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K9DC had to source for raw materials because they didn't make their own parts but made the
final products in their Michigan plant. Nasira is a procurement specialist tasked with sourcing
parts for K9DC at an affordable price. K9DC was on the verge of manufacturing delay which
would only mean letting go of staffs if they couldn't meet up and this was cause because their old
manufacturer was out of business. Nasira now has to source for a new manufacturer.

She finds two sources, (one overseas and another in Midwest) but is not satisfied with either the
durability of the material of one of the companies and with the exploitation of the employees of
the other company. Also the overseas company Fab-Right didn’t have any information as regards
environmental impacts/hazards to the society while the Midwestern company All-Fabric had
reports of contaminating water sources thereby putting the health of the locals at risk. These
reasons made Nasira halt going ahead with purchasing the materials from either of them while
searching for a new source. Due to the urgent need for procurement and production, whatever
decision Nasira takes would determine if she gets to keep her job or loose it considering she is
one of the newest staffs at K9DC.


 . Nasira liked her work at K9 Dura-Corp

 . The company (K9 Dura-Corp) relied on “Made in America” products
 . K9 Dura-Corp was seeking a new source for a new fabric for their dog cots.
 . The company (K9 Dura-Corp) was at risk of manufacturing delay
 . Nasira found two sources for the needed styles
 . Fab-Right was exploiting its laborers to manufacture the materials
 . All-Fabric Inc. had substandard products compared to the samples sent
 . The fabric from All-Fabric would be a chewing hazard for dogs.
 . Sales was down and K9 Dura-Corp were looking at laying off staffs at the best if they
couldn’t find a new source immediately.
 . Nasira was at the risk of being laid off herself as she was one of the newest employee at
the K9 Dura-Corp


Corruption, Quality, Cost, Decision Making, Time Management, Job security


After carefully analyzing the situation which means “examining, outlining or breaking down”
(College Success, 2015) I would recommend that Nasira goes ahead to order the materials from
the overseas company Fab-Right since it offers a more durable material for the cot and is also
cheap which would accommodate the cost of K9DC’s product line.

Also after evaluating which means “assessing, reviewing, prioritizing, concluding” (College
Success, 2015) the risks involved, Nasira should procure the materials from Fab-Right since the
company K9DC was on a thin manufacturing schedule which if met, would be key to her
keeping her job and receiving a promotion at her next evaluation thereby making her able to
afford a better living and save up some money. Also procuring the materials from the overseas
company Fab-Right would mean acquiring a more durable material at a cheaper rate and meeting
up with the time frame for manufacturing while still searching for a new source should her hunch
about Fab-Right turn out to be true in terms of environmental pollution.


University of Minnesota (ed.). (2015). College Success. University of Minnesota Libraries


Word count: 552

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