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Dr. SNEH.P.DANIEL Mr. Srijan Mishra
Associate Professor Department of Business Studies
Department of Business Studies Joseph School Joseph School of Business Studies and Commerce
of Business Studies and Commerce SHUATS





I take this opportunity to express profound sincere gratitude to all those who helped
me to carry out this project successfully.
I owe my gratitude to my school Dean Prof. (Dr.) Stephen Das, Dean, Joseph School
of Business Studies and Commerce, SHUATS for giving the opportunity and guidance
for my summer training. I sincerely thanks to my MIS Teacher Dr. Sneh.P.Daniel
Assistant Professor and Joseph School of Business Studies and Commerce, SHUATS
for his guidance, encouragement and timely help. I also thanks to all the faculty
members for their guidance and support for my queries from time to time for giving
their valuable feedback to complete this project successfully.
I express my sincere gratitude to all my family members and Friend , Who help me in
preparing MIS FRAME WORK REPORT ON TCS COMPANY. They helped and
guided me in searching valuable information about my summer training.

Mr. Srijan Mishra

PID No. 22MBA018
Department of Business Studies
Joseph School of Business Studies & Commerce

Sr. No Topic Page.



Finding and Suggestions



Tata Consultancy Services is a provider of Information Technology Services (IT). It

provides range of it services including business consulting information technology,
business process outsourcing (BPO) ,infrastructure and engineering. The company
operates in the Americans, Europe, Middle East, Asia Pacific . The company is
headquarter in Mumbai , India . The company is part of one India’s most respected
business Conglomerates the tata group. TCS started its operations in 1968 and
pioneered the it services industry out of India. Founders of TCS is J.R.D. Tata. TCS
is a part of Tata Group and operates in 150 locations across 46 countries. In July 2022
it was reported that Tcs had over 600000 employees worldwide. TCS is second
Largest Indian company by market capitalisation and is the most valuable IT Services
brands, worldwide, and is the top big Tech company . As of 2018 , it was ranked
eleventh on the Fortune India 500 list. In September 2021 TCS recorded a market of
capitalisation of US$ 200 billion, making it the first Indian It tech company to do so.
In December 2022, the market cap was Rs . 11,71,481,89 core. In 2016 – 2017 ,
parent company Tata sons owned 72.05 of TCS and more than 70 % of Tata sons
dividends was generated by TCS. Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Initially started
as Tata computer Systems, was founded in 1968 by a division of Tata sons
Limited.intially started as a Tata computer Systems, was Founded in 1968 by the
division of Tata son limited . It early Contracts included punched cards services to
sister company TISCO, working on an inter- Branch Reconciliation System for the
central bank of the India. TCS was founded on April 1, 1968, by Tata Sons, the
holding company of the Tata Group, in collaboration with Burroughs, a U.S.-based
company. The company was established to provide computer services to other
companies. TCS initially focused on providing services to the Indian market. In the
early years, the company played a significant role in introducing computer technology
to India. TCS started expanding its operations internationally in the late 1970s and
early 1980s. During the 1990s, TCS expanded its global presence by establishing
offices and delivery centers in various countries. The company capitalized on the
growing demand for IT outsourcing and consulting services worldwide. In 2004, TCS
made history with the largest initial public offering (IPO) in India at that time. The
IPO raised significant capital, and TCS became a publicly listed company on the
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE).
TCS experienced rapid growth during the 2000s and 2010s, becoming one of the
largest IT services companies globally. The company diversified its service offerings,
including software development, consulting, business process outsourcing, and more.
TCS engaged in strategic acquisitions and partnerships to enhance its capabilities and
expand its market reach. Notable acquisitions include CMC Limited, Citigroup Global
Services, and Alti SA. With the increasing emphasis on digital technologies, TCS
shifted its focus toward digital transformation services. The company invested in
areas such as cloud computing, analytics, artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things
(IoT). TCS has consistently been recognized for its excellence in the IT industry. It
has received numerous awards for its corporate governance, innovation, and social
responsibility initiatives. TCS has been actively involved in various CSR initiatives,
including education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. The company has
contributed to community development projects and philanthropic activities. TCS has
been led by various CEOs, with Natarajan Chandrasekaran serving as a prominent
leader during a period of significant growth. The company has a global workforce and
serves clients across diverse industries . The leadership of TCS has been instrumental
in the company's growth and success. Natarajan Chandrasekaran, as of my last
knowledge update, was a notable leader who served as CEO during a period of
significant expansion. TCS has consistently demonstrated strong financial
performance, with steady revenue growth and profitability. CS has received numerous
awards and recognitions for its excellence in the IT industry, including accolades for
corporate governance, innovation, and social responsibility.

