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OGL 320: Foundations of Project Management

Module 5 Worksheet
Use your own words; however, when you quote or paraphrase, remember to cite per APA
Standards using information in the APA Tools and Template Area.

Be sure to proofread your work for spelling or grammatical errors because repeated errors will
result in earning fewer points.

A paragraph is 4-5 sentences.

Section 1: Case Study

“Ducor Chemical” offers an interesting example on the impact of personality differences and
conflict on projects. After reading this example and considering the other module materials,
discuss what you think are the best approach(es) to this situation.

1) How would you suggest a partnership is created between the project manager and
line manager?

The way I would suggest a partnership is created between the project manager and line
manager is to first establish rapport and formulate a project management plan. For
example, focusing on what makes a high performing team and emphasizing the purpose,
values and goals. Also, by providing challenges and opportunities in business information
and resources will provide empowerment. In addition, a huge component to creating a
partnership between the project manager and line manager is to communicate in order to
build a relationship.
Furthermore, according to the case study the project manager disagrees with the line
manager. One of the great opportunities to build a relationship is to offer flexibility to
differences and learn to adapt to change. Also, by having a two-way communication and
to discuss goals will assist with optimal productivity. Overall, the best way to create a
partnership in business is to provide appreciation and recognition. Lastly, with both
managers learning to understand the relationship will offer high morale.

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2) What do you think is the best way to remove an employee who is not performing as

The best way I belive to remove an employee who is not peforming as expected is to
have an established progressive discplinary process in place. For instance, prior to
removing an employee in the initial stages is to have seek to understand conversation. For
example, understand the reason behind the employee who is not performing and come up
with a plan. Also, by formulating a plan that is attainable and measurale so that it work.

However, if the employee is still not performing after a few touch points I will move to
termination of employment. Furthermore, I will calibrate with human resourcecs to
ensure all protocols have been followed. In addition, I will collaborate with other leaders
and deliver the termination. While having the meeting with the employee being
terminated I will provide reason for termination and wish them well and ensure all
company equipment is returned.

Section 2: Teams
The readings, video clips, and slideshow offer several examples of how to build high performing
teams, deal with conflict, manage virtual or cross-cultural teams, and foster successful team

1) Citing specific examples from the course content (including the clips about Steve
Jobs), discuss the points that most resonated with you. Did you experience any “a
ha” moments?

The points that resonated with me about Steve Jobs is team work, trust and collaborating new
ideas. For example, having trust with your colleagues is a way to feel comfortable in vulnerable
to open up. Also, team work is a huge topic for me because in order to be the innovator is to
establish relations. For example, Steve jobs meets with groups of teams all day to be able to
make decision and empower them.

The one thing that I say was a ha moment was when Steve job said you have to being able
connect throughout the day. Also, by being able to collaborate new ideas is instrumental in
building a strong team. For example, when a team is able to express their idea and everyone’s
contributation will increase morale. Overall, by having trust is the foundation to a strong high
performing team.

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2) Share your personal experiences in observing these strategies in action (either as an
observer or implementer)?

My personal experience in observing these strategies in action is when my direct leader

exemplifies living the values of trust, collaboration, andt work. For example, my direct
leader everyday holds a meeting for all of us to align and collaborate to come up with
news ideas for efficiency. Also, he is remarkably human by askig how are day is going
and if there is any support we need by having a noramal everyday conversation. Overall,
my direct leader builds trust and the atmostphere of team work by communication.

3) What are your plans to implement any of these strategies in your present job or in
the future? Why?

My plans for implementing these strategies of teamwork, collaboration and trust with my
current job as leader is by communicating. For example, I will ensure to have daily zoom
meetings to build the foundation of trust and bond for my team. Also, by building strong
relations and having meaning conversations with them I will be able to create an
atmostphere of team work by having daily conversations. Furthermore, by building
momentum in communicating I will be able to create a high performing team. In
conclusion, the reason why I would implement these strategies is because I care for the
success of my team and for my growth as leader.


Harvard Business School Press. (2004). Harvard Business Essentials: Managing Projects
Large and Small.

YouTube. (2010). YouTube. Retrieved August 2, 2022, from

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