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Bardic College: College of Clownery

hile many bards exist to entertain
the masses, none are perhaps so
over the top about it, nor as
controversial, as the clowns.
Capering about in gaudy
costumes, performing extravagant
japes, these bards are as likely to
instil fear as they are to delight.

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this college at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency with warhammers and mauls.

From 3rd level, you learn to tumble and prance as an
intrinsic part of your routine. When you expend a use of
your Bardic Inspiration feature, you may move up to 10
feet without provoking attacks of opportunity. You may
not do so if you are grappled or otherwise incapable of

Clown Car
Also at 3rd level, your acts rely on producing a variety of
tools at short notice. In combat, you may stow one
weapon and draw another as part of the same bonus
Additionally, you may treat storage containers on your
person as possessing double their usual capacity for space
(though not weight). This allows you to, say, keep a
concealed mallet in your pocket.

Extra Attack
From 6th level you may attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Fearful Visage
Starting at 6th level, you instil fear in your foes as they find
you unsettling, whether or not that was your intention.
Once per turn, when you target a single creature with a
spell or weapon attack, you may force it to make a
Charisma saving throw. On a failure, that creature
becomes Frightened of you until the end of its next turn.

Squeaky Mallet
At 14th level, whenever you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack, you may expend a use of your Bardic
Inspiration feature to cause the weapon to let out an
unearthly honk. All creatures of your choice within 10ft of
the target take thunder damage equal to your Bardic
Inspiration die.

Design by Lexi Abbey | Made with GM

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