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" Saale dis Tips for See een Cue eee? contains a test-by-test analysis of how to: | oo ieits = | ea oe ee Eee Tu eee ee ed Perr! eg and Se UN eC Tc Loe ees oes ane Increase your IELTS score, } | weer aires | A must-have for all IELTS candidates! are = Sti dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. i FA I EX@NY ITB BE Ny Lon A. GIGI THIEU CHUNG as oi.r "wes 8 Wace 4 Béi tugng si dung ¢ Théi gian hoc recommend - Ngui hoc td band 4 - Téng thdi gian: Khong gi6i han tro lén ~ Thdi gian hge: Khong giéi han B. NOZ DUNG SACH ips for IELTS dugc tng hop vdi tat cd thong Chién luge dé cach tang téc dé lam bai va 46 chinh xéc trong tic lam bi e @ tin, tips, meo ban can biét vé bén baithikjning fF . jy, @ dugc trong ky thi IELTS: i ee © - Ggiy vé cdch gidi quyét ting dang cau hdi cu 4-5, 5-6.5 Sone * Get Ready for . IELTS e * Collins for IELTS Nhiing sai lm phé bign ban cn trénh; Tir vung, cu tric hitu ich dé ban hoc va 4p dung vao bai thi. Bien tgp & Si dung cing Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4- Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS aé c6 errr Artes pf publeston may be pec ‘Soci n sven opto, enanecmyom obo ‘tepiorwmen pemiione fe cener [Note wo tadents nd teachers pat pematon ot aemian Puch te Howe ro rate an hen "tray emt na sr (pple te ron otter teed etc Bon Theatr ad te pie woud eto NL Her “Erol sd an Rochon et ne ‘nd Sin Cora aoe. Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6: Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Brey Varo) Cel oy) Contents Reading summary ~ page 5 Golden rules pages “Techniques to increase your speed ~ page & skimming - page 7 Scanning ~ page 9 Matching headings to paragraphs —poge 12 ‘Matching sentance/phvases to paragraphs ~ page 14 Completing summaries with and without a wordlist ~ pape 18 Ansering multiple-choice questions page 15 Competing sentences—page 17 Competing tables, lowchars and alagrams page 18 Matching names/dates to eas - page 18 Matching stems to sentencer = page 19 Matching questions to semtences page 19 ‘Answeing Tue, Fai, Not Given questions page 19 Ansnaring Yes, No, Not Given questions ~ page? Writing summary ~ page 22 “Taek 1 Golden rles~ page 22 ‘craps = page 26 ow to compar ane contrast = page 26 Bar chrts~ page 27 Fre chorts—page 28 “Tenses and woes ~ page 39 Maps page 30 7 Get Ready for IELTS; Task 2 Golden rules page 32 How to write the introduction - page 34 How to write paragraph page 34 ow to organize a paragraph - page 35 How to speedup your writing and make it more flexible - page 36 Common mini sequences of functions ~ page 36 How to express your opinion ~page 38 How tink your sentences = page 38 Listening summary ~ page 42 Develop your sie - page 43 ‘Types of questions - page 6 Speaking summary ~ page 53 Golden rales = page 52 Part: introduction and interview page 54 Part 2:indivdual ong turn page 55 3 Toray dsusion — page 59 Developing ideas — page 60 Breathing - page 61 ‘Tips for IELTS Skills Checklists - page 62-64 7 Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM —— ee Exam summary +The ocaonis ead rede hes 60 mn. + Thee eroding oie whoa of 1500-2500 woe — Theta canbe on aronge lle pe, = Alen oe ot tel conn @ deed lag rg. Tho eos bane progrstey mar dc undrsord + The ously 0 qusion, Tete queson become progres me ih, +The cod compen i weighed. The ddd isthe same on ace do. ower, each spot Ear, he eer of cores ane rite it Golden rules 1+ rower the questions icky and accurately yu can't doa question uk, ame it + Asthe passages re ong, you dor have to red hen eta Skin arian ther to + Tele the es and the aks come progeny mote ut Theo thecrier questions sally spss to ie yourself mre efor the cst uesons + Youve ugh one and half minutes foreach ern, + Donor parc you can ony do maybe tee questions ctf seven Go ough ther aga an agai but qu + we yu sh oe passage, chek your answers any olay ge. +The qertons general flow the ode ofthe nlermation nthe tet. omer the questorsin one secon an over another a hey may De jane +The questions fussy pratnase of he et 30 ok forthe mesring the ot +The questions x general undrstndng I] and sei dtl = Matehng hens utp cho questions 6 an 5) = Summaryon-chartable complet 6 an ~ Casein (6 ands = Mateting stances from suitable 6 and} = Anant Ys, No, No Gen 1 and Sh ~ Answering ue fa, Hot Gio [6 2nd} Maenng sts o stones rls) Sentence completion 5) Shr ane questions) 1+ Same quston te aud tose how yu dea ith pectic information and gear reming for cumple, emaliplncoice