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B.S Nursing (4-Years Degree Program) 3rdProf


Pediatrics Health Nursing

Total Marks: 100
MCQs: 45
SEQs: 09
Marks: 45 Marks: 9x5: 45
Internal assessment: 10
Pediatrics Health Nursing
S NO Internal
Perspective of Pediatric nursing.
1. 01 01
Growth and development in children and
2. 03
Nursing Aspects for dealing with deviations 01
Pharmacological Care aspects while dealing
3. 02 -
with Pediatric Patients
Communication/Therapeutic Play while caring
4. 02 -
for children with various disease process
Health promotion of the new born and family
5. from Global and Pakistani Perspectives 02 01

Nursing Care Aspects for High Risk newborn

6. -
Care of child & family during hospitalization
7. -
Common Health problems in Pakistani children
8. 02 01
and their nursing management
Congenital defects of heart and Cardio-vascular
03 01
9. dysfunction.
10. G.I dysfunctions in Children 02 -
11. Genito-urinary dysfunctions in Children 02 -
Fluid and Electrolyte imbalance in Children
12. 03 -
with various dysfunctions
Respiratory dysfunction in Children:
13. Commonly occurring Respiratory problems in 03 01
14. Musculo-skeletal dysfunctions in Children 02 -
15. Neuro-muscular dysfunctions in Children 02 01
Cognitive/Sensory dysfunctions and
16. Rehabilitation 02 -

Cerebral dysfunction in children

17. 03
18. Pediatric Oncology 02 -
Hematological dysfunctions in ChildrenRBC
19. 02 -
20. Endocrine dysfunctions in Pediatric Clients
03 01
Total 45 10 45 100

Description SEQs
Unit MCQs

Unit 01 Perspective of Pediatric nursing.

 Evolution in Pediatric Nursing 01 01
B.S Nursing (4-Years Degree Program) 3rdProf

 Role of pediatric nurse

 Pediatric Nursing in Pakistani culture
 Convention on the rights of the child.
 Commonly occurring ethical issues in pediatric setting of
Growth and development in children and Nursing Aspects for
dealing with deviations:
 Assessing Growth & Development in children of different
age group
 Growth & Development pattern in South Asian Countries,
Unit 02 and influence of Pakistani culture on Growth and
Development of child. 03 01
 Factors influencing physical and emotional development
of children
 Assessing Milestones
 Nursing Care aspects for dealing with deviations in
Growth & Development pattern
Pharmacological Care aspects while dealing with Pediatric
 Drug dosage calculation for the Pediatric drugs
 Common Pediatric drug dilutions
Unit 03  Common Pediatric concerns/complications during drug
therapy 02
 Caring for children receiving Chemotherapy, antimicrobial
therapy and long-term Insulin therapy
 Managing pain in children by using pharmacological and
non- pharmacological approaches
Communication/Therapeutic Play while caring for children
with various disease process
 Guidelines for communication with children and families.
 Role of play in growth and development of children.
Unit 04   Functions of play for hospitalized children.
 Therapeutic play versus play therapy.
 Play as a tool for nursing management
 Importance of therapeutic play from Pakistani
Health promotion of the new born and family from Global
and Pakistani Perspectives
 Nursing care approaches for dealing with Small for
Gestation Age and Low Birth Weight infants: A
commonly occurring problem in Pakistan
 Concept of Small for Gestation Age, Low for Gestation
Age, Appropriate for Gestation Age and low birth weight
Unit 05 infants
02 01
 Assessment of new born
 Gestational age assessment
 Head to toe assessment
 Developmental Care Approach for premature and
newborns in Pakistani families
 Nursing care of the full term and premature babies and
their families
B.S Nursing (4-Years Degree Program) 3rdProf

Nursing Care Aspects for High Risk newborn:

 Common newborn related problems in Pakistan and its 02
 Birth injuries and other related injuries in newborns
 Respiratory Distress Syndrome and surfactant therapy
 Transient Tachypnea of Newborn
 Intra Ventricular Hemorrhage
Unit 06  Hyperbilirubinemia.
 Child with G6PD
 Birth Asphyxia and nursing management
 Septicemia and care aspects
 Hypoglycemia/ Infant of diabetic mothers
 Hypocalcaemia
 Inborn error of metabolism
 Nursing care, pharmacological and non-pharmacological
measures for dealing with the above health issues of
Unit 07 Care of child & family during hospitalization
Impact of hospitalization on the child and family and related 02
Nursing Care Approaches:
 Stressor and reaction related to developmental stage.
 Stressor and reactions of the family of the child who is
 Nursing care of a child who is hospitalized.
 Nursing care process of child and family with
 Medication administration to children (clinical).
 Pharmacological and non-pharmacological pain
 Preparation for hospitalization (clinical).
Unit 08 Common Health problems in Pakistani children and their
nursing management: 02 01
 Infants
 Nutrition disturbance
 Protein energy malnutrition
 Feeding difficulties
 Failure to thrive
 Sudden infant death syndrome
 Teething problems
 Early /later child hood
Nursing Care approaches for dealing with above
health problems according to the age group
 Dealing with common complications of Nutritional
problems and communicable diseases found commonly in
 Post-Polio Syndrome
 Chronic inflammatory demyelinated polyneuropathy
B.S Nursing (4-Years Degree Program) 3rdProf

Congenital defects of heart and Cardio-vascular dysfunction.

