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A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (Strata One) in English Education






A Skripsi
Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (Strata One) in English Education

Laely Hikmatul Fitri Yani

Approved by
Avisor I Advisor II

Ismalianing Eviyuliwati, M.Hum Waliyadin, M.A TESOL

NIP.19740723 200003 2 001 NIP. -





Laely Hikmatul Fitri Yani (NIM: 11150140000010). Students’ Perception on

Using Film as an English Learning Media. Skripsi of Department of Englis
Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic
University, Jakarta, 2022
Advisors: 1. Ismalianing Eviyuliwati, M.Hum.
2. Waliyadin, M.A TESOL

Media is one of tools that can facilitate teachers in delivering lesson to

students; however, the students’ perception of learning media is under-researched.
The purpose of this study was to identify students' perceptions of the use of films
as a learning medium in the senior high school. This research method used is a
descriptive qualitative with a questionnaire as data collection technique. The sample
of this study is 37 students of tenth grade at SMAN 8 South Tangerang taking
English course. The instrument of this research is an open-ended questionnaire. The
data were analyzed by using Braun and Clarke’ (2006) thematic analysis. The
findings revealed that film is a decent medium which can be utilized in learning
English and students’ responses were very positive about the use of films. This
study suggests that the implementation of film media is very important to be
practiced inside and outside of the classroom to improve skills in English from the
film media used.

Keywords: Film media, Students' perception, English learning


Laely Hikmatul Fitri Yani (NIM: 11150140000010). Students’ Perception on

using Film as an English Learning Media. Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif
Hidayatullah, 2019.
Pembimbing : 1. Ismalianing Eviyuliwati, M.Hum
2. Waliyadin, M.A TESOL

Media merupakan salah satu alat yang dapat memudahkan guru dalam
menyampaikan pelajaran kepada siswa; Namun, persepsi siswa tentang media
pembelajaran kurang diteliti. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi
persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan film sebagai media pembelajaran di SMA.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik
pengumpulan data angket. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 37 siswa kelas X SMAN 8
Tangerang Selatan yang mengambil mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris. Instrumen
penelitian ini adalah angket terbuka. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis
tematik Braun and Clarke’ (2006). Temuan mengungkapkan bahwa film adalah
media yang layak yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dan
tanggapan siswa sangat positif tentang penggunaan film. Penelitian ini
menyarankan bahwa penerapan media film sangat penting untuk dipraktikkan di
dalam dan di luar kelas untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris dari
media film yang digunakan.

Keywords : Media film, pandangan siswa, Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.


In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

All praises are to Allah, the Lord of the World, who has given the researcher
his mercy, blessings, and strength to finish this Skripsi. Peace and salutation always
be upon the prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions, as well as his
In this section, the researcher would like to express her most incredible
honor, appreciation, and gratitude to her beloved parents. For the precious mother,
Mrs. Siti Chanifah, and for the coolest father, Mr. Samsudin, who always pray for
the researcher, still supports her no matter what and gives so many motivations
while finishing this research.
Second, The writer realizes that she would never have successfully finished
this research study without the help of some people around her. Therefore, she
would like to express her gratitude to her advisors, Ismalianing Eviyuliwati,
M.Hum, and Waliyadin, M.A TESOL. for their time, advice, guidance, and patience
in correcting and helping the writer to finish this research study.
Furthermore, the writer would also send his gratitude to:
1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., as the Dean of the Faculty of Educational
2. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D., as the Chairman of the Department
of English Education;
3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of the Department of
English Education
4. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., as the researcher’s Academic Advisor of Class A
in the academic year 2015/2016;
5. All lecturers and staff at the Department of English Education for
their knowledge, motivation, and support during her study at UIN
6. English teachers for willing to be interviewed for the data of the

7. All students of DeeAlova for the most incredible memories,
experiences, problems, and kindness in the class.
8. Her lovely husband Husni Baidhawi for all the time, kindness,
patience, support, anger, motivation, and strength whenever and
wherever the researcher needed.
9. Finally, everyone who cannot be mentioned here one by one for
supporting her in finishing this Skripsi.
Finally, the researcher confesses that her writing is still far from perfect; she
hopes for some suggestions and criticism from the readers of this paper for a better

Jakarta, February 23th 2022

Laely Hikmatul Fitri Yani


APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ ii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... v
ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ vi
ACKNOWLEDGMENT..................................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... ix
LIST OF APPENDICES..................................................................................... xii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study.................................................................................. 1
B. Identification of the Study................................................................................ 3
C. Limitation of the Study .................................................................................... 3
D. Research Question............................................................................................ 4
E. The Purpose of the Study ................................................................................. 4
F. Significance of the Study ................................................................................. 4
1) Theoretical Benefits .................................................................................. 5
2) Practical Benefits ...................................................................................... 5
3) Society....................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ............................................. 6
A. The Concept of Perception............................................................................... 6
B. The Concept of Instructional Media .............................................................. 10
1) Definition of Learning Media ................................................................. 15
2) Resources of Learning Media ................................................................. 16
3) The Benefits and Functions of Learning Media ..................................... 17
4) The Principles of Media Used in Learning ............................................. 19
C. Film ................................................................................................................ 21
1) Definition of Film ................................................................................... 21
2) The use of Film as Learning Resources .................................................. 22
3) The benefits of film as a learning medium ............................................. 23
D. Learning Through the Film ............................................................................ 24
1) Learning Culture ..................................................................................... 24

2) Learning Vocabulary .............................................................................. 24
3) Learning Grammar .................................................................................. 26
E. Advantages and Disadvantages of Film ......................................................... 27
1) Films are a rich source of context for learning. ...................................... 28
2) Films provide greater exposure to natural language ............................... 28
3) Films are a tool for discussing critical moral values............................... 28
F. Relevant Studies............................................................................................. 29
G. Conceptual Thinking ...................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS ......................................................... 34
A. Time and Place of the Study .......................................................................... 34
1) Time ........................................................................................................ 34
2) Place ........................................................................................................ 34
B. Research and Design of the Study ................................................................. 34
C. Research Participant ....................................................................................... 35
D. Research Instrument ....................................................................................... 35
E. Data Collecting Techniques ........................................................................... 36
F. The Technique of Analyzing Data ................................................................. 36
A. Findings .......................................................................................................... 38
1) Students' perceptions about their learning motivation using films ......... 38
2) Students’ perceptions of skills that support learning English using film
media. ...................................................................................................... 39
3) Students’ perceptions of film genres in learning English ....................... 40
4) The learning outcomes and motivation of using film as a learning media
................................................................................................................. 41
B. Discussion ...................................................................................................... 42
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 46
A. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 46
B. Implications.................................................................................................... 46
C. Suggestion ...................................................................................................... 47
1) English Teacher ...................................................................................... 47

2) For student .............................................................................................. 47
3) For School ............................................................................................... 47
REFERENCE ...................................................................................................... 49
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 54


Appendix 1 ........................................................................................................... 55
Appendix 2 ............................................................................................................ 64
Appendix 3 ............................................................................................................ 66
Appendix 4 ............................................................................................................ 67
Appendix 5 ............................................................................................................ 68
Appendix 6 ............................................................................................................ 70