1. Hospital management software (TATA -HMS)

Hospital management software, in general, is designed to streamline various

administrative and operational tasks within healthcare institutions. These tasks
may include patient registration, appointment scheduling, billing, inventory
management, electronic health records (EHR), and more. Hospital Management
Software (HMS) is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline the processes
and operations of healthcare facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, and nursing
homes. The software aims to improve efficiency, reduce paperwork, enhance
communication, and ultimately improve patient care.

2. Tata Bio – Suite

CS developed Tata Bio-Suite over the past two years in collaboration with several
of India’s leading academic institutes through the New Millennium Indian
Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI), a program sponsored by the Council
of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). TCS developed Tata Bio-Suite for
accelerated drug discovery, custom drug design and individualized health care.
The company claims it is a comprehensive suite of algorithms and computational
methods that addresses all aspects of computational biology in drug discovery,
ranging from sequence analysis and comparative genomic to structure-based drug
design. Bio-Suite is aimed at small and medium biotech and discovery companies

and major pharmaceutical companies, as well as academic and R&D groups. Tata
Bio-Suite is the first software generally available to the life sciences community
as a whole, giving small and medium-size firms and institutions access to
computational resources on par with the proprietary solutions of larger

3. IIMS ( Integrated Insurance Management System)

The IIMS provides a total customer-centric solution for Insurers which covers
all key operational functions, for example, product development, marketing,
intermediary management, underwriting, policy management, reinsurance,
claims, payment and accounts. Although designed on a modular basis, all the
various functions are seamlessly integrated. Requirements for quick and real
time information may be obtained with little hassle to make important
operational decisions. IIMS also incorporates the e-CMS (or electronic Claims
Management System) which can be implemented on a stand-alone basis, if
4. Master craft Software
TCS Mater Craft software is BPM software solution that can help project
teams by automating tasks and processes. As user build their work flows, the
Can work with this process throughout their entire lifecycles to send out build
updates, enforces compliance and ensure that all it infrastructure is secure .
During the workflow development phase user can monitor all process of
performance levels , collect tests data and ensure that all data is safetly
5. Apollo (Insurance Software)
Aterizedpollo is an innovative it solution for insurance industry in every way.
The solution is modular and parameterized, and consists of several subsystem
in order to be easily adaptable to the business technology of a particular
insurance company. In addition to the Planning and finance subsystems, in
order to be easily adaptable to the business technology of a particular
insurance company.
TCS has a mechanistic structure where employees follow a formal structure
and control. Since mechanistic structure increase efficiency and minimize the
cost , the same has helped TCS archive operational efficiency , which has
given it a compitive advantage . TCS has vertical flow of information. The
demands of various departments are critical and budgeting and resource
allocation priorities of infrastructure, R$D, Training, and other areas are set.
Employees are given detailed job descriptions that explain their duties and
responsibilities, and communication appears to follow formal networks. With
the aid of this vertical method, coordination across the demand chain is
maintained. TCS is a decentralised organization, so there are many operating
groups, and the main head/corporate office does not own any of processes.
The mechanism is centralized within them when it comes to various financials.
Recruitment, learning and development, for example are all centralized. TCS
used industry guidelines to describe the basic governance mechanisms for
centralized services to be applied location for process standardization. In 2008
to capture new growth opportunities. TCS Decided to improve its
organisational structure by adding a new BPO segment and TCS Financial
solutions and the small & Medium Business solutions. In 2018 TCS doubled
down their strategy of ISU, s and created sub -ISUs. THIS helped TCS given
200 employees control of these ISU, s which helped free up senior – level
talent for the long and medium term.
TCS departments are broadly classified into functional and supported
department. Functional departments including IDM, administration and HR.
TCS is a employee focussed and customer driven company .TCS has a
training and development cell that helps employees improve their
communication and other capacities in academic ,administrative and
behavioural areas The organisation provides a strong mix of creativity and
experiences to employees .IT is also offer regular work analyses ,appraisals
flexible options ,leaves ,advancement opportunities ,and employment and
growth opportunities .

