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1. The layer of air on Earth is called the atmosphere.

氮 氧 二氧化碳 稀有氣體 水蒸氣
2. Air is a mixture of gases. It is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, noble gases, water
vapour and small amounts of the gases

3. The percentages of gases in unbreathed air and breathed air

Gas How to test? Result

Oxygen By using a glowing splint The glowing splint relights
Carbon dioxide By using hydrogencarbonate The indicator turns yellow;
indicator or lime water The lime water turn milky
Water By using dry cobalt chloride The paper changes from blue
paper to pink

Gas in the air Unbreathed air Breathed air
Nitrogen 78% 78%
Oxygen 21% 16%
Carbon dioxide 0.03% 4%
Water vapour Variable Saturated
Noble gases 0.9% 0.9%
Other gases Variable Varibale

5. The temperature of breathed air is higher than that of unbreathed air.

6. Oxygen is used to help patients with breathing difficulties

二氧化碳不支持燃燒並且比空氣密度大 它用於滅火器來撲滅火災
7. Carbon dioxide does not support burning and is denser than air. It is used in fire extinguishers
to put out fires.
8. In industry, a mixture of a gas fuel and oxygen is used in cutting metals. Such mixture burns to
produce a very high temperature which is high enough for cutting metals.
9. Solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) changes directly to a gas at room temperature. It is used on
stages to produce a fog effect. 階段產生霧效果

10. Nitrogen is used to fill some food packages. It helps prevent the food from going bad
11. Liquid nitrogen (with a temperature below -196(°)is used for storing living cells and tissues
12. Noble gases are a group of very unreactive gases., They include argon, helium, neon

13. Plants can make their own food by photosynthesis. This process needs raw materials and an
energy source to make food.
Light energy 光能被葉綠素吸收
Absorbed by chlorophyll
14. carbon dioxide + water glucose + oxygen 葡萄糖+氧氣

15. 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2

Substance Chemical formula
Carbon dioxide CO2
Water H 2O
Glucose C6H12O6
Oxygen O2

Step Purpose
1. Put the leaf in boiling To destroy the cell membrane
2. Put the leaf in hot To remove the chlorophyll
alcohol from the leaf

3. Wash the leaf in hot To remove the alcohol and

water make the leaf soft
4. Add iodine solution to To test for the presence of
the leaf 碘溶液 starch in the leaf

18. Starch and oxygen are produced during photosynthesis 光合作用過程中產生澱粉和氧氣

19. Plants can make their own food by photosynthesis. They are called producers. Animals
cannot produce food on their own. They feed on plants or other animals. They are called
消費者 consumers. The feeding relationship among living thins can be shown by a food chain.

20. An example of a food chain :

Grass (producer) Rabbit (consumer) Snake (consumer)
當食物在空氣中燃燒時,會釋放能量。 在我們的身體中,食物中的化學能透過類似於燃
燒的過程轉化為其他有用的形式。 這個過程稱為呼吸。
21. When food is burned in air, energy is released. In our bodies, the chemical energy in food ins
converted into other useful forms by a process similar to burning. This process is called
Energy released

22 glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water

Energy released

C6H12O6+6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O


25. Comparison between photosynthesis and respiration is below

Photosynthesis Respiration
Raw materials Carbon dioxide and water Food (glucose) and oxygen
Products Food (glucose) and oxygen Carbon dioxide and water
Where it takes place Takes place only in plants Takes place in both plants
and animals
When it takes places Takes place under the Takes place all the time
presence of light
Energy Energy is stored in food Energy is released from food


27. Net gas exchange in plants depends on the relative rates of photosynthesis and respiration.
微小孔隙 葉表皮上
28. Gas exchange in plants is carried out through the tiny pores on the leaf epidermis. These
pores are called stomata 這些毛孔稱為氣孔

29. Surrounding each stoma are two guard cells. 保衛細胞

30. 保衛細胞



31. Comparison between inhaled air and exhaled air.
吸入的空氣 呼出的空氣
Inhaled air Exhaled air
Oxygen 21% (more) 16% (more)
Carbon dioxide 0.03% (less) 4% (more)
Water vapour Variable (less)多變的 Saturated (more) 飽和的
Temperature Lower





氣囊 氣管

肋間肌 隔膜

Nasal trachea bronchi bronchioles Air
cavity sacs

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