question a est or deta undesanang have et 4+ The queens do nt test your knomedgo of Engh, but your sity 1 58 your Engah The ea texting wheter yu eons you rg to i your youn 2 ten Engh ot Techniques to increase your speed arn tous the folowing tecies sepa to Switch automata and fo a wa 1+ Shring Si he eto aban generat infomation Think aout the gene intrstion and not the deta ort uncrine + sannng Scan for sec doy on tcancentate on the mening ofthe tet you star oe, oF een to te, you wl nd ore fit oleate yes were 1 stam an rein txt an stop 3 pair poitsto look at the mean, Ue ‘he questions to gue you sound eee invraton ight Because your tocar onthe caaing, you je hms etext ‘Scan ae shin When you san 2 et fra specie Wor, your eye tees the oe atta and des not sow you Gown, You need 0 patie to Bul your codecs Sti dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.' Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM Skimming Base skimming techniques 1 hun the and the questo They ae you a summary of he passane 2 Stn the conten wor ony i. the noun, man verbs acts anaes Do not leoeatwereste da ain te Underine he content ors 20 DF0%S ‘hen eb them ago. 21k ory the basic sructreof he sertencestouses the sublet verb, sd the bet Gee ane), Bort eck a aber are adectves 4 wot eadog the to. mak the connecting wor 9, mere i aden, Tomer et Pactte ul you can se he canning weds stomatal when yOu ko 3 pagaph Then you donot eed oma them 4 Sin that you ecogane canmon pes of parataph egpnatin, Ike fects ‘user method ec. Se Matching Reins psagrphs on pge 12 4 Sam onl the nouns inthe otto ge you a generate. Be es abut the Sorences beter noun, web aetne ond aver Lean octet ened trom what the furcton la He sentence, Intermediate skimming techniques 27 Rand the ist sarterce ofa praia and he sen ha begining of ech src Inde pregrapn Thal show you tne gnarl tame of he paragraph > Se Tet ‘pantaton ton For eanpe ‘resigning, he. Not long after he... Van Dam The eferng werd he caries the nfrston trough he suceaqnt etenes | pn ad donot uncene word you dona ron Focusing on word you do ot row al ow you down 1a he ves in ech sant. Ti show ou te conten of the et cana te Strat the verb in ech server anak at vein ater tha. The ver sity Irs the being a ew intrmation nth seen, 1 Cover the fthandr sit and sce of tent an skin, Ths stops you concntating ‘eo hardon eran 12 km tt 1 understand 2 thane. TAs canbe fal ries, For xa, in 2 tox tne bye wthout ating a the meaning andi cu woe hat frm 2 ater itr or at hove soning earnon Asyou stim, Wes Fave ved epettn so they Rave to serene tate 3 hee 7 ; Get Ready for IELTS; ES es Advanced snming techniques 12 Skin etn fans baked an note words which fom a gener ite spas passenger an 1 Locate the focus ofthe paragraph. Minot aby the begining >> Se Wiring age 35 lor wars he prole eos that Rep you. 1 Ure your own tromlede of diferent types of ete nl paar organsators te pte and move araund the pssage >> Se ting, How to rane 3 paaaph pape 35 1 Look at cent! port ina paragtaph andthe alow your eye to wonder around the paragraph sang the nurs, ves fer he genera ee 1 Us the qurton to ei yo naga ts. > Se Wing, Anasing teeny ‘question ard undestanng the acon 939633, Seven seni tricks sea peal thlp you shin. Ts hes wan your ee ‘Skin ech sntenc rom tt Fh, Move a pec veraly own tough he cenze ofthe et cng our eo oak ui ae tenon eae se 5 skim gory tough he texto eto botom ght You cule so 90 ckvare agonaty vera 4 Jumpin ferent ectns tah he et Then op now alain an re, 2 Sim ne ends fsentnces A sentences basa ded between information whch ‘ef tack to the revo sentence and formation hich new tration eh ‘ef geeraly comes athe begin nd newcomer Sim hee of Sete ample Aman wate ta shop The Man Bched up 3 mewsoape The ewsaper AL ines wy noo get UDR up in the ta | | Sonning + Choo your sanning word cattaly Forel, wth Fl, Not Gn r88 the satenents and lok for word tht ocr rua Tez a ely bs te ‘ener subject of te pase, 0 te wil ot ep you scan {ok for words atte tothe gener sujet. They canbe nouns, nares, ts, ec ques the semtence eg atonal causes eects aders, negate de Campion. These words Pp yoo understand the foc of he stare For ‘comple you shoul ote a negre word ke graeme probaly nota + Kopin mind the base struc ofa serene: Sabet Vr, obec. Anhinga ak er words a ies hat Neb you navigate the eT a vey fre {50 look tthe queen togetne and atin lan. The aeron can fen ‘besubende two eli to one af of tere to aot, ete. Cone he ‘ness roti hm and te th fhe to me sou tebe, Howto san slowly + Sean rm ft th, lf