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Mock exam – solution:


et ecce venit vir,

and behold (look), there came a man,
qui princeps synagogae erat,
who was the leader of the synagogue,
et cecidit1 ad pedes Iesu,
and he fell to the feet of Jesus,
rogans eum,
asking him
ut intraret in domum eius.
that he entered his house/came to his house.
Nam filia unicam habebat et haec moriebatur2.
For he had an only daughter and she was about to die.
Iesus autem respondit patri puellae: “noli timere! crede et salva3 erit.”
But Jesus answered the father of the girl: “Don’t be afraid! believe and she will be
et cum venisset ad domum, flebant4 omnes.
And when he came to the house, everyone was crying.
at ille dixit: “nolite flere4! non est mortua, sed dormit.”
But he said: “Don’t cry! She is not dead, but she is sleeping.”
et ridebant, qui aderant, scientes, quod mortua esset.
And they were laughing, who were there, knowing, that she was dead.
Iesus autem tenens manum eius clamavit, dicens:
But Jesus, holding her hand, shouted(, saying):
“puella, surge!” et reversus5 est5 spiritus6 eius et surrexit statim.
“Girl, stand up/rise!” and her soul came bach and she stood up at once.

1. Split the following words into prefix and root word and give their meaning in
brackets. The root word has to be given in infinitive (see example)! (2P)

word from the text prefix (meaning) + infinitive of root word (meaning)

e.g. supervenisset super (after) + venire (to come)

admitteretur ad (to) + mittere (send)

convocavit con (together) + vocare (call)

2. For each of the following derivatives, find one Latin word in the text and cite it in
the right column (see example)! (5P)
word from the text prefix (meaning) + infinitive of root word (meaning)

e.g. janitor ianua

because causa

except excepta

judge iudex (iudicare)

medium medium

oriental ortum est

3. Bring the following contents into the correct order! (3P)

content from the text order (1-3)

Venus is officially the most beautiful. 3

A disappointed godess throws an apple into the room. 1

The three most powerful godesses begin to quarrel. 2

4. Check, if the following contents are true or false. If false, correct in the right column
(based on the text)! (4P)

content from the text t f correction

There’s a warm welcome
x Discordia was not invited
for Discordia.
The most beautiful goddess
shall take the fruit.
Paris finds Venus the most
beautiful of the goddesses.
The Trojan man is also very Paris is the judge who judges Venus the prettiest
pretty. goddess. Therefore the Trojan war began.

5. Complete the following sentences! (2P)

Jupiter invites all gods to the feast except Discordia.

Paris shall be the judge.

6. Choose the correct tranlation based on the context! (1P)

factus est (line 6) means:

he was made 

it is a fact 

it was easy 

he made 

7. Compare the Latin text to the following English text and find 2 similarities and 2
differences that are relevant as regards content/plot! (4P)
Possible similarities:
Jupiter invites the gods, the king invites fairies (who are also magical creatures).
The uninvited goddess/fairy is furious and wants revenge/does something bad.
Possible differences:
The reason for the king not to invite the 13th fairy is that he doesn’s have enough plates.
Jupiter doesn’t invite Discordia maybe because he wants to have a peaceful feast.
To get her revenge, the fairy wants someone dead, Discordia only initiates a quarrell
between goddesses.
Sleeping beauty
When his first child was born, the king invited 12 fairies. Because he only had 12 golden plates, he
couldn’t invite the thirteenth fairy who lived in his kingdom. An amazing feast was held and when it
came to an end, each of the fairies presented the child with a magic gift. One fairy gave her virtue,
another beauty, a third riches and so on -- with everything in the world that anyone could wish for.

After eleven of the fairies had presented their gifts, the thirteenth suddenly appeared. She was
angry and wanted to show her spite for not having been invited to the feast. Without hesitation she
called out in a loud voice, "When she is fifteen years old, the Princess shall prick herself with a
spindle and shall fall down dead!"

Then without another word, she turned and left the hall.

8. Compare the text to the following picture of Peter Paul Rubens and answer the
questions! (3P)

 Find Paris in the picture. How did you recognise him?

He is the young man holding the apple.

 Athena is the goddess of war, Venus the goddess of beauty and Juno the goddess of
marital chastity (her sacred animal is the peacock). Circle the goddess that is going to
receive the apple from Paris.
It’s the goddess in the middle (on the left we see Athena/Minerva, on the right Juno)

 Who could the goddess holding a snake be (center of the image, in the clouds)?

9. Write an alternative ending to the story, based on the content of text B! (max. 50 w., 2P)

Possible ending:
Minerva and Juno try to wage war but Venus as the goddess of love sends love and peace to the
Trojans and the Greeks and the Trojan war ends before it really begins.

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