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Inglés B1

1º Idiomas


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- To force someone to do something: Anger makes us do things that we don’t really want to do.
- To have an effect: We all have places that make us feel happy.

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- Use to + infinitive with the passive form of make: We were made to work harder.


Let me help you

- To allow someone to do something: Don’t’ let other people control your life.
- Let has not passive form, use the active form of let or was / were allowed to: They let us use
their photocopier. We were allowed to use their photocopier


- For giving orders or advice: Think of a place that you really like and imagine that you are there.
- For telling or advising someone not do something: Don’t make me angry.
- Use let’s or Let’s not to make a strong suggestion that includes the speaker: Let’s go to the cinema
tonight. Let’s not try to do everything at once.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use an object in
each sentence.
1. Cherelle’s anger ……………………….(make/do) things she didn’t want to do.
2. Scott’s parents ………………………(not/ let/use) the phone and he’s sixteen next week.
3. James’ parents ………………………(not / let / go) to Paris last month.
4. Michael’s parents …………………(not/ make/ help) around the house. That’s why he’s so lazy.
5. Sally used to get angry if other people …………………(make / feel) stupid.
6. Some teenagers behave better if adults …………………(make/ take) responsibility for themselves.

2. Complete the diary with the correct form of make or let.
Dear Diary,
Do you know what I decided this morning? I decided that no one was going to 1) …………………me lose my
temper at all during the day.

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Well, I have to admit that I had a few problems with that plan. Firstly, my mum didn’t 2) …………………me
wear my favourite jacket to school because she said it wasn’t warm enough. I was furious! Secondly, a
car splashed me with dirty water on my way to school and my teacher 3) …………………me go home and
change! Then later in the morning, the PE teacher 4) …………………me play volleyball because I’d sprained
my wrist the previous week and she 5) …………………me rest it. I was son annoyed I just saw red and
started shouting. Fortunately, the PE teacher likes me and she just 6) …………………me calm down.

3. Read the advice in a teen magazine problem column. Complete with the imperative or
negative imperative of the verbs in brackets.

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1)…………………(start) shouting. 2) …………………(walk) away and 3) …………………(calm) down. 4)
…………………(go) to the gym or kick a football around. 5) …………………(get) rid of your anger in that way.
6) …………………(think) about whether the other person may be right. 7) …………………(be) willing to
compromise. (8) …………………(accept) criticism but 9) …………………(let) others walk all over you! 10)
…………………(talk) about your feelings – 11) …………………(bottle) them up! 12) …………………(be) impatient.
13) …………………(count) to ten before you open your mouth. 14) …………………(think) that crying is silly.
15) …………………(have) a good cry and you’ll feel better afterwards! 16) …………………(hit) your pillow. But
17) …………………(hit) your friends!

4. Complete the sentences with make(s) or let(s)

1. Do your parents …………you stay up late at the weekend?
2. Sometimes my parents …………me watch TV for hours!
3. Our teacher doesn’t …………us do too much homework.
4. Does your teacher …………you write on the blackboard?
5. Our mum always ……………us say sorry if we argue.
6. My brother never …………………me use his CD player.
7. Does your teacher …………………you stay in at break if you misbehave?
8. Do your parents …………you help with the housework?

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1. Read the article and choose from the sentences (A-H) the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is
one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

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1. However, his mentor then showed him an episode from the TV series The Untouchables.
2. That’s the first step, you see.
3. He constantly interrupts and he gets violently angry if they tell him off or if he feels they are being unfair
to him.
4. Now, if something bugs him or if he’s about to blow his top. Ben simply chooses to walk away or not
5. A few are still battling with their problems.
6. Anger can be bad for your health if you don’t express it.

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7. These images can be a powerful distraction from your feelings of anger and make you view everything in a
more relaxed way.
8. He also realized that he was likely to ruin his education if he carried on like that much longer.

2. Find words or phrases in the text that match these meanings.

1. Go together with (para 1)
2. Planned actions (para 2)
3. Caused (para 3)
4. Extremely important (para 4)
5. Having a good or useful effect (para 4)
6. Relax (para 4)
7. Send away from school for a short time (para 5)

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1. Match the words (1-8) to the meanings (a-h).
1. Emotion 5. Reassurance.
2. Overwhelmed 6. Wind someone up.
3. Handle 7. Irritated.
4. Vulnerable 8. Well-being.

