A Thesis - Nur Putri Dea

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A Thesis

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Written by:
Nur Putri Dea






I, Nur Putri Dea, (A1B219058) declare that Students' Perceptions on the

Use of Youtube in English Learning for Students' Speaking Skills is my own work,
that has not been submitted before for any degree or examination in any other
university, and that all the sources I have used or quoted have been indicated and
acknowledge as complete references.

Jambi, December, 22nd 2022

Nur Putri Dea



focus on yourself

on improving yourself

on being a good person with yourself

focus on you

be the best

that you can be

and do not try to be

like anyone else



I dedicate my thesis for:

My beloved father (M.Candra) and my great mother (Eva Susanti)

My younger sister (Nava Dilla Candra), my younger brother (Gibbran Athala Candra)

And all of my family


Dea, Nur Putri, 2022, Students' Perceptions on The Use of Youtube in

English Learning for Students' Speaking Skills. Thesis. English Education Study
Program. Faculty of Teacher Training Education of Universitas Jambi in
Academic year 2022/2023. The first supervisor is Dr.RD. M. Ali, S.Pd,,M.Pd. The
second supervisor is Duti Volya, S.Pd.,M.Pd.

The purpose of this qualitative research is to find out students'

perceptions about the use of YouTube in English learning for students' speaking
skills. This researcher uses a qualitative descriptive method with a
phenomenological approach because it helps researcher to analyze and interpret
students' perceptions in depth. Eight participants from class VIII students of
SMPN 24 Kota Jambi took part in this study. In collecting data, researcher used
semi-structural in-depth interviews. Then data analysis using data analysis in
qualitative descriptive research. The findings show that the use of YouTube in
learning English can improve students' speaking skills, including improving the
components of speaking skills; vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and fluency.
And YouTube can be used as an effective learning medium in learning English for
speaking skills. The results of this study can be useful for teachers in gaining
knowledge to improve students' speaking skills in learning English using


First of all, I offer praise Alhamdulillah and thanks to Allah SWT the God
of the universe who has given me convenience in every matter, health, and
strength so that the thesis can be completed. Sholawat always be devoted to
Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from Jahiliya era in to Islamiya era
and always become a role model for all humans in the world.
Thanks to the school that has allowed me to make research in the school,
especially for the headmaster Junior High School 24 Kota Jambi, and the students
that become respondents, because of all I can do this research.
This Thesis is presented to Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Jambi university as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of
Education in English Department. In the process of completing the thesis, many
parties have provided helps, supports, and suggestions which are useful for the
completion of the thesis. The deep gratitude and appreciation are exspressed to:

1. Dr. Rd. M. Ali, S.Pd, M.Pd as my first thesis supervisor. Thank you so much
for your patience and kindness in guiding me so that I can finish this thesis.
2. Duti Volya, S.Pd., M.Pd. as my second thesis supervisor. Thank you so much
for the advice and guidance that have been given to me, and for your time and
kindness in helping me finish this thesis.
3. Dr. Nyimas Triyana Safitri, S.Pd., M.Ed, St, Tubagus Zam Zam Al Arif,
S,Pd., M.Pd. and Robi Soma, S.Pd., M.Pd. as my thesis examiner team, Thank
you so much for the constructive suggestions and guidance for me in
completing my thesis.
4. Dedy Kurniawan, S.S, M.A. The Head of English Education Study Program.
5. Dr. Dra. Yelia, M.Pd. as my academic supervisor. Thank you so much for the
opportunity, valuable experience and guidance that has been given to me
during my study.
6. All lecturers in the English education study program who have taught and
educated researcher while studying at Jambi University.

7. My beloved father M.Candra and my great mother Eva Susanti.
8. My beloved younger sister Nava Dilla Candra and my younger brother Gibbran
Athala Candra.
9. My beloved all of my family, especially my grandparents, aunts, uncles and
10. Mr. K1A120152 who has supported and accompanied me since 2016.
11. All of my great people around me who share always support me in up and
down, especially Shelvia Ginanti, Indah Trihandayani, and Yohana Eka
12. All of the people who supported me, especially my best friend or
Avengerteam that consist of Ayu Agustina, Hani Ulfia Rahman, Silvina
Fendari, Mery Eka Putri, Miftahul Jannah, Shelvia Ginanti, Yohana Eka
Bilanti, Dina Suryani, and Anggun Suka Hati.
13. All of the people who helped me, especially Istifada and Nurul Ain as a
partner when guiding my thesis.
14. All who have given their help in writing this thesis that the researcher could
mention one by one.
15. Last but not least, I wanna thank me, I wanna thank me for believing in me, I
wanna thank me for my doing all this hardwork, I wanna thank me for having
no days off, I wanna thank me for never quitting, I wanna thank me for just
being me at all times.

Jambi, December 22nd 2022

Nur Putri Dea



APPROVAL ................................................................................................ i
LETTER OF RATFICATION ................................................................... ii
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ...................................................... iii
MOTTO ...................................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION ............................................................................................ v
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................ vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ ix
LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................ xii
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................. xiii
CHAPTER I ................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the Research .............................................................. 1
1.2 Problem of the Research .................................................................... 3
1.3 The Objective of the Research ........................................................... 3
1.4 Significance of the Research .............................................................. 4
1.4.1 For Teachers ............................................................................. 4
1.4.2 For Students ............................................................................. 4
1.4.3 For Institutions ......................................................................... 4
1.5 Limitation of the Research ................................................................. 4
1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms ................................................ 5
CHAPTER II .............................................................................................. 6
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................................. 6
2.1 Perception ......................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Definition of Perception ............................................................ 6
2.1.2 Process of Perception ................................................................ 7
2.1.3 Factor of Perception .................................................................. 8
2.1.4 Principles of Perception ............................................................ 8
2.2 Concept of Speaking ......................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Definition of Speaking .............................................................. 9

2.2.2 Component of Speaking ............................................................ 10
2.2.3 Speaking Function .................................................................... 11
2.2.4 Speaking Processing ................................................................. 12
2.3 Learning Media ................................................................................. 13
2.3.1 Definition of Learning Media ................................................... 13
2.3.2 The Function and Principles of Media in Learning .................... 14
2.3.3 The Advantages of Media in Laerning ...................................... 15
2.4 YouTube .......................................................................................... 16
2.4.1 Definition of YouTube .............................................................. 16
2.4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of YouTube ............................. 17
2.4.3 YouTube as Media for Learning English................................... 18
2.4.4 YouTube for Lesson Speaking .................................................. 19
2.4.5 The Criteria for Choosing Videos on YouTube ......................... 21
2.4.6 How to Use YouTube in Teaching Speaking ............................. 22
2.5 Previous Study .................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER III ............................................................................................. 27
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................... 27
3.1 Research Design ................................................................................ 27
3.2 Research Site and Access .................................................................. 28
3.3 Subject of the Research ..................................................................... 28
3.4 Research Instrument .......................................................................... 28
3.5 Technique of Data Collection ............................................................ 29
3.6 Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................... 30
3.7 Trustworthiness ................................................................................ 31
CHAPTER IV ............................................................................................. 34
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS............................................................... 34
4.1 Findings ........................................................................................... 34
4.1.1 Speaking Improvement ............................................................. 35
4.1.2 The Effectiveness of YouTube .................................................. 38
4.2 Discussions ....................................................................................... 39
4.2.1 What are students' perceptions of the use of youtube in learning
English for students' speaking skills? ....................................... 39

CHAPTER V ............................................................................................... 43
CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ................................................... 43
5.1 Conclusions ....................................................................................... 43
5.2 Suggestions ....................................................................................... 44
REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 45
APPENDICES ............................................................................................. 49


Table 1 Theme and subtheme of partisipants speaking improvement and the

effectiveness of YouTube for speaking skill ................................................. 34


Appendix 1 Interview Guidelines ................................................................. 49

Appendix 2 Finish Research Letters .............................................................. 50
Appendix 3 Interview Transcript ................................................................... 51



Chapter 1 of this paper explains the introduction to this research in order

helps the reader to understand what the study is from the broad to the specific.

