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Jurusan Teknik Elektro Program Studi Teknik Elektronika
Jl.Srijaya Negara Palembang 30139 Tlp. 0711-353414 Fak.0711-355918


Lecture of Study : Robotic

Date/Month/Year : 17th Nop 2023
Time : 100 Menute
Class : 3 EA
Lecturer : Selamat Muslimin, ST, M.Kom
The character of Exam : Close Book

1. the answers should be no streaks or type x

2. Collect your answers with the answers sheet
3. Turn off All Handphone and Laptop


1) Did you know that the word 'robot' actually comes from the Czech language? It's true! The origin of this
fascinating word can be traced back to Czech playwright Karel Čapek's 1920 play "Rossum's Universal
Robots." It's amazing to think about how this one word has come to represent so many different things in
our modern world.
a) Rabota
b) Robota
c) Rebota
d) Ribota

2) A Robot is a __________
a) Programmable
b) Zeroeth pass
c) Both (A) and (B)
d) None of the above

3) The main objective(s) of Industrial robots is to

a) To minimize the labor requirement
b) To increase productivity
c) To enhance the life of production machines
d) All of the above

4) ___________ is true for a Robot and NC Machine

a) Different feedback systems are used in both
b) Similar power drive technology is used in both
c) Programming is the same for both
d) All of the above

5) Drives are also known as

a) Controller
b) Sensors
c) Manipulator
d) Actuators

6) Clockwise of Anti clockwise rotation about the vertical axis to the perpendicular arm is provided through
a) Shoulder swivel
b) Elbow extension

Selamat Muslimin, S.T.,M.Kom Robotic Page 1

Jurusan Teknik Elektro Program Studi Teknik Elektronika
Jl.Srijaya Negara Palembang 30139 Tlp. 0711-353414 Fak.0711-355918

c) Arm sweep
d) Wrist bend

7) Radial movement (in & out) to the manipulator's arm is provided by ____________
a) Wrist bend
b) Wrist swivel
c) Wrist yaw
d) Elbow extension

8) Industrial Robots are generally designed to carry which of the following coordinate system(s).
a) Cartesian coordinate systems
b) Polar coordinate systems
c) Cylindrical coordinate system
d) All of the above

9) Industrial Robots are generally designed to carry ________ in a coordinate system(s).

a) Cartesian coordinate systems
b) Polar coordinate systems
c) Cylindrical coordinate system
d) All of the above

10) The Robot designed with Cartesian coordinate systems has

a) Three rotational movements
b) Three linear movements
c) Two linear and one rotational movement
d) Two rotational and one linear movement

11) The Robot designed with Polar coordinate systems has

a) Three linear movements
b) Three rotational movements
c) Two linear and one rotational movement
d) Two rotational and one linear movement

12) The Robot designed with cylindrical coordinate systems has ________
a) Three linear movements
b) Three rotational movements
c) Two linear and one rotational movement
d) Two rotational and one linear movement

13) ____________ work is done by General purpose robot?

a) Part picking
b) Welding
c) Spray painting
d) All of the above

14) ____________ drive is used for a lighter class of Robot.

a) Pneumatic drive
b) Hydraulic drive
c) Electric drive
d) All of the above

15) Internal state sensors are used for measuring __________ of the end effector.

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Jurusan Teknik Elektro Program Studi Teknik Elektronika
Jl.Srijaya Negara Palembang 30139 Tlp. 0711-353414 Fak.0711-355918

a) Position
b) Position & Velocity
c) Velocity & Acceleration
d) Position, Velocity & Acceleration

16) ___________ sensors determine the relationship between the robot and its environment and the objects
handled by it
a) Internal State sensors
b) External State sensors
c) Both (A) and (B)
d) None of the above

17) _____________ is not a programming language for a computer-controlled robot?

a) VAL
d) AMU

18) In which of the following operations Continuous Path System is used

a) Pick and Place
b) Loading and Unloading
c) Continuous welding
d) All of the above

19) Which of the names for information sent from robot sensors to robot controllers?
a) temperature
b) pressure
c) signal
d) feedback

20) _______________ terms refer to the rotational motion of a robot arm?

a) swivel
b) axle
c) retrograde
d) roll

21) _____________ is the name for the space inside which a robot unit operates.
a) environment
b) spatial base
c) exclusion zone
d) work envelope

22) For a robot unit to be considered a functional industrial robot, typically, how many degrees of freedom
would the robot have?
a) three
b) four
c) eight
d) six

23) Which of the basic parts of a robot unit would include the computer circuitry that could be programmed to
determine what the robot would do?
a) controller

Selamat Muslimin, S.T.,M.Kom Robotic Page 3

Jurusan Teknik Elektro Program Studi Teknik Elektronika
Jl.Srijaya Negara Palembang 30139 Tlp. 0711-353414 Fak.0711-355918

b) sensor
c) arm
d) end effector

24) ________ terms refer to the use of compressed gasses to drive (power) the robot device.
a) hydraulic
b) piezoelectric
c) photosensitive
d) pneumatic

