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Jawaban :

1. Elevator Pitch

Let me introduce myself, I am Muhammad Fuad Firdaus, usually called Fuad. I previously worked for 5 years in the
Exploration Division, PT Geoservices, a company in the mining and petroleum services sector as a staff geophysicist.
Working as a geoscientist was one of my childhood dreams because I could explore nature and travel for free.

As a geophysicist, I work on many projects in remote areas where signals and telecommunications access are difficult.
I am required to be a person who is flexible and responsible for various possibilities in the field. Apart from that, I
dared to switch careers to the field of data analysis because my background often involves processing data and
interpreting data, especially when supported by more optimal technical abilities after participating in the FSDA RevoU

My experience as a geophysicist makes me very accustomed to seeing numbers and translating numbers into words.
So the world of data analysis is nothing new for me and I have just finished RevoU's online full stack data analysis
course. Even though I have good basic statistics and mathematics, by following this online course program my
technical skills and soft skills as a data analyst will become more complete. So I am sure that I am the right person if
this company is looking for people who are experts in data analysis, especially those who have an interest in the earth

2. Tell us about an experience where your project experienced a change from what was planned!

I once handled microtremor measurement work in a shooting-prone area in Tembagapura, I had already set up the
survey design and work targets. When we arrived at the location everything was a mess and it turned out I could
only work from 9 am to 1 pm. Automatically the schedule and targets I made before leaving for the field became
messy. However, I tried to rack my brain to maximize the measurement time for security and safety reasons. So at
that time my work was finished in less than 2 months and our client is satisfied with our works.

3. Tell me about an experience where you disagreed with someone else's opinion in your work!

When I was working on GFP, I had a different opinion with my friend because of differences in understanding about
linear regression and correlation methods. I didn't impose my opinion but I explained that from the correlation
results it was found that the relationship between genre and popularity was strong but not related, so they asked
me to do clustering. for areas that have the highest number of users so it turns out that these areas have different
favorite song genres compared to looking at them as a whole because I don't agree, I'll give you an idea. If this
continues, we have to be prepared if we are asked how we look for insight from these two relationships.

4. What salary do you expect

The salary I expect is in accordance with the salary that has been stated on the online platform with a range of 4 - 7
million, but can be adjusted to the company budget.

5. Are you ready to move to Yogyakarta

I am very ready to move my job location because a job as a technical analyst is the job I aspire to. Moreover, Jogja is
not a foreign place for me. Because since college I have often gone back and forth to Jogja.

6. What advantages and disadvantages do you have?

I have strengths in analytical thinking and critical thinking, apart from that I am also a flexible person who can easily
adapt to the work environment. My weakness is that I am someone who finds it difficult to express my feelings to
other people so I will appear fine but angry inside.

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