Present Perfect FLYERS

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Have/ has + V3/ed

V1 V2 V3
Be Was/ were Been
Meet Met ……………….
Break Broke ……………….
Drive Drove ………………
Eat Eaten ……………….
Drink Drank ……………….
Fall Fell ………………
Give Gave ………………
Fly Flew ………………
Keep Kept ………………
Run Ran ……………..
Take Took ……………..

• Annie has just finished her homework. (Annie vừa mới làm xong bài tập về nhà)
• I haven’t finished my homework yet. (Tôi thì vẫn chưa làm xong bài tập)
• Teddy has already finished his homework. (Teddy đã làm xong bài tập về nhà rồi)
• Nancy and Lucy have finished their homework for 2 hours.
(Nancy và Lucy đã hoàn thành bài tập về nhà của họ cách đây 2 tiếng)
• Henry and Tim have finished their homework since Sunday.
(Henry và Tim đã làm xong bài tập về nhà kể từ hôm chủ nhật)
• Have you ever been to Japan? (Bạn đã từng đến Nhật Bản chưa?)
Yes, I’ve been to Japan twice. (Tôi từng đến đó 2 lần rồi)
No, I’ve never been to Japan. (Tôi chưa từng đến đó)

Exercise 1: Chia động từ ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. Dave ______________________ (write) 30 emails today.

2. I ______________________ (sell) all the tickets already.

3. I ________________________ (never, see) horror films

4. They _____________________ (do) lots of work for charities all over the world.

5. The charity ______________________ (give) tents, clothes and food to the poor.

6. I ___________________ (not see) my cousins since Christmas.

7. How long ___________________________________ (you / have) your laptop?

8. The children __________ ______________________(be) in the pool for over an hour.

9. Mark isn’t here. He _________________________(go) to the cinema with Kim already.

10. We ____________________________ (make) some cakes. Would you like one?

11. It’s my birthday today but you ___________________________(not give) me a present yet.

12. __________________________ (they / finish) their homework yet?

Exercise 2:

1. _____________________________(you / buy) the meat and fish?

Yes, ________________________________________________

2. _____________________________ (Bella / have) her breakfast?

No, ______________________________________________ yet.

3. ______________________________ (it / stop) raining?

Yes, _________________________________________

4. ______________________________ (she / lose) her glasses again?

Yes, she _____________________ (lose) her glasses several times.

5. _______________________________(anyone / make) him a cake?

Yes, Peter ______________________ (already, make) a chocolate cake .

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