HOMEWORK 20 Questions

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Rosa Parks

Here are the answers to ten questions. You must find the questions. Take your time! It is not easy!

Pay attention to grammar, stress, intonation …


“Mr Smith met his wife Jenny in 2016.”

1° Answer = Jenny

Question = What is Mr. Smith’s wife’s name?

2° Answer = 2016

Question = When did Mr. Smith meet his future wife?

1. of a segregated bus
2. of NAACP
3. a national movement
4. of giving in
5. for a city-wide bus boycott
6. by the order of the Supreme Court
7. both lost their jobs
8. by her simple act of protest
9. of natural causes
10. to lie in state at the Capitol

Malcolm X

Here are the answers to ten questions. You must find the questions.

1. → a deep affinity

2. When he was born →May 19th 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska

3. What he wanted to become when he was young →a lawyer

4. Why was he put in prison → burglary

5. Which organization he joined and of which he was spokesman→ nation of Islam

6. → 500 to 30,000

7. → Malaak and Malikah

8. Where did he his second life-changing epiphany → to the Holy Land of Mecca, Saudi Arabia

9. Why the black Muslims were present during his speech → to assassinate him

10. → their self-worth

1. une affinité profonde →

6. 500 à 30 000→

7. Malaak et Malikah →

10. leur estime de soi →

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