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Chapter 6, Lesson 1:

I. Beginnings. GQ: What did the ancient _________ believe?

a. Religion of __________. Unlike other _________ of the day, they worshipped only ___ God
b. ___________, or messenger, shared God’s word with the people.
c. The belief in one all-powerful, just, and personal God is called is called ______________
II. The Hebrew Bible. a. Israelites lived on to become religion of ________; followers called _____
a. Influenced two other major _____________ religions; ____________ call the Hebrew Bible
the _____ ____________. ________ also accepted many of Judaism’s beliefs and practices
III. Abraham. Around ______ BC. Abraham and his family migrated from _______________
a. Settled in _________ along the ______________ Sea.
i. Today, the countries of _________, _________, and ________
b. Land is often called the ____________ __________ because of God’s promise to Abraham
IV. Isaac and Jacob. After Abraham died, his son _____ and later grandson _____ headed family
a. Angel gave Jacob the new name of _______. His ___ sons became he leaders of ______.
b. Jacob’s family left because of a ________, migrated to ______ and lived in peace.
i. Egyptian pharaoh grew ________, forced the Israelites into _________
V. Moses & the Exodus. Israelites forced to work at hard _____, prayed to god to be set ______
a. God called to ______ from the burning _____; “Tell pharaoh to _____________________”
b. When pharaoh refused, God sent 10 __________ upon Egypt, convinced pharaoh to free them
i. Pharaoh decided to send his army to ________ them
c. Reached the _____ Sea, no way to cross the waters, so God _____ the Sea. When pharaoh
army tried to follow, the waters _______ back. Departure of the Israelites out of slavery in
Egypt is known as the _______. Jews celebrate holy festival called ________ to remember
VI. The ______________; or agreement with God.
a. Moses climbed to the top of Mount ______; received teachings known as the ______
b. ____ _____________; made clear what is right and wrong
c. _________ to God is the central idea.
d. Helped shaped the _____ principles of many nations; the _____ and rules we have today
I. The Land of Canaan. GQ: How did the Israelites _______ Canaan? Moses ______ before Canaan
a. New leader named ______ guided them; two peoples lived there. Worshipped ____ gods
II. Who were the Canaanites? ________ tribes probably settled in ________ as early as _____ BC
a. ______________ lived in cities along the Mediterannean Sea. Skilled ______ and talented
________. Traded across the Sea to _______, ________, even western _______
b. One of most valued products was a cloth colored with a beautiful ________ ____
c. ___________, on the coast of North ______, became most powerful city in west Med. Sea

d. Most important contribution was an ___________, or group of letters that stand for sounds
III. Philistines. Migrated from near present-day _______, known as the “____ People”
a. Skilled in making _____ tools and weapons, which helped create the strongest _____
IV. ________ Conquest. ________ led them in a series of battles to conquer Canaan.
a. At _________, Joshua told Israelites to march around city walls, blowing their ________
b. Land was divided among the 12 ______. Leaders called ________ ruled.
i. Woman judge named __________ admired for her wisdom and bravery
V. Life in Canaan. Won control of the ______ region of central Canaan.
a. Imagine a __________ countryside dotted by square white houses.
VI. The ____________; Tribes worshipped gods in a large tent-like structure
a. Housed a sacred object called the ____ of the __________;
i. Believed that the _____ ____________ were written on these tablets

Chapter 6, Lesson 2: The Israelite Kingdom.

I. Early Kings. GQ: What was the role of ______ in Israelite history?
a. By _____ BC, had settled much of Canaan. Called for a ____ to lead them in battle.
II. ______: The first king. Judge ________ choose a king.
a. Samuel warned them ____ them and enslave them. Samuel chose young man named ______
b. Won many battles against the ___________. Later, Saul lost the ______ of the people
i. Samuel choose and anointed another king; a young ________ named ________
III. King ______. _________, a giant Philistine warrior, dared any Israelite to fight him
a. David hurled one ______ straight at the giant’s forehead, and Goliath dropped ______
b. As David won more and more _________, women sang his praises. Seized by jealousy, Saul
tried to ______ David, but he escaped. David returned and became _____
c. Defeated the ___________, established a capital city at ________________
i. Wrote many of the sacred songs found in the book of _________
d. Israelites honored him as their greatest ______. His son ________ became king ~____ BC
i. Long period of ______ to the region, built the first ______ in Jerusalem
e. King _________ also known for his wisdom, the author of __________ or wise sayings
f. After Soloman’s death around ____ BC, Israelites entered a _______ period in their history
I. Two Kingdoms. GQ: How did neighboring __________ respond to the Israelites?
a. Ten ________ tribes rebelled, founded _______, two _______ tribes founded _______
b. As you read previously, _________ and the ___________ built powerful empires
II. The Fall of Israel. The ___________ spread fear throughout the region.

