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The global coherence meditation guide.

Your spiritual power to change the world is here…

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of
God is within you.’’

In loving memory of master Thích Nhất Hạnh.

1-Check the time at which the Sun will cross the horizon at your location using those tools and
prepare yourself enough in advance :

For Iphone :

For Android :
Online :
You can purchase the AgniHotra materials for cheap worldwide on this website :
2-Put on your headphones.
3-Launch Ithrve binaural beats and also launch the Ithrve breathe pattern pacer.
I invite you to inhale with your nose and to exhale with your mouth thinly pursing your lips to
slow down your biorythms and increase relaxtaion.
You can purchase the Ithrve app on the appstore at the following link for only 24 us dollars, this
is a blessing for the mass of people around the world :
If you can not afford the app download the free Ithrve binaural beat samples at the following link
Or you can use any 0.1hz binaural beat for increasing heart and brain coherence such as the
following ones :
The Heart Math institute also has some apps on the iphone appstore and android playstore
offering a variety of binaural beats that you may use.
4- You may want to connect any other sensors that you have to Ithrve.
5- Proceed with lighting the Agnihotra as described on this website :
5- As you have properly lighted the Agnihotra, you may want to make a prayer at this point.
If you don’t have any you may use this simple one :
‘‘ God,
You ask no praise but none can deny your glory.
You ask no gift but none can deny his gratitude for you.
You ask no company but none can deny his longing to be with you.
You ask no help but none can deny his duty to do your work.
We believe. We are chosen. We are Lucian.
Please always be with us and watch over us so our lives can be in your image.
Thank you.
So be it. ’’
6- Proceed as you keep listening to the binaural beats and focusing on your heart brain coherence
with the relaxation technique as described in the transcendental meditation routine.
Just for your inspiration, a good transcendental guided meditation is the following :
7- At this point proceed with repeating your chosen mantra as described in the trancendental
meditation routine.
8- Now as you keep listening to the binaural beats and focusing on your heart brain coherence,
finish your session by performing the Heart Lock In technique as described at this link :
Just for your inspiration, a good Heart Lock In guided meditation is the following :
9- End the session knowing that the more you practice the more benefits you bring to yourself, to
your household, to your community and to the Earth. You may find it gradually easier and easier
to enter into the meditative state.

10- Homo Sapiens Sapiens Liber, you are more than what you think you are…
Text transcript :

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