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Science Grade 5

Choose the correct answer:

1.On extreme hot climate, the water of a lake ………..
a. Increases due to evaporation b- Decreases due to evaporation.
b.Changes into ice. d-Has a lower temperature.
2.If clam are completely removed from a marine ecosystem, the survival of
……..… may be affected.
a. Triggerfish sharks c.sea urchin d. sea stars
3.If all grasses were removed completely from an ecosystem, rabbits in this
ecosystem will………....
a. Increase. b- Decrease. C-die. D- not be affected
4.When coral reefs ……..….the seawater, they may ingest microplastics.
a. Evaporate b-filter c-cool d-warm
5. Coral reefs are considered as resources of………..
a. food only b-shelter only
b.Food and shelter. d-food and pollution
6. Green plants can make their own food through the ..................... process.
a. respiration b. digestion c. photosynthesis d. thinking
7. Humans and other animals need to eat to get
a. oxygen gas. b. energy . c. carbon dioxide gas. d. soil
8-Water and nutrients are carried from the roots to the leaves through
Stem. b. soil. c. fruits. d. flowers.
9-Hydroponic system should be full of ………….. And …………………
to help the plant grow.
a. water - oil b. sunlight – water
c. sand - water d. water –minerals

10-The tubes that are responsible for moving water and
nutrients up the plant’s stem are called………………
a. roots b. xylem c. leaves d. flowers
11) The green color plant of plant’s leaves is due to the presence of
A-Xylem b. phloem c. chlorophyll d. stomata
13)…………. Systems in plants consist of tubes that water and nutrients
move through it.
A-Digestive b- Transport C-Respiratory d. Nervous
14) The reproductive parts of many plants are called………………
a. veins c. leaves
b. roots d. flowers
15) Blood rich in carbon dioxide gas return back to the heart through
A-arteries b. lungs C- Veins d- xylem

16) Burdock seeds have spines, so they can ………….

a. float on water. b. travel by wind.
c. stick to animal fur. eaten by animals.
17) Hawks get their energy from ………….
a. plants only. b. animals only.
c. plants and animals. d. nonliving things.
18) A community that includes living organisms and nonliving things is
known as……….
a. Digestive system. b. Respiratory system.
c. Ecosystem. d. Vascular system.

19) According to the way of feeding, living organisms are classified


A-two groups. b. Three groups. c. Four groups. d. five
20) Waste materials produced from millipedes and worms are rich in…….
a. Water. b. nutrients. c. oxygen gas. d. carbodioxide gas.

21) Desalination process means that we remove………………. from water

to drink it.
a. sugar b. salt c. oxygen gas d. hydrogen gas
Rabbits eat all the following types of food, except………
a-Grasses b. carrots. C- seeds. d. insects.
22) Overfishing and throwing plastic garbage in the sea affect the survival
of ……………… directly.
a. desert organisms b. marine organisms
c. rainforest organisms d. rodents
23) The amount of energy that transfers between living organisms in a
food web is ………..
a. 10% b. 90% c. 30% d. 100%
24) If the climate change is suitable, the population of a species ……
A. will die b. will not be affected
c. will increase d. will decrease
25) When water temperature increases, algae leave tissues of …………..
, so they become bleached.
a. seabirds b. coral reefs c. clam d. sharks
26) Algae in coral reefs provide food for ………. directly.
a. primary consumers b. secondary consumers
c. producers d. top predators
27-The area in which the scientists take care of small pieces of coral until
they grow up is known as ………….

a. food chain. b. food web. C. grassland.
d. nursery.
28 Habitat restoration projects allow scientists to ………. That occur to an
a. increase harms b. decrease harms
c. keep harms d. increase damages
.……………… the amount of space that matter takes up is called-29
A-volume b-mass c-weight d-area
30-One of the substances that doesn't take the shape of its container is …………
a. oil. b. coin. c. gasoline. d. water.
31-By changing the ………………. of a matter, its state may change.
a. mass b. volume c. color d temperature
32-particles of ……………… are organized and have a regular pattern
a. solid only b. gases only
c. solid and liquid d. liquid and gases
33-when we keep water inside the freezer, the state of water changes
from ……………… into………………..
A. liquid-gas b. liquid -solid
C. solid-liquid d. gas –liquid
34-Which of the following homes have an inclined roofs?....................
a. Desert homes only. b. Tropical rainforest homes only.
c. Desert homes and cold weather homes.
d. Tropical rainforest homes and cold weather homes