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a. Annoyed
b. Cope with something successfully.
c. Comfort
d. A feeling of happiness or contentment
e. Annoy someone
f. Affected by a very strong feeling
g. Weak or sensitive
h. A strong feeling

2. Put these phrases in the correct column.

Blow your top cool it defuse a situation fly off the handle give someone a piece of your
mind keep the peace keep your cool lose your temper/cool pour oil on troubled
waters see red take it easy throw a wobbly

Get angry Calm a situation down

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, have or make.
1. It would …………………you good to talk about it.
2. If you …………………a problem, tell me about it.
3. The easiest way out is simply to …………………nothing about the problem and hope that it goes away.

4. I really …………………an effort to understand his point of view but I still couldn’t agree with him.
5. My friend and I …………………an argument about who was going to pay for the cinema tickets.
6. If you …………………a mistake, admit it.

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4. Complete the table.
Verb Noun Adjective
Control Controlling
Advice Advisable
Support supportive

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5. Complete the conversation with words from Exercise 4, in the correct form.
Sam: I’m sorry, Eddie, but I don’t like it when people try to 1) …………………me and make me do what I don’t
want to do!
Eddie: I’m only trying to give you some good 2) …………………
Sam: OK, but I have a(n) 3…………………here, don’t I? Do I have to do whatever you think is right?
Eddie: No, of course not. But you should take my feelings into account, too.
Sam: Look, Eddie. I love my dog and I’m not going to sell him just because you don’t like him. And there’s no
point in getting 4) ………………… I’m not going to change my mind.
Eddie: Well, if that’s the way you feel, Samantha, what can I say? I’ve always 5) …………………you in your
decision but this time…
Sam: Goodbye, Eddie. Come one, Tiger, Let’s go for a walk.

1. Listen to a radio programme where Jill, a theatre critic, is reviewing Sleep No More. Number
the photos in the order she mentions them.

2. Listen again and tell if the following statements are true or false.
1. There are no tickets available now for Sleep No More.
2. Sleep No More is frightening, but enjoyable.

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3. The performance takes place in a well-known hotel.
4. There are more than 100 different rooms.
5. You’re allowed to touch anything in the rooms.
6. In the hospital room, there were drawers containing human hair.

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7. All the actors were identical white masks.
8. Jill was very nervous when she had to interact with the actors.
9. At the end of the play, all of the audience end up in the same place.
10. The critic thought that the plot was very clear.


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- Suggest + that to give advice: They suggested that I should visit them at the weekend. They
suggested that we did the cookery course. They suggested that we try the new Indian restaurant.
- Suggest + -ing can also be used to give advice: They suggested selling the car


- Would rather + infinitive to express preference: I’d rather be me than anyone else
- Would rather + subject pronoun + past simple to say what we would like somebody else to do:
I’d rather you didn’t lie to me


- Would prefer + to-infinitive to express preference: I’d prefer to know the truth
- Would prefer + object pronoun + to-infinitive I’d prefer him to leave now!

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1. Match the beginnings (1-6) to the endings (a-f).

1. I’d rather you a. Studying a bit harder

2. He suggested that b. Than go to the party

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3. They’d rather not c. Didn’t shout at me
4. My teacher suggested d. Have an argument than agree with him.
5. Debbie would prefer to e. Get home too late this evening.
6. She would rather stay at home f. We go to the cinema.

2. Complete the suggestions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. ‘Sometimes other people say hurtful things to me’ I suggest you …………………(not/get upset)
about what people say.
2. ‘My parents are concerned that I don’t know what career I want’. We suggest …………………(go)

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for some careers advice.
3. ‘My two best friends are always disagreeing with each other’ Tell them that you’d rather they
…………………(not/argue) all the time.
4. ‘Other people are always trying to giving me advice.’ Wouldn’t you prefer …………………(make) your
own decisions?