Management and workers have few boundaries and efficiency can be easily
measured. Each employee is treated with dignity, and management and staff
kept at low levels. They give a lot of importance to their employees and train
them to retain valuable employees and looking for new opportunities. Tcs
gives lot of importance to employee engagement, with wellbeing and fitness to
two key areas that TCS a lot of importance to employee engagement with
wellbeing and fitness the two areas that tcs has engaged and motivated for
employee’s scale. TCS values its employees and include benefits such as
insurance benefits, retirement benefits and vocation policy.
Different Managerial Practice Details

Managerial practice is the core practices of an Tcs organisation. TCS Management is

responsible for wellbeing of the company and its stakeholder ,such as the investor and
employees. There are two types of managerial practices are: 1. Internal Managerial
Practices 2. External Managerial Practices

Internal Managerial practices – Internal managerial practices are originated by the

internal knowledge and Management efforts.

External Management Practices - External management practices are acquired to the

company by hiring the skilled educated and experienced staff and through external

There are also some other Managerial practices which are which are associated with
the Tcs.

1.Leadership Development: TCS are know for it emphasis Leadership development.

The company invest in training programs in nurture leadership.

Skills among it employees. Leadership revolves often involve s a combination of

technical expertise and Managerial expertise.

2. Employee Training and Development- TCS emphasis on continuous learning

learning and skills. The company provide various training programs to keep it
workforce updated on the latest technologies and industry trends.

3. Performance Management: TCS typically follows a performance-driven culture,

with regular performance appraisals and feedback sessions. This helps employees
understand their strengths and areas for improvement.

4. Globally Workforce Management: Given it global presence TCS has diverse and
multicultural workforce. Managing a globally distributed team is a key aspect of
TCS's managerial practices, and the company often leverages technology for effective
5.Client Relationship Management: Strong client relationship is crucial for in the it
service industry. managers are often involved in client interactions, understanding
client needs, and ensuring that the delivered solutions meet or exceed expectations.

6.Angle methodologies - TCS has been known to adopt agile methodologies in its
project management approach. This allows for more flexibility and adaptability in
responding to changing project requirements.

7. Corporate Social Responsibility - TCS has been involved in various CSR

initiatives. . TCS has been involved in various CSR initiatives. Managers may be
involved in implementing and supporting CSR programs, aligning the company's
activities with social and environmental responsibilities.

8. Diversity and Inclusion - TCS, being a global company, likely emphasizes diversity
and inclusion in its workforce. This includes policies and practices that promote a
diverse and inclusive workplace, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or other factors.

9. Ethical Business Practice - TCS, like any reputable company, adheres to ethical
business practices. This includes compliance with laws and regulations, maintaining
transparency, and upholding high standards of integrity in all business dealings.

10. Performance Appraisal and Feedback - Regular performance appraisals and

feedback sessions are crucial for employee development . TCS likely has a structured
performance management system to assess employee performance, set goals, and
provide constructive feedback.
TCS Companies Business Idea / Plan


(S) (W) (O) (T)
Qualities that Legal Squabbles Few competitors in Changing
separate you from your areas Regulatory
your competitors Environment
Internal Resources Resources Emerging Need for Negative press
such as skilled Limitations your Product and media coverage
knowledge staff
Tangible assets Unclearunique Press media Changing
such as intellectual selling proposition coverage of a customer attitude
property, capital company toward company
technologies etc.
Strong reputed Diligent Cloud Computing High-rate
brand image deteriorated attribution
Reliability Localisation Domestic Demand Lack of speed
Flexibility and Project Global Market Government
adaptability Management Interference

TCS ‘business model is two – prolonged: one one hand, the company has preempt
Competitors ‘ games and core – competencies, resources efficiently to equip itself
with asset and qualities in order to counterbalance competitors ‘advantages . The
organization clearly knew about the perishability advantages and the commodation of
a human resource advantage. The organization clearly knew about the perishability of
technological advantage and the commodation of human – resource advantage in the
it industry; and begin rising the first moves to build into greater levels of customer
satisfaction and cost leadership instead of focusing of leveraging in opportunities to
eat into market share. Given the financial and marketing backing of huge brand name
which spell trust in India. Tcs realised rightly that they suited company to undertake a
cost leadership strategy yet the acknowledged that they could not sustain in
leadership without earning loyal customers across the world who were looking for
quality services.


