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eee Rieti) 1. a. Forces cause changes. Name three effects a force can have on an object. . B) b. Name two forces that oppose the motion of an object. 1 2 , oxime 2] 2. Student, student B, and student Care having a discussion about the effects of resuitant forces on the motion of objects Student A says: “if there is no resuitant force on an objec then the object wil nat move.” Student 8 says: “if there is no resuitant force on an object, it will keep maving ata steady speed ina straight line’ Student C says: ‘Al objects slow down eventually if there is no resultant fore to keep them moving a. To what extent do you agree with the three statements? 8] b. The diagram (ight) shows an air track, which is a metal track with, sliers holes init, through which ar blows The gliders onthe track are slightly elevated aveay from the metal track due tothe air aittrck | Explain how you could use this equipment toilustrate your answer to part a phe 3 eee Rieti) Calculate the force exerted on an object it it accelerates at Sms and has a mass of 0.5 kg, force = ss eee: I li. Calculate the acceleration produced if force of 3000 N acts on a car of mass 900 kg acceleration a ii, Whats the mass ofa boy if he accelerates at 2 mis’ when a force of 95 N acts on him? MSS = ososssesnnenneraneinannnnnsnnnnnnannenen sovoee 2] b. Calculate the resutant force in each case i Shan i. i “ae 3sn ssn con SON B] Aboathas run aground and two tug boats are pulling it ashore Tug pulls to the west with a force of 4000 N. Tug B pulls south with a force of 2600 N In the space below, draw a scale diagram where 1 cm = 1000 N and use it to find the resultant force of ‘ug and tug B on the boat 4) 4. Apilot will lose consciousness if he is subjected to accelerations greater than 8 times the acceleration due to gravity (8g). By how much can the speed of his aeroplane increase in 2s if he isto remain conscious? [2] 14 eee Rude) 1. A student wishes to test which materials produce the greatest frictional force. He wraps each material in turn around ‘@ wooden block and pulls the block, weighted with @ 200 g mass, at a steady speed across a smooth surface using ‘a newton meter as shown in the diagram below. Dee ‘The student obtains the following results: material force /N force / N average force /N paper 08 o7 cotton cloth 09 10 polythene bag 06 06 sand paper 14 13 a Calculate the average forces and enter them in the table 0 bb. What is the resolution of the newton meter? iu © Why did the student place the 200 g mass onthe block? Mt <4. Why was it important for him to pull the block with a steady speed? 2) . Which material had the smallest frictional force? Drew a labelled diagram to explain why the fictional force is least for this material. gl) ‘Another student repeats the experiment holding the newton meter at an angle of 45° tothe horizontal surface, How would you expect his results to compare to the results inthe table above? Explain your answer. Rl The student decided thatthe fore an the newton meter was due to friction and that ar resistance could be ‘ignored inthis experiment. To what extent do you think he is corect? How could the experiment be adapted to test the effect of air resistance? tal: 5 Extension, eee Rieti) a. State the relationship between mass and weight. b. i, Whats the unit of mass? ii, Whatis the unit of weight? & Use the data to calculate the weight of a 60 kg person on each planet. 2.9 Mass and weight planet Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter gravitational field srenath nie 3.76 9.04 gat an 2Bé weight /N 4. Car safety is tested ina ‘crash test’, where a dummy is placed inside the car and the car is driven at a wall. The effect on the dummy can be seen in the photograph, Explain, with reference tothe dummy/s inertia, why the dummy is thrown through the windscreen of the ca. rH)

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