A. Background of the Study

Learning Media is everything that can deliver the sender's message to the
recipient to stimulate the thoughts, feelings, attention, and interest of students in
learning (Munir, 2016). In education, teachers are a subject who can recall the
students' ideas, feelings, and attention, and get their interest in learning media. The
teachers are using the media as a means of introducing and delivering lessons.
Media is one of the tools that can facilitate teachers in the delivery of
learning to students. Media also aims to make the teaching and learning process
more attractive to students. According to (Japar, M., Fadhillah, D. N., & H.P, 2018),
there are many ways to improve the quality of student learning outcomes, such as
when the students absorb the material and learn more deeply and completely. In
comparison, the students often get misunderstood when they hear the teacher’s
explanation. If the students enrich their understanding with activities and practices
related to learning media, then they feel they can better understand and master
learning media (Japar, M., Fadhillah, D. N., & H.P, 2018). However, many schools
have used various media with superior and sophisticated technology in this current
Weight and Byrd (1999) characterizes educational media as a device that
gives the Elements of learning in schooling, particularly for conveying data from a
source to a collector, which can work with and work on the nature of understudy
learning. In light of the well-qualified's viewpoint, it tends to be reasoned that the
media is a device to work with understudies in getting gaining from instructor sand
give understudies more experience with the goal that understudies feel the quality
in learning. One of learning apparatuses is general media. Febliza and Zul (2015)
say learning with utilizing general media is an approach to advancing by utilizing
media contains sound and picture components, where during the time spent
ingestion matter includes the sense of sight and feeling of hearing. In view of


specialists explanation above can be presume that general media will be

media/apparatuses that are perceptible which implies that they can be heard also,
apparatuses that have apparent implications should be visible. All in all, varying
media is a apparatus that can deliver sound and appearance in one unit. With respect
to the varying media gatherings, coming up next are: (1) sound movies, (2) TV
(TV), (3) video tapes or VCDs (Zaini, 2019). In view of the well-qualified's
perspective, it tends to be presumed that general media is a medium as sound that
can be heard and an assortment of moving pictures that should be visible.
In general, teaching media is used to overcome various obstacles in teaching
and learning processes, communication barriers, limited classrooms, passive
student attitudes, less uniform student observations, and learning more miniature
specific objects. So, the teachers can know and use teaching media. when the
teachers use teaching media, the students will get their motivation for getting better
learning outcomes.
Nowadays, a teacher is required to do unlimited creativity in teaching. The
teachers must also be able to apply the media and tools used for teaching materials.
Wahyuningsih et al. (Wahyuningsih, M. G. S., Mudjiman, H., & Haryanto, 2014)
said these tools would change over time, or it can say that the development of media
is adjusted based on a very advanced era. In educational technology, teaching that
uses technology tools can be maximally utilized while learning. The technology
tools used for education include television, radio, films, overhead projectors,
videos, computers, and tape recorders (Wahyuningsih, M. G. S., Mudjiman, H., &
Haryanto, 2014).
In this research, the researcher chooses film media for learning English. This
kind of media makes the students more comfortable, pleasant, and more interested
in learning English. By using film media, the researcher also has an opinion and
wants to show films as learning media that will help students increase their English
language skills. If the teacher chooses a film that is appropriate for students' needs,
it will be motivating the students' interest, provide realistic listening practice,
stimulate language use, and heighten students' awareness (Munir, 2016).

The selection of audiovisual Media can be defined as one of the appropriate

learning media that increases the students’ motivation and learning achievement
because audiovisual learning media is a media that can be seen and heard to clarify
the message or information conveyed.
General media that we frequently experience is video. Sherman (2003)
makes sense of that Recordings acquaint students with a wide cluster of genuine
language encounters that improves their learning climate, and contextualize their
way of learning. In view of Sherman's proclamation, it tends to be inferred that
video is a media for the growing experience since it is ready to offer productive
benefit as a simple to apply media and actually makes understudies roused to learn
English with the goal that it will be not difficult to recollect learning material,
advances their learning climate and can contextualize during the educational
experience. Be that as it may, senior high school experience issues in learning
English since they absence of energy, engaging quality, inspiration and
concentration (Nurbayati, 2009;Hariyanto (2017);Rosyida, 2017). In this way, they
need video as a vehicle for realizing with the goal that understudies are energized
and have new encounters in learning English in the study hall. In this review, analyst
might want to distinguish understudies' insight about learning English utilizing film
to plan their advantage in the media.

B. Identification of the Study

From the research background, the writer concludes some identification of
the problems is having low motivation and interest in learning English due to lack
of media usage and Lack of understanding during eliciting students’ ability in the
English learning process. Thus, learning English by using film can be one of the
potential solutions in this research.

C. Limitation of the Study

The writer limited the research problem to finding out the students’
perception on the use of film media when the English learning process with film
media in SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang Selatan.

D. Research Question
Based on the background of the study and limitations of the study, the study
is formulated as follows: What are the student perceptions on using Film as an
English learning Media?
The research question above is divided into 4 subsidiary questions:
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Film as a
learning media?
2. What are students’ perceptions of skills that support learning
English using film media?
3. What are students’ perceptions of film genres in learning English?
4. What are the learning outcomes and motivations of using film as a
learning media?

E. The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to explore the students’ perception on using film
as an English Learning Media and to know how learning English using film can be
implemented by the students' SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang Selatan.

F. Significance of the Study

By and large, examination can be partitioned into two, to be specific
fundamental exploration and applied research. The supposed essential examination
is an exploration that has scholarly reasons focused on the improvement of science.
That is an explanation in light of a simple longing to realize that doesn't
straightforwardly have pragmatic purposes, like exploration on space, examination
of the moon, etc. While research is utilized for a review that has the point of having
the option to improve, more powerful and productive
The researcher hopes that this study can provide benefits in learning
English, especially in class that using movie in learning process. There are three
benefits that can be given in this study:

1) Theoretical Benefits
From this research, The researcher hopes that in this study he will be
able to contribute ideas related to the using movie in the learning process
and be able to provide references to future researchers with a discussion of
the classroom in the learning process using media film.
2) Practical Benefits
This research can help the students to improve the quality of learning
English by using film as a learning medium. and give the students new
3) Society
Benefit this research is expected to provide benefits for the
community to improve the quality of English by using films as learning
media. and provide new experiences to the local community.

A. The Concept of Perception

Insight has different faculties, most authorities on the matter would
agree, among others: According to Michael (Peters et al., 2012) that discernment
is such inclination and thinking toward thing and by a cycle. It implies that
somebody can communicate what are there to them. To expansion the meaning
of discernment can be found in Searle as refered to in Blake and Sekuler (Bungin
Burhan, 2006) "Insight is what individual (understudies) feel about specific thing
both cognizant and oblivious, whether visual or hear-able and felt that are
brought about by process going on the cerebrum". This implies when human
visual framework first sees a picture or thing they will think a data then they
percept it through the sound what on the human mind. On the opposite side, as
indicated by Oxford Dictionary (Oxford English Dictionary., 2007), insight is
characterized as the manner in which you notice things, particularly with the
Discernment manages the human detects that produce signals from the
climate through sight (the eyes), hearing (ears), contact (different pieces of the
body), smell (nose) and taste (tongue). It implies that discernment and human
sense include the association of the procured information or data. As such, the
human faculties and response engaged with human faculties occurs as an
intuition. For instance the speed with which a singular flutters the eyelash top on
locating an item moving quickly toward the eyes, the response of individuals to
sound and sharp articles that contacts the skin are illustration of instinctual ways
of behaving in light of handled data.
Besides, Angell (2015) states that discernment is the cognizance of
specific material things present to detect. Thus, the insight can be characterized
as the course of receipt of upgrades through the faculties, which is gone before
by the consideration or mindfulness that the individual can decide, decipher, and


value about what is noticed, how an individual sees, sees or characterizes

something. Furthermore, Wang (Wang, 2007) says that discernment is a bunch
of interior electrifying mental cycles of the cerebrum at the subliminal mental
capability layer that identifies, relates, deciphers and searches inward mental
data in the psyche. All in all, discernment is people‟ assessment on something
that they believed is valid. It implies that discernment alludes to somebody sense
or view toward a specific article. Discernment is people‟s assessment on
something that they believed is valid and figures out them. The connection is the
manner by which students‟ inspiration on their impression of capacity in
learning English.
Robbins (Educational, 1995) calls attention to that insight is processes
by which people arrange and furthermore decipher their tactile experience so it
will carry implications to them. It implies that a cycle by which people
coordinate and decipher their tactile impressions to give significance to their
current circumstance. In this manner, one might say that discernment alludes to
someone‟s sense or view toward a specific item. At the end of the day, student‟s
insight is can be the fundamental elements to help the showing educational
experience itself. Discernment can be characterized as individuals
acknowledgment and understanding of tactile data. Insight likewise incorporates
how individuals answer the data. Individuals can consider discernment a cycle
where they take in tangible data from climate and utilize the data to collaborate
with the climate.
Discernment permits individuals to take the tactile data in and make it
into something significant. As a matter of fact, every one of the definitions over
that expressed by certain specialists are comparable. One‟s discernment can
influence their demonstration toward something in the live in light of the fact
that through insight everyone can see exactly the same thing in various view or
it will differ from one individual to another.
Thusly the specialist reasons that the discernment is a bunch of cycle by
an individual becomes mindful of and deciphers data about specific item which
might be via experience, openness or some other cooperation. On the opposite