a. If they did not receive _________, destroyed towns; forced conquered people to _____
b. Invaded Israel in _____ BC. Forced some of Israelites to ________ in their Empire.
c. ____________ adopted many beliefs, but in time, had little in common.
III. The Fall of Judah. In ______, Chaldeans under King ____________ forced people to leave
____________ and live in _______________
a. Chose a new king, a Judean, to rule ______
b. King led the people of Judah to ______; In 586 BC, _______________ levelled Jerusalem
i. Destroyed the _________, captured the _____, took the people to ________
c. Time became known as the Babylonian ________
IV. What was the Prophet’s Message?
a. Urged people to change their ways and make the world a better _______
b. Goal of a _____ society became a primary part of the teachings of ____________ & ______
Chapter 6, Lesson 3: The Development of Judaism.
I. ________ to Judah. GQ: How did the people practice their religion while in ______?
a. Families of Judeans ________ to _________ spent ___ years away. Became known as _____
b. Began to meet at ___________; or Jewish houses of worship
i. ___________: a Jewish weekly day of worship from Friday to Saturday.
II. Rebuilding Judah. A group of people called the __________ swept across Southwest Asia.
a. Took over Babylon. In ____ BC, Persian king ______ let Jews return to Judah
b. Rebuilt Jerusalem, constructed a new place of worship known as the _______ Temple
c. Persians chose officials to _____ the country; did not allow Jews to have own ___________
d. Jews wrote the five books of the ______ on sewed pieces of parchment called ________
III. What is in the Hebrew Bible? Three parts – the ______, the ________, the ____________
a. Series of ___ books written and collected over many centuries
b. _________, the first book, presents the Israelite views of human beginnings. God created
the Earth in _______ and rested on the _________God warns a man named _______ that a
______ is coming and commands him to build a large boat, with ___ of every animal saved
c. Also explains why people speak many different _________
d. Later parts describe Jewish hopes for the __________
e. Story of Daniel reminds Jews that God will ________ them
IV. Jewish Daily Life. GQ: How did ________ shape the Jewish way of life?
a. _________ provides teachings for daily living. Shaped the _______ life of the early Jews,
what _____ to eat, what ______ to wear, help the _____, deal _______, loyalty to _____
V. Jewish Family. Identifies specific _______ for the father and the mother of the house
a. Stressed _____________. Religious _________ became community leaders
b. Daughters learned to be wives, mothers, and ___________
VI. ___________ Laws. Ancient Jews could eat the meat of only certain _______
a. __________; food prepared according to Jewish dietary laws. Cannot eat .
b. Tradition of eating special foods at __________ and reflecting on ________.
Chapter 6, Lesson 4: The Jews in the Mediterranean World.
I. The ________ of Greek Rule. What was ______ like for the Jews in Greek-ruled land?
a. Under Persian rule for nearly _____ years. In ____ BC, ___________ the Great conquered
i. Allowed the Jews to stay in _______
II. How did Jewish Ideas Spread? Under Alexander, ________ remained the center of Judaism
a. Jews living outside of the Jewish homeland became known as the _________
b. Remained ______ to Judaism, but many learned Greek _______ & adopted Greek ________
i. Copied the Hebrew ______ into Greek
III. The Revolt of __________. After Alexander’s death, _____ of his generals divided his kingdom
a. By _____ BC, _______ was under the control of Seleucid kings
b. In ____ BC, Antiochus required the Jews to _________ the many Greek gods and goddesses
c. In ____ BC, Judas _________, led the fight against Seleucid rule, known as the _________
d. Jews recall cleansing of the ________ where they celebrate festival of __________
IV. Roman Rule in Judaea. GQ: How did the Jews ______ to Roman rule of their homeland?
a. Rome; located far to the _____ in Italy. In ____ BC, Roman forces conquered ________
b. Romans chose _____ to rule as king. The ______ Temple, rebuilt, center of worship
V. Jewish Groups. After Herod’s ______, disagreement grew about how _____ should be practiced
a. ___________; gained the support of the common people; religion of the _____ and family
i. Stressed both written and ______ law
b. Did not urge Jews to ______ the Romans, urged people to practice the _______’s teachings
c. ___________; made up of wealthy noble families, many priests and scribes in the ________
i. Emphasized the written law, rejected ____ law. Favored _________ with the Romans
d. ___________; Priests who broke away from the ________ in Jerusalem.
i. Spent their lives praying and _______ for God to deliver Jews from Roman Rule
ii. Followed only the _______ law
e. _______ Sea Scrolls; reveal details of that particular place and time
f. They were waiting for someone to ______ them
g. __________; Wanted to ______ for their freedom against the Romans.
VI. Jewish-Roman Wars. In AD ____, the _________ revolted.
a. Romans retook city; also destroyed the ________ Temple. Today, ______ wall still stands.

b. In AD _____, military leader led Jews in revolt, however Romans crushed the ________
c. Romans did not allow Jews to live in or even visit ________; renamed Judaea __________
VII. The ________; or religious leaders. No longer had a ______ or priests.
a. Helped the Judaic spirit survive the destruction of the _______ and loss of __________
b. Basic Ben Zaccai and other _______, the basic ______ of Judaism were preserved

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