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Global Media Cultures

What is the difference between local and global cultural production?

Local and Global Culture

Global culture focuses on connecting with many countries and connecting globally, whereas local culture
focuses on culture in one place with a common interest and connects locally.
 Global culture is shared by many worldwide and is based on western ideals on consumption, and
attitudes towards the physical environment. Pop music, fast food chain restaurants, and
Hollywood films are examples of global culture, spread to all corners of the world.

 Local culture is everything that we create and share as part of our lives in the place
where we live or work. Examples of Local Culture; Murals & street art. Museums; Names of
places. Natural heritage such as beaches; Norms. Norms enforcement; Parades.

How can globalization affect the dynamic of local culture?

Globalization has had both positive and negative effects on local cultures and economies. It has brought
opportunities for cultural exchange, cultural revitalization, and economic growth. However, it has also led
to cultural homogenization (Cultural homogenization refers to the process through which different cultures
become similar to each other.), economic disparities(inconsistency,inequality), and challenges to local
industries and identities.

How various media drive the global integration?

The mass media are today seen as playing a key role in enhancing globalization, and facilitating cultural
exchange and multiple flows of information and images between countries through international news
broadcasts, television programming, new technologies, film, and music.
How various latest media technology drive globalization?

Increasingly, technology has also been propelling globalization. Technology allows for quick
communication, fast and coordinated transport, and efficient mass marketing, all of which have allowed
globalization—especially globalized media—to take hold.
What is global media cultures?

The media, culture and globalization. The course approaches past and current. challenges concerning
international communication and explores and. problematizes the power of media representation.
Global media refers to forms of mass communication that reach across the world. Today that includes
everything from traditional media, such as TV, radio, and newspapers, to social media like YouTube,
Twitter, and Facebook.
What is an example of global culture and media?

Pop music, fast food chain restaurants, and Hollywood films are examples of global culture, spread to all
corners of the world. The importance of global culture is exposure to different languages, religions, and
interactions, which can create connections and show diversity.
What are the functions of media in global culture?

The 4 Main Functions of the Media. Mass media has four functions: surveillance, correlation, cultural
transmission, and entertainment.
1. surveillance
 includes the actions of surveying, watching, observing, scrutinizing, collecting evidence, and
 helps to bring about awareness through the information to the people all round the clock.
 refers to coverage of a wide range of important topics that impact society. Examples of this
include newspaper articles about political decisions
2. correlation
 as part of Lasswell's functions of mass communication, is how information is collected, told
by the media, and interpreted by the media.
 addresses how the media presents facts that we use to move through the world.
3. Cultural transmission
 Cultural transmission is the process of gaining knowledge of a new culture by direct
engagement with it. This is a constant learning process that is done by individuals who
are adjusting to new cultures. Holiday decorations are one example of cultural
4. Entertainment
 The role of mass media in entertainment is to both inform and to entertain. Mass media
provides information about events, artists, films, background information, etc. Because
of mass media, people know more about entertainment industries, productions,
personalities, and issues.
What is global culture and why is it important?

The importance of global culture is exposure to different languages, religions, and interactions, which can
create connections and show diversity. The development of global culture can give opportunities to
marginalized and disadvantaged groups.
What do you mean by media culture?

According to Altheide and Snow, media culture means that within a culture, the media increasingly
influences other institutions (e.g. politics, religion, sports), which become constructed alongside a media
logic. Since the 1950s, television has been the main medium for molding public opinion.

What is global culture in history?

With Globalization, comes a Global Culture. These are all of the cultural things that have permeated their
borders and spread worldwide. These are things recognizable to most of the planet from all different
fields: music, film, arts, media, social media, branding, consumerism.

What are the benefits of media to cultural globalization?

Media in Globalized Culture

 Spreading Cultural Influences − As people consume media from other nations and cultures, this can
spread cultural influences around the globe.

One example of cultural diffusion is the availability of Chinese food in America. Another example
of cultural diffusion is how most world cultures have access to cell phones and usually
 Promoting Globalization − By giving people from many cultures a place to interact and share ideas, the
media can also contribute to globalization.

Good examples of cultural globalization are, for instance, the trading of commodities such as
coffee or avocados. Coffee is said to be originally from Ethiopia and consumed in the Arabid
region. Nonetheless, due to commercial trades after the 11th century, it is nowadays known as
a globally consumed commodity.
What are the examples of popular culture in media?

Examples of Pop Culture

 Boy Bands (Music)

 British Rock (Music)

 Children's Collectibles (Toys)

 Comic Books (Media)

 Cosplay (Clothing)

 Dance Styles (Dance)

 Daytime Television & Telenovelas (Media)

 Dolls and Action Figures (Toys)

What is the role of social media in globalization of culture?

 To put it simply, globalization allows gaining information about different cultures by connecting
with people from all over the world through social media platforms. This allows us to learn more
about one another and decreases stereotyping of other cultures, leading to better relationships!
What are the positive and negative effects of media on culture?

 While the media can have positive effects, such as promoting cultural diversity and providing
information and entertainment, it can also have negative impacts, such as reinforcing negative
stereotypes and contributing to the homogenization of culture.

How does media influence various forms of global integration?

 The mass media are seen today as playing a key role in enhancing globalization, facilitating
culture exchange and multiple flows of information and image between countries through
international news broadcasts, television programming, new technologies, film and music.