Specifically, this chapter presents: (1) Background of the Research, (2) Problem

of the Research, (3) The Objective of the Research, (4) Significance of the

Research, (5) Limitation of the Research, and (6) Operational Definitions of Key


1.1 Background of the Research

English is an international language used by the global community. The

important role of English requires people around the world to learn and master it

well. Mastering English in speaking skills is very useful because speaking is one

indicator of language mastery. Speaking is the most effective and common way

used by people when they want to interact with other people.

Speaking is used to communicate ideas that are compiled and develop

according to the needs of the listener. Burnkart (1998) said that language learners

need three areas of knowledge involved in speaking; the first is the mechanics of

linguistic elements related to pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, to pay

attention to the use of the right vocabulary in the right order and correct

pronunciation; the second is language function that involves the performance of

transactions and interactions related to communication which can know how to

change information and provide clarity of important messages, and the third is


sociocultural norms related to speaking turn, speed of speech, length of pause

between speakers, relative roles of participants, and understanding of the


For some English language learners, speaking is not an easy thing,

speaking is the most complex and difficult skill to master (Nazara, 2011). There

are several causes of difficulty in speaking, including the lack of self-confidence

that students have when using English, how to pronounce words, use of

grammatical structures, and lack of vocabulary that students have.

This means that English learners need some kind of speaking teaching

activities to be able to speak well. Because indirectly speaking teaching activities

can have an influence on students' speaking skills and make English learners

practice more often than before. For this reason, in the teaching and learning

process, the media is one of the tools that can be used to deliver learning

materials. By using learning media, it is also able to present material that can

arouse students' curiosity during learning and the material packaged through

program media will be clearer, complete, and interesting for students.

Thus, YouTube can be used as a medium in learning English, especially in

improving students' speaking skills. Because YouTube is very popular among

students and is considered a source of online material that can play a role in the

teaching and learning process. YouTube is used as a learning medium because

YouTube provides many videos with references and audio-visual displays make

students feel interested in the learning process. And also YouTube is one of the

media that is easy to use anywhere and anytime, so this also makes YouTube a

very popular medium among foreign language learners. This is supported by

several researchers who argue that YouTube as an English learning material can

improve students' speaking skills related to fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation,

grammar, and content. As in the research of Meinawati et al. (2020) on improving

English speaking skills through YouTube also stated that the result of using

YouTube was very effective because it allowed students to speak more

confidently and expressively. And according to Watkins and Wilkins (2011)

stated that using YouTube both in the classroom and outside the classroom can

improve students' conversational and pronunciation skills.

Based on the facts and some of the statements above, in this study the

researcher looked at students' perceptions of using YouTube as a medium in

learning English at one of the junior high schools in Jambi, for this reason the

researcher conducted research entitled "Students’ Perceptions on the Use of

YouTube in English Learning for Students' Speaking Skills."

1.2 Problem of the Research

Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the problem,

that is; “What are students' perceptions on the use of youtube in English learning

for students' speaking skills?”

1.3 The Objective of the Research

Based on the problem statement above, the objective of the research is “to

find out what are students' perceptions on the use of youtube in English learning

for students' speaking skills”.


1.4 Significance of the Research

The researcher expects that this research will contribute to the quality of

teaching English. The findings of this research will be directly useful for teachers,

students, and institutions where the information presented will be valuable for

future research. This research will provide new insights and better understanding

of students' perceptions when using youtube in learning English for students'

speaking skills. Here are some of the benefits of this research:

1.4.1 For the teachers

This research will be useful in improving the quality of teachers in

choosing learning media and learning resources. And researcher expect that this

research can make teachers more creative in using learning methods in the


1.4.2 For the students

This research will make it easier for students to find English learning

resources. And this research will be able to make it easier for students to improve

their English speaking skills.

1.4.3 For institutions

This research will be able to improve the existing facilities in schools, to

support a more enjoyable and quality learning process.

1.5 Limitation of the Research

This research focuses on students' perceptions of the use of YouTube in

learning English for students' speaking skills, and this research was conducted at

SMPN 24 Kota Jambi.


1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms

a. Perceptions

Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory

information to represent and understand the environment. Walgito (2003) also

states that perception is the process of human thinking about events that have

occurred. Based on the statement that perception is a person's point of view about

his experience of an event, so that from his experience the person can assess or

give their opinion about the phenomenon.

b. YouTube

YouTube is an application that can be used for learning media, Alwehaibi

(2015) argues that YouTube is a video sharing website that users can use to

upload, share, and view videos. So that YouTube can be used as a medium and

source of learning English.

c. Speaking Skill

Speaking skill is defined as a skill that allows to communicate

effectively, Zuhriyah (2017) argues that speaking is a way for people to describe

something and to communicate with others orally. In addition, speaking skills are

speaking fluently with accuracy of pronunciation, language structure, and context.

Based on this statement, that speaking skill is a person's ability to convey

information orally to others. And speaking is the active use of language to express



In this chapter, the author writes several elements related to the study of

the relevant literature. The elements to be presented are each explained and

explored clearly. Thus, this chpater presents: (1) Perception, (2) Concept of

Speaking, (3) Learning Media, (4) YouTube, and (5) Previous Study.

2.1 Perception

2.1.1. Definition of Perception

Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of

sensory information to represent and understand the environment. Joseph Reitz

stated that perception includes all processes by which an individual receives

information about his environment by seeing, hearing, and feeling. Meanwhile,

according to Robbins (2003) states that perception is defined as the process by

which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions to give

meaning to their environment. Koentjaninggrat (2010) explains that perception

is the realization of the human brain process and appears as a view of the

phenomenon, in this process many factors such as feelings, motivation,

educational background, experience, and others are involved. Then the process

comes to the process where the brain interprets meaningful stimuli. With the

help of perception, the needs of various people can be determined, as the

perception of an individual is influenced by their needs.


2.1.2. Process of Perception

Perception is a subjective, active and creative process through

which we assign meaning to sensory information in order to understand ourselves

and others. This also includes how we respond to that information. This subjective

process allows different individuals to perceive the same environment differently

based on certain aspects of the situation that the individual chooses to absorb

selectively, how they organize information and how they interpret it.

There are three stages in the perception process, as follows:

a. Selection

Selection is the first perceptual process, in which a person focuses his or

her attention on certain incoming sensory information or decisions about what to

pay attention to.

b. Organization

The second perceptual process is organizing, in which individuals sort and

categorize the information they perceive based on innate and learned cognitive


c. Interpretation

And finally interpretation, where an individual will interpret information

in a reasonable way using the information that has been obtained.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that perception is a

complex process consisting of paying attention to an object, sorting and

categorizing information based on cognitive patterns, and interpreting information

into several meanings that cause the response to affect behavior.


2.1.3. Factors of Perception

Perception occurs through a process and many factors affect a person's

perception. This is what causes everyone to have a different perception even

though they see or face the same thing. Robbins (2003) says there are three factors

that influence perception, including:

a. Perceive, when seeing something an individual will be influenced by its

characteristics such as beliefs, attitudes, motives, interests, experiences,

cognitive structures, and cultural upbringing.

b. The object or object that is perceived, this can be a person, object, or event.

This will affect a person's perception, not seen in theory but from the

relationship with other people involved. Includes things like motion, sound,

size, background, proximity, and similarity.

c. The context of the situation in which the perception is made, the elements

in the surrounding environment will affect a person's perception.

Situations include time, work settings, and social settings.

2.1.4. Principle of Perception

In relation to the notion of perception, Slameto (2010) divides the

principles of perception into four, namely as follows:

a. Perception is relatively not absolute, where the first stimulus will have a

greater impact than the next.

b. Perception is selective, that is, a person's ability to capture a stimulus is

limited, this is because the human brain only captures stimuli based on the

most interesting things.


c. Perception has an arrangement because people receive stimuli in the form

of relationships or groups.

d. People's perceptions may be different, because they are influenced by

individual differences such as behavior, attitudes, and motivation.

2.2 Concept of Speaking

2.2.1 Definition of Speaking

Speaking is the ability to speak fluently and is not only based on

knowledge of the characteristics of language but also the ability to process

information and language when communicating (Harmer, 2007). Meanwhile,

Quianthy (1990) defines speaking as the process of delivering ideas or

information orally in various situations. As defined Kayi (2006) states that

speaking is the use of language itself appropriately with confidence and fluency.