side, Robbins characterized the insight as well as makes sense of certain marks
of discernment for know how the method involved with social event data through
human perception‟s. Those markers partitioned into two pointers as follows:
1. Acknowledgment The course of acknowledgment or reabsorption is sign of
discernment in physiology stage; it is about the capability of the five
faculties in getting a handle on outer boost. This implies that the data
presented by people to one more will be consumed or acknowledged by the
five detects, both sight, hearing, contact, smell, and tasting independently
or together.
2. Understanding. It implies as the consequence of examination which is
emotional, or different for every people.
3. Assessment Evaluation is improvement from the external that has been
gotten a handle on by the faculties, and afterward assessed by people. This
assessment is exceptionally abstract. It will be different impression of every
individual in climate.
One individual surveys an improvement as troublesome and exhausting
however others judge similar boosts as great and wonderful. There are many
kinds of insight as indicated by Zaden (Zaden, 1984) there are individual
discernment, social discernment, and circumstance insight.
1. Individual discernment
Person insight alludes to those cycles by which we come to be aware and
contemplate other, their trademark, characteristics, and internal state. We
develop picture of others in manners that settle, make unsurprising, and
render our sensible perspective on friendly world to the degree to which we
characteristic stable waterways and getting through attitude to others
individuals. We feel that we are good ready to comprehend their way of
behaving and anticipated their future activities and we use there countries
to direct our association which them. An individual without sight might see
sound different that someone with the capacity to see. Each person‟s
individual discernment depends on that individuals see educational
experience and with that being the case no two individuals impression of a

similar circumstance is probably going to be the very same. In this sorts, it

has connection to understudies who has individual discernment or own
insight. Each understudy has different discernment to contemplate the
attribute of the educator, the way educator to instruct; the nature of educator,
even the educational media involved instructor in instructing and growing
experience. Each understudy additionally has different discernment about
what the material is instructed by educator. So it very well may be reason
that individual insight alludes to an overall propensity to frame impressions
of others; the different end we make about others in light of our impressions.
2. Circumstance discernment
Social psychol inguistics sees what is happening as every one of the social
factors that impact a persons‟ experience or conduct at a given time, and
given a spot. It is a collaboration of existence inside which we act in
unambiguous ways. The situational challenge in which upgrades happen has
ramifications for their translation. Any of numerous words might arise.
Contingent upon which improvements we register. The linkage we make
among these upgrades in our translation of the improvements. This type
implies that individuals discernment are different in light of the
circumstance. The students‟ mentality in the past are different students‟
disposition now. It is on the grounds that the social factors that impact an
individual way of behaving and likewise about contrast of information
understudies stream the data and innovation, consequently influencing the
students‟ thought.
3. Social insight
Social discernment implies that attempting to comprehend individuals
whether they are proficient competitors, political, criminal, pioneer,
performer, or adored and nearer to home isn't exposition task. Realizing that
others have considerations, convictions, feelings, expectations, and wants,
having the option to peruse other people‟s inward states in view of their
words, conduct, and look. Social discernment is an intricate interaction;
individuals notice other people‟s conduct cautiously until they get a total

investigation of the individual, circumstance and conduct. This implies that

individuals see something rely upon the nature of information. Individuals
who have excellent will give great discernment. They can peruse other
people‟s discernment in various action.

B. The Concept of Instructional Media

There are a ton of meanings of media. Gagne (Gagne, R., Briggs, 1970)
characterizes that media are different parts in learners‟ climate which support
the students learn. Briggs (Gagne, R., Briggs, 1970) characterizes media are
actual means which are utilized to send messages to the understudies and
animate them to learn. Likewise, (Murcia, 2001) states that media are devices or
actual things utilized by the educator to persuade the understudies by bringing a
cut of genuine into the homeroom and by introducing language in its more
finished correspondence complex. Media are apparatuses that are utilized to
make the correspondence and association between the educator and the
understudies more successful in the showing growing experience.
Media are utilized to help the materials that are given by the educator.
The utilization of media can rouse the understudies to learn and can successfully
make sense of and outline the items in a subject. As per Azikiwe (Azikiwe,
2007), informative media cover anything that the educator uses to include every
one of the five feelings of sight, hearing, contact, smell and taste while
introducing his/her examples. Along these lines Adegun (1997) says
informative media are things which are expected to assist the educator with
showing all the more successfully and empower the understudies to learn all the
more promptly.
Educational media are data transporters planned explicitly to satisfy
targets in an instructing learning circumstance. They are vital in language
educating, particularly the unknown dialect since they work with the immediate
relationship among sounds and their images and furthermore words and the
articles they address. They help to distinctively show implications of things since
they are related with materials utilized by the educator to work on the nature of

his instructing. As per Morris (Morris, 2018) the capability of mechanical media
is to enhance the educator through improving his viability in the homeroom.
Instructive media are the two devices for educating and roads for learning, and
their capability is to serve these two cycles by upgrading clearness in
correspondence, variety in technique, and power completion in offer. Aside from
the educator, these media will decide more than anything more the quality for
instructive exertion.
On the opposite side, Seth (Seth, 2002) characterizes that the educational
media allude to gadgets and materials utilized in instructing and learning. It
incorporates equipment like writing board, radio, TV, recording devices, video
tapes and recorders and activities; and programming like transparences, movies,
slides, and instructors made-outlines, genuine articles, kid's shows, models,
guides and photo. Ahmad Rohani (Rohani, 1997) states that informative media
incorporates every one of the materials and actual means an educator could use
to execute educational targets. This might incorporate conventional materials
like blackboard, gifts, graphs, slides, overheads, genuine items, and video tape
or film, also fresher materials and strategies like PCs, DVD, CDROM, the web,
and intuitive video conferencing. Anything the meanings of media are, there is
a rule which can be expressed about media.
Media is a device which teachers use to give material of concentrate
effectively, such 85as recording device, Tapes, camcorders, video recorder, film,
slide, photos, drawings, designs, and TVs, PCs, in center, projector, PC, and
speaker. In view of the definitions over, the specialist can reason that educational
media is showing helps showing process all that can be utilized to animate the
psyche, sentiments, consideration and abilities or abilities of students to
empower the growing experience. It should contain such assortment of materials
or devices and gear that can be utilized successfully for moving, passing on and
learning data. Educational media assist with adding components of the real world
- for example, remembering pictures or exceptionally elaborate virtual
experiences for a talk. Media can be utilized to help at least one of the
accompanying informative exercises:

The first is gain consideration. An image on the screen, an inquiry on the

board, or music playing as understudies go into the room all get the student‟s
The second is review essentials. Use media to assist understudies with
reviewing what they realized in the last class, so new material can be connected
to and based upon it.
The third is available targets to the students. Hand out or project the
day‟s learning targets.
The fourth is available new satisfied. Besides the fact that media assist
with canning make new satisfied more critical, media can likewise assist with
conveying new happy (a text, film, or video).
The fifth is support learning through models and visual elaboration. One
of the greatest benefits of media is to carry the world into the homeroom when
bringing the understudy into the world is unimaginable.
The seventh is getting understudy reaction. Present data to understudies
and offer conversation starters to them, getting them engaged with responding
to the inquiries.
The eighth is giving input. Media can be utilized to give input connecting
with a test or class work out. The 10th is improving maintenance and move.
Pictures improve maintenance. Informative media assist understudies with
envisioning an example and move dynamic ideas into concrete, more
straightforward to recall objects.
The latter is survey execution. Media is a magnificent method for
offering appraisal conversation starters for the class to reply, or understudies can
submit interceded introductions as study hall projects. What's more, media
additionally has capability that is as indicated by Arsyad (Arsyad, 2003). There
are a few capabilities which are helps ease learning for understudies, works with
the educational experience for educators, draws in more prominent consideration
in different understudies don't feel exhausted, create new cravings and interests,
produce inspiration and invigorate learning exercises, and in any event, welcome
mental effects on understudies. Hence the media can upgrade understudies'

