Group 9 The Western and Eastern Influence On Filipino Values and Good Manners Right Conduct

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Group 9 Year and Section: BEED-2A

LEARN Module on
The Western and Eastern Influence on Filipino Values and Good Manners Right Conduct

I. Launch
A. Introduction

Filipino society is a complex heterogeneous mixture of many different

traditions and cultures. For while the population remains true to it’s Pacific Islander
racial roots, the influx of various Western and Eastern ideas and innovations
introduced by dominant cultures have given our society a unique cultural perspective.
It is a perspective tempered by tradition and rooted in the family.

The Western tradition became imprinted in our society through the efforts of
Spanish missionaries and later, after the War of 1812, by American companies with
the backing of American soldiers. The influence of the Spanish and Americans
pervade Filipino life even today. Words and technologies borrowed from both
cultures are integral parts of Filipino society. Yet Filipino society still retains much of
it’s Eastern heritage, especially in the provinces.

There, the closeness to nature, which is a trademark of Eastern philosophy,

remains. Tied to the land through crops and forests, life in the provinces is more
primitive (building materials are natural wood and food is harvested from the bounty
of the land not the grocery store). Thus, East meets West in Filipino culture,
combining the best traits of both traditions. The Eastern philosophies symbolize our
continuity to the land and the past. Western innovations and ideas have keyed the
Filipino culture to change and spurred growth into the future. East and West; past,
present, and future clash and combine in the Philippines, the Pearl of the Orient.

B. Objectives
At the end of this module, learners are expected to:
 Identify the Western and Eastern Influence on Filipino Values and,
 Examine the Good Manners and Right Conduct
 Emphasizes the Latin Influences on filipinos and Asian Influences on Filipinos

C. Motivation

Use this quiz and worksheet to quickly discover how much you know about using
good manners. You will be asked to choose good manners for certain situations. In
this set of questions you'll assess your knowledge of: What good manners show to
other people? What another word for 'being thoughtful' is? How you should respond
to someone who is talking to you?
II. Empower

The Philippines is distinguished by a real blending of cultures; here, East

meets West. Malay and Indonesian heritage make up the population. Chinese and
Spanish influences are also present. The history of American rule and interaction with
traders and merchants culminated in a distinct fusion of East and West in the physical
characteristics and cultural practices of the Filipinos, or citizens of the Philippines.

Every Filipino possesses the characteristic of hospitality, making them

legendary in Southeast Asia. Rarely will you encounter such hospitable people who
take pleasure in the company of Western visitors. Filipinos are emotional and
passionate about life in a way that seems more Latin than Asian, perhaps as a result of
their long association with Spain.
The western and eastern influences on Filipino values, good manners and right

III. Analysis

1. Who has a greater influence on our flipino values eastern or western? or both?
Support your answer.

2. Give atleast two western and eastern influences in filipino values.

3. Does all western and eastern influences in filipino values are all good? or not? If
not explain why and give example.

4. Does eastern and western influences in our values are still seen in present? Yes or
No? Explain your answer.

5. Who has a great influence on our values up until now? Eastern or Western? Or
Both? Explain your answer
IV. Research Implications



References: Filipino character and personality: hhiya,amor propio, emotions and the
influences of cathicism,asia and spain (2015). Facts

This article focused on the values and culture Filipinos have and where it could
possibly come from. Some of the mentioned values are personalism, familialism, and
particularism. These are the three fundamental characteristics that underlie Filipino
values and value orientation. According to the article, the emphasis on interpersonal
relationships and face-to-face interactions that Filipinos place is known as
personalism. Familialism prioritizes the needs and interests of the family over the
group as a whole. Particularism arises from the powerful influence that families have
on both individual and community behavior. Also, the Filipinos are believed to have
inherited the bayanihan, or sense of kinship and camaraderie, from their Malay
forefathers. As cited in the article, there is a claim that the Chinese left behind strong
family ties. Filipinos share racial characteristics with Malay people but are more
Spanish in culture. In addition, Filipinos are more similar to Latin Americans than
other Asians. In contrast, Filipinos have a genteel Eastern reserve and civility about
them. This article also emphasizes that Filipino culture may have good sides but there
are also bad sides, which are the importance of social approval, go-between, amor
propio, hiya, and lastly, love to get and hate to give.

As the article enumerates different examples of values and attitudes of Filipinos, the
readers are able to become familiar with and possibly know the characteristics of
Filipinos, not only the acceptable ones but also the flawed ones. As a future
elementary teacher, it is essential to know the different traits and values one's child
has so that, as their teacher, it will be possible to give an appropriate approach and
solution to their needs. Knowing them would make a teacher knowledgeable and
prepared to handle different children at ease.

V. New Insights

 The teacher, as a second parent and an adult who supervises children, should know their
pupils not just by their names. They should be involved personally in the children's lives,
and that is by knowing, understanding, and finding an appropriate approach for the
child's characteristics. In that way, as their good manners and right conduct teacher, we
can modify what is suitable for them. Give them the proper way of teaching and
imparting significant and lifelong learning and develop them holistically. Eleonor

 There are certainly differences between Eastern and Western philosophical systems, they
both aim at the same goal of apprehending Truth and understanding the best way to live
one’s life. Modern-day scholarship often makes a serious, and arbitrary, distinction
between the two which is unnecessary and erects an artificial boundary between the two
traditions. Also they have differences in language, culture, food and many more but as a
human we have to be aware in everything and always be respectful what ever the
differences you have always put in mind that our differences is not the key to disrespect
other people. These differences can be noted for the most part in people’s behavior and
attitudes. The major difference between eastern and western culture is that people in the
east are more conservative and traditional than the general population in the west.
Criselle Labtu

 As an elementary educator, we need to be critical of our students and even ourselves so

that we know what values our students have because if we are being critical of our
students we will be more effective teachers. Their values and good manners and right
conduct are important to us aspiring elementary teachers we need to know them to better
know our students. So that we teachers and the students will have a good relationship.
Cristina Deang

 As an elementary teacher it is important to know the values of each student. I've learned
that there are some values of the children that came from western and eastern influence.
Students may have different values and that is just okay. We should always accept and
understand their differences especially in values. As an elementary teacher we have a
great influence in them so we should teach them good and right values. Caisy Faith

 My new insight about this lesson is that we have many sources of different values but we
only have one desire as a future teacher, don't forget to teach what our ancestors started.
So that even if they are gone, the children will still know the values to teach us. And they
can still use it as long as they remember. For young people to adopt this, the values that
will be taught to them must start with us so that we can be role models for them. Dianne
Rose Lopez

VI. References

Filipino character and personality: hhiya,amor propio, emotions and the


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