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Chapter 8: Lesson 1

I. Greek __________. GQ: How did the ancient Greeks honor their _______?
a. Although ___________ separated Greek politically, they were united by common _________
i. Believed many of the same __________, traditional stories about gods and heroes
II. Who were the Greek Gods? Greed godshave great powers, but they look and act like _________
a. ____ most important gods and goddesses lived on Mount _________
b. _____ was the king; _______ goddess of wisdom and craft, ________ god of sun and poetry
i. _________ goddess of love; _____ god of war, ________ god of sea and earthquakes
c. To win favor of their god, city-states performed _________; a religious ceremony
d. Every _____ years, Greeks had athletic competitions called the _________ Games
III. Greek _________. Believed each person had a _____, or destiny.
a. Also believed in ___________ , or a prediction about the future.
b. Visited an ________; a sacred shrine where a priest spoke for a god
c. State leaders or messengers traveled to _______ to ask advice from the _______ of Apollo
I. ______ and _______. GQ: Why were they important?
a. Greek poems and stories are some of the oldest __________ in ___________ civilization
b. 2 great _____ of ancient Greece were the ________ & _________. Poet _______
composed them during the 700s BC
II. The _______ _______. In the Iliad, a prince of Troy falls in love with _______ and kidnaps her
a. Greeks trick the Trojans and construct a huge, hollow wooden ______
b. That night, the Greeks creep out of the ______ and open the city gates
c. The __________ tells the story of Odyssus, his long trip _____. It takes ___ years.
d. Homer’s stories showed heroes striving to be _______________________
III. _______’s Fables. “The Boy Who Cried _____”. A _______ is a short tale that tells a lesson
a. In most, _______ speak and act like people. Each ends with a _______, or useful truth.
b. “The Hare and the _________” – the moral of the story is “________________________”
c. Told during the time known as the _________ Age of Greece
d. Part of Greek ______ ___________; stories passed by word of _______; not written down
I. Impact of Greek ________. GQ: How did it develop?
a. A ________ is a story told mainly through the words and actions of a cast of characters
b. _________: story has a tragic, or ________, ending. __________: story ends ________.
c. _______ writers emerged as the greatest Greek dramatists. Wrote during the ______ Age
d. ___________ - earliest, wrote about a Greek king’s return from the Trojan _____ One ____
action can lead to another, but good _____ over evil in the end

e. ____________ - great Athenian – accepted ________ asa real part of life. Whether to
____________ or do what one believes to be _______
f. ____________ - wrote about _________ human beings in realistic situations
g. ____________ - greek comedies, encouraged people to think and _______
II. How Greek Drama Developed. Was part of ________ festivals and showed loyalty to _________
I. Greek Art and ____________. Became the artistic style we now call __________
a. Every Greek city-state had a ________. Large, graceful ________ supported many buildings
b. Greek _________ tried to show ____ ________ in perfect human forms
Lesson 2: The Greek Mind.
I. Greek _________. GQ: What idea did the Greeks develop to ________ the world around them?
a. The Golden Age of Greece, from ____ to ____, art.
b. Thinkers were known as _____________; means “love of __________”
II. The __________; group of philosophers who made a living by _________
a. Best known for teaching __________ - the art of public speaking and ________
b. Did not believe _____ influenced human actions; also ________ idea of right or wrong
c. Not only challenged Greek ________, but also accepted _____. Other greeks did not approve
III. Who was ________? Loved philosophy. Lived in _____. Did not leave a ______ record of beliefs
a. Created a new way of questioning called the __________ ________. Did not lecture, instead
asked pointed ___________. Students find answers __________
b. Some believed that the method was __________. When Athens lost the Peloponnesian ____,
its new rulers limited the freedom of people to speak freely. No longer trusted open _______
c. In ____ BC, city-leaders arrested Socrates. He had urged young people to _____. A jury
found Socrates guilty and sentenced him to _____. He was given the opportunity to ____
Athens and live. Instead, he ________. Socrates gave his last _____, then drank ______.
IV. _______’s Ideas. One of Socrates _______. Founded a school in Athens called the _________.
a. Wrote The ___________, a plan for an ideal society and government
b. Society was three groups; at the top were _____________ _______. ___________ were
the second group; the group included the rest of the people
c. Noted his dislike of Athenian _________
d. Despite his distrust of the ________ people, was willing to grant more rights to _______
V. Who was ____________? Wrote more than _____ works, started a school called the ________
a. Taught the “________ _____”; a middle position; not eat too little or too much
b. Aristotle’s methods were an important step in the development of modern ________
c. Divided government into _____ types; ________; rule by one person, ______, rule by a few,
and ________, rule by man.