35-We can measure the volume of a liquid by all the
following units, except ………….……
a. kilogram. b. millimeters c. cubic centimeters d. liters.
36-Which of the following matter floats on the surface of water...
a. Iron spoon. b. Piece of stone. c. Iron nail. d. Piece of cork.
37. When you put a lighting match close to helium gas, it
a. burn . b. not burn. c. form fire .d. freeze.
38-Rubber is used to make all the following, except………………..
a. athletic shoes. b. gloves. c. tires. d. windows.
39-Scientists which measure the size and shape of fossils during their
research Are………………….
a cartographers b. space scientists
c. marine biologists. d. paleontologists.
40-When the water is heated, its particles……………………
a move slower. b. move faster.
c. move with the same speed. d. do not move.
41- When ice cubes gain…………. energy, they turn into water.
a. sound b. potential c. electrical d. thermal

42-Ice is turned into………….. When its temperature is between 0°C and

a. solid state b. liquid state
c. gas state d. water state
43-By adding baking soda to vinegar, a…………………. is formed.
a. powder b. compound c. mixture d. solid matter

44-Among ways of mixture separation is/are.........
a. evaporation only. b. filtration only.
c. evaporation and rusting. d. evaporation and filtration.
45-Evaporation process is a………….. Change of matter, which can be
used to separate the………………… components.
a. physical-mixture b. physical-compound
c. chemical-mixture d. chemical-compound
46-Among examples of physical changes is......................
a. melting of iron. b. burning of wood.
c. making a cake. d. digestion of food.
47-From the changes which don't form a new substance is…………….
a. burning of paper. b. cutting of wood.
c. baking bread. d. rusting of iron
48-All the following is from the problems of desalination, except that
a. It needs a big amount of energy.
b. It needs a small amount of energy
c. It very expensive process
d. It may cause many environmental problems.

Give Reason for all following :
1- Roots have important role in the photosynthesis process?
Because roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil
2- Photosynthesis process is important for plants to survive?
Because it helps the plant to make its own food
3- Some plants don't need soil as a basic need?
Because some plants can grow on water while others can grow on other plants or rocks
4- The presence of stomata on the surface of plant's leaves?
To allow gases to move into and out of the plant
5- Green plants can make their own food?
Because green plants can make photosynthesis process
6- Xylem vessels are important for the plant?
Because they transport water and nutrient from roots to leaves
7- There is no life on Earth in the absence of plants?
Because plants produce oxygen gas during photosynthesis process which is important for all
living organisms to survive
8- Chlorophyll in plant's leaves has an important role in the Photosynthesis process?
Because it absorbs the sunlight and give the leaf its green color
9- Flowers are important parts for the plant?
Because they produce seeds for the plant reproduction
10- Circulatory system has an important role for human to survive
Because it transports blood and other fluids through the body

11- Xylem in plant is a one-way vessel

Because it carries water and nutrients from roots to leaves in one direction
12-Seeds dispersal may take place by animal in two different ways
Because seeds can stick to animal fur or being eaten by animals and come
out with their stool
13-Burdock seed can stick to animal fur
Because they have spines
14- Human needs to eat some animal and plants
To get energy from food to do his activities as they can’t make their own food
15- Sunlight is important for all living organisms
Because it is absorbed by plants to make their own food then animals and humans eat these
16-Consumers depend on producers to get their energy
Because they cannot make their own food
17-Soil fertility depends on decomposers
Because they return the nutrients of dead organisms back to the soil
18- Scavengers must work on dead bodies before decomposers
Because scavengers break down the dead bodies into smaller pieces
19-When the number of one species of consumers in an ecosystem increase, they will die
Because they will not find food to eat or shelter to live
20-Death of algae may lead to moving sharks away to another place
Because sharks feed on fish that depend on algae to get their food
21-Food webs can be destroyed due to pollution
Because pollution negatively affects all living organisms in food web
22- In case of fire forests, animals suffer from difficulty breathing
Because fire forests produce smoke that causes difficulty in breathing