(1) Global Expansion- Expanding operations and client base globally to tap into
new markets. Establishing a strong presence in emerging markets.
(2) Diversification -Diversifying service offerings to adapt to changing market
demands. Exploring new industry verticals to reduce dependency on specific
(3) Innovation and Technology adoption -Investing in research and development
to stay at the forefront of technology. Embracing emerging technologies like
AI, blockchain, and cloud computing.
(4) Talent development - Focusing on employee training and development to keep
the workforce up-to-date with the latest skills. Attracting and retaining top
talent in the industry.
(5) Sustainability Initiatives - Implementing eco-friendly practices and
contributing to social responsibility. ligning business operations with
sustainable development goals.
(6) Market Leadership: CS may aim to maintain or strengthen its position as a
global leader in the IT services and consulting industry.
(7) Clients Relationship: Focusing on building long-term relationships with
clients by delivering high-quality solutions and understanding their evolving

(1) Risk Management: Monitoring and addressing short-term risks that could impact
the company's performance, including economic, regulatory, and operational risks.
(2) Operational Efficiency - Identifying and implementing measures to improve
operational efficiency and reduce costs where possible.
(3) Financial targets: Meeting or exceedingly quarterly and annual financial goals,
which may include revenue growth, profitability, and other financial metrics.
(4) Employee Engagement - Focusing on employee morale and engagement to ensure
a motivated and productive workforce.
(5) Client Projects - Successfully delivering ongoing client projects and ensuring
customer satisfaction to maintain and grow client relationships.
(6) Agile Response - Being agile and responsive to changes in the market and
technology landscape, adjusting strategies and tactics as needed.
(7) Project Execution - nursing efficient project management and resource allocation.
Meeting project deadlines and delivering high-quality solutions to clients.
(8) Adaption to Market Trends: Responding to short-term market trends and
adjusting strategies accordingly. Staying agile to quickly adapt to changes in
technology and industry dynamics.


Miss application in tcs business falls into several different categories that provide
information on all forms of functioning within an organization. Executives and
departments within an organization could obtain any of the following forms of data:

1.Business Intelligent System – In Tcs all levels of management and

executives can print data and graphs showing information or trends relating to
growth, costs, strategic control, efficiency, risk and performance.

2. Executive Information System: Tcs include EI system to provides the same

information as a BI system, but with greater attention to detail and more
confidential information, designed to help top-level executives make choices
that impact the entire organization.

3. Marketing Information System : In Tcs MI systems provide data about past

marketing campaigns so that marketing executives can determine what works,
what does not work and what they need to change in order to achieve the
desired results .

4 . Customer relationship System: Keeping up with customers is key to overall

success, and CRMS helps TCS company know when and how to follow up

5.Human Resource Management System: HRM systems track how much

employees are paid, when and how they are performing. Companies can use
this information to help improve performance or the bottom line.

6. Supply Chain Management System: SCM systems record and manage the
supply of finances, goods and data from the point of origin domestically or
abroad, all the way to its destination in the hands of a customer.

6. Transaction Processing System: TPS handles sales transactions and makes it

possible for customers to sort search results by size, colour or price. This
system can also track trends related to sales and search results.
7.Financial Accounting System: Financial accounting systems help to track accounts
receivable and accounts payable, in order to best manage the cash flow of a Tcs

8. Supply Chain Management System: SCM systems record and manage the supply
of finances, goods and data from the point of origin domestically or abroad, all the
way to its destination in the hands of a customer.

The model use in tcs business or organisation are :

(i) Water fall Model

(ii) Spiral Model

(i)Water Fall Model- The Waterfall Model was the first Process Model to be
introduced. It is also referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. t is very
simple to understand and use. In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed
before the next phase can begin and there is no overlapping in the phases. TCS use
this model to develop websites and software. Tcs use this model in software
development is divided into separate phases. In Tcs Project managers use water model
to achieve company goal and Target. Tcs use waterfall model in identifying and
managing risks early in the project. Tcs use water fall model to defined milestone for
each phase. Tcs use waterfall for gathering, system design, implementation, testing,
deployment, and maintenance. With help of waterfall model Tcs measure progress
and identify potential issues early in the project lifecycle. Waterfall give advantage to
Tcs in measuring progress and identify potential issues early in the project lifecycle.