learning assimilation of learning materials. In the mean time, educational media

in a language educating or showing materials likewise includes the utilization of
various types of media can be characterized into five sorts (Kemp, 1977).
They are recreated media which incorporate games, pretends,
reproductions; visual structures which incorporate visual, realistic, and visual
mix; sound structures; general media or interactive media methods; and genuine
items media that can be utilized by different faculties which incorporate articles,
examples and models.
1. Recreated Media Simulated media incorporate games, tests, pretends, and
reenactments. Games can serve very well as the reason for an obtaining
action. It is a movement which gives joy and enjoyable to the players. The
game is upheld by rules. In language educating for kids, giving material
comprising of games will be helpful. Games make the understudies more
intrigued by the illustration. The utilization of games can animate them. In
talking, for instance, understudies are animated to make some noise, even
the modest youngsters. It is on the grounds that the setting of the game
makes the growing experience simple for the understudies.
2. Visual Forms Visual media are those which are connected with seeing or
sight that are utilized to delineate something. Those can be in type of
pictures or slides. Visual media can associate students‟ delineation and the
genuine articles in the field. Pictures, for instance, those can be utilized to
supplant the articles that are interesting or difficult to bring into the
homeroom. Pictures are the media that can be utilized to inspire
understudies, to make the subject they are managing more clear, and to
delineate the overall thought and types of an item or activity which are
specific to a culture. Pictures can be as glimmer cards.
The glimmer cards are planned in little size which can be hold up by the
educator so that the understudies could see. Pictures can be in type of enormous
wall pictures. Those can be utilized, for instance, to show enormous road guides
to rehearse shop jargon or to get understudies giving and figuring out headings.
Pictures are helpful for an assortment of correspondence exercises, particularly

where these have a game in them. Visual media is one of media which create
understudies can be intrigued. Visual media play significant part in educating
and learning movement. It can make understudies understanding simpler and
build up memory. It likewise creates students‟ interest and gives association
among material and genuine matter. To additional powerful, visual media ought
to be involved on setting which has meaning and the understudies need to
connect with the picture persuaded that made data handling.
Visual media is one of helping instrument that utilized by an educator to
show the understudies in class or to show about the cycle or method for
accomplishing something with trust that the understudies will really
understanding and pleasant in showing educational experience. By utilizing
visual media, instructor give data to the understudies all the more effectively
and the understudies can comprehend and get the data all the more effectively
as well, in light of the fact that the educator shows what they are referring to
and the understudies can see straightforwardly what the educator mean.
Comparable to this, Suleiman (Suleiman, 1985) states that "on the off chance
that somebody sees something he really wants, he will be intrigued and it will
be an inspiration to know more. Visual media give individuals backing and
inspiration to be aware and notice, lastly it can give better comprehension.
3. Sound Media Audio media can be as tape recorders, radio sets, melodies, or
phone sets. Tunes give a characteristic method for dynamic learning for
youthful students. It can assist understudies with managing stresses and
fears. It assists them with creating interactive abilities, for example, turn
taking. Utilizing tunes, understudies can play around with language and
foster their jargon. It tends to be utilized to create students‟ comprehension
of the world both present and past. It empowers understudies to investigate
spatial ideas like headings. Besides, melodies give a scope of chances to the
improvement of innovative pretends, minds, and dreams.
4. General media Forms Audio visual media are the media that consolidate

1) Definition of Learning Media

Before we know more about the definition of learning media, we must
know about learning and media separately. Education is an activity that
leads to change and control of what is taught, while teaching is a practical
activity or action, be intentional and conscious of assisting learning (Sakat,
A. A., Zin, M. Z. M., Muhamad, R., Anzaruddin, A., Ahmad, N. A., &
Kasmo, 2012). In general, education aims to increase knowledge, skills, and
competencies in other fields of parallel aspects. The learning process in the
classroom has some characteristics, such as its purpose, content to deliver
the material, and the teacher's approach. The second characteristic is
learning with the guidance of a teacher. The learning process in the
classroom also occurs in large or small groups according to levels of
schooling. There are several assessments including the assessments in a test
form or examinations to assess the effect of teaching and learning outcomes
(Sakat, A. A., Zin, M. Z. M., Muhamad, R., Anzaruddin, A., Ahmad, N. A.,
& Kasmo, 2012).
Meanwhile, Gagne (Gagne, R., Briggs, 1970) (Ampa, A. T., Rasyid, M.
A., Rahman, M. A., Haryanto, & D., 2013) states media are different
components in the environment that can stimulate students to learn. Mayer
said multimedia is defined as the combining of various digital media types,
such as text, images, sound, and video, into an integrated multi-sensory
interactive application or presentation to convey a message or information
to an audience (Ampa, A. T., Rasyid, M. A., Rahman, M. A., Haryanto, &
D., 2013).
According to Riza (Riza, 2016), learning media can be defined as the
means of communication from the message source to the receiver to support
the learning process. Hamrlik said the purpose of using media in the learning
process is it can generate new passions and interests, raise motivation and
stimulation of learning activities, and bring a psychological impact on
students. Media can be an effective solution to minimize the obstacles
experienced by teachers and students in the classroom's learning process.

Therefore, learning media makes learning activities more attractive to

students. The subject material can be more exciting and understandable
(Sakat, A. A., Zin, M. Z. M., Muhamad, R., Anzaruddin, A., Ahmad, N. A.,
& Kasmo, 2012).
2) Resources of Learning Media
There are a lot of resources for learning media, along with technological
advances. (Cunningsworth, 1995) states that learning materials are a crucial
component of the teaching and learning process. They are used to help
transfer information and skills from the teacher to students. Learning
materials can be separated into two different kinds, there is printed fabric,
and the second one is non-printed materials. Printed materials belong to
material in textbooks, handouts, etc. Printed material is material using
papers, which can serve for learning purposes or submission of information.
From the point Kemp. J. and Dayton, various learning materials are
categorized as learning media (Lestiyanawati, 2011). As part of the learning
media, printed materials have significantly contributed to the learning
process. However, printed materials still have some weaknesses, such as
they cannot present the movement. Therefore, the printed materials should
be complete with non-printed materials, which is the multimedia materials.
Richard said Non-printed materials in the shape of multimedia learning
materials use computers to present and combine text, graphics, audio, video,
and animation with links and tools that let the users interact, create and
communicate (Ampa, A. T., Rasyid, M. A., Rahman, M. A., Haryanto, &
D., 2013). Examples of non-printed materials are audio materials, videos, or
other computer-based materials. The learning process through multimedia
materials facilitates computers to coordinate teachers and students to
connect information. Besides that, there must be ways for users to gather,
process, and communicate their knowledge and ideas.
Amalia states that instructional Media for the teaching-learning
process, especially in Indonesia, can be classified into five categories. They
are (1) games and stimulation, for example, words, puzzles, and role-

playing; (2) visual media. It is media that can see, and the function of optical
Media is distributing the message from the sources to the receiver. Some
examples are pictures/photos, sketches, diagrams, charts, graphs, cartoons,
posters, maps, globes, and flannel boards; (3) audio media. Audio Media is
media that is useful because of its sounds. Some of the examples are radio
and tape recorders; (4) audiovisual media. Audiovisual media are media that
provide both sound and pictures. The models are television and video, and
(5) still projected Media. Still, projected media are almost the same as visual
media. Examples are film and slide (Lestiyanawati, 2011).
3) The Benefits and Functions of Learning Media
According to (Arsyad, 2003), teaching media has some basic criteria as
a. Teaching media has a physical meaning that is called hardware.
The hardware is an object that can be seen, heard, and touched
by the five senses.
b. Teaching media has non-physical meaning then we call it
software, that is the message which wants to deliver to pupils
in hardware.
c. The emphasis of teaching media is on the visual and audio.
d. Teaching media is a tool to help the teaching-learning process
both inside and outside class.
e. Teaching media is used to communicate and interact between
teachers and students in the teaching-learning process.
f. Teaching media can be used massively (for example radio,
television) in big groups and small groups (for example film,
slide, video, OHP), or in individual (e.g.: module, computer,
video recorder)
g. Attitude, act, organization, strategy, and management are
related to the application of certain knowledge.
Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that the media relates
to technique and method in the teaching and learning process. In other