November 13, 2023

(All groups Presentation)

Graded Group Report: Students will form group of 3 - 5. Each group will be asked to
pick an Asian musical act that became internationally famous. In their group report,
they must answer the following questions: 1. Where did the musical act/artist
originate? 2. In which countries did the artist become famous? 3. How did the artist
became famous? 4. Why do you think the artist became famous?


Name: ___________________________Date: __________________
Year and Section: _________________Score: ____________________
Cite 3 examples of Filipino cultures that you observed that are less practiced due to following/adopting foreign

The Globalization of Religion

What is globalization of regionalization?

Global regionalization is a process parallel to globalization, in which large regions are divided into smaller
regions, areas, or districts.
What is regionalization in contemporary world?
The regionalization process is a process or tendency of dividing regions into small parts and splitting large
areas into regions or districts. In other words, breaking a large area into small ones. This is the process
by which geographers identify regions.

How globalization affects the religious practices and beliefs?

By diminishing the barriers among distinctive cultures, globalization lands religion in conflicts which
support social identities, as some do not take delivery of the new realities and turn to faith to rediscover
their own identity. Religion presents a sense of attachment to a set within the society.
How has globalization influenced religion?

Among the consequences of this implication for religion have been that globalization encourages religious
pluralism. Religions identify themselves in relation to one another, and they become less rooted in
particular places because of diasporas and transnational ties.
What is the role of religion in the contemporary world?

Religion serves several functions for society. These include (a) giving meaning and purpose to life, (b)
reinforcing social unity and stability, (c) serving as an agent of social control of behavior, (d) promoting
physical and psychological well-being, and (e) motivating people to work for positive social change.
What are the examples of religion in the contemporary world?

Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism are always included in the list, being known as the "Big Four".
Some scholars also include other world religions, such as Judaism, Sikhism, Taoism, the Baháʼí Faith,
Jainism, Confucianism, Shinto and Zoroastrianism, in the category.
Why is it important to study religion in a contemporary society?

The academic study of religion is an ideal way to explore religious ideas from a variety of
perspectives. Religion is one of the primary means for people wanting to explore the human condition of
existence. Researching religion means having the chance to learn how others understand existence and
our purpose.
What is the current state of religion in the Philippines in the contemporary world?

Christianity is the predominant religion in the Philippines, with Roman Catholicism being its largest
denomination. Sizeable minorities adhering to Islam, Indian religions, and indigenous Philippine folk
religions (Anito or Anitism) are also present.

How does religion affect your life as a student?

Students who lack a strong religious foundation experience higher levels of anxiety, depression, or school
failure. Having a strong religious belief system can help prevent many mental health issues. Religion
affects the everyday behavior and attitudes of college students in many ways.

What is global city in contemporary world?

A global city is a city that has a significant influence on the global economic, cultural, and political
landscape. These cities are typically centers of international finance, business, and trade, and they often
serve as hubs for transportation and communication networks.
How is global city relevant to contemporary world?

Global cities, it is suggested, have more interconnectedness with other cities and across a transnational
field of action than with the national economy. Global cities are also said to share many of the same
characteristics because of their connectedness and shared experiences of globalization.
What is in the global city?

Definition of Global City

(noun) A city that has international political influence, home to multinational corporations and non-
governmental organizations, in addition to a globally influential mass media, and well-developed
communication and transportation system.
What is the role of cities in the contemporary world?

Cities facilitate trade and commerce by providing super market places. Cities serve as production and
services centres because the production of many goods and services is more efficient in a high-density
urban environment.
What is an example of a global city in the Philippines?

Bonifacio Global City (also known as BGC, Global City, or The Fort) is a financial business district in
Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines.
What is the best example of global city?

Quintessential examples, based on most indices and research, include New York City, London, Paris, and
Cities are seen as the centers of innovation and diffusion and the “engines” of economic growth and the
locations for economic activities that drive globalization. Cities are treated as locales through which four
globalizations – economic, cultural, political, and social – are produced and reproduced (Taylor 2005).

How do cities influence globalization?

Linked with globalization was the idea of spatial reorganization and the hypothesis that cities were
becoming key loci within global networks of production, finance, and telecommunications. In some
formulations of the global city thesis, then, such cities are seen as the building blocks of globalization.
What serves as an engine of globalization?

Cities are the engines of globalization. They are social magnets, growing faster and faster.

What are the attributes of the global city and how these serves as the engines of globalization?

The criteria of a global city have varied over time and depending on the source; common features include
a high degree of urban development, a large population, the presence of major multinational companies,
a significant and globalized financial sector, well-developed and internationally linked transportation ...

What is the role of cities in the global economy?

The role of World Cities stems from the power within the globalized world economy. This position gives
varying degrees of economic and cultural authority to cities, which can be described as "nodal points" in a
global system. They also act as gateways between the global and local regional hinterlands.
Is globalization an engine of economic development?

Globalization has paved the way for new markets, enhanced trade and investment, and fostered cross-
border technology and knowledge transfers. These developments have contributed to greater economic
growth, improved productivity, and job creation in numerous areas worldwide.

Which is considered as the engine of economic growth?

Industrialization is viewed as the most important engine of economic growth. The unique characteristics of
the manufacturing sector can be interpreted in many ways: rapid technological changes, economies of
scale, and easy integration into global production networks.

November 21, Graded Group Report

: Students will form groups of 3-5. Each group will be assigned a global city to discuss and research on.
Their reports should answer the following questions:

1. How would you describe your city?

2. What is your city known for?

3. What makes your city a global city?

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