Christina Feist

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Christina Feist-Heilmeier once said, “Every nurse was drawn to nursing because of a
desire to care, to serve, or to help.” This quote reflects my whole experience in doing the
different assessments in this whole midterm. Return demonstration is an important component of
nursing practice because it allows student nurses to learn about nursing processes. It allows
children to understand what nurses do in hospitals or communities when they care for patients
and how they do these treatments on them. In practically all facets of life, learning is a series of
tries and errors that allow an individual to gain insights from their mistakes. However, being able
to learn nursing skills, particularly technical ones, for the first time directly from patients may
represent a significant risk to the patients' health. If I had to describe my experience in those
assessments, I would say it was a roller-coaster ride, sometimes up because I had already
established a good communication skill with my patient and knew how to adjust in handling
situations, and sometimes down because it was my first time doing this and I couldn't work it
fluently. As a consequence, despite the ups and downs throughout the evaluation, the ultimate
result is positive, even if it isn't flawless, because time and effort are my investments in
providing a good service to my client.
As I’m planning about the flow of my assessment videos, I tell to myself “Matapos ko ni
ayhan? Daw ka budlay gid ah.” But as I start filming it, let say it is hard but if you have a long
patient and dedicated to what you do, you can finish it ahead of time. March 26 2022 is the day
where I start making may return demonstration videos. On March 26, 2022, I will begin creating
may return demonstration videos. Together with one of my best friends, who is also a first-year
nursing student, we decided to create our outputs as a squad and perform them in the boarding
house of one of our friends in Brgy. Molo, South Baluarte, Iloilo City. Around 11 p.m., I begin
shooting my Integumentary assessment, and my patient is my closest buddy. The integumentary
system, which includes the skin, hair, and nails, is an important component of the nurse's
assessment of the patient's health state. These bodily structures serve specialized purposes, but
they also reflect the functioning and dysfunctions of other body systems. At first, I'm unsure how
I'll get started and what I'll do in each procedure. I have a number of YouTube videos open to
educate me how to do things right, but it's often difficult for me to carry out those procedures. I
eventually finished my first video about 1 a.m., and it was a big relief for me. After that, I
changed my clothes and poured a cup of coffee because I was feeling a little drowsy but needed
to finish another film before daybreak. After I finished my coffee, my closest friend invited me
to be his patient as well, and we began recording. We took a break about 3 a.m. after he finished
his video. At 4 a.m., I begin my next film, which is an assessment of the head and face. The head
and face examination determine if there are any abnormalities in these areas at birth, which are
frequently symptomatic of further defects or a specific condition. This assessment is rather
simple for me because the flow of my assessment is relatively smooth and I have already
adapted. I finished it about 5 a.m. because I practice beforehand to reduce my mistakes when
performing the exercise. The next assessment I undertake is a posterior and lateral chest

assessment. This is a critical element of the exam since numerous problems may be found simply
by checking the thorax while the patient is breathing. Last March 29, I performed it in the home
of one of my classmates in Dingle, Iloilo, who is also my patient. In this form of evaluation, I
may remark that I am having difficulty finishing it. This examination is difficult since it
discusses the patient's respiratory condition. It is crucial to follow the pattern provided during
auscultation in order to obtain a proper result. It takes me 2 hours to finish the video since I have
to do a lot of repetition just to get it right. The last assessment I conduct is in the mouth and
throat, which I do in our home here in Brgy. Naslo, Pototan, Iloilo and my patient is my
childhood friend. A mouth assessment is performed as part of a patient's health assessment. A
mouth examination is conducted as part of a patient's health examination. The mouth is the first
section of the digestive system and a large part of the respiratory tract. This assessment's
technique is lengthy and takes a long time to complete.
My whole experience with the several assessments throughout this midterm has been
incredible. I not only do the work at hand, but the information I get is the most significant. My
assessments may not be flawless, but I know that I give it my all, and that my hard work and
patience paid off with a positive outcome. This course taught me that successful evaluation
entails much more than merely administering tests and issuing grades. It helped me understand
that evaluation is a continuous process. It takes place before, during, and after a unit/lesson. My
love and great enthusiasm for nursing education help me to provide excellent care to my patients.
I must admit that I have always had a desire to assist my customers, manage health care
programs, learn new things, and investigate medical concerns. My childhood ambition of being a
competent health care provider lives on, and I am determined to achieve it by making my plans a
reality. I believe that the purpose of assessment is to determine the student's level of
understanding, to gauge what skills are required, to define what prior knowledge is available, to
work towards achieving a higher understanding, to assess if the student has reached a particular
standard, to monitor growth, and to reflect on what can be done with the knowledge gained.

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