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Q.P. Code: 105001 Reg. no.

: …………………
First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations July 2017
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay (10)
1. Define enzymes. Classify enzymes according to IUB system with one example each.
Discuss about three enzymes commonly estimated after myocardial infarction.

Short essays (2x5=10)

2. Diagrammatic representation of mitochondrial electron transport chain and location of
ATP synthesis (3+2=5)
3. Define transamination and explain by giving two examples. (1+4=5)

Short notes (5x3=15)

4. What are lipotropic factors. Enumerate three lipotropic factors.
5. Phenylketonuria
6. Enumerate irreversible steps of glycolysis with the enzymes involved.
7. Functional classification of proteins.
8. Carnitine shuttle
Answer briefly (5x2=10)

9. Enumerate essential amino acids

10. What is HbA1C and mention its clinical importance.
11. Two co-enzyme roles of NADPH
12. Four functions of phospholipids
13.Define gluconeogenic. Name the fluconeogenic substrates
Give precise answers: (5x1=5)

14. Bond not broken in denaturation of protein

15. Enzyme deficiency in Cori’s disease
16. Plasma lipoprotein which is inversely correlated with coronary heart disease
17. One sulphur containing amino acid
18. Enzyme defect in alkaptonuria

Q.P.Code 106001 Reg. No.:…………………

First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations July 2017

Time : 3 hrs Max marks : 50

• Answer all questions

• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay (10)
1. Discuss the process of translation and add a note on post translational modifications.

Short essays (2x5=10)

2. Porphyrias presenting with photosensitivity
3. Metabolic acidosis

Short notes (5x3=15)

4. Sickle cell anemia
5. Gout
6. Phase I reactions of detoxification
7. Menke’s disease
8. Folate trap

Answer briefly (5x2=10)

9. Apoptosis
10. Factors influencing absorption of iron
11. Active forms of vitamin A and the deficiency manifestations
12. Post transcriptional modifications
13. Southern blot technique

Give precise answers (5x1=5)

14. Molecular scissors.
15. Disorder of defect in mismatch repair
16. Mention the zinc containing enzymes
17. Wobble hypothesis.
18. Mention the acute phase reactants

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