to #ght. Yu mut ook only fr your hose scanning ‘wos ju de pat ts wi be aso and elec ech + esp yousal from reading every word, Sarat the endf each neo paaprarh ‘ean lem htt lt ah to et backwards touah te tot Ths prevent you rm feadg the et na Sti dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM ———— ae Anat, can agony trough th et om baton http t,o ‘eric, rom te Bator he op. Text Tet ‘Text Text Tete TER ‘Mow tough the tena 2ing bacwaid. This stops you tom reading. Moe fer ‘och ime you practi. ‘ou can so a fora, bu you mu stop your atin the et nen ou ne gained confidence, sean forward oF ight ot and oon ‘Yosdonot hve waste time gong tothe bepning of atin each ie! ‘ey fclent eaders can ok atthe cone ofa paragraph and do et atthe ‘move. They hen ae evening in tour ihe cer pot paragraph or. doninsiogee “Text Text Text Text Text Test Text Text Tet Text Text Tert “ext Text Tex @Fext Text Text “Text Text Text Tent Text Test Tet Test Tent Text Tent Text You wt pc up earings you san You ae ten Becoming an eficet caer 7 Sti dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; | | Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM How to mar the text when you stim or sean + Ue penal oyu can rub ot mites + Only underin ey words: scnving wend om the gusts and egzing words “+ Underine ait a posbl. Too much unrining mates ict of eet ‘lormatien Remeber mare ese, 1 fi of rca bee ey testis Th cariages a datcined and grea nant ep, {acon whic pt pose olf ong publ wrap Peewee ele ttl atnignt case tre ano guar onthe anand he station dese Develop a simple underining code. Use a tox] for focus wort ike Insure ee Undvine iis Use aap FE NC Sth 1 yore fas uses codeine xm Hf js undetine. heb you oes on the Completing the answer sheet rk tho endo the fst wo passages onthe shet with ash r.Am1complete ore sage at tne Flin te answers recy om the sc andin the const ose Wee ear Ge ony ane answer ues henstretons aque mote We nth oec sce nd keep within he. ‘Check your sping. especialy conan words an flow the wordt oot copy wrt om the question stm ar paaevaes the tt. The ana wil be mares nce Skiniceck your rss when you fish, Chaos answers a andem to chek, chk tam Bact. le chek your answers aga he question 0 make ie ee Matching headings to peragrophs {Matching esdngs wih agape your ait to understand general + oak aways forthe mos general eadng, Tis may Be he st poraaph oF he 1+ Atay do eres wh headings fists the heasog summa the txt. They ep oustan te anaes tothe oer questions. 1+ oak at any ties with te passa ‘+ akat te empl if hare sone Don ust oss itu my be the nosctin, ‘ah exganie he ther hess “+The eurple maybe ofthe second er archer paragraph Stil us the beang to pret tn heigs net 1+ se te ey fo saragragh headings to match thee wl probably rote a0 eompe ‘Rea he iran, Check you can wea heading more than once 1 Sometimes thee re mor paragtaghshan Resins 5 you eed to in uc 1 tbe sof hens tng real than one at tne to stop paring ‘Technique 1: analyze the grammar and vocabulary in the headings “+ Ding Between he bi pes of wards einer sece othe paraxaph and apanzng wor + ginicng words ie pura countable words ave concn, 9. aus, esos, asiorages doutacts afeutes responses pretense. slvions fers ‘hang ex et Lear a recog how these ae pres in 3 Be ae otsmise words Note atthe speci formation about he przragh addon to thes organi ‘wor (aus ef poveryin ut ares aieren ews of tan poverty Netshow the pssesin tale aro the meaning of the xaning words aces se his ison fintrmation top you skizanpraraps Look er aoa ‘hat dese ef lea robles, et. Tense hey conta he pectic + Furl erpaning wordsndeat the paaraph as mere han ene io et fies probaly th a radu. ‘+ paragraph can be esanind round uncountable word cama, tc. ean Be ‘ganized found counties noure wher the agra descibing one am a conpatton, pace development ee Sti dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.' | Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM ‘Technique 2 search for connections betwen headings ears ry conacted ith eh ote, Check ora aang ht ook soc: coud be a detain a praradh and therefore a acter fora general ean, yu removed ths dtl fom he pan ph would seman ntact? ‘heating tatoos spect cult bea heading fr paragraph desing jt one (ec or heads tat rete tech cher aaa probamsalton (Cede or heads wih acts, which uly aous. Make aust the esting ‘ones ipecs fhe pararaph, Dor forget sbur theater ung ses easing an have two pees fnfrmation whee ones efering back othe Mivanced edges aad the heangs and stm a pragraph acy Mate a dcion