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1. Rudi : I’m Rudi. …..

Ani : my name is Ani

a. Nice to meet you
b. What’s your name?
c. See you later
d. Thank you
Questions 2 and 3

George : Who are they, Garry?

Garry : They are Mr. Bob and Mr. Joe. They are
American football players.
George : Mr. Bob is small and short. Mr. Joe is ….(2)….
Garry : I’ll talk with them. .... (3) Garry.
Garry : Goodbye.

2. A. big and tall B. big and short C. small and tall D. small and short
3. A. Hello B. Thanks C. Good morning D. Goodbye
Question 4 – 6

4. The card is about Yoga’s ….

a. Personal identity
b. Nationality
c. Date of birth
d. Occupation
5. Yoga was born on….
a. Nineteen of August two thousand and eleven
b. Nineteen of August two thousand and one
c. Nine of August two thousand and eleven
d. Ninety of August two thousand and ten

6. Yoga school at…………

7. Arini : What time do you get up every day?
Sinta : I usually … at 5 o’clock.
a. got up
b. gets up
c. get up
d. have got up
8. Adi : That’s a nice pet bird!
Anton : …. I just got it at a pet shop.
a. sorry
b. oh, thanks
c. see you later
d. you’re welcome
Questions 9-11
Our school has a library. It is between the school office and the laboratory. Our librarian
is Mr. Pranata. Mr. Pranata is in his office. It is in the library. He is sitting behind his desk.
He is numbering the new books. He is a busy and hard working librarian.
Our school library opens everyday but Sunday. It starts at 8 a.m. and stops at 2 p.m. On
Friday, it closes earlier, usually at 11 o’clock.
There are some students in the library now. Some are looking for books. The others are
reading magazines, newspapers or books.

9. What is Mr. Pranata?

a. a laboratory assistant
b. a headmaster
c. a teacher
d. a librarian
10. Activities in the library is the topic of paragraph ….
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
11. What time does the school library begin?
a. 11 a.m.
b. 10 a.m.
c. 8 a. m
d. 2 a.m.

Lili : What are you looking for, Fatonah?

Fatonah : a ….
a. fork
b. knife
c. plate
d. spoon
13. When does agung have a math course ??

a. Four o’clock
b. Five past ten
c. Twenty pas three
d. Quarter to five
14. Mr. Denis : When does Rania usually Up in the morning?
Mrs. Denis : ………………………………..

a. Seven past ten

b. Ten past seven
c. Ten to seven
d. Ten past six
This text for no 15 and 16
15. What is the writer’s intention of making the daily schedule?
a. To describe her daily activities at home
b. To tell the readers about her family activities
c. To ask the reader to make the daily schedule
d. To remind her self about her daily activities
16. Read and decide if the statements are true or false

17. What is the song lyrics mainly about?

a. Surviving
b. Prosperity
c. Happiness
d. Friendship

18. What can we learn from the song?

a. The spirit of friendship will always stay alive.
b. A close friend will give everything we need.
c. The circle of friendship will be renewed
d. A true friend will take you as you are.

19. A kitchen is a place for _______ food.

a. Ordering
b. Eating
c. Preparing
d. Sleeping
20. Be careful when using a chopping board or you might
a. Cut your self
b. Beat yourself
c. Burn yourself
d. Boil yourself
21. Choose the things in the kitchen

Unknown Author is

Unknown Author is


22. Choose the things that using to eat.

 Spoon
 Fork
 Sponge
 Plate

23. what is this…?

a. This is a toothbrush
b. This is a toothpaste
c. This is a soap
d. This is a tooth

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