words, media is all aids/tools which may be used by teachers and learners
to attain certain education objectives.
The use of media in the learning process with the intent of the operation
of educational communication interactions between teachers and students
can be appropriate and useful (Dina Puspitasari, Ari sofia, 2019). There are
many benefits of learning media. They include:
a. The application of multimedia in the learning process can
stimulate students' interest and improve their language sense.
With this interactive, virtual atmosphere, students can get
knowledge in a pleasant environment and apply it quickly,
helping their full development.
b. The application of multimedia in the learning process can help
cultivate intercultural communication. Learning a language is
tightly connected to its culture. Learning English well needs the
integration of English and the culture of English-speaking
countries. With Multimedia, students can have more chances to
be exposed to English culture directly or indirectly, which
cannot be achieved in traditional classes.
c. The application of multimedia in the learning process can
strengthen students' comprehension and understanding. All
senses are involved in the learning process. Sight and hearing
account for 94% of the awareness of learning materials, among
which the company makes up 83%, and hearing 11%. When
hearing and sight combine, the effect is strikingly improved.
Multimedia's application motivates the senses, especially sight
and hearing, which effectively strengthens students'
comprehension and understanding.
d. The application of multimedia can improve teaching quality,
motivation and attitude are the two critical factors of English
learning. Active learning motivation and perspective can help
learners acquire the target language proficiency. The more

active learning becomes, and the better the learning effect, vice
versa. The application of Multimedia arouses the motivation of
learners and can promote their learning from the internal cause.
e. The learning process can improve English ability. Multimedia
takes less time, doing more enjoyable moments and enhances
language learning to students. It was found that "learning was
higher when the information presented via computer-based
multimedia systems than traditional classroom lectures".
There are two main functions of media that we need to know. The first
function is the media as a learning tool, and the second function is the media
as a learning resource. Both the main functions can be examined in a review
below (Widayanto, 2015).
a. Media as a Learning Tool
Every teaching material has varying levels of difficulty. In some
cases, teaching materials do not require tools, but on the other hand,
there are some materials that need tools or instructional media.
Instructional media is meant, in the form of a globe, graphics, images,
and so on. Teaching materials with a high difficulty will be difficult to
understand for the students. So, teachers need the help of the media to
make the learning process easier. As a tool, the media has the function
to reach the goal of the learning process. It is based on the belief that
learning activities with the help of the media can enhance the quality of
student learning activities. That means student learning activities with
the help of the media are better than those without the help of the media.
b. Media as a source of learning
A learning resource is anything that can be used as a resource for
getting knowledge. Learning resources can be grouped into five
categories, namely human, library books, media, natural environment,
and media education. Media education, as a source of learning, helps
the teachers to make the student more understand the material.
4) The Principles of Media Used in Learning

Learning media can deliver learning materials, so it can stimulate the

attention, interests, thoughts, and feelings of students in teaching and
learning activities for achieving specific goals. On other hand, the media
will help the teacher convey the material taught more effectively. Moreover,
the students can be more motivated, resulting in their ability to understand
the material delivered more efficiently and effectively(Lestiyanawati,
2011). The Media brings instructional messages or information that contains
learning purposes, called teaching media (Arsyad, 2003).
There are broad meanings and narrow meanings of learning media
based on. The comprehensive purpose of learning media is people, material,
or events, creating a condition to get new knowledge, skill, or attitude. The
press, in this definition, includes teachers, books, and the environment.
Meanwhile, the narrow meaning of media can be defined as graphic, photo,
picture, mechanic, and electronic tools used to express, process, and convey
visual and verbal information. Learning media also included all physical
forms that can get messages and stimulate students to learn (Anggraini,
According to Ampa (Ampa, A. T., Rasyid, M. A., Rahman, M. A.,
Haryanto, & D., 2013) in their research, they concluded that the use of
multimedia learning materials in teaching speaking skills was practical and
useful. When learning through multimedia, the brain must simultaneously
encode two different information types: an auditory stimulus and a visual
stimulus. Multimedia also allows the conveyance of the understanding of a
topic in various ways, providing the students with the opportunity to explain
their ideas to others. It also provides the students with communication and
offers them new insight into organizing and evaluating information.
Besides, multimedia has the potential to change the roles of teachers and
students and interact between them by allowing the students to create their
interpretation of data (Ivers, K. S., & Barron, n.d.). The use of multimedia
in the learning process is better than conventional learning because
multimedia learning combining animation with narration generally

improves retention of text performance better than when the information is

presented as either text or narration alone (Mayer, 2020). The balance
gained from learning media is when the learner can apply what shows in
new situations, and students perform better on problem-solving when they
Arsyad (Arsyad, 2003) mentioned essential criteria of teaching and
learning media; those are; a). Teaching and learning media have physical
meaning that is called hardware; b). The hardware is an object that can be
seen, heard, and touched by the five senses; c). Teaching-learning media has
non-physical meaning then we call it software, that is the message that wants
to deliver for a pupil in hardware; d). The emphasis of teaching and learning
media is in the visual and audio. e). Teaching and learning media is a tool
to help the teaching-learning process both inside and outside class; f).
Teaching and learning media are used to communicate and interact with
teachers and students in the teaching-learning process; g). Teaching and
learning media can use massively (for example, radio, television), in big
group and small group (for example, film, slide, video, OHP), or individual
(e.g., module, computer, video recorder); h. Attitude, act, organization,
strategy, and management are related to the application of specific
C. Film
1) Definition of Film
In light of the word, film (film) comes from the word
cinematographie which implies film (movement), though or phytos (light)
and graphie or grhap (composing, picture, picture). So it very well may be
deciphered that film is showing movement with light Painting the movement
with light utilizing unique devices, frequently utilized is the camera. One
more meaning of film, in particular, film is the consequence of a masterpiece
that has culmination of a few components of craftsmanship to supplement
the necessities of an otherworldly sort. Components of craftsmanship that
exist and backing a film, including expressive arts, photography, design,

dance, verse, writing, theater, music, pantonym and books. As indicated by

Effendi (Puspasari, N., & Suwardi, 2016), film is a social item and a method
for imaginative articulation. Motion pictures as Mass correspondence is a
blend of different innovations like photography and recording sound,
expressive arts and theater expressions, writing and design as well as
melodic expressions. In the mean time, as per the KBBI (Big Indonesian
Dictionary), the meaning of film as per the KBBI is a film a slender layer
made of celluloid for a negative picture (which will be made a
representation) or for a positive picture place (which will be played in the
2) The use of Film as Learning Resources
According to the diagram in Munir (Munir, 2016), by listening and
seeing at once, it will be easier for students to learn than to see or hear it.
Audiovisual media is one of the media following the opinion. Audiovisual
media learning will be more successful than audio or visual media learning
alone. It's because sound and images are used by the audiovisual media so
that they are more interesting and the effects are better. The information
entered through two human senses is, after all the eyes and ears.
One of the learning media that can stimulate students' creativity and
attract their interest is film. The film is an audiovisual media with beautiful
sound effects and moving images that can build someone to see it
comfortably (Faradinna, 2018). Films bring many advantages to the learning
process. The most beneficial thing about cinema is it can make students
more enjoyable while studying. They can also focus and keep on their task
to develop their ability through the learning process. It is also an excellent
way to get students' attention to the lessons (Lestiyanawati, 2011).
Based on an article written by Tan (Tan, 2007) films can stimulate
critical thinking in language instruction in many different ways because
films serve setting, plot, and culture, including a lot of mysterious things.
Hence, it makes the viewer try to think of possibilities that might happen.
Lestiyanawati (2011) in her study, concluded that the strategy of using