ue Expand the heating aoa sentence, Ti might make the mesnng cee Wen you fl the general tere focus of he para top skimming and math (nce you hae match the headings, ead them ner and fhe sequence rakes sere nen you chek, vid oking a the tla can male you cnge yuri, ede penile seauence of bang before you look tthe text fa pararaph i ict, we te varus stinming tecniqus focusing ont ‘evpment Always ok for change of deen a txt Skim each pararap in tuna hen decid very guy wha ts about Mae your ‘nmbeedng na coupe of wer. Then ok athe bt of Bsengs ad math 7 ; Get Ready for IELTS; ee Matching setences/phross to poroprophs 1+ >> See tng headings paragraphs pe 12 flow the sane base +s thre ar suay mere ptaraps thn senencasptases, you need oan quick + The santences an ete o speci deta ina Yet Look or ner noun, hh surmane, ke descpn, eferenes, aus, ee, parce et The wars cn ‘both gute and pla 1+ Aawelas pases ned oa genera oun there may be causes node by haw oF "ements ofa the fot that + Psi words rt tinct that he peasbentonee cover whole saaga6h {tise ahmadng A angler nan can seo cons a woke or apa of 3 agp + the rae okie aang ts, the ok for a sre pons Use the nchnique of skininganning 3 paragraph fer the opniztion a esrb fn echsgque Pape 12 i= Ee Fe et a a process fects! a reference “4 + nen you nove funds fost, check hatte focus of he ase parapvaes Completing rommaris with and without 0 words) stage 1+ Check the rstuctions to fd he wor ts su anew ar Be words always ee ths i ind + Arata youcan ea wanda mor ta nce + Sin the sumay it to get an ie oe oe ing j + Werk ov the ge edd fin cach sce | + When you ae woking out the ans 5y the word Bn forthe space Don jam _a00 tthe wordon the terse af the Wank For example, you fad arcs ‘wd topay to deta iors ct fel wat he sng word you "ead Corel ac oy lan to da near to prc the ming word | a Sti dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM stage? + Usecolocation of word ad is whet pose oped the aera then check ete. + Tyo predict the answer by gn your own word i ast to math yourown word than an emp spe + Precis gener ers. For xara jou ay iow ta the bn sa peson, ek orem the passage + Thomo snare you ato he generale fe tox he csr your anv wl os, + you ae asked wo comglte wit upto thee won, tink ofa genera word stages 1 Leo at the tee and mate your wor th word in the pasa + Becaeulith any charges nthe grammatical fom of word, + kim the summary again with you words in place to check he ever meaning and than youve ie sin the text ‘+ wen you put te answers he Anne Sheet check the spetng is cee, + youhave a wort, noe the worden the It wl usu have ters attached, 8, C, ee Soyou wlan have fo wie alee te rover Sh 1+ ead the stand srt the weeiprases nea tne, ating the eleva ranma ‘Tish you se he mea ort nd tte che ban. Answering mutipl-choice questions + Insore cases, there may be ve aetnates (A) athe than fou thee ae fe + Multplecokce questions we Ske Hue Foe, Not Given queton. One fhe urate cet 9 statement which she. Te other hee ar ether conrccons ‘rot Gen + Mutse-ctce question ts spec etal here you are athe to anaes a pat of + Amulipe coe question can st jour undetanding ofthe whl et 9. ‘ueson ate end abut the pupose of te passage wth ose es or Stage 1 1+ Sinead al he questions forthe pasage tot the genera sire + As you prc, ani the exam se, cover theatres (AD) wth a penal oa ee of pane and rad the stem ony + Foca on content wor the nuns names verb tanaka word that ly the aot the serterce,Osingus Between ine genera ton ofthe pase nd specie Searing went + ers hat lp quay the stem hep you to match ith an ake and ce ‘oa So lboe or werd ie mae uly, modo ie spol ete and words at 28d ‘uae, + resi the nee are you can andy fo complete the sem oursal the tem onan a couse, ten you probably wert an eet the en ofthe srtence >>> Se rodng pape 20 for ogre ps abou prescion a exng. 1+ Reel he it strate and hnk abot qu Again oes on content an ulyeg words “+ Rea the em agnn an eel each ofthe aleresin un, Rf forost ‘ht the sey the ine you get to erate! 1+ Undine ors that Wl help you as you scan, stage2 + Group the erties. 