23- Coral reefs are important for human communities
Because humans feed on fish that depends on algae in coral reefs for food
24-Coral bleaching happens when the water temperatures rise
Because when the water temperature rises, the algae leave the coral reefs tissues and it will
turn into white color
25-Both of rising water temperature and ingesting microplastics are harmful for coral reefs
Because rising temperatures cause coral bleaching while microplastics are toxic and sharp
26- It is better to keep natural resources healthy than applying restoration projects
Because restoration projects take a lot of money and a long time
27- When we remove plants from riverbanks, the floods become more dangerous
Because of eroding of riverbanks
28-Rubber differs from iron
Because rubber is a soft matter while iron is a hard matter
29-Salt is a matter?
Because it has mass and volume
30- Sugar is a solid matter
Because it has a definite shape and volume
31-Wood has definite shape and volume?
_ Particles of a piece of iron are very close to each other?
Because it is a solid matter
32-Air has no definite shape or volume
Because it is a gas matter.
33- Particles of gases can spread out quickly to fill up and container they put in
Because they are not held together and they have a lot of energy.
34-Using models to study some scientific concepts
To study them in an easier way

35-Sometimes we need to use an electron microscope
To see the components of the tiny particles
36-Both liquids and gases don't have a definite shape and take the shape of their
Because their particles are randomly arranged
37-oil used in cooking is considered as an example of liquid matter
Because it has a definite volume, but its shape is not definite
38- The roof of desert home is made of strong stones
To protect the desert home from dust and dirt
39- The roof of tropical rainforest home is made of leaves and sticks
To protect the tropical rainforest home from animals getting inside
40- Rusting of iron is considered from chemical properties of matter
Because it is a change that happens to iron when it interacts with air and water
41- When the particles of a matter move quickly, its temperature increases
Because quickly moving particles produce more heat energy which increase the temperature
42- Helium is used to fill balloons and blimps
Because helium is lighter than air
43-Human can use helium gas safely
Because it is not flammable or poisonous
44-wood and plastic are used in making handles of cooking pans
Because they are bad conductors of heat
45- Bakers use balances and measuring cups in their work
To measure the volume and mass of ingredients before start baking
46-Cartographers create city maps
To help tourists find their way
47-Ice is turned into water when it is placed in a warm room
Because the temperature of ice increases so it melts and becomes liquid
48-When the temperature of ice cubes increases, they will melt
Because it will gain energy and changes into liquid water
49- Both melting and freezing processes are considered as physical changes
Because the matter changes without any change in its structure
50- Formation of water drops when water vapor touches a cold surface
Because the thermal energy of water vapor transfers to cold surface so the particles of water
move slower and get close to each other causing water drops
51- Fruit salad and salty water are considered as mixtures
Because they are formed of two or more materials
52- Filtration process is used to separate soil from water
Because the particles of water are smaller than that of soil
53- By adding baking soda to vinegar, the properties of each of them are changed
Because this mix produces gas that causes bubbles which means that a compound is formed
54- The components of mixture don't produce a new substance when combining together
Because the components of mixture are physically combined together which means they
don't react together
55-Air is considered as a mixture
Because it consists of some gases (more than one material)
56-Making fruit salad is considered as a physical change
Because it does not form a new substance

57- Making bread is considered as a chemical change
Because a new substance is formed as the taste of bread is different from
the taste of its ingredients
58- Formation of a layer with reddish color on the surface of a wet iron wire after a period
of time
Because the iron reacts with oxygen and water and rusts
59-Formation of a bad odor when milk is left out of the fridge for several days
Because of the chemical change that happens to the milk causing a strong bad odor
60-We cannot drink the water of oceans and seas
-Because it is a mixture of (water salt, minerals, gases, living organisms and dead organisms)
-Because drinking salt water makes the human body dehydrate faster which means that the
human body loses water faster