documentary films in BBC VCD could be the strategy that helps the students
solve their problems in writing reports. The media enable the students to
engage in the instructional process actively. Furthermore, the media can
give students more information and improve their ability to build an idea to
write. As an educational instrument, the films may or may not provide a
high pedagogical potential. It is easier for either a child or an adult to capture
conveyed information and messages using audiovisual stimuli. The film
helps the teacher to break the traditional model of class based on the
theoretical and abstract exposition of contents, serving whether to display
more or less explicit content, as to illustrate concepts, demonstrate
experience, and reflect on them (Moura, A., Cachadinha, M., & Almeida,
3) The benefits of film as a learning medium
Watching is a fun act. That's the reason for learning the language
English by watching movies is more fun than learning through books. Not
only that, watching movies also offers other things that are not in the book.
For example only elocution (articulation) and emphasis (highlight) methods.
In addition, the film shows visuals also as a voice that can make it easier for
us to learn English.
The benefits that will be obtained in watching movies to further
develop skills in Indonesian, for example (Zaidah, 2022):
a) It's fun to learn with film techniques
Learning English by reading books can be tiring and exhausting. this
problem unique when it comes to watching movies. Watching is a stupid and
interesting act so it can cause us to feel that we are not learning. Since The fun
thing is, watching movies can also inspire us to learn more through movies often
and definitely.
b) The motivation behind why watching movies is a method for learning
English is a film that gives us examples of the use of English in the
background sincere. When we learn English words, sometimes it's hard to
remember them significance or use. Movies can help us recall the

importance and use of words because film provides setting and usage.
Movies also provide models the use of English in daily discussions spoken
directly by local British residents speakers (local English speakers). In this
way, we can quickly get used to the expression and typical statements in
English along with how to articulate them. The capacities that we can
develop in learning through film media are listening skills, speaking skills,
jargon and articulation

D. Learning Through the Film

1) Learning Culture
According to Giroux (Giroux, 2004), cultural learning focuses on
critical analysis of culture, knowledge, and power and on the idea that
teaching is a social practice that can only be understood through
considerations of history, politics, energy, and culture. Li (LI, 2016) stated
that electronically supported learning and teaching systems through the
internet and multimedia improved the control group's listening performance
and helped the teacher yield twice the results with half the effort.
Kabooha (Kabooha, 2016), in his paper, concluded that movies are
powerful instructional tools that can help in developing students' language
skills. In an essay written by (Pazilah, F. N. P., Hashim, H., & Yunus, 2019)
Pazilah also discussed that greater exposure to audiovisual technologies,
such as films, can lead to growth in second language acquisition to a
significant extent in nonnative English language learning environments.
2) Learning Vocabulary
One of the issues in learning English as a foreign language is
vocabulary (Ghazal, 2007). Many students have limited speech which
causes a problem with speaking in English. The wording is the critical point
before the student steps up to the next level, measuring the student's
vocabulary skills needs to be considered earlier (Susanto, A., Ab Halim, F.,
& Nuwrun, 2019). Vocabulary is an essential element that contributes to
English proficiency. Vocabulary learning is a lifelong task of learning

languages because students will continue to find new words throughout their
lives, even long after mastering grammar forms of speech. Even though
learning vocabulary can never be considered complete, this process must be
inserted into the learning process.
Teachers' primary role in the classroom is to explain new words to
students and build students' independence to develop their vocabulary skills
(Hedge, 2002). To make students motivated to build their independence to
master new words, teachers must find a way, such as by training them with
the right vocabulary learning strategies. The vocabulary training strategy is
the right part of the language learning strategy, part of a general learning
strategy (Nation, 2001). In action, it is the vocabulary knowledge that helps
learners to convey meanings. The learners' awareness of the role of
vocabulary in language learning is reflected in their learning behavior when
they consult dictionaries for difficult vocabulary items (Astika, n.d.).
Nix (Nix, n.d.) provides support for video use in a classroom to develop
students' vocabulary. The researcher stated that "Pictures (video) improve
sentence production for many words". Video media that can be the tools for
developing the vocabulary skills of students is films. Learning media
through film can be a vocabulary learning strategy. It can count as actions
that students choose to help them understand and remember vocabulary
items obtained through language learning experiences (Cameron, 2002).
New words or pronunciation are related to students' mechanism, process,
and steps to build their sensitivity to English words to understand how it
says and how they arrange them to be a sentence for communicating in
English. They will also find the meaning of unknown words, maintain it in
long-term memory, recall them when needed, and use them verbally or in
written mode.
According to Gu and Johnson (1996), there are three kinds of
vocabulary learning strategies: metacognitive, cognitive, memory, and
activation strategies. The metacognitive strategies consist of selective
attention and self-initiation strategies. First language learners and second

language learners who employ particular attention strategies know which

words are essential for them to learn and are essential for adequate
comprehension of a passage. Learners employing self-initiation techniques
use a variety of means to make the meaning of vocabulary items exact.
Meanwhile, the cognitive strategies consist of guessing strategies, skillful
use of dictionaries, and note-taking methods. It found that learners using
guessing strategies draw upon their background knowledge and use
linguistic clues like grammatical structures of a sentence to guess the
meaning of a word.
Memory strategies classify into two distinct categories; rehearsal and
encoding categories. Word lists and repetition are instances of rehearsal
strategies. Encoding strategies encompass such processes as association,
imagery, visual, auditory, semantic, and contextual encoding and word
structure, which includes; analyzing a word in terms of prefixes, stems, and
suffixes. According to Sanaoui (Sanaoui, 1995), there are two distinctive
approaches to vocabulary learning for adult learners, they are those who
structured their vocabulary learning and those who did not. Structured
learners engaged in independent study, did self-initiated learning activities
and recorded the lexical items they were learning, reviewed such records,
and practiced using vocabulary items outside the classroom (Bastanfar, A.,
& Hashemi, 2010). Sanaoui’s research showed that structured Learners
were more successful than those who followed an unstructured approach.
3) Learning Grammar
Another critical aspect of learning English is grammar. It is because
grammar is used to make it possible for us to talk about language. There is
a unique grammar for each language in this world. In general, grammar can
define as the names types of words, and word groups that make up
sentences. Even though everyone can put sentences together even as
children, we need the grammar to talk about how sentences build and the
types of words and word groups that make up sentences (Tilfarlioglu, 2005).

Gara (Gara, 1974) says that he believes learning grammar is the way
that is neither necessary nor sufficient for learning to use a language. While
Pawlak (Pawlak, 2018) defines grammar as learning strategies for
deliberating actions and thoughts employed by EFL learners to learn and
use the language quickly, effectively, and efficiently. These strategies are
usually applied to normalize, control, and facilitate the learning process
(Griffiths, 2019).
Teaching grammar communicatively can increase the communicative
competence of which grammatical competence is a significant dimension
(Dijk, 2012). (Apple, 1993) believes that uncommunicative grammar
learning minimizes learners' exposure to the given knowledge and deprives
them of thinking critically. Consequently, learners' passive role in explicit
language learning can negatively affect their ability to acquire and develop
essential higher-order thinking skills (Al-issa, 2016). Most students
(70.20%) use grammar learning strategies that consist of cognitive,
metacognitive, and social/affective, such as through film. Although there
are many slang words used in the movie that doesn't fit the right grammar,
the learner can also get used to hearing English words from film and learning
how they are arranged to be a sentence.

E. Advantages and Disadvantages of Film

The use of film as an English learning medium such as to develop
grammar skills, and vocabulary skills, and build the right learning culture
are some of the advantages of cinema. Faradinna (Faradinna, 2018)
concluded that the implementation of film media is beneficial for learning
to write in the language studied, and also making students active in
participating in the learning process. So, the students’ worksheets results are
more organized, directed, and easily understood. Audiovisual learning
media can make teachers more creative and innovative so that the classroom
atmosphere is not dull and has a positive impact on student learning
outcomes. Through film, students can analyze the scenes in small groups

using general knowledge of problem-solving, individual decision making,

and group decision making to recommend a decision approach. They decide
on the model to see the model's decision process.
Lestiyanawati (Lestiyanawati, 2011) mentions that using films to promote
critical thinking in the English language is:
1) Films are a rich source of context for learning.
Films are a rich source of context for learning and language
development, and films provide a rich context. The visual images which
accompany the soundtrack provide a novel and unique experience for the
learners. This provides context information and facilitates comprehension.
Films are a form of visual stimuli. Films can add variety to language
instruction, and they can create a far-reaching impact if appropriately used.
If learning and exciting and varied learning activities are especially
important during the post-examination periods, the student's motivation in
learning English will be increased. Consequently, the chances of learners
mastering the language would also be better.
2) Films provide greater exposure to natural language
Films are a rich teaching source of authentic spoken language in
3) Films are a tool for discussing critical moral values.
On the other hand, (Champoux, n.d.) argues that the user of the film in
English learning caused some disadvantages such as the problems below:
a. The copyright restrictions discussed in detail later prevent you
from copying scenes from films to convenient control over the
sequence of scenes you use. You will need time to get the
videotaped movie and preposition it at the start of a stage.
b. Some students might resist viewing foreign films with English
subtitles. These films take more effort to follow because they
need to read the subtitles and watch the scenes. Foreign films
also can be culturally based on subtleties that non-natives might

