English JSS2

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English Studies
First Term Examination
Class: JSS 2 Subject : English Studies
Duration : 2 Hours
Name: __________________________________
Instructions: Read the questions carefully and choose from the alternatives lettered a – d.


SECTION A : Comprehension Passage
Read the passage carefully and answer all questions.

SECTION A: Lexis and Structure

Fill in the gaps with the suitable words from the options.

1. The plane ______ at 2 o’ o’clock yesterday. (a) take off (b) took up (c) took off (d) take up

2. Sola takes _________ her mother, she is her exact image. (a) over (b) after (c) from (d) with

3. I have instructed you to tell him, ___________? (a) have you (b) haven’t you (c) have I (d) has you

4. The visitor was very uncomfortable because of his _________ nose. (a) runny (b) running (c) flowing (d) runing

5. Bolu was _________ by the girl’s story. (a) taken in (b) taken away (c) taken aback (d) taken on

6. I won’t be able to come to the party as the day’s work has tired me __________. (a) through (b) down (c) out
(d) on

7. While mine is white, _________ is green. (a) Your (b) yours (c) yours’ (d) your’s

8. They gave my friend and ______ the money. (a) I (b) me (c) us (d) we

9. Please excuse __________ to bed now. (a) me to go (b) my going (c) me to be going (d) me to have gone

10. The accused was discharged and _________ for want of evidence. (a) acquitted (b) bailed (c) punished (d)

11. He was treated ________ a delicious meal at the party. (a) for (bliss) to (c) with (d) therein

12. I Saw Bola, E kma and Shade when they were going to school, ________? (a) were they (b) weren’t they (c)
did I (d) didn’t I

13. The artist wore a __________ at the concert. (a) beautiful blue silk dress (b) silk blue beautiful dress (c) blue
beautiful silk dress (d) silk dress beautiful blue

Choose from the list of words or phrase lettered a – d the one which is nearly opposite in meaning to the
underlined word in the sentences below.

14. Jack was most flexible in his decisions. (a) rigid (b) correct (c) soft (d) upright
15. He complained that his colleagues were elevated while he was __________. (a) suspended (b) promoted (c)
downgraded (d) interdicted

16. Bees are noted for breeding in enormousnumber. (a) very much (b) very long (c) very small (d) very large.

17. The king has absolute authority over his subjects. (a) unquestionable (b) unlimited (c) restricted (d)

18. The governor declined to give audience to the journalist. (a) accepted (b) forget (c) ignored (d) refused

19. The principal spoke on the boy’s diligence. (a) stupidity (b) rudeness (c) laziness (d) ambition

20. The accused was released for being honest. (a) punished (b) freed (c) captivated (d) remanded

Choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word or expression in the sentences below.

21. The boy was astonished to see his uncle in such a bad state. (a) joyous (b) afraid (c) surprised (d) shy

22. The meeting started at exactly 9 o’ clock. (a) began (b) ended (c) stand still (d) went on break

23. He looked feeble while he talked. (a) Hopeless (b) weak (c) thin (d) hungry

24. There was a fierce rain storm last night. (a) raging (b) storming (c) angry (d) violent

25. The thief went out of sight into the woods. (a) lost (b) disappeared (c) missed (d) went

SECTION C: Literature

Complete the following with the appropriate options.

26. Ngozi is fond of picking picking quarrels with his friends. This means Ngozi is _________. (a) friendly (b) stubborn (c)
selfish (d) hostile

27. More power to your elbow. This could be Interpreted as __________. (a) raise your elbow up (b) keep the flag flying (c)
adjust your elbow (d) your elbow is powerful

28. Kehinde will neither eat rice nor beans tonight. This means Kehinde will _________. (a) not eat anything tonight (b) not eat
rice but he will eat beans (c) eat rice or he will eat beans (d) not eat rice and he will not eat beans.

29. _________ is a means of preserving people’s culture and history. (a) Poem (b) Literature (c) Lyrics (d) Drama

30. The genre of literature that makes use of stanza and verses is referred to as __________. (a) Poetry (b) Prose (c) Melodrama
(d) Farce

31. The use of words in a powerful way can be a feature of ____________. (a) Drama (b) Poetry (c) Prose (d) Fairy tale

32. _______ is a long narrative genre. (a) Drama (b) Genre (c) Prose (d) Poem

33. _________ is a fictional narrative which involves human and animal characters. (a) Novel (b) Folktale (c) Myths (d) Legends

34. An account of someone’s life by the same person is called _________. (a) autobiography (b) history (c) detailed account (d)

35. The figures of speech that compares using ‘like’ is called __________. (a) personification (b) simile (c) ode (d) irony

SECTION D: Speech work (Oral Test)

Underline the word with the given consonant sound from the options lettered a – d.

36. /p/- ___________ (a) Psalm (b) Physics (c) Panic (d) Pneumonia

37. /t/ – ___________ (a) with (b) castles (c) depot (d) start

38. /d/- ___________ (a) those (b) handkerchief (c) handsome (d) date
39. /k/ – ___________ (a) knight (b) know (c) knew (d) key

40. /g/ – ___________ (a) gnaw (b) rag (c) reign (d) range


Answer one question from this section. (Your essay should not be less than 200 words)
1. Write a narrative essay on “What I do every day”.
2. Write a descriptive essay on ” A Local Festival”
3. Write a letter to your friend in another school telling him, how you spent your last holiday.
4. Write a good essay on ” The use of Mobile phones by students should be banned.”
A: Change these sentences to the passive voice
1. They can kill snakes.
2. I saw Dayo.
3. We were singing choruses.
4. Tolu reads an interesting story everyday.
B: Write these sentences in the past perfect tense.
Example: He goes to school =
He had gone to school.
1. They walk to the school everyday.
2. Seun sleeps on bed.
3. The dog barks at strangers.
Make a sentence in the present continuous tense of the given verbs:
4. Sings – _____________________________________
5. Swim – _____________________________________
C: Literature-in-English
1. What is drama?

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