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Oleh Akhmad Affandi

Scien&fic Ar&cle Text

1. In the realm of cu1ng-edge technology, quantum compu9ng stands out as a beacon
of unprecedented computa9onal power. Recent breakthroughs in quantum hardware
and algorithms have propelled the field forward, challenging tradi9onal no9ons of
compu9ng limita9ons. As researchers delve into the intricacies of quantum
entanglement and superposi9on, the poten9al for solving complex problems, such as
op9miza9on and cryptography, becomes increasingly tangible. This ar9cle explores
the latest advancements in quantum compu9ng, shedding light on the revolu9onary
impact it promises in diverse scien9fic and industrial domains.

Which of the following best summarizes the impact of recent breakthroughs in

quantum compu8ng?
a. Quantum compu9ng is challenging tradi9onal no9ons with a focus on classical
b. Quantum hardware and algorithms are pushing the boundaries, promising
unparalleled computa9onal power.
c. Quantum entanglement and superposi9on have limited applica9ons in solving
complex problems.
d. Tradi9onal compu9ng methods are sufficient, making quantum advancements
e. Quantum compu9ng has failed to deliver on its promises, leading to stagna9on in
the field.

2. Addressing the multifaceted challenge of climate change demands a comprehensive

and integrated strategy. This article synthesizes recent research findings on various
mitigation measures, spanning from renewable energy technologies to sustainable
land-use practices. By examining the interplay between policy interventions,
technological innovations, and behavioural changes, a nuanced understanding of
effective climate action emerges. The discourse extends beyond conventional
approaches, emphasizing the importance of international collaboration and
interdisciplinary research to foster a resilient and sustainable future.

According to the passage, what is emphasized as crucial for effec8ve climate ac8on?
a. Relying solely on technological innova9ons for mi9ga9on.
b. Interna9onal collabora9on and interdisciplinary research.
c. Implemen9ng policies without considering technological advancements.
d. Focusing on a single approach, either policy or technological, for mi9ga9on.
e. Disregarding the need for sustainable land-use prac9ces.

3. The human brain's remarkable ability to adapt and reorganize, known as

neuroplasticity, has captivated researchers seeking to enhance cognitive function.
This article delves into the intricate mechanisms underlying neuroplasticity and
explores how interventions, ranging from cognitive training programs to
neurostimulation techniques, can harness the brain's inherent plasticity for cognitive
enhancement. By unravelling the complexities of neural plasticity, scientists aim to
unlock new avenues for improving learning, memory, and overall cognitive

What is the primary focus of the ar8cle on neuroplas8city and cogni8ve enhancement?
a. Exploring the limita9ons of cogni9ve training programs.
b. Examining the downsides of neuros9mula9on techniques.
c. Unravelling the complexi9es of neural plas9city for cogni9ve improvement.
d. Rejec9ng the idea that the brain can be enhanced through interven9ons.
e. Discredi9ng the poten9al of cogni9ve enhancement altogether.

4. The advent of CRISPR-Cas9 gene edi9ng technology has revolu9onized the landscape
of gene9c manipula9on. As researchers harness the precision and efficiency of this
tool for poten9al therapeu9c applica9ons, ethical considera9ons loom large. This
ar9cle cri9cally examines the ethical implica9ons of gene edi9ng, exploring issues such
as consent, gene9c enhancement, and unintended consequences. Naviga9ng the
ethical fron9ers of CRISPR-Cas9 requires a delicate balance between scien9fic
advancement and the ethical responsibili9es associated with altering the fundamental
fabric of life.
What is a central concern addressed in the ar8cle on CRISPR-Cas9 gene edi8ng?
a. Advoca9ng for unlimited gene9c enhancement.
b. Downplaying the precision and efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9.
c. Naviga9ng ethical considera9ons associated with gene edi9ng.
d. Ignoring the poten9al therapeu9c applica9ons of CRISPR-Cas9.
e. Arguing that gene edi9ng has no ethical implica9ons.