Speaking is a process of interpreting and giving meaning through verbal

and nonverbal symbols, in various contexts of situations. Researcher Chaney and

Burke (1988) reveals that speaking is the ability to generate language and share

the speaker's ideas with the interlocutor.

Meanwhile, Anderson in O'Malley (1990) classifies three stages of

language production. The first is construction, in which the speaker chooses the

purpose of communication and can identify the appropriate meaning. The second

is transformation, where language rules are used to change the intended meaning

into the form of a message. And the third is execution, where the message was

previously expressed in a form that can be heard and reached by the interlocutor.

Thus, speaking is a skill that someone needs to serve and can be generated

automatically by that person.

2.2.2 Components of Speaking

a. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the components of speaking because without a large

vocabulary the use of a second language will not be successful. So that we cannot

use the structure and function of the language itself that we learn to communicate

which is accessible. Turk (2003) says that vocabulary means diction, which is the

most important thing in a language, especially in speaking ability. Meanwhile,

mastering a lot of vocabulary will make it easier to communicate related to

expressing ideas, feelings, and what is on our minds in spoken and written form.

b. Grammar

The grammar of a language is a description of how words can change shape

and can be put together into a sentence in that language and grammar refers to the

basic principles and structures of language, including building clear and correct

sentences according to the correct word form ( Harmer, 2001). Another opinion

according to Greenbaum and Nelson (2002) says that grammar refers to a set of

rules to unite the vocabulary in the language itself with a larger unit. So, from the

above statements, it can be concluded that grammar is a necessary rule to combine

words into a correct sentence in conversation.

c. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is a way to produce clearer language when speaking. As

Kline (2001) argues that pronunciation is the way students manifest the words that

will be pronounced clearly when they speak. Meanwhile, Fraser (2001) reveals

that pronunciation involves aspects of speech that will make the way of speech

easy to understand by the interlocutor, including segmental articulation, rhythm,

intonation, phrases, as well as gestures, and eye contact.

d. Fluency

Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently, communicatively,

and accurately. And also fluency refers to how a person can express themselves

when speaking without distraction.

2.2.3 Speaking Funtion

According to Brown and Yule, as quoted by Richards and Renanda (2007)

that the function of speaking is classified into three consisting speaking as

interaction, speaking as a transaction, and speaking as performance. The

following is an explanation of each speech function:

a. Speaking as interaction, this refers to what we usually mean by

conversation. The main purpose of this function is to maintain social

relations. While the skills involved in this function are opening and closing

conversations, choosing topics, creating conversations, responding to

conversations, and reacting to other people or interlocutors.

b. Speaking as a transaction, this type of talk refers to a condition that focuses

on what is said or done. The main focus here is the message, which is to make

oneself understood clearly and precisely than others and how to interact

socially with one another. And the skills that go into this function are

explaining needs or intentions, expressing or describing something, asking


questions, confirming information, making suggestions, justifying opinions,

making comparisons, and clarifying understanding.

c. Speaking as a performance, what is meant here is speaking in public such

as a conversation that aims to convey information to the participants, such

as public announcements and speeches, which are in the form of

monologues. Some of the skills involved are the speaker using the right

format, arranging the information to be conveyed in the appropriate order,

being able to keep the listener engaged, and using the right opening and


2.2.4 Speaking Processing

There are several processes of speaking according to Harmer (2001)

including language processing, interaction with other people, and information

processing. For further explanation:

a. Language processing, namely the speaker can be able to manage the language

in his head and arrange the language in a structured way so that it comes out

in a form that can be understood and can also convey the desired meaning.

Language processing involves retrieving words and phrases from memory

and combining them into a syntactically and propositionally appropriate


b. Interacting with other people, here mostly speaking involves interacting

with one or more interlocutors. This means that speaking is also said to be

effective if it involves a lot of listening to the understanding of the other


person's feelings, and knowledge of how linguistics alternates or provides

opportunities for others to also be able to speak or convey their ideas.

c. Information processing, where in addition to responding to other people's

feelings, we are also able to process the information our interlocutors tell

us when they do it.

And it can be concluded, that speaking is a process that comes from our

minds to produce the language itself until it is meaningful and can be used to

interact or talk with other people. Next, the other person conveys the information

that is in their mind and we can implement the information process.

2.3 Learning Media

2.3.1. Definition of Learning Media

Learning media is a medium for delivering information or learning

messages to students. With the media in the teaching and learning process is

expected to help teachers to improve student achievement. Jalmur (2016) argues

that educational media are tools, methods, and techniques used to more effectively

communicate and interact between teachers and students in the education and

teaching process in schools. According to Miarso (2009), learning media is

anything that can be used to convey messages so that it can stimulate students'

feelings, thoughts, motivation, and attention and encourage the learning process.

While Musfiqon (2012) argues that learning media is defined as a tool in the form

of physical and non-physical used by teachers to deliver learning materials to

students so that the teaching and learning process is more effective and efficient.

Thus, the use of learning media is expected that students can receive learning

materials more quickly and can attract students' interest in learning.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that learning media

is a vehicle used in the teaching process to stimulate the thoughts, feelings,

attention, and skills of students so as to encourage the learning process. And

learning media are tools or materials that are used effectively to transfer, convey,

and learn information.

2.3.2. The Functions and Principles of Media in Learning

One of the functions of the media is as a means of delivering learning

materials in the teaching and learning process. Apart from delivering material,

Asyhar (2012) conveys other functions of learning media as follows:

a. Media as a learning resource.

b. The semantic function is related to words, terms, signs, or symbols.

c. The manipulative function is the ability of the media to reload an Objec/

event in various ways, according to conditions, circumstances, goals and


d. The fixative function is to capture, store, and rearrange an object/event that

has occurred for a long time.

e. The distributive function is that the media used in the learning process can

be followed by large numbers of students or unlimited media coverage.

f. Psychological functions, namely learning media have attention functions,

affective functions, cognitive functions, imaginative functions, and

motivation functions.

g. The socio-cultural function is that the use of media in learning can

overcome socio-cultural barriers between students with different customs,

environments, and experiences.

While Musfiqon (2012) states that the principle of using media in the

learning process can be divided into three main principles, namely:

a. The principle of efficiency effectiveness. Effectiveness in the learning

concept is the achievement of a learning process in achieving learning

objectives, while efficiency is achieving learning objectives with the

minimum possible time, cost, facilities/infrastructure, and other resources.

b. The principle of relevance, namely as a teacher must be able to choose media

according to the objectives, content, learning strategies, and evaluation of


c. The principle of productivity, namely practice in the learning process is the

goal of an optimal goal by utilizing available natural and human resources.

2.3.3. The Advantages of Media in Learning

Media in learning provides benefits for educators and students, Arsyad

(1997) suggests the benefits of learning media in the teaching and learning

process as follows:

a. Learning media can clarify the presentation of messages and information

so that they can facilitate and improve learning processes and outcomes.

b. Learning media can increase and direct students' attention so that it can

lead to learning motivation, more ongoing interaction between students


and their environment, and allows students to learn on their own according

to their abilities and interests.

c. Learning media can overcome the limitations of the senses and space.

Learning media can provide students with similar experiences about

events in the environment and allow direct interaction with teachers and their

environment. And it can be concluded that learning media can help the learning

process and can stimulate students to react physically and emotionally.

2.4 YouTube

2.4.1 Definition of YouTube

According to Jalaluddin (2016) YouTube is a website that provides various

video formats such as video clips, television clips, music videos, movie trailers,

and other content such as video blogging, short original films, and educational

videos. YouTube can be used as a medium for learning English at any time

without being limited by space or time limitations related to computers or the

requirements for delivering media connected to the internet. As a result, students

are encouraged to take advantage of YouTube to learn more than possible. There

are lots of videos from native speakers explaining specific topics such as

grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

They can use this video as a reference to have a better understanding with good

visualization. Therefore, YouTube is a good solution for learning English.

The use of YouTube videos in foreign language classes has met the needs

of students and teacher orientation. YouTube videos provide fast and instant

teaching and entertainment material around the world. There are dual functions

when using YouTube videos as learning media; first, it is fun to watch, and

second, it is an effective learning media that students like. As a result, students

have real opportunities to engage meaningfully in learning the target language.