20k for information hat theaters haven creo oF shat dow = The seine yal be vsti of the ie sc at wt ete a lotermation that deer ‘Thee ay bet alerts hat ae sara tw hat avery rent ~ Tare maybe two aerrtives ha convat each ete. ‘+ Remember tht i atenaves af the ame, nether canbe the arse + acing mind the gener pete ofthe pase ad the eats and predet ‘he araver Scan the passage tolecte he answer and check you: predict, opr pati shout th quon sath tot sepa. 1+ wer you ae checking you prion ith the teeta he eleva pat he et and lock say ro he page when yu ar thkng Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6: Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM oer strategies ‘+ hen yu ric the nse by mang theta wth anaes, tink abot ‘wich lermaten local Ws together Keepin mind thelogcof he the questions the pase + end the ase to the mutiple cle questions you have done check hat they form ela pure “+ Do not ana the queton in olin tom each thee ‘Avaration of te sand’ mutipl-coce question whe you chose two tens ret by the war raat of foe The sme cho a9 Completing sentences 1 Sentence completion everest our by to erat pectic deta tom a et 1 stam at he questions inthe etn, + Werk cut what ntrmatin i bong tested + check the word itn te nsrucions + ead teste ofthe sntance fer competion ad yo undestang the mesring. + oe any wor hat lp yu scan the es for he ase + ecide the grammar that you eae finch he sentence; most of the ine 2 ur oun vse + Frsic wtherteansne contains an adc ny an ace and nou: 8 ‘erund ad oun or 9 oon a dct and aun + By tolook for more than ane nner tthe sme ine ‘Answering questions 1 >> See Campiting sntncs above and Completing tables, fowerars and grams ‘on page 18 ana fotow the se proces. + Look tthe grammar of he question 1 Check what th question werd athe Begining s. Whavhicnvnothere need ours as anes The wed How mayne +g, te cea ater = ; Get Ready for IELTS; Completing tobles, fawcharts and dogroms Matching noms to sentences + >> See Completing sentences on pape 17 ad athe same proces + St te nsrctons, the sentence ts and the ed of sentences “+ Mt sie you ti he whole chat et th veal esring + Read trough he ero undead he ang and undeine olyesetl wores [ies re fe gute ong, Det pani reer st of quesns ok ong. + Tytopredc whch eng maces sem To lp ou, eve tem ont me eee + fue you cannot pred any of nave prose the tenque of pedcon heck he omni ofthe tefonchaAaram, itn not fom? ith pote, youl be ae ose hates, the words seen ‘ogee Kaoweg sl ‘he chris sy incolumns wt endings. Check the ypesot wordt the athe eiaee ary lensinexeh eatin, + youve dieuty dain wth te intrmaton, bes up te ens ane if each Hfyoutae 2 words foflow the sare proce a for mma, Wh agra fin Cetera Oey acto Eee «eee pan and wok sly rund the dara - + Nencing qian e sentences Matching nomes/dates te ideas 1 See Matching stent sentence above and fallow the ae proces + Youmsy ae aked to mates + the at of aeaves to choae rom long, eel hem oe ta ine ~ cago, names x antes ih statements whch re paraphasesf the te. i ences which paraphrase of parc Resin a et. et eerie ere ea Inala, the bd tcl a he a ‘coing tthe et scan Fale, Te tatemnt can be Fae + >> See acing sentences © pangrapon page aan flow the same because infomation nae way procedures beau ttf information about the statement nthe passage Check if any name, catagory et matches wth more than oe ie. MN oF es re asian mine oven esd he names ad he sateen. “+ Ale steer contradicts th infomation in 2 p90 oer ee er era eed eee ea ~ because tithe det oppose of he oi tte, he et as Nth, bu the oad al the sateen ater han ust ne at tne You may then be abe w mach Statement ys South more tan one at tie ~ ecaueit she nate of the meaning othe gia tex. I tel ilong, ee each em ane ata tne using your peel to ap you focus Sane pier rane Ma a ofthe i a oranda because it ier of tee, but tesa he ifrmaton ne et you canot nd one name ec, gull goon tothe et. You ay fn he on ou ‘men you have shed, check you have entre your arses coe and sin = Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM ‘ehnique : analysing the statements 1+ youre he statment sequence, you an somaties see where the nrmaton ‘roves rom esting to ae paataph o the ne praia rcs reading is pe {of sataen without th ex fo the dereopmet ‘+ Turn thesatemert into a question You then have to arses YesNo. you cnt, he Fad he ental or focal pont of the sstement. tage you ae ecing the staerant os where se lel sess inthe een? +20 for words tat uly he sertenc of make the sateneeresree the on Iie norman sometimes uly lee. agen ke bythe pac et oF inpersona pases me sugested + Look for words that negative, 9 roe, refs, dey roto wend at ate peste ke cove a, he, vou ee + eo for comparisons of any kd + cna fr fstherrevaus plarapijecaens, Maybe no inermation sen 1 evel he stateenone at tet ap you focus on them. ‘Technique 2: predicting and checking + when you hing about the ateret, use common sents ope the aoe 1+ Undestid the statement efor oun atthe tet