Basic Computer Skills Questions

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Basic Computer Skills

Unit -1
Long quesions
What is computer ? Explain Applications of Computer?
Explain block diagram of computer?
What are input and output device of computer?
Explain concept of software and hardware ?
What is data and information? Explain application of IECT?
What is operating system? Explain basic operations using mouse?
What is word processor? Explain basic operations in ms word?
Explain table handling in ms word?
Explain spelling check, thesaurus and printing of word document?

Short questions

Unit -2
Long quesions
What is spread sheet ? explain basic operations in excel?
Explain steps to perform formulas and function in excel?
What is presentation software ? explain basic operations in power point?
What is network? Explain different types of networks(LAN,MAN,WAN) ?
What is internet ? explain application of internet?
What is ISP and internet connectivity ?
What is WWW? Using in E-governance website?
What is search engine?
How to access, send and receive Email?

Short questions
Web browser
Domain name
IP Address
Instant Messaging

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