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Name:__________________________ Date:_______________ Period #:____

Colonialism & Imperialism “Visual Vocab” Activity

Essential Terms & Concepts for Unit 6, Lesson 19
Directions: Please use the textbook, internet, and/or online dictionary to find the definitions for
each important vocab term. Then, write an original sentence including the vocab word and draw a
sketch (may be “conceptual”) that represents the meaning/essence of the term.

Vocab Word: Nationalism (dictionary) Image and/or Sketch!


Key Word in a Sentence:

Vocab Word: Colonialism (dictionary) Image and/or Sketch!


Key Word in a Sentence:

Vocab Word: Imperialism (L.19) Image and/or Sketch!


Key Word in a Sentence:

Name:__________________________ Date:_______________ Period #:____

Vocab Word: Empire (dictionary) Image and/or Sketch!


Key Word in a Sentence:

Vocab Word: Formal Imperialism (dictionary) Image and/or Sketch!


Key Word in a Sentence:

Vocab Word: Informal Imperialism (dictionary) Image and/or Sketch!


Key Word in a Sentence:

Name:__________________________ Date:_______________ Period #:____

Vocab Word: Sphere of Influence (L. 19) Image and/or Sketch!


Key Word in a Sentence:

Vocab Word: Partition (L.19) Image and/or Sketch!


Key Word in a Sentence:

Vocab Word: Natural Resource/Raw Material Image and/or Sketch!



Key Word in a Sentence:

Name:__________________________ Date:_______________ Period #:____

Vocab Word: Social Darwinism (dictionary) Image and/or Sketch!


Key Word in a Sentence:

Vocab Word: More Developed Country (MDC) Image and/or Sketch!



Key Word in a Sentence:

Vocab Word: Less Developed Country (LDC) Image and/or Sketch!



Key Word in a Sentence:

Name:__________________________ Date:_______________ Period #:____

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