 Understanding Fetal circulation
 Congenital malformations of heart.
Unit 09  Pharmacology related treatment modalities for the above
(Indomethacin and prostaglandin therapy) 03 01
 Rheumatic heart disease.
 Nursing Care approaches while dealing with clients 136
with above disorders
G.I dysfunctions in Children
Commonly occurring GI dysfunctions reported in early days
of life that needs urgent management:
 Ingestion problems and structural defects of GI (Cleft
palate, cleft lip tongue tie and Tracheo esophageal fistula
 Pyloric stenosis.
 Biliary Atresia
 Liver Abscess
 Intestinal obstruction
Unit 10  Hernia
 Hirschsprung’s disease
 Intussusceptions
 volvulus
 Amebiasis
 NEC (Necrotizing Enterocolitis)
 Nursing care, pharmacological, medical and surgical
modalities for dealing with the above disorders
 Commonly used medications in Pakistan for the above
Genito-urinary dysfunctions in Children
Commonly occurring GU dysfunctions in pediatrics
 Upper and Lower Urinary tract infection
Unit 11  Nephrotic syndrome
 Congenital Renal atrophy 02
 Bartter syndrome
 Nursing management and treatment modalities for the
children with the above disorders
Fluid and Electrolyte imbalance in Children with various
 Nursing Care aspects for maintaining fluid and electrolyte
Unit 12 balance in the children with following conditions
 Burns,
 GI
 GU
Respiratory dysfunction in Children:
Commonly occurring Respiratory problems in Pediatrics
 Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Infections:
1. Pharyngitis
2. Tonsillitis
3. Otitis media
4. Bronchitis
Unit 13 5. Pneumonia
6. Asthma 03 01
7. Croup Syndrome
8. Cystic fibrosis
9. Reactive Airway Diseases (RAD)
 Caring for pediatric client on Mechanical ventilator
 Nursing care aspects, pharmacological and other medical
management for the pediatric patients with the above
Unit 14 Musculo-skeletal dysfunctions in Children
 Kyphosis 02
B.S Nursing (4-Years Degree Program) 3rdProf

 Lordosis
 Scoliosis
 Types of common Fractures in children
 Rheumatoid arthritis
 Congenital hip dislocation
 Nursing care, child with cast and traction, rehabilitative
care and other medical and surgical management for the
children with the above disorders.
Neuro-muscular dysfunctions in Children
Commonly occurring neuron-muscular dysfunctions in
Pediatric patients:
 Cerebral palsy
 Muscular dystrophy
 Gillian–Barre Syndrome
Unit 15  Spina bifida
 Meningomyelocele 02 01
 Nursing care, rehabilitative care and other medical and
surgical management for the children with the above
 Overview of institutes i-e, NGO’s and Government law
organization working in Pakistan for the rehabilitation of
children with theabove dysfunctions
Cognitive/Sensory dysfunctions and Rehabilitation
 Hearing and visual impairment.
Unit 16  Mental retardation
 Downs’ syndrome 02
 Nursing care, rehabilitative care and other medical
management for the children with the above disorders
Cerebral dysfunction in children
 Meningitis, Hydrocephalus
 Encephalitis
Unit 17  Seizures disorders ( Febrile and Epilepsy)
 Head injury due to various causes in children with 03 01
different age group
 Nursing care aspects; pharmacological, medical and
surgical modalities for the above disorders
Pediatric Oncology
 Leukemia in children and its prognosis in Pakistan from
current treatment modalities
 Hodgkin disease and non-Hodgkin lymphoma*.
Unit 18  Porta cath care in Pediatric patients
 Nursing Care for pediatric patients receiving 02 ___
chemotherapy from different routes
 Palliative Care approaches in Pakistani Culture
 Nursing care approach for dealing with death and dying
B.S Nursing (4-Years Degree Program) 3rdProf

Hematological dysfunctions in Children

RBC disorders:
 Anemia
 Thalassemia,
 Sickle cell anemia,
 Aplastic anemia
Unit 19  Platelet disorders
02 ____
 Hemophilia
 Disseminated intravascular coagulation,
 Thrombocytopenia
 Care of pediatric patients receiving blood transfusion and
blood products (Pharmacological and non-
pharmacological management)
Endocrine dysfunctions in Pediatric Clients
 Insulin Dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and Diabetic
 Cushing syndrome.
 Hyperthyroidism
Unit 20  Hypothyroidism
 Hypopituitarism 03 01
 Hyperpituitarism
 Nursing Care approaches for dealing with above health
 Pharmacological, medical and surgical management for
the above.

Nursing Instructor Principal

College of Nursing & College of Nursing &
Midwifery Midwifery
FJMU, Lahore FJMU, Lahore

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