5. Blockchain technology, ini9ally conceived as the underlying framework for

cryptocurrencies, has evolved into a disrup9ve force across diverse industries. This
ar9cle delves into the decentralized nature of blockchain, exploring its applica9ons
beyond finance, including supply chain management, healthcare, and governance. By
providing transparency, security, and efficiency in data transac9ons, blockchain has the
poten9al to reshape tradi9onal business models and empower individuals. As this
transforma9ve technology con9nues to mature, its impact on industries and society
at large becomes increasingly profound.
According to the ar8cle, what makes blockchain a transforma8ve technology?
a. Its centralized nature that ensures security.
b. Its limited applica9ons in the financial sector.
c. Transparency, security, and efficiency in data transac9ons.
d. A focus on maintaining tradi9onal business models.
e. Its inability to reshape industries beyond finance.
Argumenta&ve text
6. In the realm of educa9onal discourse, the correla9on between academic achievement
and economic mobility stands as a pivotal argumenta9ve focal point. Scholars and
policymakers alike engage in fervent debates surrounding the effec9veness of
educa9onal systems in fostering upward economic mobility. The intricate interplay
between access to quality educa9on, skills acquisi9on, and subsequent career
opportuni9es forms a complex tapestry that demands nuanced analysis. Advocates
contend that a robust educa9on system can act as a potent equalizer, breaking down
socio-economic barriers and enabling individuals to transcend their circumstances.
Conversely, scep9cs posit that systemic inequali9es in educa9on perpetuate socio-
economic dispari9es, limi9ng the transforma9ve poten9al of educa9on on a broader
societal scale.

Which of the following best summarizes the central argument regarding educa9on and
economic mobility?
a. Quality educa9on has liZle impact on economic mobility.
b. Socio-economic barriers can be completely eradicated through educa9on.
c. Advocates and scep9cs agree on the transforma9ve poten9al of educa9on.
d. The rela9onship between educa9on and economic mobility is a simplis9c one.
e. Systemic inequali9es in educa9on perpetuate socio-economic dispari9es.

7. The urgency of addressing climate change has ignited impassioned discussions

regarding the most effec9ve mi9ga9on strategies. Argumenta9ve lines are drawn
between proponents of technological innova9ons and those championing behavioural
shi\s. Complex debates delve into the feasibility and scalability of solu9ons such as
carbon capture technologies, renewable energy sources, and sustainable urban
planning. Balancing the impera9ve to reduce carbon emissions with economic
considera9ons adds an intricate layer to the discourse. Scep9cs ques9on the viability
of proposed solu9ons, emphasizing the socio-economic costs associated with abrupt
transi9ons. Naviga9ng this complexity requires a comprehensive understanding of the
intricate interdependencies between human ac9vi9es, technological advancements,
and environmental sustainability.

In the context of climate change mi8ga8on, what is a key point of conten8on?

a. The irrelevance of technological innova9ons in addressing climate change.
b. The scalability of sustainable urban planning as a mi9ga9on strategy.
c. The consensus on the socio-economic costs of abrupt transi9ons.
d. The urgency of addressing climate change and its global implica9ons.
e. The feasibility of carbon capture technologies in reducing emissions.

8. The advent of ar9ficial intelligence has thrust ethical considera9ons into the forefront
of technological debates. The argumenta9ve landscape surrounding AI ethics spans a
spectrum, from concerns about privacy infringements and biased algorithms to the
poten9al for autonomous systems to reshape the job market. Proponents assert that
responsible AI development involves stringent ethical frameworks, emphasizing
transparency and accountability. Detractors, on the other hand, express reserva9ons
about the prac9cal implementa9on of such frameworks, raising ques9ons about the
adequacy of current regulatory measures. Striking a balance between technological
innova9on and ethical responsibility requires a nuanced understanding of the intricate
ethical dilemmas posed by AI.

What is a common concern raised by scep8cs in the debate over AI ethics?

a. The need for stricter ethical regula9ons in AI development.
b. The poten9al of AI to revolu9onize the job market posi9vely.
c. The adequacy of current regulatory measures in ensuring ethical AI.
d. The transparent and accountable nature of AI frameworks.
e. The irrelevant role of ethics in AI development.

9. The issue of healthcare access dispari9es remains a conten9ous topic in public

discourse, with arguments revolving around the intersec9on of socio-economic factors
and healthcare outcomes. Advocates for universal healthcare argue that it is a
fundamental right, essen9al for ensuring equitable health outcomes across diverse
demographic groups. Opponents, however, ques9on the financial feasibility of such
systems and advocate for market-driven approaches. The intricate web of factors
influencing healthcare access, including socio-economic status, geographic loca9on,
and systemic biases, demands a comprehensive examina9on to inform effec9ve policy
decisions aimed at bridging exis9ng dispari9es.

What is the primary argument against universal healthcare in the given context?
a. Universal healthcare is a fundamental right for everyone.
b. Socio-economic factors have minimal influence on healthcare outcomes.
c. Market-driven approaches are more effec9ve in ensuring healthcare access.
d. Healthcare dispari9es are unrelated to demographic factors.
e. Effec9ve policy decisions can bridge exis9ng healthcare access dispari9es.

