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Biology Lab Report

Research question: how does the concentration of sugar solution affect the water intake of potato
strips in 28h (approximately)?
Aim: To identify the effect of osmosis on potatoes with different concentrations of solution at
intervals of 0.25M

Independent variable: Concentration of sugar solution by controlling the ratio of sugar to water.
Dependent variable: change in length of potato strips by measuring the initial, and final lengths
and calculating the change in lengths of the potato strips.
Controlled variable:
• The duration of time the experiment is conducted
The duration of which the experiment is conducted may affect the change in the length of
the potato strips as osmosis is carried at a variable rate: if the duration of the experiment
is extended, the change in lengths of the potato strips will be more recognizable. Vice
• The diameter and length of potato strips
The diameter and length of the potato strips indicate the surface area of the potato strips.
If the diameter and length of the potato vary, the ratio of the volume of the potato to the
surface area of the potato may cause a difference in the rate of osmosis thus affecting the
results of the experiment in the given time. This variable may be controlled by using
measuring tools such as a ruler.
• Temperature of the sugar solution

The temperature of the sugar solution will affect the rate of osmosis between the sugar
solution and the potato strips. If the temperature is higher, the rate of osmosis will increase
as water particles will travel faster through the selective semi-permeable membrane of the
potato strips. (Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2023, September 8). Osmosis. Encyclopædia

1. 5 test tubes
2. sugar solution of different concentrations (1.00M, 0.75M, 0.50M,0.25M,0.00M (distilled
3. test tube stands
4. potato strips of lengths 20mm

Test tubes

Test tube stand

Sugar solution of different concentration

(1.00M to 0.00M by 0.25M interval from
left to right
Photo of a set-up after the experiment.
Raw data Tables:

table 1 below shows the lengths of the potato strips and 1.00M concentration of sugar solution
Potato 1 potato 2 potato 3
before (mm) 20 20 20
after (mm) 15 14 15
change (mm) -5 -6 -5
table 2 below shows the lengths of the potato strips and 0.75M concentration of sugar solution
Potato 1 potato 2 potato 3
before (mm) 20 20 20
after (mm) 15 16 17
change (mm) -5 -4 -3
table 3 below shows the lengths of the potato strips and 0.50M concentration of sugar solution
Potato 1 potato 2 potato 3
before (mm) 20 20 20
after (mm) 17 18 17
change (mm) -3 -2 -3
table 4 below shows the lengths of the potato strips and 0.25M concentration of sugar solution
Potato 1 potato 2 potato 3
before (mm) 20 20 20
after (mm) 20 19 18
change (mm) 0 -1 -2
average change in length (mm) -1
table 1 below shows the lengths of the potato strips and 0.00M concentration of sugar solution
Potato 1 potato 2 potato 3
before (mm) 20 20 20
after (mm) 20 20 20
change (mm) 0 0 0
Processed data
Table 6 below shows the process data of the concentration of sugar solution and an average
decrease in the length of the potato strips
Concentration of sugar solution solution (M)
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Average decrease in
lengths (mm) 0.00 1.00 2.66 4 5.33

Qualitative data
Potato chip soaked in concentration of sugar firmness of potato chip
solution (M)
0 firm
0.25 soft
0.5 moist
0.75 soggy
1 spongy

After the potato strips were taken out of the solution and dried, they oxygenated (turned black)
quickly from 1M to 0M.

Graph 1 below shows the relationship between the average decrease in the length of potato strips
and the concentration of sugar solution

Average decrease in length (mm) vs

concentration of sugar (M)
Average decrease in length (mm)


4 4


1 1

0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
concentration of sugar solution (M)
The graph shows an increasing trend with a positive gradient

The graph shows that as the concentration of sugar solution increases, the decrease in length
increases. The decrease in the length of potato strips from concentration 1M-0.75M shows a
straight line, from concentration 0.75-0.5M shows a steeper gradient compared to 1M-0.75M.
The difference in the average decrease in the lengths is the greatest when the concentration of
sugar increases from 0.25M-0.50M. There are no anomalous points in the graph.


When the concentration of the sugar solution is 0.25M-0.50M, the change in mass of
potato strips is greatest, and the change in length of potato strips is 5.33mm. The lowest point is
0.00mm given by 0.00M concentration of sugar solution (distilled water).

When the potato strips are surrounded with 0.25M, 0.50M, 0.75M and 1.00M
concentrated sugar solutions. They have a negative change in the length of potato strips, and the
potato strips in 0M concentrated sugar solution, have no change in length.