Dot st undeine he words ‘hat spy to sean forthe aver inthe et + hen yu fed the formation anase he et without hiking about he staterent ‘sil op you geting confined Then read he satement ely bok wt he text + men you ae making your decion, allow he oes of eating he ttn, han = Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM yeu ead he statement. Text: The pice i 500m Compare hi withthe ftowing ‘tte pce ua go don, ‘Statement: The gc wa falso0n ‘when you hve eed ed he statrents agin in sequence and ef you snes he overt etre You have ofthe pase. Anewering Yo, No, Not Given questions The pci re the same as or Tue, Fae, Hor Given This type of auton sed tao he dims or opciosof ante ‘ou need to mae stat he pinion hatte gn ae hoe of he writer and at cpinans of thers ported by the wet, ‘Questions can contain statemers which pas judgement on eae a situation ‘whch is cere the tat ‘teas check for copa. Comparions ae Spe ways to wake acorment ‘pas jugerent for eape, ne sateen Swing ismere rei tan taling judgments bang made sot thet es because one pu above the ‘Alaa check for any act hat judges 2 uation sonable it ‘fomordng, Ary adc an psa judgement, ven spe ajecives he Tat bang tg Anoter person may not ae! ‘Cnck aay for adverbs inthe question ike neve anys aguent oie a they wl abo change the mening bese sateen. ‘check for questo which contin azo breus. 5 sc, “che for any mentan of development proses change. measingincesngh ‘roy. simproving Ask youself cangeis taking lace Check or contrast wth umters 9. sluon i th question a opposed to a range of sours te fr Dsngush between gener and spec “Exam summary + Ths acacia mcs oppose 60 mit, + Thaw tao Task 1 Th to bow 20 mi. You we opr about a gh, bl bor cho ot dogo, eng ois 150 word, ~ Your mosied on completion ord sa oo arge vob ard gen, Sporaclon afd docket Task 2 ~The toi obo 40 mina. You we on ay dung on et. pion oe poi ol vn ~ Yu oy be ted owe obo neo: mom spect xpi aap: cata, ‘een, tlion fn pote, mecaves sop, prac, cme con, “eggedons, gure ctes peopl r/agans sar, done, odronngse (on/or dace, = Yi my be aldo gi x opinion ond wager ous ond sho ~ Youre motied on we fa ong of col ond gomer,ogeizton ond > see archart on page 7 aus the comparing and contrasting language gen there ness more an hee was eter erase in tan + Useconpnctens ie: whichhisowherasut 1+ Useinkers: however contest cmparson mean the ote hard + Feaison an teria the ac = Astepré ) hey roar Ras te as of Tuning 0 bles, they = Where ia concemetotey = when comes to itey. 1+ Use thee word ana panes deni pedctons es proditetorcastistimatetepectejctedantcpated that. vat Tre projection for. re prcicatorctcontinatenpecteejcted ankpated 2 + Use the present pret to ere the recent pst fo the resent. “+ Wit conchain, One stance encugh You cn se the allowing pases: Genera; Gane seoing, sm a Or avea9e Ove tS Searenseus +Other sequences sage you can ie rove tom 10 re. an ined. Hom. = rose. oveting jn. and oxtsroing 9 ‘sing fom... 6k) verte. and oversee rose oven... and eching a psk . a > se. before eng of. = fl Before ing =f fe ing. ate in fe ~ se fom 10 eine xe tehow ern Deus te gruns Yu cine toe stp ont Sor charts * for bar chars at resent ta ke raps oa peso of tne, >> ste Grapison age 24 1 Thesuvey took place the past nthe petent, ut you ca ue ether the gst simple othe resent simple to dere the ata. ‘+ Ty tomy the ters and de ha no groupe rater than wing abou eh one sn tr te Pacts) canbe die no to mae rouge Name the runs. namely tas rete. and tase anne) with ~ Compare he te gun. of th to, the omar the age State an portant feature tis rou with. ig the mast poplar with 40 = Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM Compare and conte eer ters. Use some ofthe fon: = moe than (age tan = 00 asi as = enceasigmech a5 rater than ~ eapsistas opposed tcompsred within compan ith. = in Ghar contest 0 te bagel change = more (umn) cedachvedrcattok pat invert = terre more en) than woman) who To quote om the reals of the sun you anu = parent qutedetedmentonedtansdered as nparnt woe qvoadctedinentoneconscered as the moses mparnt ite by = cme topbottomsecondnet foowed (se) By. a. ard. rapa. ie chore Fie hts canbe He bar chars eacapt that varios scons ad up to 100%, Tecan tobe series of chars whee he cata sow eres “Theres often bath agatha pie chan the wo ae ete. Mat aur you show the connection between the pean the gaph ex barchas ater than it ating te ata rom te ple chart. Use te internation regarding apt to deeb wed you havea rap an eco, desert the raph tithe mom important. Then Ink