And what we can see from using YouTube is that students learn without knowing

that they are learning. In addition, according to Almurashi (2016) YouTube

videos are more realistic, practical, and comprehensive, compared to traditional

teaching methods.

2.4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of YouTube

YouTube as a learning medium has advantages and disadvantages,

according to Jallaludin (2016), the following are the advantages of YouTube:

a. In the world of education, YouTube can help provide learning videos in

the teaching process that are useful for students to gain new knowledge

from any side.

b. Students can access this site anytime and anywhere.

c. YouTube provides an opportunity to learn more for all students, especially

for those who do not have the opportunity to go to school.

d. There are many sources of learning from skilled people that students can

learn from.

e. YouTube is a huge classroom for learning and teaching which can save

users time and budget.

f. YouTube has become an important learning resource, and is easily

recognized by videos.

g. YouTube is an entertainment house that provides all kinds of entertainment.

h. YouTube is a huge digital library.


From the advantages of YouTube above, the disadvantages of YouTube

are as follows:

a. Not all videos on YouTube are reliable, so YouTube users must be even

more careful in choosing which videos to watch.

b. Can build individualism, its mean that Youtube can make users addicted. It

makes users who access YouTube addicted and enjoy their own world thus

making users less interactive.

c. Some of the content in the videos may not be suitable for age groups, many

videos are bad, such as uncensored clips or sexual harassment that is not

suitable for young people.

d. To access YouTube requires an internet connection, so we cannot access

YouTube if there is no internet connection.

e. YouTube videos have ads, this can sometimes irritate users.

2.4.3 YouTube as Media for Laerning English

The use of YouTube as a learning medium can make the situation in the

teaching and learning process more enjoyable, and can generate interest in

learning for students (Mujianto, 2009). Many learning videos are available on

YouTube, these videos can make students more interested and motivated in

learning. YouTube can be a useful medium for English language learners both

inside and outside the classroom. Jallaludin's research shows that YouTube can

influence students to develop English language skills.

When using YouTube as an English learning medium, students can learn

directly with native speakers. And students can find a variety of accessible

English learning videos, therefore YouTube is a rich source of material and can

motivate students to be interested in learning English.

2.4.4 YouTube for Lesson Speaking

Teachers must be able to provide interesting learning activities so that

students are happy and enjoy learning English for speaking skills. For this reason,

learning process activities must use something different to attract students'

attention, one of which is by utilizing technology.

Thus the use of YouTube can be an alternative for teachers in learning

English. Because YouTube is a well-known platform for internet users that has

many videos that users can watch, one of which is educational videos such as

videos that use English.

To develop speaking skills, students must obtain information about

language structure and discourse genres, speaking skills, and communication

strategies that enable learners to manage communication (Thornbury, 2012).

Authentic video material provided on YouTube is very useful for students as long

as the teacher can choose appropriate and relevant material. Learning to speak

using YouTube can include knowledge of the language system. Therefore, it is an

opportunity for teachers to use YouTube as a medium in learning English to

improve students' speaking skills.

In addition, the use of YouTube videos in teaching speaking increases

motivation to learn in speaking classes in that way. YouTube videos provide

pictures and audio so that they can help students practice pronunciation, enrich

their vocabulary and make it easier for them to find ideas in producing sentences

while speaking and by watching YouTube videos. also subconsciously helps

students learn grammar automatically (Syafiq, et al., 2021). Also with YouTube

videos that provide pictures and audio so that they can help students practice

pronunciation, enrich their vocabulary and make it easier for them to find ideas in

producing sentences when speaking. Apart from that, watching videos also

unconsciously helps students learn grammar automatically (Despita. (2021).

Abrar and Jaya (2022) also stated that the nature of video, which provides

images and audio at the same time, can help students practice their pronunciation

and make it easier for them to find ideas in producing sentences while speaking.

As well as other researchers also revealed that YouTube videos that provide

moving images, audio, and subtitles at the same time can help students in their

pronunciation, develop their vocabulary, and help them generate sentence ideas

for speaking English. Besides, by watching videos, they can subconsciously

understand English grammar better. The more often they watch videos, it can also

help them to practice their fluency in speaking English (Lengari, 2022).

Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the use of YouTube

for speaking skills can be an effective alternative to use in learning English for

speaking skills, because it can help students master vocabulary, grammar, learn

pronunciation, and help fluency.

2.4.5 The Criteria for Choosing Videos on YouTube

The use of videos provides useful input in learning English. First, video

communicates meaning better than other media. That is, videos present language

in context in a way that cassettes cannot. And by using video, students can see

who is speaking, what is being said, where the speaker is, what they are doing,

and so on. So all these visual clues can help students understand what they are

watching. Second, video is a positive exploitation of technology (Woro

Widiastuti, 2011).

Therefore (Woo, et al., 2007) said that teachers can focus more on

choosing videos that are appropriate and relevant to students' needs. This means

that the teacher must pay attention to the video first and then assess whether the

video is suitable for students and whether the video can increase students' learning

motivation Furthermore, the selected videos should offer many communicative

situations as well as describe different cultures and life situations of the speakers.

In selecting YouTube videos, according to Berk (2009), teachers are given

three general criteria in selecting videos available on YouTube including: (1)

student characteristics that include prominent socio-demographic characteristics:

age or grade level, gender, ethnicity, and language dominance; (2) the videos that

teachers are not allowed to use in their pursuit are videos that contain graphic

violence, obscene language, nudity, sexuality, thick blood, racial and ethnic

groups, and drug use; and (3) video structure, which includes technical content

including duration, context, visuals, and the number of characters who play a role

in the video.

With that, teachers must select and adapt the videos they choose to the

needs of students, the characteristics of the students, and also the learning


2.4.6 How to Use YouTube in Teaching English

Using YouTube videos in the classroom can be beneficial for teachers and

fun for students. Students were more involved in visually motivating activities and

were more likely to concentrate while watching videos than reading walls of text

in books or notes.

And also, scientists agree that learning to speak a foreign language is by

"interacting". The most effective approaches for this are collaborative learning

and teaching of communicative languages. Teaching a language in a

communicative context is centered on situations when communication is

necessary. Students will be given the chance to interact with one another in the

target language by using this strategy in the EFL lesson. In other words, EFL

instructors need to provide a setting in the classroom where spoken language is

encouraged through authentic activities, real-world communication, and

significant assignments. This can take place when students work together in

groups to complete a task or reach a goal.

For this reason, teachers can use several learning strategies such as group

discussions, role playing, and reporting, using YouTube video learning media. As

in research Riswandi (2016), including using group discussion learning strategies;

(1) students in pairs are given the task of watching a video played by the teacher,

(2) while watching students are asked to record important points in the video for

video playback twice. (3) students are given time to discuss with their partners,

(4) students will present the results of their discussions in front of the class. and

the last stage, other students gave comments and suggestions to their friends'

appearance, after students gave comments, then the teacher gave feedback and the

teacher gave an evaluation of the learning process.

In addition, in Anggraini's research (2021) using reporting learning

strategies and discussion groups as follows: (1) students are arranged in pairs, (2)

students are then given the task of watching videos that are played three times by

the teacher, (3) while watching In the video, students are allowed to take notes

about the vocabulary they find in the video, (4) After watching the video, students

are allowed to discuss with their partners regarding the YouTube video they have

watched, (5) Next they are asked to make a text about the content of the video and

then present it in front of the class without reading the text.

Meanwhile, in the research of (Ariyanto, et al,. 2012) they applied several

activities to the learning process, namely: (1) students were arranged into eight

groups, each group consisting of four students, (2) video material was packaged in

power points, with the topic of descriptions of things, (3) students are shown a

video that describes animals, this aims so that students have many examples to

explore their ideas when speaking, (4) then students are asked to make

monologues related to videos, this aims to make students more ideas and

opportunities to practice speaking and make students speak more fluently.