not easily understand. Experimenting with scenes from several

foreign movies will let you gauge your students' reactions.
c. Films are fiction, and fiction writers and directors have much
flexibility in how much reality they want their movies to show.
Although the closing scenes from Working Girl demonstrate
the power and political behavior, some students have felt the
happy ending although it does not happen in reality.
d. Students can vary in their reactions to actresses, actors, and
characters in a film. The scenes discussed in this article have
worked well with diverse groups of students in five countries.
Your knowledge of your students, and their likely reactions,
should guide your choice of scenes.
e. The content of scenes might distract some students from the
theories and concepts the scenes portray. Humor, drama, terror,
and language can distract people. For example, some scenes
from The Godfather that show ethical dilemmas have such
intense violence that some people might find them offensive.
f. Using film scenes in class takes time away from other
classroom activities. By using selected sets of twenty minutes
or less, you can focus on specific theories or concepts. You will
need to decide whether a scene makes its point efficiently and
with enough effect to warrant class time.

F. Relevant Studies

A relevant study is a study done by previous research and can be used to

support new research. There is some studies done before, including the following:
Moura (Moura, A., Cachadinha, M., & Almeida, 2017) stated this study
concluded that the adopted strategies have been very relevant. It allows the students
a more significant contact with the world of cinema and disciplinary knowledge
acquisition. Moura et al. mention that it was clear that subjects previously seen as

potentially "boring" and uninteresting became the object of interest and committed
discussion by a part of the students after viewing the films. The similarity of Moura
et al.'s research and this study is that we are the same for using film or cinema as
learning media, while the difference is the research's subject. Moura et al
Like the research done by (Yulian, A. P., Herwanti, R. T., & Pituringsih,
LEARNING MEDIA AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL”. His research concluded that
(Farani, 2020) Based on this research, the writer concludes that The consequence
of understudies' responses in finishing up the survey understudies' discernment on
the utilization of film as a media for learning English demonstrate that respondent's
responses Yes on the utilization of film as a mode for learning English emphatically
affects learning English. The utilization of film as a learning media make
understudy in middle school interest in learning English. The information show that
understudies reply in finishing up the survey is half responses indeed, 0%
understudy's responses no and 47.4% not answer the inquiry. It demonstrated from
that information sound and visual from the film can't make understudies exhausting
again on educational experience. The utilization of film as a learning media make
understudies in middle school roused in learning English. It demonstrated from that
information 68.4% understudies answer indeed, 0% understudies answer no and
31.6% understudies not answer the inquiry. The utilization of film as a learning
media makes understudies in middle school effectively to grasp the English
material. Sound and visual from the film make understudies all the more effectively
to acknowledge the material. It is demonstrated from that information 73.7%
understudies answer indeed, 5.3% understudies answer no and 21.1% understudies
not answer the inquiry. One more beneficial outcome on The utilization of film as
learning media is film make understudies and educator got new insight on involving
innovation likewise The utilization of film as a learning media can assist educator
with expanding the accomplishment of learning goals in a brief time frame it is
demonstrated from that information 84.2% understudies answers yes 2.6%
understudies answers no and 13.2% understudies not answer the inquiry. The
analyst reasons that video is helpful learning media that can use to learning English.

The third study is conducted by (Fauzi, W. R., & Muljanto, 2021), with the
VOCABULARY LEARNING”. His research concluded that (Fauzi, W. R., &
Muljanto, S.2021) In this segment, the analyst might want to make a few
determinations. In light of the outcome, the scientist makes inferences as follows:
What are understudies' discernments on involving motion pictures for jargon
learning. The analyst trusted that the motion pictures as learning media can be
utilized whether use it in study hall educating and learning movement and use it at
home. In view of the information over, the specialist tracked down 3 outcomes; The
first, it is vital to learn media. The members really do trust that the utilization of
learning media is vital on the grounds that other than that it can make learning a
more alluring learning media and can likewise invigorate understudies to study
harder. The second, understudies accept that the utilization of motion pictures as a
learning media have valuable impact, for example, on mastering talking expertise
and listening ability. The last, understudies concurred that motion pictures are
valuable to get familiar with a few new words by watching the film what's more,
further develop their jargon learning despite the fact that they utilized Indonesian
captions (their native language) they actually enjoyed benefits.
The fourth study is conducted by (Anggraini, D. T., & Hasibuan, 2020) with
results, the findings of this study concluded as follows. Watching and discussing
films that represents narrative texts enables students to improve speaking skills in
English in KelasIX-1 at SMP Negeri 1 Padangsidimpuan. Discussing films
develops students' ability in critical thinking. However, in choosing films as
teaching media teachers should be able to give clear instruction to make the process
of learning more effective and efficient. In using film as a teaching media, teachers
should shows the relevant moral message for students to learn. Online learning
require maximum effort from teacher to do classroom management and to give
maximal motivation for students. Technical problems regarding internet facilitation
still contributes on inconducive online learning process in the target school. Thus,

further research related to the use of film as a teaching media is still needed in a
larger scaleto obtain satisfactory findings.
The last study is conducted by Zaidah, V. M. (Zaidah, 2022) . with the title
of “Students' Perception of the Use of Film Media in Teaching English” Western
films or foreign films are films made in foreign countries whose purpose is not
much different from the films made in the country. Western films are usually made
with a purpose to compete with other foreign films so that the film that survives
will be get a bigger profit than other films. This is what making Western or foreign
films is opposed by some people who feel that Western films or foreign is no longer
appropriate to be watched by the public. Even so Western movies or foreign
contains a lot of negative influences, Western or foreign films also do not mean it
can banned in society because Western or foreign films also play a role in contribute
taxes to the nation. The next reason why watching movies is one way to learn a
language English is a film, presenting us with examples of the use of English in a
different context real. Therefore, when we do not know what the meaning of a word,
idiom, or phrase in film, we can guess the meaning by looking at the expressions
and gestures of the characters in the film who speak and hear the words. That's why
with learning through this film media, students can focus and enthusiastically in the
process learning because it is fun and not boring for students in study. And can
increase the value of the students because they can capture and understand science
with a higher proportion of previous learning which was only done through books
and explanations from quite boring educator by the students
Although the focus of this research is the same as the studies above, there
are differences in anxiety in each problem taken by the researchers and the type of
test, the exact location, time and method chosen by the researcher.
G. Conceptual Thinking
Learning media allows us to convey the understanding of a topic in various
ways, and allows the students to explain their ideas to others. According to Munir
Peter Shea (Munir, 2016), students will be easier to learn by hearing and seeing at
once, rather than see or hearing it. So, audiovisual Media is the best answer. One of
audiovisual learning using media can stimulate students' creativity and attract their

interest in the film. Films help students and teachers to create appropriate learning
cultures so that the learning process feels more enjoyable. Films as learning media
are powerful instructional tools that can help develop students' language skills such
as grammar and vocabulary skills.

This chapter will discuss the research methods, including the research
design, place and time, research participant, research instrument, data collecting
techniques, and technique of analyzing data. Each point will be explained as
A. Time and Place of the Study
In facilitating research, to obtain accurate data, it takes time and place to
conduct research. Research time is the time used or needed to research the object
that is the center of attention. This research is performed based on a predetermined
time and place.
1) Time
The data collection was held from February to March 2020.
2) Place
This research took place at SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang Selatan. Located
at Jl. Raya Cirendeu No. 5, South Tangerang City, Banten 15419.