the forration hee chat he ph ‘Show that yous loking a the pi chart From thee chat clears! cede at. feta a parc tem inthe pe char to an aspect he apart (ometed thas antec onic. eae ‘Youcancomparontantitems: while incontast ‘You can se he ia har ta lp you daw concusons about the graph: Thee chart Jager thot = ara show the easton betwen the Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6: Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM 1 >> see ph and Br carson pages 24 and 27 arse thi anguage tomes fr conta thar swing as many ks 2 posible 1+ wy ink tam tort seus tach othe Tebles + tale can conan dt ie le chars gaps an bar chars that ae rote to 3 Specie ne ne past Flow the Ses dere er ese chart +The prezataton of nfartionin tables cn em oven, Don pan! Thee |: mpl ay round thi the able ga aa of data eer rambo ea the fof the nw aug graph eto Inscte heard Do the quy oeath fein the able. Ths ears hat yOu won" hae t oka eh ube! ery te ou want to ana at, 1+ cause the numba ate ge er ach yeas done tarp tinue ach inva ioe formation 1+ Use gore uendusaements, backed up by eta a inthe graphs, Sometines ahh secs chengezdeeopmens. Processes “+ Fol the same ial steps for witng abouts aap, + nthe oduct you can use The dager showssrotsicrbes dept the proces oho “+ ind starting plo and te te proces atts of tes Asses fyi ofa scott, enn hedowing tha! Falowing on fram shatsemvntmaequet tat fly Prepositions Ath bgining of. Atte ond of. ‘+ Us the folowing conjunctions to make move cle sentences elon con eemelte, ~belore + daseo gerd afer + dove gen = hero wheat nh = ; Get Ready for IELTS; a 1+ Other onnsctng dencs you ean us ~The sternal tepphasaione Winches ‘Ate ts 9. = Once th stage completed = Felon + Insaquences, you can ato use the gard to show devapmant. Tonto ond wea 1+ Us the present snp to debe processes + The agent isnot usualy mentioned ures as is peonmed by 2 porter parson. + sete pase vie the process is desing samthing bing made tke a book 19. the boot & printed and hn alte, afer which Bou. “+ Use the nce oie when you dest someting which ehapening: Me mare voporates on condsson the, + Bevery ae wth segura pal agreement in wha processes epecay you + en deserbing te, yu can conde The jl thn repens i he Mops + Fol te ntl ses for ansjng grace and procenes 1+ Myou are decking changes over nue of yeas, check th ay corel + Famianze yous wth wrt showing cation on te gins of he compas: was Caste ine nonathwesconstced ratinertet f tei the throes of he yt 1+ cae with tne pases and ees, Wah i, se the past sil pase: ‘Te star vas constructed i th ye 2000. ith by use he past peice The tama ben construc by he ear + Byte ec of urs y ate ee pa te eg + Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM ~ he cenve tines ladocent to butberecedrepiced ~ states ~ changed intlctgave nay tbecamanade vay forever antec const bangeteoprets 1+ Use ater he moreover aston et. >> See Tak 20n p90 38 + The se of whe seman: Whleln 195... bythe yar 2005: ap wir yo hve hasbeen roped ns ‘Yous asked io chcose which the bs locaton ors spots compl ek bese whats proposed hat the new. be bit. 1+ pan why tists mow subi than neo the oe + Descbe he arenes which ae ney. because i wl be nest tern for? wh es ac ot afar ad + Useconpatzon an contast wor. See Gaps on page 24 ching yor rig ten Check that you ue formal words 09. approximate not egy: mgroved not ee + check your pein 1 Check he tess ace, ‘+ Check nga agrerent, pec in processes: ‘+ Mate sie you have writen he wor bol n your ntact, 1+ Mako sire you answer psf the ution nd ink the feet cha 0 ach ote 1+ Aci eet. you use he conc rence word and ony th won't haope. 2 a es, Pe | + Check the besinning of sentences and clus n made newer. ace sng tee + Use a wide ange of sets ts 85) ai ito wring sentences tht fl ‘he base ptm f Subject. 1+ Use ennttng ward an fer compe sete, e setences wth no of exe + escte general vend ard suport what you sty Wh specie data fam te cha. 1+ Pan me stepsyou ate gig to ak befre you go nt the eam ane dat raw ener concen: oer at ana then quot spect data 1 >> see abo Checking your ting efidety fr Task 2, page a, Task 2 ‘olden rele 1+ Us the question tip you erga your anon + check ne goer topic the question, uly 2 poblem, apn lw or 3 1+ Make a bie lan se he fas pois in he question. ‘+ lan to wie about fe paragraphs. Keep than nmi Tile Paragraph 3 |_ troduction orsgaph2 fs oroyaph3 fe Poraurapha be Parooraph$s 1+ Make very bet rates out what ou ae gang to wre for ach paragach =o ia for each paragraph is enough + Ai to write roan 270 