Film Critic - English - Aseel Al-Hemyari

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For Better or For Worse - The critique

In the film “For Better or For Worse” By Pranjal Mukherji, Rashi Saraf, Swamini Kulkarni & Bhavya
Singh, the two twins live at home with their workaholic father.
On the birthday of the two twins, Parker and Ruth, the father gets them a cake from the bakery. Parker
ate the cake, however, what they didn't know was that the cake was poisoned by a gang called
"Groove Street" whose target was to kill their family. The father rushed him to the hospital where the
gang killed the father and kidnapped Ruth. Parker meets a person who's a member of another gang
called the "doomsmen", Alice, and she helps him train. They get a call that the "Doomsmen" have
been attacked by the "Groove Street" gang. The both of them rush to the place, Alice dies in the fight,
leaving Parker alone. Parker discovers that Ruth is working with the opposing gang, and she explains
to him that the leader had helped her out of a bad situation in her past when she was younger, and he
was holding it against her. They find out that the Gang leader is their father's brother, “the singhster”,
who is angry and wants to get back at their father. Parker and Ruth team up and kill the singhster
One production feature that stood out was the well-chosen locations for each scene. The locations
naturally fit the setting, enhancing the story's authenticity. For example, their choice of using a
parking lot for their last scene, and the bedroom area for their first scene. The Careful location choices
made the film feel real, helping viewers easily connect with the characters and their story.
One acting performance that stood out was their first scene, Ruth goes into her brother's room on the
morning of their birthday and they express how they feel about their father's emotional absence in
their life. This scene stood out because of the way they were able to realistically portray the
characters' emotions, adding depth to the character development.
I would definitely recommend this short film for its intriguing plot, exceptional film production, and
realistically portrayed characters.

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