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Holiday Art Homework Form 4 Art & Design Class VM

1. Recording Skills: (Marks 25%)

- Research and select a theme or topic that interests you.
- Take photographs, make sketches, or create a visual diary to record observations and ideas
related to your chosen theme.
- Experiment with different recording techniques such as collage, mixed media, or digital
tools to capture the essence of your subject matter.

2. Exploration: (Marks 25%)

- Research and gather information about artists, designers, or art movements that relate to
your theme.
- Analyze their techniques, styles, and artistic choices to gain inspiration.
- Experiment with different materials, mediums, and techniques to explore various ways of
expressing your ideas.
- Document your exploration process and reflections in a sketchbook or digital portfolio.

3. Development: (Marks 25%)

- Select a few promising ideas or concepts from your exploration phase.
- Develop your chosen ideas further through experimentation, refinement, and iteration.
- Seek feedback from your art teacher, peers, or family members to help you refine your
ideas and make creative decisions.
- Document your developmental journey, including any changes, improvements, or
challenges you encountered.

4. Presentation Skills: (Marks 25%)

- Create a final artwork or series of artworks that represent your developed ideas.
- Consider how to present your artwork in a visually appealing and cohesive manner.
- Experiment with different presentation formats, such as creating a physical display,
designing an online portfolio, or organizing a virtual exhibition.
- Write an artist statement that explains your artistic intentions, influences, and processes.

Hand in First Week of Term 3 on the first Friday 8 September

Happy Holidays…

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