25) The original LISP machines produced by both LMI and Symbolics were based on research performed at
a) CMU
b) Stanford University
c) MIT

26) ___________ terms are NOT one of the five basic parts of a robot?
a) end effectors
b) controller
c) drive
d) peripheral tools

27) Decision support programs are designed to help managers make __________
a) budget projections
b) business decisions
c) visual presentations
d) vacation schedules

28) PROLOG is an AI programming language that solves problems with symbolic logic called predicate
calculus. A team of specialists developed it in 1972 at the University of Marseilles. Can you name the
person who headed this team?
a) Alain Colmerauer
b) Niklaus Wirth
c) Seymour Papert
d) John McCarthy

29) The number of moveable joints in the base, the arm, and the end effectors of the robot
a) payload capacity
b) operational limits
c) flexibility
d) degrees of freedom

30) ___________ places would be LEAST likely to include operational robots?

a) warehouse
b) factory
c) private homes
d) hospitals

31) Which of the following statements concerning the implementation of robotic systems is correct?
a) implementation of robots CAN save existing jobs

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Jurusan Teknik Elektro Program Studi Teknik Elektronika
Jl.Srijaya Negara Palembang 30139 Tlp. 0711-353414 Fak.0711-355918

b) implementation of robots CAN create new jobs

c) robotics could prevent a business from closing
d) all of the mentioned
32) In a rule-based system, procedural domain knowledge is in the form of __________
a) rule interpreters
b) meta-rules
c) control rules
d) production rules

33) If a robot can alter its trajectory in response to external conditions, it is considered to be __________
a) open loop
b) mobile
c) intelligent
d) non-servo

34) One of the leading American robotics centers is the Robotics Institute located at?
a) CMU
b) MIT
d) SRI

35) ____________ is correct for proximity sensors?

a) Inductive type
b) Capacitive type
c) Ultrasonic wave type
d) All of the mentioned

36) ___________ person used the name robot the first time in print?
a) Josef Capek
b) Karel Capek
c) Isaac Asimov
d) None of the mentioned

37) Which of the following are not regular?

(A) Strings of even number of a’s.
(B) Strings of’s, whose length is a prime number.
(C) Set of all palindromes made up of a’s and b’s.
(D) Strings of a’s whose length is a perfect square.
a) (A) and (B) only
b) (B), (C) and (D) only
c) (A), (B) and (C) only
d) (B) and (D) only

38) In compiler optimization, operator strength reduction uses mathematical identities to replace slow math
operations with faster operations. ____________ code replacement is an illustration of operator strength
a) Replace P + P by 2 * P or Replace 3 + 4 by 7
b) Replace P * 0 with 0
c) Replace (P<<4) – P by P * 15
d) Replace P * 32 by P<<5

39) Which of the following are the principles tasks of the linker?

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Jurusan Teknik Elektro Program Studi Teknik Elektronika
Jl.Srijaya Negara Palembang 30139 Tlp. 0711-353414 Fak.0711-355918

I. Resolve external references among separately compiled program units.

II. Translate assembly language to machine code.
III. Relocate code and data relative to the beginning of the program.
IV. Enforce access-control restrictions on system libraries.
a) I and II
b) I and III
c) II and III
d) I and IV

40) _____________ is false regarding the evaluation of computer programming languages?

a) Hardware maintenance cost
b) Software development
c) Efficiency and Readability
d) Application-oriented features

41) What is the name for information sent from robot sensors to robot controllers?
a) temperature
b) pressure
c) feedback
d) signal

42) Which of the following terms refers to the rotational motion of a robot arm?
a) swivel
b) axle
c) retrograde
d) roll

43) What is the name for the space inside which a robot unit operates?
a) environment
b) spatial base
c) work envelope
d) exclusion zone

44) Which of the following terms IS NOT one of the five basic parts of a robot?
a) peripheral tools
b) end effectors
c) controller
d) drive

45) Decision support programs are designed to help managers make __________
a) budget projections
b) visual presentations
c) business decisions
d) vacation schedules

46) PROLOG is an AI programming language that solves problems with symbolic logic known as predicate
calculus. A team of specialists developed it in 1972 at the University of Marseilles. Can you name the
person who headed this team?
a) Alain Colmerauer
b) Niklaus Wirth
c) Seymour Papert

Selamat Muslimin, S.T.,M.Kom Robotic Page 6

Jurusan Teknik Elektro Program Studi Teknik Elektronika
Jl.Srijaya Negara Palembang 30139 Tlp. 0711-353414 Fak.0711-355918

d) John McCarthy

47) The number of moveable joints in the base, the arm, and the end effectors of the robot
a) degrees of freedom
b) payload capacity
c) operational limits
d) flexibility

48) Which of the following places would be LEAST likely to include operational robots?
a) warehouse
b) factory
c) hospitals
d) private homes

49) For a robot unit to be considered a functional industrial robot, typically, how many degrees of freedom
would the robot have?
a) three
b) four
c) six
d) eight

50) Which of the basic parts of a robot unit would include the computer circuitry that could be programmed to
determine what the robot would do?
a) sensor
b) controller
c) arm
d) end effector

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