What happens if
1- Plants have no stem
Water and nutrients will not be carried from roots to leaves
2- Plants can't get carbon dioxide gas from air
Plants cannot make photosynthesis process so cannot make their own food
3- We put a green plant in a dark room for many days
Plants cannot absorb sunlight and the leaves will be yellow
4- We put a seed of bean in a soil
It will germinate and grow
5- We put a bean seed in a wet paper towel for more than two months
At the beginning it will germinate and grow but later it will die
6- Stomata of a plant get closed for a long time
Gases cannot move into or out the plant leaves so plants will die

7- Plant's leaves don't contain chlorophyll
Plants cannot absorb the sun light that gives the leaves their green color
8- The plant doesn't have roots
The plant cannot absorb water and nutrients from the soil
9- The plant stops making photosynthesis process for several
Days It cannot make its own food and it will die
10- Plants can't produce glucose sugar during the photosynthesis process
Plants cannot get energy to grow and survive
11- Humans don't have circulatory system
Human cannot transport blood and other fluids throughout the body
12- We remove the flowers of a plant
Plants cannot produce seeds for reproduction / Plants cannot reproduce
13- There is no sunlight reaches the Earth's surface
The plants cannot make their own food through the photosynthesis process
14- A hawk is placed in an ecosystem that doesn't contain any living organisms except plants
It will move to another ecosystem, or it will die as it won’t find anything to eat
15- All primary consumers disappear from a certain food chain
The secondary consumers will move to another ecosystem, or they will die
16- All types of decomposers are absent from an ecosystem
Dead animals will not be decomposed, and their nutrients will not return to the soil
Also, the Earth’s surface will be covered with dead bodies
17- Throwing big amounts of plastic garbage and waste materials in water
The water will be polluted, and the marine organisms will be negatively affected
18- A small lake is exposed to extreme hot climate for several months

The water of the lake gets dry (decrease) due to water evaporation
19- The number of secondary consumers in an ecosystem decrease
The number of primary consumers increases, and the number of producers decreases
20- There is a gentle rain in the desert
The desert ecosystem will be improved because rainwater grows plants that the organisms
feed on
21- There is a heavy rain in the desert
The desert ecosystem will be harmed because the heavy rain will cause flood which destroys
the ecosystem
22- There is a drought in the desert and grass dies
The food web in the ecosystem may be destroyed because the plants will die and also the
organisms will die
23- There are many top predators in the food web
The other organisms in the food web will be harmed because the top predators will eat all
the organisms
24- The climate change is unsuitable for a population of one type of species
The population of this species will decrease
25- The sea water becomes warm
The microorganisms will move away to cooler water and also the fish that feed on
27-Water is heated in the kettle for few minutes (according to the state of water after
-It becomes a gas
-It will evaporate / it will change from the liquid state into gas state
28- The shape of water if we put three equal amounts of water in three different

It will change according to the shape of each container
29- The volume of a coin if we transfer it from a cup to another cup
-It will not change
- It’ll stay with the same shape and volume
30- Water changes into ice
It will have a definite shape and volume
31- A liquid change into gas
Its particles speed will increase (move faster) and separate
32- We try to examine the particles of any substance with our naked eyes
Particles cannot be seen
33- The speed of particles of an ice cube when it is exposed to the sun
It will increase (move faster)
34- The size of a balloon when you blow it up
It will increase
35- The arrangement of particles of water after freezing
It will be organized
36- The state of milk if we put small amount of it in the freezer for few hours
-It becomes solid
- it will change from liquid state into solid state
37- The roof of cold weather homes is flat
The rain will be collected on the top of the homes
38- A piece of paper interacts with fire
It will become ash (chemically changes into a new substance which is ash)
39- The speed of particles of a matter decreases according to its temperature

The temperature will decrease

40- A magnet is put close to an iron nail and a plastic spoon

-It will attract the iron nail only
-The iron nail will be attracted to the magnet but the plastic spoon won’t
41- A piece of cork is put in water
It will float on the surface of water
42- A blimp is filled with helium gas
It will rise up in the air
43- Electrical wire is made from plastic instead of copper
It will not conduct electricity
44- We cool some tomatoes (according to their mass)
The mass of the tomatoes will not change
45- We increase the temperature of some ice cubes
They will melt and become liquid
46- We heat an amount of water
The water particles will move faster as it becomes vapor
47- The particles of water when its temperature is decreased below 0°C
Particles will release energy and move slower and become solid
48- A piece of chocolate if it is exposed to sun ray for a period of time
It will melt (change from solid state into liquid state)
49- The particles of water when we increase its temperature above 100°C
They will move faster and change to vapor
50- Salty water when heating it for a long time