Teachers can implement and develop several activities that have been

affectively carried out to improve students' speaking skills in learning foreign


2.5 Previous Study

Several researchers conducted previous research aimed at improving

students' speaking skills, and in this study the researchers found several related

studies that made researchers interested in conducting this research, namely:

Ariyanto, et al,. (2012) finds out how YouTube videos are applied so that

they can improve students' speaking skills. This study uses collaborative

classroom action research, the subject of this research is the seventh grade

students of SMPN 1 Surakarta in the 2012/2013 academic year. The data collected

in this study used interviews, questionnaires, and post-tests. The results of this

study indicate that when YouTube videos are used effectively, it improves

students' speaking skills, and class atmosphere. So that YouTube videos can be

used as alternative media in the language teaching process, including speaking


Riswandi (2016) looks at how Youtube can help students improve their

speaking skills. This research was conducted on seventh grade students in one of

the junior high schools in Indonesia. The study used classroom action research

with data collection through speaking assessment and interviews. The findings

revealed that students' speaking skills improved significantly as a result of using

YouTube, especially in terms of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and


Omer (2017) looks at the benefits of YouTube videos in improving

listening and speaking skills of EFL students. A questionnaire was used to collect

data from a group of 30 undergraduate English students in their second year.


YouTube improves students' listening and speaking skills and encourages them to

communicate verbally in English, according to the findings. In addition, YouTube

introduces students to the culture of native English speakers, which enhances their

language skills.

Djahida (2017) looks at how educational YouTube videos can help EFL

students improve their speaking skills. Ten teachers teaching the 'Oral Expression'

Module and 60 Master's students from the Department of English at Biskra

University in Algeria were among the participants, who applied audio-visual

materials to improve speaking skills. The researcher found that using YouTube

videos to develop speaking skills was viewed positively by both teachers and


Nuha and Saputri (2021) describe how YouTube videos are an effective

medium for improving English speaking skills. This study uses a systematic

analysis approach, using 10 sources consisting of 4 theses and 6 articles. And the

data analysis technique of this research uses descriptive research through pre-test

and post-test which have been studied by researchers. The results of this study

indicate that YouTube video media can not only be adapted for children but can

also be extended to all levels of education and allows students to immediately

practice their own speaking skills.

Meanwhile, in this study the researcher collected data from class VIII

students at SMPN 24 Kota Jambi. Where this research was conducted to

determine students' perceptions of the use of YouTube in learning English for

speaking skills. The similarity of this research with previous research is looking at

the use of YouTube in improving speaking skills. The difference between this

research and previous research, previous research used classroom action research

and systematic analysis, in data collection using questionnaires, pre-test and post-

test, and speaking assessment. While in this study using descriptive research with

a penomenological approach and collecting data using interviews.



This chapter presents the description of the research method used in the

study. It includes (1) Research Design (2) Research Site and Access, (3) Subject

of the Research, (4) Research Instrument, (5) Techniques of Data Collection, (6)

Techniques of Data Analysis, and (7) Trustworthiness.

3.1 Research Design

This study used a qualitative method. Qualitative research is usually

conducted to learn more deeply about a person's experiences, attitudes, opinions,

or personal qualities (Peterson, 2019). And according to Bogdan and Biklen

(1982), qualitative research analyzes the quality of relationships, activities,

circumstances, or materials. Furthermore, qualitative research aims to promote a

thorough understanding of a particular phenomenon, such as an environment, a

process, or even a belief. In this research, the writer collects, analyzes, and

interprets the data before describing it. While the qualitative descriptive method

can be interpreted as a set of actions to collect data as it is without being subject to

certain conditions whose results emphasize meaning according to the expert's

view. Because the researcher analyzed students' perceptions about the use of

YouTube in learning English on students' speaking skills, the research used

descriptive research with a phenomenological approach. C. Martin (2017) states

that descriptive phenomenology is widely used in social science research as a

method for exploring and describing individual life experiences. And Spiegelberg


(1975) identified that there are three steps to carry out descriptive

phenomenology, namely intuition, analysis, and description.

3.2 Research Site and Access

This research was conducted at SMPN 24 Kota Jambi, the researcher

chose this school because at that school the researcher conducted Praktek

Lapangan Persekolahan (PLP) and the school used YouTube as a medium in

learning English. Based on the background and problems in this study, the

researcher wanted to know students' perceptions about the use of YouTube in

learning English on students' speaking skills.

3.3 Subject of the Research

In determining research subjects, researcher used purposive sampling

where the selection of participants was based on the researcher's assessment of the

most informative prospective participants. Arikunto (2010) defines that purposive

sampling is the process of selecting samples with subjects that are not based on

level or region, but are taken based on a specific purpose, and purposive sampling

is where a researcher selects samples based on research needs. Based on the

purposive sampling technique, the researcher chose class VIII students at SMPN

24 Kota Jambi. Participants consisted of eight students; including one male

student and seven female students, because researchers believed that research

participants could provide data that would answer research questions.

3.4 Research Instrument

Instruments according to Airasian and Gay (2000), are tools used to

collect data. Meanwhile, Arikunto (2010) states that data collection instruments

are tools used by researcher to assist them in collecting data more systematically

and easily. Ary (2010) states that the research instruments most often used in

qualitative research are observation, interviews, and document analysis.

Therefore, researcher used interviews to collect data. Where researcher used

semi-structural in-depth interviews in this study which were supported by tape

recorders, cameras, and notebooks. The questions in the interviews build on the

literature review described in chapter two. Questions in semi-structured

interviews are not only prepared in advance but also developed during the

question and answer session. The aim of the semi-structured interview is to gain

a thorough understanding of the interviewee.

3.5 Technique of Data Collection

The data collection techniques used in this study are described in this

section. In qualitative research, data will be collected through in-depth interviews,

document analysis, observation, and analysis of audio-visual material (Creswell,

2012). Therefore, the data for this study were collected through interviews.

One of the most important sources of qualitative research for gaining a

comprehensive understanding of how people experience, perceive, and interpret

the social world is through interviews (Creswell, 2012). Researcher used semi-

structural in-depth interviews in this study. This type of interview is conducted

only once, with an individual or a group and generally lasts from 30 minutes to

over an hour (DiCicco-Bloom B & Crabtree BF). The semi-structured interview is

based on a semi-structured interview guideline, which is a schematic presentation

of a question or topic and needs to be explored by the interviewer.


Data Collection Procedures To collect data from the results of the

interviews the researcher made several procedures. Namely (1) the researcher

prepares the concept of questions to be interviewed to the subject, (2) the

researcher interviews each informant, and (3) the researcher transcribes the results

of the interviews.

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis

According to Creswell (2009), qualitative data analysis requires data

acquisition, interpretation development, and report writing. "Data analysis in

qualitative research is a procedure of categorization, description, and synthesis."

To analyze the data, researcher used descriptive qualitative. There are

three steps in analyzing data in qualitative descriptive research, the steps are data

reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification. Based on this statement,

the researchers determined three stages in analyzing the data in this study,


1. Data Reduction

In this study, data reduction is data analysis to sort the data to be obtained,

group data into several categories, and edit data according to the results of the data

that has been collected. In reducing the data in this study, researcher obtained data

from interviews.

2. Data Display

In data display activities, researcher compile information about the data

that has been obtained and present the data in the form of brief descriptions,

category relationships or narratives. And in this process the researcher displays


the data in the form of a brief description or essay. So that researcher get data that

is easier to understand.

3. Conclusion/Verification

Conclusions and verification are activities to conclude the results of the

data to be obtained in this study.

3.7 Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is a study that refers to the level of trust in the data,

interpretations, and methods used by researchers. This aims to ensure the quality

of a study (Polit & Beck, 2014).

To ensure the quality of a study, researcher can use criteria based on Guba

& Lincoln (1994) states that the criteria include credibility, dependability,

confirmability, and transferability; they then add authenticity. Further explanation

is described below:

a. Credibility

Credibility is a strategy to ascertain whether the researcher has long-term

involvement during the study, conducting continuous observation, triangulation

and member checks. In addition, credibility also ensures whether the data

obtained represents or makes sense to the information from the participants'

original data sources and is also the correct interpretation of the participants'

original views. The researchers ensured credibility by using the following


1. Prolonged engagement

This is a prolonged involvement of researchers during the research process

in the field with participants. To test misinformation, build trust, and know data to

get rich data.

2. Persistent observation

This strategy is carried out by identifying the characteristics and elements

that are most related to the problem under study, and which will be the focus of

the researcher in detail. Researchers constantly read and reread data, analyze it,

theorize and revise concepts as appropriate.