2. Spiral Model - spiral model is a risk-driven software development process model.

Based on the unique risk patterns of a given project, the spiral model guides a team to
adopt elements of one or more process models, such as incremental waterfall or evolution
prototyping. he spirals model, initially proposed by Boehm, is an evolutionary software
process model that couples the iterative feature of prototyping with the controlled and
systematic aspects of the linear sequential model. It implements the potential for rapid
development of new versions of the software. Using the spiral model, the software is
developed in a series of incremental releases. During the early iterations, the
additional release may be a paper model or prototype. During later iterations, more
and more complete versions of the engineered system are produced. The Spiral Model
is a software development lifecycle model that combines elements of both iterative
and incremental development processes. In tcs The Spiral Model begins with a risk
assessment. The project team identifies potential risks and uncertainties associated
with the project. In tcs spiral model also use for Risks are analysed in each iteration,
and strategies are developed to mitigate or manage them effectively. Tcs use spiral
model to encourage The Spiral Model encourages regular client involvement and
feedback throughout the development process. This ensures that the product aligns
with the client's expectations and needs. Tcs also use spiral model for cost estimation .

For information security Tcs develop security operation Center. Leveraging TCS’
Security Operations Centre, we enabled the client to enhance monitoring by
identifying critical assets for integration into the security information and event
management platform, and prioritizing the assets based on threat perception and
criticality. Using TCS’ Managed Security services, we created an asset inventory of
15,000 devices across geographies with a map scan and defined the scanning cycle
through periodic reports and remediation actions to streamline vulnerability

We also leveraged Cortex Extended Detection and Response to integrate data across
the client’s digital domain, accelerate investigations to prevent attacks and data loss,
secure control of sensitive data, and ensure compliance. Tata Consultancy Services
(TCS) is a global IT services and consulting company that prioritizes the security of
its clients' information. While specific measures may evolve over time, as of my last
knowledge update in January 2022, TCS employs a variety of measures to protect
against information theft. Please note that the information provided here may not
represent the most current state of TCS's security practices, and it's always a good
idea to refer to their official documentation or contact them directly for the latest
information. TCS likely uses encryption techniques to secure sensitive data both in
transit and at rest. This ensures that even if unauthorized individuals gain access to the
data, it remains unreadable without the appropriate decryption keys. TCS implements
stringent access controls to restrict access to sensitive information. This includes user
authentication, authorization, and role-based access controls to ensure that only
authorized personnel can access specific data. TCS invests in robust network security
measures to protect against unauthorized access, including firewalls, intrusion
detection and prevention systems, and secure network architectures. TCS likely
employs endpoint security solutions to safeguard individual devices (such as laptops
and desktops) against malware, unauthorized access, and other security threats. : TCS
may conduct regular training sessions and awareness programs for its employees to
educate them about security best practices and the importance of protecting sensitive

TCS likely conducts regular security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities
and weaknesses in its systems. This helps in proactively addressing potential security
threats. CS may use DLP solutions to monitor, detect, and prevent the unauthorized
transfer or leakage of sensitive data.
(i) Benefits – offering employees an affordable medical and vision package in
this day and age is a great way to keep employees happy . Healthy
employees are happy employees, and being able to provide affordable
heath care for their spouses and families as well is something every
company should offer.
(ii) Higher Pay – Giving employees regular raises and paying well over
minimum wage would be an incentive for them to stay .
(iii) Job variation – Employees get burned out on performing the same job
every hour of every day in and day out for years even months. Cros -
trainings should be done especially in food service and retail, in order to
avoid burnout.
(iv) A positive attitude from superiors. Managers and supervisors should
always have a positive attitude toward employees and never insult,
criticise, or berate theme.
(v) Proper training for Management – Managers schould trained through
consistently. The policies from location should be same and every
manager and supervisor in the company schould be trained in the same
way and be in agreement and consistent with company policies .
(vi) A set scheduled – In food services and retail and most service industries as
well as health care employees are forced to work six or more – even up
ten days in a row without a day off .
1. The area were tcs need to pay more attention is toward safety of
information and security check.
2. Tcs should focus on Marketing communication for development of
software and development of websites.
3. Increase user query response in the found that users of Tcs are not satisfy
through company response .

Tcs is the largest software & service company not just in India in Asia as
well. IT had pioneered the global Network Delivery model and serval
other initiatives which had become industry standard. Not only that , Tcs
had a world wide presence in more countries than most airlines. Tcs
defines a comprehensive multi-channel marketing strategy to adopt
various online and offline channels. Tcs operate to build operate
methodology to offer and end to end solutions. Strategic plannings one of
the important function of Tcs organisation. Scope of mis frame work in
tcs oraganisation or business is very wider. and not only tcs the
organisation which deals in E-commerce business, software development
business and website development business scope is very wider . so we
said the scope of mis frame work in every organisation is very wider.

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