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Maratha Vidya Prasarak 5amal, Nashik

l MH.CET/NEET,EE.PTactice MCQ Test

NovembEr 2023
Class :- Xl Science / Xll Science
Time Iable
Day Date Time
7 Thursday 30/rt /202J 11.30 to 1.00 pm
2 Thursday 30/rt/2023 11.30to 1.00 pm
Syllabus for Xl Science

From 3 3 storemainnSchaprer
10 6 rp.r c ferd ro rema ninachaprer

4 Sku.tureolAtom {From4.7.3Shpesof atomicorbirakto

4.7.6 electroni. confBUration of atom & it's representation
ls.Hydrocarbons.(rrom ls.2.3.Phyricalpropeniesotalkenes
to 15.3.5 usesoiaceryle.el
5 ShEht L ne,4 Bno'n'i TlLeorern
8. PlantTissue &Anatom, IFroh8.1to 8-3 (PageNo.89)]
( 1. Meristematic Tksue,2. Perman€nt Tissue )
'l Biology 14. Human Nur.ition I From 14.1 to 14.3 (Page No.165] l
(1, Digestiv€ System , 2. Digeslive Clands,
3. Salivaryslands, Liver, Pancreas l
Syllabus for Xll S(ience

7. wave optics,14 DuaLnature
15. Stru.ture ofatoms& nuclei 16. Semrconductor device
6. Chemical (rnetics, l. Solid state,
7. Elements oiCroups 16,17and 1B
8. Transiuon & Innner transition elemenrs,
9.Co ordinatidn.ompounds,lS.lnroducbonroPotynerChenistry
16 6reen chefr nry :nd
6 Line & Planes,7. Linear ProgramminBprobl€ms
l 6 Differential Equation, 7. Probability Djslributron

and Ervironhenral Issues

(Shri. C.N Sathe)

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