d. Believed best gov’t had all three; a chief executive served as _____ of state; a council or
____________ would assist this leader, and be supported by the ________
I. New History and Science Ideas. GQ: What did the Greeks believe about history and science?
a. ___________ wrote a history of the _______ Wars. Wrote that the _____ played a role in
historical events. Like a news _________, questioned many people but investigated the
truthfulness of the sources. Called “father of ______”
b. ____________ wrote the History of the _____________ War.
c. Believed only ________ made history. Accepted only ___________ reports of events.
d. Did not just state the ________, also explored the ______ and _______ of events
II. The First __________ In ancient times, most people thought their _____ controlled nature
a. Greek scientists thought that natural events could be explained _________, and that people
could discover the causes of these events by using __________.
b. __________ of Miletus – studied ___________ and mathematics, by _________ & thinking
c. ____________ - taught pupils universe followed the laws of music and _________
i. Most people know his name because of the ____________ Theorem, about triangles
III. Ancient Greek Medicine. ____________ is regarded as the “father of Medicine”
a. ___________ _____ – Doctors should do their best to help the patient and protect privacy
Section Three: Alexander’s Empire.
I. _____________ of Macedonia. GQ: Why did Macedonia become ____________?
a. Macedonians were people who lived _________ of Greece. In the ____s, they conquered it.
II. Conquering Greece. Under King _________, Macedonia became a ____________.
a. Greek city-states were _______. They had been divided by the _____________ War.
b. He __________ somecity-states in battle, & _________ the leaders of others to surrender
c. By the time the Greeks tried to _______, it was too late.
III. Alexander Takes Over. GQ: What were Alexander’s ______ as a ruler?
a. Philip hoped to lead the Greeks and Macedonians to war against the _______ Empire. Before
he could carry out his plans, he was killed. His ____, Alexander, became king
b. Alexander was only ____, but Philip had carefully _________ his son for the job.
IV. War with Persia. In the spring of ____ BC, he invaded with soldiers into Asia Minor.
a. Alexander’s _________, or soldiers on horseback, proved to be a stronger force at Granicus.
b. Next year fought at Issus, in Syria, resulted in a _______. ______ III was forced to flee
c. In 331 BC they conquered _______. He built a new city and named it ______________
d. Turned eastward and invaded ____________. Smashed ________’s forces at Gaugamela
e. In 327 BC, marched his army into northwestern _______. There he fought a number of
_____ battles. His soldiers were ______ & refused to go farther. agreed to lead them ____

f. In 323 BC, he returned to _________, one of the ________ cities now under his control.
Suffering from wounds and worn out by fever, he _____, only ____ years old.
V. Alexander’s __________. GQ: How successful was Alexander in achieving his _______?
a. Key to his courage may have been his early ________.
b. ___________ Era; “like the _________” – Greek _______ spread to non-Greek peoples
VI. A ___________ Empire. After he died, divided the empire into _____ separate kingdoms.
a. ____________, Pergamum, _________, and the Seleucid empire. Look at map on page 234.
Which empire had Mesopotamia? ________ Which empire had Alexandria? ________
VII. The _____________ Kings. People who served in the governments had to speak _________
a. By 100 BC, ____________ in Egypt was the largest city in the Mediterranean world. Included
2 harbors & a towering __________. _________had largest collection of writings
b. Hellenistic colonies spread Greek culture widely – into _____ and ______
Lesson 4: Hellenistic Culture.
I. Hellenistic Arts. GQ: How did Greek __________ spread during the Hellenistic Era?
a. _____________ served as the Greek capital of Egypt and was a major center of ________
II. Buildings & statues. Hellenistic kings wanted to line the streets with Greek ______, _______, &
______. Hired Greek _________, who created thousands of statues for towns and cities.
a. Developed new _______; did not carve ideal figures to reflect ______. Instead, showed
people in a more _______ style. They even created statues that looked ______ or _____
III. Hellenistic ________. People and writers produced a large amount of ___________
a. One poem tells the story of & his band of heroes, seeking a ram with a ______ fleece
b. The ___________ of the Hellenistic Age did not poke ______ at political leaders. Instead,
the plays told stories about _____ and relationships of __________ people
I. Thinkers and Scientists. GQ: What ideas and __________ emerged during the Hellenistic Era?
a. Two most important Hellenistic _____________
II. Who was Epicurus? ___________; finding __________ was the goal of life, by avoiding ______
a. Today, means the love of physical ________
III. The Stoics. Thinker named _______ developed a philosophy called ___________.
a. Claimed people who were guided by their ________ lived unhappy lives. Happiness resulted
from using _______. Today, _______ is used to describe someone not affected by joy or sad
IV. Science and Mathematics. _____________ claimed that the ____ was at the center of universe
a. ____________ was the chief librarian at the library of Alexandria; concluded the Earth was
________, even used his knowledge to measure _____________ - distance around Earth
b. __________– Elements, ______ ________; how points, lines, angles, and surfaces relate

c. ____________ - ______ __________ - studied spheres & cylinders, figured value of ____
Also an inventor – developed _________ and weapons of _____ When Romans attacked
Syracuse in 212 BC, he drove them back. After 3 years, during the massacre, he was ______
V. Greece and ______ . GQ: How did Greece fall under ______ rule?
a. Despite their common culture, the four kingdoms were unable to _____ together
b. ___________ and some other city-states regained their independence
c. __________ was a city-state in central Italy. Gradually, _______ gained control of Greeks

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