10. The rapid digi9za9on of informa9on in the 21st century raises complex ques9ons
about the preserva9on of cultural heritage. Arguments surrounding the impact of
digital technology on cultural preserva9on span from the democra9za9on of access to
cultural ar9facts to concerns about the erosion of tradi9onal prac9ces. Advocates for
digital archives and virtual exhibi9ons contend that these placorms enhance global
accessibility, fostering cross-cultural understanding. Cri9cs, however, cau9on against
the loss of tangible, immersive experiences and the poten9al for cultural
commodifica9on in the digital realm. Naviga9ng this terrain requires a delicate balance
between embracing technological advancements and safeguarding the richness and
authen9city of diverse cultural expressions.

What is a concern expressed by cri8cs regarding the digi8za8on of cultural heritage?

a. Digital archives and virtual exhibi9ons enhance global accessibility.
b. The democra9za9on of access to cultural ar9facts is beneficial.
c. Tangible, immersive experiences are irrelevant in the digital age.
d. Cultural commodifica9on is an inherent advantage of digi9za9on.
e. The poten9al for the erosion of tradi9onal prac9ces in the digital realm.
Announcement Text
11. Dear valued community members, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming grand
event that promises to be an unforgeZable experience for everyone involved. Set
against the backdrop of innova9on and collabora9on, this event aims to bring together
individuals from diverse backgrounds to foster meaningful connec9ons and exchange
ground-breaking ideas. Save the date, as this occasion is not just a celebra9on but an
opportunity to delve into the realms of crea9vity and knowledge.

What is the primary purpose of the upcoming grand event men9oned in the
a. To commemorate historical achievements
b. To foster meaningful connec9ons and exchange ideas
c. To introduce a new product
d. To restructure the organiza9on
e. To launch an educa9onal program

12. In a ground-breaking development, we are excited to reveal our latest innova9on that
is set to redefine industry standards. A\er months of me9culous research and
development, we are proud to introduce a cu1ng-edge product that seamlessly
integrates advanced technology with user-friendly design. This ground-breaking
release marks a significant leap forward in our commitment to providing solu9ons that
enhance the lives of our customers. Stay tuned for the official launch, as we embark
on a new era of technological excellence.

What dis9nguishes the new product being introduced according to the

a. It is cost-effec9ve
b. It has a user-friendly design
c. It is the cheapest in the market
d. It is the first of its kind
e. It is manufactured by a well-known brand

13. As part of our ongoing commitment to growth and adaptability, we are pleased to
inform our stakeholders about a strategic organiza9onal restructuring. This ini9a9ve is
aimed at op9mizing efficiency, streamlining opera9ons, and ensuring sustained
success in an ever-evolving market. While change is never easy, we believe that these
adjustments will posi9on us for long-term success and enable us to beZer serve the
needs of our valued clients and partners.

Why is the organiza9on undergoing a strategic restructuring, as per the

a. To celebrate its anniversary
b. To op9mize efficiency and streamline opera9ons
c. To launch a new product line
d. To increase the number of employees
e. To downsize the workforce

14. In our con9nuous pursuit of academic excellence, we are delighted to share news of
an expanded educa9onal program. This ini9a9ve, designed to cater to the evolving
needs of our students, incorporates innova9ve teaching methodologies and a broader
curriculum. With a focus on holis9c development, our updated program seeks to
nurture not only academic proficiency but also cri9cal thinking skills, crea9vity, and a
sense of global awareness. We are excited about the posi9ve impact this will have on
the educa9onal journey of our students.

What is the primary focus of the updated educa9onal program?

a. Memoriza9on of facts
b. Broadening the curriculum
c. Reducing the workload for students
d. Decreasing the emphasis on cri9cal thinking
e. Elimina9ng extracurricular ac9vi9es

15. It is with great pleasure that we take this opportunity to acknowledge the dedica9on
and hard work of our excep9onal team. As we reflect on the past year, it is evident
that the collec9ve efforts of our employees have been instrumental in achieving our
milestones. In recogni9on of their unwavering commitment, we are implemen9ng a
series of ini9a9ves to express our gra9tude, including employee apprecia9on events
and recogni9on programs. Together, we look forward to another year of shared
success and con9nued growth.