B. Research and Design of the Study

This research is a case study that used a descriptive qualitative method. The
researcher observes during the learning process and collects information without
changing the environment or real conditions. It means the data showed the
descriptive results of the data collected and its interpretation as a conclusion.
Therefore, the writer presented the data in words. Many researchers use a qualitative
approach to explore the behavior, perspective, experiences, and feelings of people.
According to Sandelowski, qualitative descriptive research can be seen
using interpretive descriptive approaches and conducting alternative research to
determine how researchers can examine data. It does not require conceptual data
rendering or can be called very abstract, compared to other qualitative designs
(Lambert, V. a., & Lambert, 2013).


According to Santosa (Harsono, 2006), descriptive research is research that

intends to obtain data about oddities or circumstances that are original or existing
during examination hours. Subjective examination has accompanying qualities:
Scientist as an instrument, led in a characteristic setting which is an important
device is direct information and that, using a subjective strategy, Descriptive
research type is information collected as words or pictures focusing on direct
information, focusing more The results of the technique are carried out by providing
an outline as an exploration report, event or peculiarity based on the existing reality.
In subjective research, the scientist creates an astonishing picture, looks at words,
reports, details from the respondent's perspective, and investigates ordinary
circumstances. With a naturalistic display, the field conditions will remain orderly,
normal, and there is no reasonable activity or trial and error.
Based on the above definition, the authors conclude that descriptive
qualitative research is a way to provide real information about the conditions of
learning English with the media so that the results will be valid. The method used
to analyze data is descriptive qualitative.

C. Research Participant
The participants of this research were the students of SMA Negeri 8
Tangerang Selatan. The population of this research was 30 students in the tenth
grade who should retell to the other students what films he/she likes and answer an
open-ended questionnaire about each student's perceptions of English using media
films. In this research, the researcher must also know the advantages and
disadvantages of a learning media that will examine.
D. Research Instrument
The instrument of this study is a Questionnaire. The researcher has
conducted 10 questions in an open-ended questionnaire about students’ perception
of using film as a learning media. These students were asked to answer the question
according to their perceptions. According to Creswell (Creswell, 2013), research
instruments for data collection in qualitative research involve four basic types:
observation, interviews, documents, and visual images.

Arikunto mentioned that there are four general methods for collecting data
used as a descriptive qualitative research method, such as tests, questionnaires,
interviews, and observations (Arikunto, 2010).
In this research, The researcher used Bahasa Indonesia to avoid
misinterpretation. The open-ended Questionnaire was distributed to students in
SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang Selatan and took random sampling with thirty students.
The researcher gathered the data through the structure of the questionnaire
it has done while the students answer the questions. Which were deployed to
students at the ten-grade Senior High School. It is provided by answering in detail
according to their perception of using media film as learning.
The questionnaire has four-point discussion aspects; Students’ Perceptions
here including those 4 points such as The advantages and disadvantages of using
Film as a learning media, Students’ perceptions of skills that support learning
English using film media, Students’ perceptions of film genres in learning English,
and Learning outcomes and motivations of using film as a learning media.
However, there are still many who have misunderstandings when learning English
using film media.

E. Data Collecting Techniques

Referring to the research instrument, the researcher used a questionnaire and
a variety of open-ended questionnaires as a guide for conducting research. This
means in every question, the students can answer according to their own perception.
Using the instruments helps researchers find out the validation and reliability of
research data.

F. The Technique of Analyzing Data

After collecting data from questionnaires, the data needs to be analyzed, and
there are three steps to analyze the data, namely pre-coding, Coding, and
summarizing (Given, 2008).
The first step is pre-codding, which is one step of data analysis to find out
the difference between the question or interview. This stage of items to see the

frequency of how percentage responses participants to the instruments have made.

Some interviews produce voice recorders data and have to be switched to textual
and transcript again.
The second step is Coding. This analysis involves some Coding. Coding can
quickly identify the data when analyzing the data, and analysts capture every
empirical and conceptual event in each line (Given, 2008). In this stage, the
researcher reviews the information about the issue and identifies the theme. So, the
researcher finds the relationship between the problems.

After finishing the whole steps of this research, the writer drew a conclusion
referring to the study's findings, and after that, the writer gave a suggestion.

A. Conclusion
Based on this research, the writer concludes that The result of students'
answers in filling out the open-ended questionnaires on students’ perception of
using Film as an English Learning Media. All of the students care about the use of
film as a learning media. This media is used to help English learning, to improve
the English skills possessed by students, especially in speaking and listening skills,
and for non-skills toward the vocabulary. Meanwhile, the result of students' and
teachers' perspectives on using film as learning focuses on learning English to
complete and make a variation on student speaking skills and increase their
vocabulary with Film. Another positive effect of The use of movies as learning
media is that movies make students and teachers get new experiences in using
technology also The use of movies as a learning media can help teachers to
maximize the achievement of learning objectives in a short time.
Students are aware of what is learned in English using media and take
English speaking as a strict application of everyday life. But in reality, it doesn't get
support from its students. A few think that learning English using film media is very
important to practice in everyday life and improve their English language skills.
B. Implications
The findings show a significant effect of the data through the results of the
open questionnaire submission. The data from the results of this questionnaire are
in the place where the film is watched as a medium of learning in improving
students' skills in English language skills.


This shows the importance of developing film media as a medium of

learning in improving students' ability to speak English. Taking advantage of
children's preferences for films, it is hoped that film media can
develop more interesting for children, it is recommended that children's filmmaking
become made and designed in such a way that it can impress the child's soul, inspire
children's daily behavior. The role of teachers and parents in assisting learning
media is an important finding
in this study that needs attention.
C. Suggestion
Based on the discussion and conclusions that have been outlined, the
suggestions that researchers can give such as :
1) English Teacher
English teachers are expected to be able to overcome obstacles that can
hinder the process of learning English using movie learning media. the
researcher can provide. The teachers need to explore using kinds of media
and methods, especially for online learning. Teachers are also expected to
not be stuttering about technology or in other words, are already trained in
using technology so that the learning process will run smoothly.
2) For student
The schools should be able to facilitate the process of learning English,
as it is given a special laboratory for learning English so students get better
and maximum on learning English. The school should also be able to
increase the schedule for English extracurricular meetings so that students
are more active and sharpen their English skills. By using good media and
methods, it would be easier for students to understand the materials. It can
also make students more interested in learning English through online
learning, and it can increase students' motivation to learn English.
3) For School
The schools should be able to facilitate the process of learning
English, as it is given a special laboratory for learning English so students
get better and maximum on learning English. The school should also be able

to increase the schedule for English extracurricular meetings so that students

are more active and sharpened their English skills.

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Appendix 1

Appendix 2
Research instrument of open-ended Questionnaire for students
Open-ended Questionnaire for Students
Name :
Class /semester:
Time and Date :


● Pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut ini berkaitan dengan pandangan siswa
terhadap pelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan media. Mohon
diisi sesuai dengan pandangan anda terhadap pembelajaran bahasa
inggris menggunakan media .
● Jawaban tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai bahasa Inggris anda.

1. Apakah kamumenyukai film? Jika iya, mengapa?

2. Jenis atau Karakter Film seperti apa yang kamu sukai? Mengapa?
• Comedy
• Horror
• Documenter
• Romantic
• Action

3. Pernahkah kamu belajar bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan film

sebagai media pembelajaran? jika pernah, apa keuntungan dari
pembelajaran bahasa inggris menggunakan media film?

4. Jika pembelajaran bahasa inggris menggunakan film itu sangat

menguntungkan bagi kamu, apakah ada kelebihan dari keuntungan

5. Menurut kamu, apakah ada kerugian dari pembelajaran bahasa inggris

menggunakan media film? Jika ada, mengapa?

6. Apakah kamu memiliki kesulitan dalam belajar bahasa inggris dengan

menggunakan media film? Jika iya, mengapa?

7. Dari language skill tersebut (grammar, vocabulary, listening, reading)

manakah yang paling mensuport skill pembelajaran ketika belajar
bahasa inggris menggunakan film? Mengapa?

8. Tugas seperti apakah yang diberikan oleh guru ketika menggunakan

film sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa inggris?

9. Setelah menonton film, menurut kamu aktivitas seperti apa yang ideal
dan Bagaimana perasaan kamu ketika belajar bahasa inggris
menggunakan media film? Jelaskan!

10. Apa saran anda untuk meningkatkan kegiatan belajar menggunakan

media film?

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

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