion' is one of the factors
prevented him from imbuing his art with spirituality and central to the discovery of knowledge through rhetoric.
thus fulfilling his promise as an artist. But the passage does not see 'persuasion' as an
impeding factor. Option (4) is again far-fetched as the
3. 5 Refer to the following lines: passage has not spoken about the 'interest' factor.
This is something which needs more discussion in the
“Yonder’s a work now, of that famous youth passage. Option (2) can be inferred from the last
The Urbinate who died five years ago. paragraph and especially the last line of the passage.
(’Tis copied, George Vasari sent it me.)” The effectiveness of the Rhetor to influence the
audience is based on an assumption. The assumption
These lines indicate that the work of the Urbinate has has been treated simply as an assumption/ article of
been copied but there is no further information in the faith. This means that the assumption is open to
poem about who has copied the work. George Vasari question, it is dependent on one's faith and has not
had only sent the work but we do not know whether been validated. Hence the 'effectiveness of rhetoric'
he copied it or not. is 'suspect'.

4. 2 Refer to the following lines from the poem: 4. 3 The passage is mainly concerned with identifying the
creation and the implementation of the Gandhian
“Had you, with these the same, but brought a mind! ideology. W e would be limiting the scope of the
Some women do so. Had the mouth there urged passage if we say, that it is a mere extolment of
”God and the glory! never care for gain. disciplinary ideas. Options (1) & (2) are facets of the
”The present by the future, what is that? same, option (4) is inc orrect as it is nowhere
”Live for fame, side by side with Agnolo! mentioned.
”Rafael is waiting: up to God, all three!”
I might have done it for you.” 5. 1 The first line of the passage sets the theme, that
Gandhi's magic cannot be categorized and defined
These lines clearly indicate that the artist feels that because of its inherent sublime quality. Option (2) is
Lucrezia has not given him the right kind of advice and incorrect as there is no resistance and option (3) also
support to create great works of art. alludes to resistance, which is incorrect. Option (4)
denotes a kind of breaking of rules which is incorrect.
Test your knowledge 6. 3 The language in the last paragraph is full of admiration
for the way in which Gandhi had succeeded in evolving
1. 3 Though the passage is broadly about 'Ways through an ideology which was based on the simple tenets of
which knowledge is discovered', almost 90% of the life. All the other options are incorrect, as they cannot
passage deals with 'Rhetoric as a way of discovering be inferred from this paragraph.
knowledge'. Hence option (3) is an apt title for the

Page 2 Reading - 3

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