Why is the organiza9on implemen9ng ini9a9ves such as employee apprecia9on

a. To cut costs
b. To increase working hours
c. To express gra9tude for employees' dedica9on
d. To reduce team collabora9on
e. To discourage employee recogni9on

News Text
16. In the realm of Indonesian economic affairs, recent developments have sparked
widespread discussions regarding the efficacy of fiscal policies in fostering sustainable
growth. The government's implementa9on of s9mulus packages and targeted
investments has been a focal point, with experts scru9nizing the intricate dynamics
between public spending, infla9on rates, and job crea9on. As the na9on navigates the
post-pandemic landscape, the delicate balance between bolstering economic ac9vity
and maintaining fiscal discipline remains a cri9cal challenge. Analysts posit that a
nuanced approach, accoun9ng for sector-specific needs and global economic trends,
is paramount for steering Indonesia towards a resilient and diversified economic
In the context of economic development in Indonesia, what is the nuanced challenge
discussed in the passage?
a. The need for increased government spending
b. Balancing economic growth with fiscal discipline
c. Implemen9ng s9mulus packages for job crea9on
d. The impact of infla9on on sustainable growth
e. Sector-specific needs in a global economic landscape

17. Against the backdrop of Indonesia's rich ecological tapestry, environmental

conserva9on and biodiversity protec9on have risen to the forefront of public
discourse. Pressing issues such as deforesta9on, wildlife trafficking, and marine
pollu9on demand comprehensive strategies to mi9gate their detrimental impacts. The
recent governmental ini9a9ves, including the establishment of protected areas and
stricter regula9ons on industrial prac9ces, signify a concerted effort to address these
concerns. Nevertheless, the intricate interplay between economic development and
environmental preserva9on poses a challenge, requiring a delicate synthesis of
policies that reconcile the impera9ve of growth with the impera9ve of sustainability.

How do recent governmental ini9a9ves address the challenges of environmental

conserva9on and biodiversity protec9on in Indonesia?
a. By increasing deforesta9on for economic growth
b. Through the establishment of protected areas and stricter regula9ons
c. Ignoring the issues and focusing solely on economic development
d. Promo9ng wildlife trafficking for tourism
e. Allowing unchecked industrial prac9ces for short-term gains

18. In educa9on, Indonesia finds itself at a pivotal juncture, with a burgeoning popula9on
and an increasingly interconnected world demanding innova9ve approaches to
learning. The accelera9on of digital learning placorms and the integra9on of
technology in educa9onal curricula have been key focal points in recent discussions.
The government's commitment to educa9on reforms, including the alloca9on of
resources for digital infrastructure and teacher training, reflects a recogni9on of the
transforma9ve poten9al of technology in shaping the next genera9on's skill sets.
However, the digital divide remains a pressing challenge, necessita9ng inclusive
policies to ensure equitable access to educa9onal resources across diverse socio-
economic strata.

According to the passage, what is the primary focus of recent educa9on reforms in
a. Increasing the number of tradi9onal classrooms
b. Reducing the role of technology in educa9on
c. Enhancing teacher salaries
d. Alloca9ng resources for digital infrastructure and teacher training
e. Abandoning the tradi9onal educa9onal system
19. The global COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the cri9cal importance of a robust
healthcare infrastructure, promp9ng a reevalua9on of Indonesia's readiness to handle
health crises. Recent strides in healthcare system strengthening, including the
construc9on of new hospitals and investments in medical research, have been pivotal
in bolstering the na9on's pandemic preparedness. Nevertheless, ques9ons
surrounding vaccine distribu9on, healthcare accessibility in remote areas, and the
long-term sustainability of these ini9a9ves persist. As Indonesia charts its course
through the post-pandemic era, a comprehensive and adap9ve healthcare strategy is
impera9ve to ensure the well-being of its ci9zens.

Considering the discussion on healthcare infrastructure, what does the passage

emphasize as pivotal in bolstering Indonesia's pandemic preparedness?
a. Strict lockdown measures
b. Investment in medical research
c. Social distancing prac9ces
d. Global vaccine distribu9on
e. Isola9ng remote areas

20. In the midst of rapid moderniza9on and globaliza9on, the preserva9on of Indonesia's
rich cultural heritage emerges as a compelling impera9ve. Efforts to safeguard
tradi9onal art forms, languages, and historical sites are underway, acknowledging the
intrinsic value of cultural diversity. The challenge lies in striking a harmonious balance
between moderniza9on and the conserva9on of heritage, fostering an environment
where the younger genera9on can appreciate and contribute to the con9nuity of
Indonesia's cultural legacy. As the na9on grapples with the complexi9es of iden9ty in
a rapidly changing world, the integra9on of cultural preserva9on into broader societal
narra9ves becomes integral to fostering a cohesive and resilient na9onal iden9ty.

In the passage, what challenge does Indonesia face in preserving its cultural heritage
in the modern era?
a. Rapid moderniza9on and globaliza9on
b. Lack of interest from the younger genera9on
c. Preserva9on of cultural ar9facts only
d. Ignoring the importance of cultural diversity
e. Government restric9ons on tradi9onal prac9ces

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