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1. What is the benefit of travel for you?

2. How will the way we travel change in the future?
3. Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?
4. Have you ever been in a difficult situation while traveling?
5. Would you rather go to a hot spot or a hidden gem?
6. Do you think the type of vacation one takes reflects one's social status?
7. What are the pros and cons of travelling alone?
8. Do you think that travelling really does open your mind?

Tourism continues to be one of the sectors hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic
and the outlook remains highly uncertain. Destinations that rely heavily on
international, business and events tourism are particularly struggling, with many
coastal, regional and rural areas are doing better than cities.

Domestic tourism has restarted and is helping to mitigate the impact on jobs and
businesses in some destinations. However, real recovery will only be possible when
international tourism returns. This requires global co-operation and evidence-based
solutions so travel restrictions can be safely lifted. The survival of businesses
throughout the tourism ecosystem is at risk without continued government support
and although governments have taken impressive action to reduce the damage to
tourism, to minimise job losses and to build recovery in 2021 and beyond, more needs
to be done, and in a more co-ordinated way.

The crisis is an opportunity to rethink tourism for the future. Tourism is at a crossroads
and the measures put in place today will shape the tourism of tomorrow.
Governments need to consider the longer-term implications of the crisis, while
capitalising on digitalisation, supporting the low carbon transition, and promoting the
structural transformation needed to build a stronger, more sustainable and resilient
tourism economy.
1. Who is the message for?
2. What date did they make the purchase?
3. What did they order?
4. What is their order number?
5. What time will the product be delivered?
6. What is her email address?


Expressing Annoyances

1. … doesn’t really bother me. (it is not a problem for me)

2. … gets under my skin a little. (little annoying)
3. … really bugs me. (It is annoying)
4. … drives me crazy! (I HATE IT!)

 Slow service in a restaurant or hotel.

 Staff members not speaking English.
 A person cutting in line.
 Group tours in a place of interest.
 Being ripped off by a taxi driver
 A person not wearing their mask correctly.
 Someone playing loud music at the beach.
 Unfriendly airport staff.
 Mosquitoes.
 Being stuck in traffic.


1. If I could go anywhere I…
2. Unless the price was cheaper…
3. If ecotourism was a priority…
4. Unless I could visit my family…
5. If I went to prison in another country
6. ... would travel the world immediately.
7. …I would never visit that place again.
8. …I would stay at home instead
9. …I would become a tour guide.
1. Package tours will become obsolete in the future.
2. Tourism ruins nature reserves.
3. It should be compulsory to travel abroad before starting university.
4. We should limit the amount of people who enter a country at one time.
5. Countries should implement an immigration fee for all tourists.
6. Stereotypes about different cultures are always at least 90% true.
7. Travelling is the best learning experience that you can ever have.
8. Country borders should be abolished, and you should be able to travel
anywhere at any time.

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