3. Triangulation

Triangulation aims to improve the qualitative research process by using

multiple approaches. Methodological triangulation is used by researchers to

collect data through different methods such as in-depth interviews, focus group

discussions and field notes. And then investigator triangulation is applied by

involving several researchers as members of the research team, and in dealing

with aspects of the study organization and analysis process. The data will be

analyzed by two different researchers.

4. Member checks

Member check is done by sending all interview transcripts and focus

group discussions to participants for feedback. In addition, the researcher also

held a meeting with the participants after half the study period, which aimed to re-

discuss the corrected interpretation of the data and what the participants thought

was wrong. Until finally, the findings were presented again at the next meeting to

confirm the related theory.

b. Dependability

This means the extent to which the study can be repeated by other

researchers and that their findings will be consistent. If anyone else wishes to

replicate the study, they must have sufficient information from the report to

conduct the study and obtain similar findings. Researchers can use inquiry audits,

meaning outsiders to review and examine processes, to establish dependencies.

c. Confirmability

Confirmability is the degree to which the findings of a research study can

be accepted by other researchers. These are based on participant data and

interpretations or findings not due to bias or personal interpretation of the


d. Transferability

This is how qualitative researchers demonstrate that research study

findings can be applied to similar situations, populations, and phenomena.

Researchers can also use detailed descriptions to prove that their research findings

were studied. And then it can be used in other contexts or situations.

From the explanation above, not all procedures are used in every study.

Because not all strategies may be right. Thus, this study uses credibility to ensure

the quality of research by using a member check strategy.



This chapter presents research findings and discussions regarding

students' perceptions of using YouTube in learning English for speaking skills,

this data was obtained from interviews with participants.

4.1 Findings

This study found a description of students' perceptions about the use of

YouTube in learning English for speaking skills. This data was obtained from

interviews consisting of 8 participants. The following is a table of theme and sub-

themes of this study:

Table 1 Theme and subtheme of partisipants speaking improvement and the effectiveness of

YouTube for speaking skill.



Speaking Improvement Grammar



The Effectiveness of YouTube YouTube as a Medium in English

Learning for Speaking Skill


4.1.1 Speaking Improvement

The theme obtained from the results of the data that has been collected

states that the use of YouTube in learning English for speaking skills can improve

students' speaking skills, while the components of speaking skills that influence

include increasing vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and speaking fluency. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the components of speaking skills because without

a large vocabulary the use of the second language will not be successful. All

participants reported using YouTube in learning English for speaking skills can

increase students' vocabulary. As P6 reports:

“iya karena di YouTube lebih banyak kosakata baru

dibandingkan pembelajaran yang ada dibuku dan juga
mudah dipahami”.(P6)

From the data above it can be concluded that using YouTube in learning

English for speaking skills can increase students' vocabulary because they find

more new vocabulary than in books. The statement above is in line with the

results of interviews that have been conducted with P6. As P8 reports:

“saat menggunakan YouTube lebih banyak menemukan

kosakata baru seperti kata kerja dan kata sifat”.(P8)

From the data above it can be concluded that using YouTube in learning

English for speaking skills can increase students' vocabulary such as verbs and

adjectives. The statement above is in line with the results of interviews that have

been conducted with P8.

36 Grammar

Grammar is the second component of speaking skills, so grammar is an

important aspect of speaking skills. All participants reported that using YouTube

in learning English for speaking skills could increase their knowledge of

grammar. As P3 reports:

“iya meningkatkan tentang grammar karena dengan adanya

penggunaan YouTube untuk keterampilan berbicara kita bisa
menemukan ungkapan kalimat baru dan menambah
pengetahuan seputar keterampilan berbicara dalam Bahasa
Inggris ataupun grammar”.(P3)

From the data above it can be concluded that using YouTube in learning

English for speaking skills can increase students' grammatical knowledge because

students find new sentence expressions. The statement above is in line with the

results of interviews that have been conducted with P3. As P7 reports:

“...penggunaan YouTube dalam pembelajaran Bahasa

Inggris sangat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang
bagaimana pola kalimat itu di deskripsikan, bagaimana
bentuk beberapa bentuk pola kalimat. Seperti penggunaan
should dan must”.(P7)

From the data above it can be concluded that using YouTube in learning

English for speaking skills can increase students' grammatical knowledge, such as

the use of should and must. The statement above is in line with the results of

interviews that have been conducted with P7. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is a way to produce clearer language when speaking.

Pronunciation includes the third component of speaking skills and includes

aspects that affect speaking skills. All participants reported that the use of

YouTube in learning English for speaking skills can help students learn the

pronunciation of a word. As P6 reports:

“iya, karena saya bisa meniru pembicara yang ada divideo

YouTube ... dan memudahkan saya dalam pengucapan

From the data above, it can be concluded that using YouTube in learning

English for speaking skills can make it easier for students to learn pronunciation

of words by imitating speakers on YouTube videos. The statement above is in line

with the results of interviews that have been conducted with P6. As P8 reports:

“iya karena saya dapat menirukan pengucapan pada kata

yang disebutkan dalam video YouTube”. (P8)

From the data above, it can be concluded that using YouTube in learning

English for speaking skills can help students learn to pronounce a word by

imitating the pronunciation of the words mentioned in the YouTube video. The

statement above is in line with the results of interviews that have been conducted

with P8. Fluency

Fluency is the last component of speaking skills. So fluency is also an

important aspect that students must have in speaking skills. Most students

reported that the use of YouTube in learning English for speaking skills could not

make students speak fluently but could help them speak fluently. As P2 reports:

“tidak berpengaruh pada kelancaran berbicara tetapi lebih

memudahkan saya terhadap bagaimana suatu kalimat
diungkapkan”. (P2)

From the data above it can be concluded that using YouTube in learning

English for speaking skills cannot make students speak fluently but makes it

easier for students to know how a sentence is expressed. The statement above is in

line with the results of interviews that have been conducted with P2. As P7


“tidak, tetapi dapat membantu karena banyak memudahkan

saya dalam mengucapkan kata ... dan pola kalimat”.(P7)

From the data above it can be concluded that using YouTube in learning

English for speaking skills cannot make students speak fluently but can help and

facilitate students in pronouncing words and sentence patterns. The statement

above is in line with the results of interviews that have been conducted with P7.

4.1.2 The Effectiveness of YouTube

The theme obtained from the results of the data that has been collected

states that YouTube can be used as an effective learning medium in learning

English for speaking skills, because it is more accessible and the animations in

YouTube videos make students more interested in learning English. As P2


“... proses belajar lebih seru dan sangat meng saat

menggunakan YouTube kita bisa mendengar dan melihat
bagaimana materi pembelajaran itu dipaparkan,
pembelajaran juga lebih menyenangkan dan tidak

From the data above, it can be concluded that the use of YouTube in

learning English for speaking skills makes the learning process more fun and not

boring. The statement above is in line with the results of interviews that have been

conducted with P7. As P2 reports:

“YouTube sangat membantu dalam pembelajaran Bahasa

Inggris ... karna YouTube membantu memahami materi lebih
cepat dari pada mempelajarinya lewat buku”(P2)

From the data above, it can be concluded that the use of YouTube in

learning English can help students understand material more quickly than learning

it using books. The statement above is in line with the results of interviews that

have been conducted with P2.

4.2 Discussions

After the data has been processed in the form of a description, this section

presents a discussion of the findings from the interviews with the theories

collected in chapter two about speaking and YouTube. The researcher discussed

the findings regarding students' perceptions of using YouTube in learning English

for speaking skills.

4.2.1 What are students' perceptions of the use of youtube in English

learning for students' speaking skills? Speaking Improvement

Based on the findings above, students stated that the use of YouTube in

learning English can improve speaking skills, the first aspect affects the addition

of students' vocabulary because they find more new vocabulary than in books, and

can add vocabulary to students such as verbs and adjectives. This is supported by

the findings of Despita (2021) which states that YouTube videos provide images

and audio so that they can help students enrich their vocabulary and make it easier

for them to find ideas in producing sentences when speaking.

