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PuY 364 Mfennoessor Aand Comwuuicaton dytens QIPHY26

Sutenal outgmeut
Explafn Aumatc yain Conho aud auoling of irnple iau prateal
Diode tetcls uikth duable eut dagaws.

oluonaHe Galn Coukvol'tof dlmele

Digde Dekeckol:

Trput And cuhut altagee

The bode of Smle as luy far the most Comon

deuce ued fer
Aalihde dlenodulakians. and ite aekecharal e Constdered.
Gm the Gahuit a) The
pardlel CoinaHou of c is Capacitauo aud R
dt each qrashue heakithe RF Cycle, c chagu uf ha patutal
amot equals Jo the eak stqual otaqes
The Dufenenes ta due db the diade duah diue the fruaxd
stauee of tie diode e shmall (uknat yco).
Bekueau kheala,aalle of khe change tn Cdecays laugh B,
Jo lae sehentahed at e next astua henk.
The veult u the ealkaga Va uulich ehoduces he modulatfng
Aloltages acUYakly excepk for the dhwnall amemba of RF nhlles
as uall as hauitle ut kufoutly fast fer the stmgle Dlade
dekechr bo fallaw he yastest Modulaions.
The dtmgle Doke Debeckr has dte denaduaukaqu kal Vo,

khan a dc Camhoneut pwich mefweuts ke auenage enelopa auflhedes

Caier shengh and a Sluhle Re uihles.
The nuuauked Conehaeuls
dekechr, eauing aly tfe cimtellgeucas aud deome decond kanania
Of oscilatio.

* hracical Drode Deeckne- A Mluwb of aldihons haue dueeu made ue

o kae dinple .deteckr, aud ite vhracical exion is slhast
The Chuite in. ae
fatlauing Mamea;
The Dode has en reesed bo that Mow the egakue
euelahe ta deuiodulatedl.


foiacieal Diade Detel

This has no eletu in deteeion kut it wwres thal avneyabue

|Auomakc gain Cona! Boltoage uill e uaikalle. The esisr Rof JRe
laste Crutt hau heeu ka uho tuo hata; (Riau Ra) Toeuues
khat tena is a series de path o qlond ferthe diadu. But at the

iü added în the femof Re-G.

This has Ke uchian of eoumg

iu o fueuet the de diode auknut.feau seahingke Solune Gontnl

R4- eught .it i not mecestay hohaue ae Salme Cabol
immedtately aler tae delclos, Khaf it.u a Conenieut klaces fur it.
his ConLihatou Rg- aa leo has lter desigmed
AF Comyonatar foiding a dc
Jb tae. Corier khrngth ubicha ued fon autmahi gaui canbol.
Tt u deeu trat the disdo dcoad ú Rit Ra, uheneas khe audie

Comlinaliow ot Ry,Rg Qud Re aauing Huat the Capouts haue

Deacaues may
a tesühue
eeuenia kut at igl and lauw feeuenies, Zm may laue
| Comhonen Cauing a fhae dlittt aud distutiont as uel au au


-imhle AGc

imple AGC luy meau of hio, he auerall gau of axadfo eceiuer

laned automaicolly uik khe elbauqiug aheugtl of tae tecetued

hignal h keeh the auut dulctautally lontauk. dc bias balkages
feom te etdex Cau l ued o delet a ild of RF,TF

.aud wier dhage The dewicas sed fn he dBases

taucnduekauce aud ence gain dekeuds an die afflicd ias Goltage
umeata t may he wued for tie Conect Aac afenahasthe oelahaulaf
Sucheseen tke akflied liau aud bauucaiductanes . needuot lue linaaly
kht cr luear dang as trauuconkuckau diafu iguifeaty uit
SAII Ehe Modem reeine% ae fuminhd uita AGc ubich enallu huui
of shatia of Wamjug syual rugth uilaut
due to a Jong distance dhetuoe recalhas and
clhauges may
'AGc irons out Some
feeueuta Behoadiua of the Kast TP amklier.Thus
gatn Conbnl does wot dhaue
digual inhut abigual1h lanatiow jand e One
to he eadjuhed euemyhaue that te eceer is
cstaian b auother uhen he chauqu is eneaus
Diskoe in Diode Defecht Detet biode lumeul

(as nall hcuunutted

hiodulahun ndex aclifung ftex, vegakus heah dikaig
Tuo tyhes of iahtion mau arne iae diode deleck.Gne is loued luy au ac auddd
dfode kond imfadaucs Jeing ucgal aud the ofken ae doadPnfedauces
acpure a vegahue lononst a te agler dudio

modulaion Tn dex;

fr demodubted weue

ma = me =m Re

`inte the dfode ie whene Zmudis diode load

meut -operated
deuie; imahedauas aRned b sesubues
RcDfede De lood beaijtane.
Zm Re
The stuo load eutane s Avaller

florotn otee dc Cuneat ul they haue

Soad .nenatances. lane. thene Is au aatherway of. sdaying that
1 The odulatio Index is dewmidulateA usaue i hiaher au
it ua u tae woeulaled uaue alllied h He debeckr!

Quer-modulatau h exiak (n tthe Quhul of Ra dode

detectiThe Modulakfon hdex of thé alkled uoltaqe of em tan loo
hereeul. The raulhug diede autut met wleu toe wodulaia

I exklis Hhe uegakue efing- The Maiuim value ofakllad

Asodulaian hdex wlic adiode detecr ullhautle uitut a

egahe feak.
dine he Maxiin leralle modulahan îndex, Ph. the dfod.

struk ii uiy The Maxtuw hemislble traumitted idulaion

ma,max Zu



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