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Piper-Lyn Courtney-Lau
The Obedient Daughter and Rebellious Son

There was a family. The family was the CEO of the biggest company in the world. They
had 3 children. They enrolled all of them in the best school. The children were a son and 2
daughters. The son was the middle child and the daughters were the oldest and youngest. Their
children’s names were Samantha, Jonathan and Elizabeth , oldest to youngest respectively. The
youngest, Elizabeth, was ten years old, smart for her age, very obedient, kind and nice and
learning in school so she can become a vet. While the middle child, Jonathan, was 12 years old,
rebellious, smart for his age, not obedient, irresponsible and somewhat kind and also in school
to study to become an engineer. But the oldest, Samantha, was 18 years old, kind, smart for her
age, responsible, obedient, respectful and getting ready for graduation from college as she was
really smart. She was graduating with a minor in business and going into med school. She was
walking out of her room to go, but her mother and father pulled her aside and said “ Can you
meet this guy? He’s our business partner's son and we both think you would be good together.
We arranged a contract for you guys to date and get married. He’s also your age and only
child.” Samantha agreed as she owes a lot of what she accomplished due to her father and
mother. Afterwards, they let her go to her graduation. That night after they threw their cap, she
saw that they invited an unknown male along with their business partner. She was introduced to
the unknown male and found out that this was their son, they always talked about when she
helped with their business. They went out to celebrate her graduation after dropping off their
other children. They met their business partner and their son outside the restaurant.
Upon entering the restaurant they started to talk and get to know each other. Their
parents cooed and said “ Aww, you guys look so cute together.” They were embarrassed
because they barely knew each other. Afterwards, their parents had set up a date for them to go
on together. As they were both very obedient children they agreed to go on the date. But after
going on the date, they both realized that they don’t really like each other like that and that they
were better as friends. They told their parents and were scared of their reaction. But it turns out
they needn't be afraid because the parents knew that they can’t force someone to like each
other. So the contract was burned as if it never existed. When the middle child heard that the
oldest got out of her contract marriage, he was mad because they were going to do the same
thing to him and he can’t get out of it. He met the girl before and never liked her. Once before he
asked “ Why do I need a contract marriage? I’m young and perfectly capable of finding love on
my own.” His parents said “ Well you’re always rebelling and putting the spotlight on us and not
in a good way.”
He was so upset that he blew up at his parents. His parents scolded him and when he
asked “ why did Samantha get out of her arranged marriage. I don’t like the person you
arranged for me yet I can’t get out.” The parents responded “ Well that’s because you’re always
rebelling, being irresponsible, disrespectful and giving us a bad image. Your sister is always
obedient and she was able to hide her rebellious behavior.” He got angrier and stormed out of
the and to the park but when he got there and really thought about what his parents had said.
He realized it made sense because they trust her more as she proved she is responsible,
respectful, obedient and never brought them bad publicity once. When he was more cool
headed, he went home. He asked his parents if he could make a deal with them. His parent’s
looked at each other and said fine. He said “ If I can show you that I can be obedient,
responsible, respectful and stop bringing you bad publicity then can I get out of the marriage
contract.” His parents thought about it and said “ Okay if you can prove that by the time it's your
18th birthday then the contract will be null and void.” So he nodded and was determined to
prove he could. 6 years later and his act was cleaned up and he was almost like his sister. On
his birthday his parents brought up the deal and said “ We’re proud of how much you’ve
changed. As you held up your end of the deal, we'll hold ours.” They spoke with his arranged
future wife’s parents to say why and once they agreed they burned the contract as if it never

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