There are five data points of values: 0.00, 1.00, 0.16, 0.25, 0.33. The overall trend of the
graph is the greatest points of the data are on the right side of the graph, which was given when
the concentration of the solution was 1.00M which is the most concentrated sugar solution used
in the experiment and the result is 5.33. From the quantitative data table, the firmness of the
potato strips also decreases as the concentration increases.
There are no anomalous results in the graph.

According to the data attained above, as the concentration of the sugar increases, the
length of the potato strips decreases.
The object used in this experiment is potato strips, which are made of plant cells. Plant
cells have a rigid cell wall on the outer-most surface to provide support and protection from a
potential burst when the cell is over-capacitated during osmosis.
The sugar solution of concentrations 0.25M, 0.50M, 0.75M and 1.00M has a lower water
potential compared to the potato strips. When the water potential in the cell is higher than the
water potential in the medium surrounding the cell, during osmosis, water in the cell will be lost
and transferred to the medium. This process is known as exosmosis. During osmosis, water from
the potato will transfer from the plant cells to the sugar solution as the potato strips have a higher
water potential. The sugar solution of concentration stated above, in this experiment, is a
hypotonic solution as it has less water potential compared to the cells. 0.00M concentration of
sugar solution (distilled water), is an isotonic solution (water potential of the cell and the medium
is the same), thus there is no change in the lengths of the potato strips. (Admin. (2022, May
13). What is osmosis? - definition, types, osmotic pressure.)

The net movements of particles of a solvent via its concentration gradient through a semi-
permeable cell membrane (osmosis) from the potato strips to the sugar solution will cause a
decrease in the length of the potato strips as water exits from the cells. Exosmosis will occur
until the water potential of the sugar solution and the cell have reached equilibrium. The lower
the water potential of the medium, the higher the loss of water causing a larger difference in the
lengths of the potatoes. (Curiosity guide #510 diffusion and Osmosis - Public Interactive. (n.d.).)

The firmness of the potato strips has a direct relationship with the decrease in the lengths.
As more water diffuses out of the cell, the potato strips become flaccid as there is less water in
the cell cytoplasm to maintain its rigidity. Correspondingly, when the concentration of the sugar
solution is low, water particles will enter the cell through endosmosis and the cell will become
strong and hard (turgid). When there is more water in the tissues, the cell will become more
turgid as there is more water to support the strength of the plant tissues.
The water potential in the potato strips is higher than the sugar solution, even distilled
water has a similar water concentration. This is supported by the graph as there wasn’t an
increase in the potato strips’ length when the medium surrounding it was distilled water.


The experiment is partially valid as not all controlled variables had been kept constant: the length
of the potato might vary due to operation error; temperature of the solution is uncontrolled
throughout the experiment. The potato strips may also be potentially contaminated by uncleared
substances in the test tubes.

This experiment is partially reliable due to the consideration that it is only conducted
once. Potential identified errors could have been made in one single experiment causing
the result could be inaccurate. To improve this, conduct the experiment at least three
times and get the average results to ensure its reliability. Conversely, there are three
identical potato strips in each test tube fully submerged in the solution and the average
change in length was calculated. Thus, the experiment is examined as partially reliable.

Weakness in method and/or apparatus Suggestion for improvement

The amount of time the potato strips are Time which the potato chip completely
soaked in the solution are not controlled submerged in the solution to the time the
potato strips were removed should be
recorded and measured which a timer.
The concentration of sugar solution may not Rinse the test tubes with distilled water before
be exact. The sugar solution may be placing the potato strips. Properly dry the test
contaminated as the test tubes were not tubes by leaving the remaining water droplets
cleaned before the experiment and was not to evaporate or wipe them off by using a
properly dried. tissue.

The temperature of the solution should be The temperature of the solution should be
controlled throughout the experiment controlled by using a water bath and a
thermometer. The temperature of the solution
should be kept constant throughout the
experiment to ensure that the rate of osmosis
will not be affected.

The force of drying the potato strips is not Cover the potato strips with towels for 5-10
constant which may result in a change in seconds without exerting any external forces.
length (notice that drying the potato strips Water on the surface of the potato strips will
may also vary its length despite it was be removed through capillary action.
removed from the sugar solutions)


A. My hypothesis is supported as the concentration of sugar solution has positive

correlations with the decrease in lengths of the potato strips


Curiosity guide #510 diffusion and Osmosis - Public Interactive. (n.d.).

Admin. (2022, May 13). What is osmosis? - definition, types, osmotic pressure. BYJUS.

Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2023, September 8). Osmosis. Encyclopædia Britannica.

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