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A. Choose cross (x) to a, b, atau c in correct answer !

1. I have red colour and small size. What fruit am I ?

a. melon b. orange c. strawberry

2. Look at the picture ! What fruit is it ?

a. mango b. banana c. orange

3. What fruit do you like, Joshua ?

a. i like chili b. i like pineapple c. i like cake

4. What is “rautan” in English ?

a. chair b. table c. sharpener

5. Jashua likes strawberry and matoa.

Does Joshua like matoa ?

a. yes, he is b. no, he is not c. no, it is not

6. Look at the picture ! How many rulers are there ?

a. there are three rulers

b. there is three rulers

c. there is a ruler

7. What is “Ada 10 buku” in English ?

a. there are five books

b. there are ten books

c. there are fifty books

8. The number after ten is …

a.eleven b. twelve c. sixteen

9. Kimi ada di bawah meja, in English is …

a. Kimi is under the table

b. Kimi is in the table
c. Kimi is on the table

10. Where is the books ?

a. under the bag

b. in the bag
c. on the bag

B. Write the correct answer !

1. Look at the picture !

My mother likes …

2. Look at the picture!

What number is it in English ?

3. The book is (dibawah) the desk. Di bawah in English is …

4. What is the mean of snakefruit ?

5. Look at the picture !

How many erasers are there ?

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