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Chapter 3

This chapter presents the Research Methodology, contains a research design, research setting,

research participants, data analysis. Based on the results in Chapter 2, chapter 3 delves

into the heart of the research study, where we investigate how the Tailoring of

Technical – Vocational – Livelihood (TVL) Strand influences student engagement and

academic achievement.

Research Methodology

This section discussed the research design, research setting, research participants, data

gathering procedure, and the utilization analysis of data.

Research Design. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method since the answer

of the participants’ on what their engagement and achievement on tailoring.

According to Gall & Borg (2011), descriptive qualitative research describes a

phenomenon and its characteristics. It involves a rich collection of data from

various sources to gain a deeper understanding of individual participants

including, their opinions, perspectives, and attitudes.

Research Setting. The study was conducted at Mukas, Kolambugan Lanao del Norte,

specifically in Diego H. Patigayon National High School. Diego H. Patigayon

National High School (DHPNHS) is a DEPED Managed partially urban

Secondary Public School located in Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte

Research Participants. Participants of this study involved ten (10) selected TVL

Students in Tailoring among the H.E Students in Senior High School for the C.Y.

2023. The selection of participants was obtained through a purposive sampling.

The participants were selected through the following criteria: 1. Students

Engagement on tailoring, 2. Achievement on TVL Students when it comes into


Data Analysis. The audio recorded data was transcribed by the researchers. After

transcribing, researchers employed thematic analysis. Thematic analysis is a

method of analyzing qualitative data. It is usually applied to a set of texts, such as

interview transcripts. Themes were formulated based on the responses of the

participants during the interview. Content validation from the interview transcripts

was done on a record sheet. The responses of the participants were also

verbatimly recorded using an audio recorder. This allows the researchers to go

back and review the interview, ensuring that no information was missing in the

transcription and description of the replies.

Interview Guide

Diego H. Patigayon National High School

Mukas, Kolambugan Lanao del Norte




I. Greetings.

II. The researchers will introduce themselves.

III. Discuss the purpose of the study.

IV. Provide structure of the interview.

V. Key Questions:

a. Ask about profile of the participants (age, sex, civil status)

b. What is your view about on TVL Strand when it comes in Tailoring?
c. What are the things that you`ve engage in Tailoring?
d. What are your achievements as a TVL student in doing Tailoring?
e. What are the difficult situation you`ve encounter in doing Tailoring?

VII. Ending Remark

a. Ask if he/she would like to see a copy of the results.

b. Thank the participants

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