Based on the findings and discussion above, it appears that the use of

YouTube in learning English for speaking skills increases students' vocabulary.

Because on YouTube students find more new vocabulary than books.

The second aspect influences the increase in students' knowledge of

student grammar because students find new sentence expressions and can add to

students' grammatical knowledge, such as the use of should and must. This is

supported by the findings of Lengari (2022) which states that using YouTube for

speaking skills helps students generate sentence ideas for speaking English. In

addition, you can subconsciously understand English grammar better.

Based on the findings and discussion above, it appears that the use of

YouTube in learning English for speaking skills can increase students' knowledge

of grammar because using YouTube students can find new sentence expressions,

such as the use of should and must.

The third aspect affects student pronunciation, where the use of YouTube

in learning English for speaking skills makes it easier for students to learn

pronunciation because students can imitate the pronunciation of the words

mentioned in YouTube videos. This is in line with Abrar's findings (2022) which

states that the nature of video, which provides images and audio at the same time,

can help students practice pronunciation and make it easier for students to find

ideas in producing sentences while speaking.

Based on the findings and discussion above, it appears that the use of

YouTube in learning English for speaking skills can help students learn

pronunciation because students can imitate the pronunciation of the words the

speaker mentions in the video.

And the last aspect is fluency in speaking, where the use of YouTube in

learning English for speaking skills cannot make students speak fluently but can

help students in fluency in speaking English because it makes it easier for students

to know how a sentence is expressed and helps students in pronouncing words.

This is in line with findings Syafiq, et al., (2021) which states that the use of

YouTube videos in learning speaking can help students practice pronunciation,


enrich their vocabulary and make it easier for them to find ideas in producing

sentences while speaking.

Based on the findings and discussion above, it can be seen that the use of

YouTube in learning English for speaking skills cannot help students speak

fluently but can help students in fluency in speaking English because it makes it

easier for students to see how a sentence is expressed and helps students in

pronouncing words. The Effectiveness of YouTube

Based on the findings above, students state that YouTube can be used as

an effective learning medium in learning English for speaking skills, because it is

more accessible and the animations in YouTube videos make students more

interested in learning English. So that the learning process is more fun and not

boring. This is in line with Mujianto findings (2019) which states the use of

YouTube as a learning medium can make the situation in the teaching and

learning process more enjoyable, and can generate interest in learning for


Based on the findings and discussion above, it can be seen that the use of

YouTube in learning English for speaking skills can make the learning process

more fun because of the animations displayed on YouTube videos.

In addition, the use of YouTube in learning English for speaking skills can

help students understand material more quickly than using books. This is in line

with Jalaluddin findings (2016) which states YouTube is a website that provides

various formats of educational videos. YouTube can be used as a medium for

learning English at any time without being limited by space or time.


Consequently, by using YouTube students learn more than possible and have a

better understanding with good visualization.

Based on the findings and discussion above, it can be seen that YouTube is

the right medium for learning English, because with good visuals it can make

students understand learning better.



In this chapter, the author writes several elements related to the

conclusions and suggestions of this research. Thus, this chapter presents: (1)

Conclusions, (2) Suggestions.

5.1 Conclusions

After conducting research and analyzing research related students’

perceptions on the use of YouTube in learning English for speaking skills at

SMPN 24 Kota Jambi in grade 8th students. It has resulted that:

Based on the research findings and discussion, the researchers found; the

first is that the use of YouTube in learning English can improve speaking skills

because students can find new vocabulary compared to books, and can add

vocabulary to students such as verbs and adjectives. In addition, it can increase

students' grammatical knowledge such as should and must because students find

new sentence expressions. Besides that, it can make it easier for students to learn

pronunciation because students can imitate the pronunciation of the words

mentioned in the YouTube video. And it can help students to speak fluently in

English because it makes it easier for students to see how a sentence is expressed

and helps students in pronouncing the words.

The second is that YouTube can be used as an effective learning medium

in learning English for speaking skills, because it is more accessible and the

animations in YouTube videos make students more interested in learning English.


So that the learning process is more fun and not boring. And the use of YouTube

in learning English for speaking skills can help students understand material more

quickly than using books, because with good visuals it can make students

understand learning better.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusion of the study, the researcher would like to give

some suggestions as follow:

5.2.1 For the teachers

The results of this study are expected for English teachers to find and

choose the best methods and strategies in teaching English to their students.

Teachers can get ideas, knowledge, concepts, and theories to improve students'

speaking skills through YouTube media.

5.2.2 For the students

The results of this study are expected to be useful for students in

improving speaking skills. And YouTube as a learning medium can be an

effective tool to help students improve their English speaking skills.

5.2.3 For the institutions

The results of this research are expected to make every institution improve

the existing facilities in schools, to support a more enjoyable and quality learning

process. And utilizing technology such as YouTube as a medium to train students'

speaking skills.

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Appendix 1


Students' perceptions of the use of youtube in learning English for

speaking skills in this study later the researchers will collect data using semi-
structural in-depth interviews. In this section the researcher presents seven
questions, the questions in the interview are contructed based on the literature
review described in chapter two. These questions are expected to answer the
research questions in this study. The following questions will be used in the
interviews with the participants of this study:

1. What do you think about using youtube as a medium in learning English

for speaking skills?
2. Does the use of youtube in learning English for speaking skills increase
students' vocabulary?
3. Does the use of youtube in learning English for speaking skills increase
students' grammar knowledge?
4. Does the use of youtube in learning English for speaking skills make it
easier for students to learn pronunciation of the words?
5. Does using youtube in learning English for speaking skills make you
fluent in speaking?
6. Which components of speaking skills are more influential when using
YouTube in learning English for speaking skills?
7. Is the use of YouTube as an English learning medium an effective
alternative for speaking skills?

Appendix 2



Appendix 3


1. What do you think about using youtube as a medium in learning

English for speaking skills?

Excerpts of Interview 1
P1:“menurut ... pribadi belajar melalui YouTube sangat baik untuk
melatih kita berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris ...”.

Excerpts of Interview 2
P2:“YouTube sangat membantu dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
melalui media video karna YouTube membantu memahami materi
lebih cepat dari pada mempelajarinya lewat buku”.

Excerpts of Interview 3
P3:“pendapat saya terhadapt penggunaan YouTube sebagai media
pembelajaran Bahasa inggris untuk kemampuan berbicara adalah
yaitu sangat membantu dalam kelancara berbahasa inggris dan ketika
menggunakan YouTube juga dapat menambah kosakata atau
pengetahuan baru dalam berbahasa Inggris”.

Excerpts of Interview 4
P4: “pendapat saya dengan menggunakan media YouTube untuk
kemampuan berbicara sangat membantu agar kita bisa mengerti cara
kosakata nya dalam Bahasa Inggris”.

Excerpts of Interview 5
P5: “... sangat memudahkan saya dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris dan
saya jadi tahu bagaimana kata atau kalimat yang diucapkan”.

Excerpts of Interview 6
P6: “... menurut saya belajar menggunakan YouTube sebagai media
pembelajaran bagus untuk kemampuan kita untuk berbicara karena
pelajaran menjadi lebih menyenangkan”.

Excerpts of Interview 7
P7: “... proses belajar lebih seru dan sangat meng saat menggunakan
YouTube kita bisa mendengar dan melihat bagaimana materi
pembelajaran itu dipaparkan, pembelajaran juga lebih menyenangkan
dan tidak membosankan”.

Excerpts of Interview 8
P8:“proses pembelajaran lebih seru dan lebih asyik dan saat
menggunakan YouTube kita bisa melihat dan mendengar bagaimana
pembelajaran itu dipapar”.

2. Does the use of youtube in learning English for speaking skills

increase students' vocabulary?

Excerpts of Interview 1
P1: “iya, karna saat menggunakan YouTube kosa kata yang ... dapat
jadi lebih banyak dan bertambah”.

Excerpts of Interview 2
P2: “ya, sangat belajar menggunakan YouTube membantu menambah
kosakata Bahasa Inggris kita”.

Excerpts of Interview 3
P3: “iya kerena ketika dengan menggunakan YouTube kita mendapatkan
kata-kata baru yang bisa menambah kosakata kita”.