3. Complete the text with one word which best fits each gap.
It was a year ago that I had a nasty experience, Ulrike, my Austrian pen friend, had 1) …………………that I
stay with her in the summer. ‘Please come to Vienna,’ she told me. ‘My brother will take you horse riding.’ I
hadn’t 2) …………………horse riding for ages but I was too stubborn to admit that I’d rather 3)
Of course, it was a disaster! Firstly, the huge horse, Rocky, would hardly stand still to 4) …………………me
get on him. Then I couldn’t 5) …………………him move at all! Ulrike’s brother, Peter, realized I was having
problems: ‘I’d 6) …………………you to tell the truth when you don’t know how 7) …………………do something,’
he said. Then he took out his stick and hit the horse hard.
Well, after 8) …………………things went from bad to worse. Rocky, furious about being hit, took off 9)
…………………a jet plane. As he raced out of the riding school, I hung on tightly. Finally, Rocky stopped at a
little stream. I let him drink 10) …………………much as he wanted and then Peter took him back.
Back at the house, Ulrike 11) …………………me feel better. ‘It doesn’t matter, Ann. Next time, though, remember
that horses can 12) …………………very stubborn, too!’

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What’s your favourite dish?
Do you like cooking?
What’s your favourite country?
Do you like exotic food?
Are you vegetarian?

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You are in a Cooking Video Club. Tell us about your experience in other Cooking Video Club.

Why did you join the club?
Which are your interests in cooking?
What is the most incredible dish that you have eaten?

You have received this email:

Dear member,
Taking into account the new technologies that we want to introduce in our courses, we have
thought about the possibility of integrating short videos about cooking. We would like you to be the
protagonist of these videos and share your knowledge with the rest of the members of the club.
Do you like the idea? What kind of dishes would you include in your videos?

Write an email to a friend telling him/her the news and how you feel. 50 words

Write an email to the secretary of the club telling them your feelings. (120-150)

Imagine that you went to the Pamplona Bull Run with some Friends. Write a review (approx.150
words) of your experience for a travel website:
i) Describing what you saw and

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ii) Saying what you liked about it and what you didn’t like.

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1. Listening to eight conversations and look at the pictures. After each conversation you will
hear a question. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. (2.3)


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1. Have you ever been abroad?
2. Where have you been?
3. Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation?
• If so, where?
• Who with?
• How long will you stay?
4. Are you afraid of going abroad alone?
5. Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?
6. Describe the most interesting person you met on one of your travels.
7. What was your best trip.
8. What was your worst trip.
9. Did your class in high school go on a trip together?
a. If so, where did you go?
b. How long did you stay?
c. How did you get there?
10. Do you have a driver's license?
11. Do you like to travel with children? Why or why not?


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12. Do you like to travel with your mother? Why or why not?
13. Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations?
14. Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why?
15. Do you prefer to travel by train, bus, plane or ship?

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16. Do you prefer traveling by car or by plane?
17. Have you ever been in a difficult situation while traveling?
18. Have you ever been on an airplane?
a. How many times?
b. What airlines have you flown with?
19. Have you ever been to a foreign country?
20. Have you ever gotten lost while traveling? If so, tell about it.


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What did you do last weekend?
What was your first school like?
Tell me about your favourite book.

Describe this picture

Tell me about your favourite TV shows.

Do you think there is too much violence on TV?


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Compare these pictures

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- What kind of people work in these offices?
- Which one would you like to work in? Why?

1. Tell me about the last birthday party you went to.
2. How did you feel?
3. What is the best gift you could give to a person?

1. You’re going to hear a talk about Dolphins. You will hear the talk twice. As you listen, write
down some notes about what you hear, if you want to. Then, I will ask you six questions on
some facts about it. Are you ready?
The task will play twice.
Now I will ask you some questions. You only need to answer in a few words.

2. You’re going to hear a short talk about Coober Pedy. You will hear the talk twice. The first
time, just listen. Then I’ll ask you to tell me in a few words what the speaker is talking about.
Are you ready?
Now listen to the talk again. Write down some notes about what you hear, if you want to.
Then I’ll ask you to tell me six pieces of information about how children learn to speak. Are you



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