The water will evaporate leaving the salt in the container
51- The mass and properties of sugar when adding it to an amount of
The mass and the properties of sugar don't change
52- You expose a shiny piece of metal to air (oxygen) for a long period of time
It will lose its shining / it will form rust / it will change chemically into rust
53- We mix iodine with cornstarch
A new substance is formed, and its color is dark blue
54- Oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen are combining together
They release heat that can start a fire

Write the scientific term

1) The process which can be used to separate salt and minerals from salt water of seas and
oceans. (Evaporation)
2) It is the process by which matter changes from gas state to liquid state.
3) It is the process by which the particles of matter lose energy and changes from liquid to
solid state. (Freezing)
4) It is a change in matter without any change in its structure (physical change)
5) It is a place full of water that contains the important minerals for the plant to grow.
(Hydroponic system.)
6) Substances that take the shape and the volume of their containers. (Gases)
7) A type of sugar produced by the plant during photosynthesis process. (Glucose)

8) They are organisms that feed on dead organisms bodies and break them down into
smaller pieces. (Scavengers)
9) A device used to examine one tiny particle such as a blood cell. (Microscope)

10) A copy that is similar to a real thing which we cannot observe with our
eyes (model)
11) The process by which plant can make its own food. (photosynthesis)
12) Vessels in plant through which water and nutrients move up from root to leaves.
13) Tubes in the plants that transport food materials from the leaves to other parts of the
plant. (Phloem)
14) They are consumers that exist at the top of food chains. (Predators)
15) They are organisms that are too small for people to sea with only their eyes.
16) It is condition in which coral reefs turn completely into white. (Coral bleaching)

17) It is a process that people can do for plastic waste materials instead of throwing them in
seas and oceans. (Recycle)

Put () or ():

1- If coral reefs are destroyed, many marine food web will be destroyed. ( T )
2-All matters have only one shape. ( F )
3-both gold and milk have definite shape. (F )
4-The plant can make its own food in the absence of water. ( F )
5-Hawks, crocodiles and sharks are predators. ( T )

6-coconut seeds can float on water. (T )

7-Hawks cannot eat some types of food like plants leaves. ( T )
8- Particles of an aluminum spoon are similar to particles of golden ring. ( f )
9-Green plant is a producer living organism. ( T )
10-Pollution affects both of food resources and animal habitats. ( T )
11-All objects can be seen with the naked eye. ( F )
12-on transferring water from one pot to another, its volume will change. ( F )
13- Food web shows interaction between many living organisms. ( T )
14-Living organisms in seas and oceans cannot differentiate between real food and plastic
waste materials (T)
15-Soil is not a basic need for plants to grow. (T)

16-A tree trunk is a type of stems called runners . ( F )
17-Plant’s seeds are formed inside the flowers. (T)
18-Evaporation process means that matter changes from liquid state to gas state.
( T )
19The first link in any food chain is a consumer. ( F )
21-steam that comes out of a hot cup of tea is considered the gas state of water. ( T )
20- To see components of one particle such as a blood cell, we can use the regular microscope.
( F )
22- Models help us understand ideas, objects or processes. ( T )
23-The properties of mango will be the same if we mix it with banana. ( T )

24-Rusting of iron doesn’t change the structure of iron. ( F )

25- The temperature increases by increasing the speed of moving particles of a matter. ( T )
26. If we put a wood cube in water it will float. ( T )
27. Space scientists can’t measure the mass of stars in the space. ( F )
28-Carbon dioxide gas doesn’t have definite shape and volume ( T )
29Freezing takes place by cooling, while melting place by heating. ( T )
30-When leaving a cup of milk out of the fridge for a long time, it will form a new substance.
( t )
31-After evaporation of seawater, the water vapor turns into liquid water by cooling. ( t )

Good luck for all students

With our best wishes
Science family …


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