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1. Scientists find things out by carrying out scientific investigations. They first observe, ask
questions and form a hypotheses. Then they design and do experiments. Finally, they analyses the
results and draw a conclusion.

2. When scientists find things out by conducting scientific investigations, they need to use a lot of skills,
i) observing 觀察
ii) classifying 分類
iii) designing investigations 調查
iv) doing experiments 做實驗
v) inferring 推動
vii) communicating 傳意

3. There are different types of scientific investigations, including fair tests, classifying, pattern seeking and
model building. 製造模型

易燃 腐蝕性 爆炸性 刺激性
5. The hazard warning symbols include flammable, corrosive, explosive, toxic, harmful and irritant

6. Methods of putting out a fire

Using fire beaters Beating the burning plants stops the supply of
oxygen to the fire
Spraying with water Spraying water on the fire lowers the high
Cutting down trees to make a Cutting down the trees can remove the fuel and
firebreak 防火帶 so the fire cannot spread

7. A oxygen, fuel and a high temperature are needed for a fire to start. These conditions make up the fire
high temperature.



Air hole closed Air hold open
Name of the flame Luminous flame Non-luminous flame
Colour Yellow Blue
Shape Irregular Regular
Noise level Quiet noisy
1. Water can exist in three physical states : solid (ice), liquid (water) or gas (water vapour or steam)

2. Water Cycle 吸收
i) Water in seas, rivers, etc, absorbs the energy from the sun.
ii) Water evaporate to become water vapour. Then it is carried upwards by warm air.
iii) Water vapour cools and condenses forming clouds 水蒸氣冷卻凝結形成雲
iv) Water droplets fall from clouds as rain, snow or hail. 水滴以雨、雪或冰雹的形式从云中落下

3. The rate of evaporation increases when 當蒸發率增加時

i) the temperature is higher
ii) the humidity is lower
iii) there is more airflow 有更多的氣流
iv) the surface area exposed is larger 暴露的表面積更大
4. Water is called the universal solvent. However, there are some substances that water cannot dissolve.

5. The rate of dissolving increases when

i) the solution is stirred. 攪拌溶液
ii) the temperature of the solvent is higher 溶劑的溫度較高
iii) the surface area of the solute is larger 溶質的表面積更大
6. Natural water contains many different kinds of impurities. The process of removing them from water
is called water purification. 水的淨化
沉澱 過濾 蒸餾
7. Common water purification methods include sedimentation, filtration and distillation. They can
remove different impurities from water

Sedimentation Filtration Distillation

Large insoluble impurities   
(e.g mud and sand)
Small insoluble impurities   
Soluble impurities   
Microorganisms   

雜質 不溶性雜質 微生物
7. Natural water contains soluble impurities, insoluble impurities and microorganisms.

8. In sedimentation, large and heavy insoluble impurities sink to the bottom of the container and form a
layer of sediment.
過濾法 不溶性雜質
9. Filtration can remove insoluble impurities from water. The impurities which cannot pass through the
濾紙 殘渣
filter paper and remain on it are called residue. The liquid that passes through the filter paper is called
filtrate. 濾液


11. We can kill the microorganisms in water by adding chlorine. Microorganisms can also be killed by
臭氧 紫外線 氟化物
adding ozone and using ultraviolet light. Adding fluoride to water can help prevent tooth decay. This
process is called fluoridation.

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