Excerpts of Interview 4
P4: “iya dengan kita terus mendengar YouTube berbahasa Inggris kita
banyak mendapat kosakata yang banyak dan juga berguna dalam
pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris”.

Excerpts of Interview 5
P5: “... ya, karena dari menonton video di YouTube saya
mendengarkan apa yang orang didalam video ucapkan sehingga
saya mendapatkan kosakata baru”.

Excerpts of Interview 6
P6: “... iya karena di YouTube lebih banyak kosakata baru dibandingkan
pembelajaran yang ada dibuku dan juga mudah dipahami”.

Excerpts of Interview 7
P7: “... saat menggunakan YouTube dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris
banyak kosakata baru yang didapat seperti kosakata verb”.

Excerpts of Interview 8
P8: “saat menggunakan YouTube lebih banyak menemukan kosakata baru
seperti kata kerja dan kata sifat”.

3. Does the use of youtube in learning English for speaking skills

increase students' grammar knowledge?

Excerpts of Interview 1
P1: “iya, penggunaan YouTube untuk keterampilan berbicara membantu
saya bagaimana tentang penyusunan pola kalimat dan juga dalam
mengekspresikan cara berbicara”.

Excerpts of Interview 2
P2: “ya, sangat meningkatkan karena penggunaan YouTube sebagai
media belajar Bahasa Inggris dapat membantu da dalam kita
memahami tata bahasa”.

Excerpts of Interview 3
P3: “iya meningkatkan tentang grammar karena dengan adanya
penggunaan YouTube sebagai keterampilan berbicara kita bisa
menemukan ungkapan kalimat baru dari dan menambah
pengetahuan seputar keterampilan berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris
ataupun grammar”.

Excerpts of Interview 4
P4: “iya dengan kita melihat YouTube kita bisa tahu bagaimana bentuk
dari beberapa pola kata bahasa atau kita tahu penempatannya”.

Excerpts of Interview 5
P5: “... iya karena saya dapat menemukan ee pola kalimat baru yang ee
ada didalam video tersebut”.

Excerpts of Interview 6
P6: “iya, karena dapat meningkatkan mempengaruhi terhadap grammar
atau tata bahasa saya karena banyak menemukan beberapa pola
kalimat dan kosakata baru”.

Excerpts of Interview 7
P7: “... penggunaan YouTube dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
sangat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang bagaimana pola kalimat
itu di deskripsikan, bagaimana bentuk beberapa bentuk pola
kalimat. Seperti penggunaan should dan must”.

Excerpts of Interview 8
P8: “iya karena dari menggunakan YouTube dalam pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris saya dapat mengetahui beberapa pola kalimat atau

tata bahasa”.

4. Does the use of youtube in learning English for speaking skills make it
easier for students to learn pronunciation of the words?

Excerpts of Interview 1
P1: “iya penggunaa YouTube sangat membantu ... untuk pengucapan
kata yang baik dan benar.

Excerpts of Interview 2
P2: “iya memudahkan, karena penggunaan YouTube dalam
mempelajari Bahasa Inggris melalui media video dapat
memudahkan kita agar membantu pengucapan kata dengan meniru
kata dalam video yang ditonton melalui YouTube”.

Excerpts of Interview 3
P3: “iya dengan mendengarkan YouTube dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris
sangatlah memudahkan saya belajar mengucapkan kata-kata
berbahasa Inggris”.

Excerpts of Interview 4
P4: “iya deng dengan mendengarkan kita kita bisa mengerti pengucapan
kata yang benar untuk kita bisa berbicara”.

Excerpts of Interview 5
P5: “iya karena dari video tersebut saya bisa mengetahui bagaimana
suatu kata disebutkan.”

Excerpts of Interview 6
P6: “iya, karena saya bisa meniru pembicara yang ada divideo
YouTube dan mencoba untuk membuat suatu kalimat dan
memudahkan saya dalam pengucapan kata”.

Excerpts of Interview 7
P7: “iya sangat memudahkan dan sangat membantu saya dalam
mengetahui bagaimana kata iu harus diucapkan”.

Excerpts of Interview 8
P8: “iya karena saya dapat menirukan pengucapan pada kata yang
disebutkan dalam video YouTube”.

5. Does using youtube in learning English for speaking skills make you
fluent in speaking?

Excerpts of Interview 1
P1: “tidak terlalu, tapi dengan adanya penggunaan YouTube ... dapat
membantu ... untuk lebih mudah dalam berbicara atau

Excerpts of Interview 2
P2: “tidak berpengaruh pada kelancara berbicara tetapi lebih
Memudahkan saya terhadap bagaimana suatu kalimat

Excerpts of Interview 3
P3: “iya dengan menggunakan YouTube saya bisa mendengarkan
pengucapan kata-kata berbahasa Inggris dan itu sangat membantu
saya ketika berbicara berbahasa Inggis”.

Excerpts of Interview 4
P4: “tidak terlalu tetapi kita bisa berbicara dengan mengikuti YouTube
walaupun tidak begitu lancar tapi kit kita bisa tahu cara membaca
yang benar”.

Excerpts of Interview 5
P5: “iya sedikit ..., [tidak] begitu banyak karena lebih memudahkan
saya didalam bagaimana kata yang itu diucapkan ...”.

Excerpts of Interview 6
P6: “hanya sedikit, akan tetapi dapat membantu pengucapan kata dan
menambah kosakata”.

Excerpts of Interview 7
P7: “tidak, tetapi dapat membantu karena banyak memudahkan saya
dalam mengucapkan kata meningkatkan pengucapan bahasa kata
dan pola kalimat”.

Excerpts of Interview 8
P8: “tidak, tetapi saya dapat tau bagaimana cara mengungkapkan suatu

6. Which components of speaking skills are more influential when using

YouTube in learning English for speaking skills?

Excerpts of Interview 1
P1: “komponen keterampilan pengucapan kata dan berbicara kepada

Excerpts of Interview 2
P2: “yang lebih berpengaruh terhadap pengucapan suatu kata”.

Excerpts of Interview 3
P3: “... komponen pronunciation atau pengucapan kata, komponen ini
sangat berpengaruh karena saat menggunakan YouTube sebagai
media pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kita mendengarkan dari situlah
pronunciation ini sangat berpengaruh”.

Excerpts of Interview 4
P4: “vocabulary dan cara membacanya”.

Excerpts of Interview 5
P5: “... yang lebih berpengaru ... menurut [saya] iya, komponen
keterampilan pengucapan kata ...”.

Excerpts of Interview 6
P6: “... komponen keterampilan berbicara yang saya pelajari saat
menggunakan YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa inggris
lebih berpengaruh kepada kata bagaimana mengucapkan suatu
kalimat dan pola kalimat”.

Excerpts of Interview 7
P7: “menurut saya komponen keterampilan berbicara lebih kepada
kosakata dan pengucapan kata”.

Excerpts of Interview 8
P8: “lebih berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kosakata”.

7. Is the use of YouTube as an English learning medium an effective

alternative for speaking skills?

Excerpts of Interview 1
P1: “iya, karena dapat meningkatkan bagaimana pengucapan kita dan
beberapa pola kalimat baru”.

Excerpts of Interview 2
P2: “iya karena YouTube adalah media belajar yang sangat mudah
diakses melalui hp oleh semua orang termasuk siswa dan wali

Excerpts of Interview 3
P3: “... iya kerena mudah dipahami dan menambah pengetahuan kita
tentang belajar Bahasa Inggris”.

Excerpts of Interview 4
P4: “efektif dengan media YouTube kita bisa lebih cepat untuk tahu cara
membaca dan berbicara yang benar menggunakan YouTube”.

Excerpts of Interview 5
P5: “iya karena lebih mudah diakses dan lebih seru karena ada animasi,
ada grafitor-grafitor kartun ... yang lebih membuat enak
menontonnya enjoyers”.

Excerpts of Interview 6
P6: “... iya karena melatih saya agar bisa lancar dan paham pengucapan
suatu kata”.

Excerpts of Interview 7
P7: “iya karena dapat meningkatkan saya bagaimana pengucapan kata
dan mengetahui beberapa bentuk pola kalimat”.

Excerpts of Interview 8
P8: “iya sangat sangat membantu saya dalam meningkatkan keterampilan

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