word, ‘+ Wok ut hon many tes 250 wens aren your handing, 09 you rte about ‘en wards erin, thon ou pesto rode ate 25 ine. + Spend ne mote than eines asing te question an planning ‘oinghe ssygeson end nding heir Pepore or understanding he questions ask by ekg ate varaus Boks atabie + Fane yous with ne bale suc of he ess ution ad the br 1+ The 3 quson usually conta statement which ere gent stution feted by pei pin to write about ‘+ The genera statement an present a problem 9 sires n mode es incasing ‘Tes may then be fellowes by questo le What do you Har the mar cute of 1? inp scutes can you sugget? ‘+ Your anon should than be organized around the an causes ad then he sented seluns neh you case you need to gh aso ar suppor wih amps. Ferrer tat ou 360 nee og you epon +The organization of the queston stows ou the ofarzton of your ey. Donat ty to contactor tobe ely deer, + iyo anahse austen by corcenvatn et on he rganisng or words eure, fe, sous, that ar conained theese, “+ Make Iss fhe coron words we Look at Rana, Matshingsntecesaces 9 panaraphs page 1 ana conare he words se hts + yu eased gi your opinion about point of ew the commen nevus sd ae To what extent do jou age [or dagen? How fr you are (or (sage? Whats your epeon? Note hat these may be comtned wh Questor "Note that nen you ae asked js To what nan do jou aree tears that you con + Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM How to wrt the introduction + ie no mare tan two oF then sanences— about 30 words + Coons youritoducton and te. ita gener statement elting etc “Thame sertance whch contig the pts ofthe questions you asked abot: ‘cars canting. ec + ere you can, use synonyms to reprase the question + Coss out any notes the pan you made + lpore what other pole ae doing he sanaton om. + emerbe tht quality beter an quant 00 et pans other people ae wing toe tan you How to wite@poresraph + Yecomect he praia oe ntoducton wre 3 Aatemant wh fess word 9, Te min cousface is. Aertnyou can jst State the aso beg to fel the ston. + As rough guide, wit about 780 war for ech paren = aout 78 nsf you + Markthison he rower sheet an write ward hs mack: Repeat sor the subsequent paras 1+ Asyouwnte ase 9 pena, bt ty not ub ot conection or changes a this wastes ‘lot me. You abo stop te teed of our wing. Cos out ay changes win one Te. wt above fou have space. fu et he tt you want change you dont ave pace owt above 7 Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM aw te argc « vregrop ero you ergananton ac you wl make fewer misters. You then ive mre ine to concensateon te parma vocab ed pling Have an am of how much you want to wie fo each praranh For 75100 werd, sm to wee abou out seven snc of yng gt Make sure ac prota connected wth he pres One, a yOu at mated coring to how ou rgarize each prararh, ‘eucny need ua a rtd ange of entencalase pst write elect Here 'satstof temas common ype of sentncs ar cues you can ufo ie YOu = focus statement eons = exlenaton ~ sda! ifomstion ~ genet erarele ~ eon! inforstion ~ specie nape = bien = eon = improbabay = ropa = orcbabty entage ~ cone postity ~ lec = probity = comequence = aie ~ purposaaen These yes of Sontencestcauts together in common cmbinstis. or eampl what woud you wee ater mesure sence? You oud we 8 eu 090500 “Think about how yu can combine we oo within sentence anda separate Sentences Dot ink about the ranma rvcabusry Tink abt an ie an the ‘shat funn you woud need explin 2nd soporte ‘As you vite a pararaph tw tnto move om gers speci. How to speed up your wring and meks it more fx + Start your paragragh witha gna statement ad he apport and exp it | + men youstan wie, elon your main ies by sting ours questions o aude you Uae De ato tone abo For eal = wat focus stterent? The main mens ~ what ot aan by his? bythe moon at thee fie? Ts. Con! ove a ecient? et of a = Cant ge gene earle? Fr example the moment, ant ove a speci exe? However cout How you combine he up toy, aang a they ake sense + et combining the fnctons in rent ways. 1+ Wider te ange of sentence testa ou ue, For example, tank of selene 2 ‘ars, Then thn wht wuld come ate he secon action ne p38 500, Prot thu becomes id and automat inch 4+ The more rganed you ae your wing the more ent ed eb you wl be. So rake sure you iow and can ea wide ange of eannectons and fnctos. +The more organized you ae the fewer maker you wil ma, you do nathave to tink about the ergarzatn of aquestonin heer, you vl be alo cncenate ‘nailing repetition and expresing your ies. + Mark ot the en ofeach paragraph before you rte an ear aim for that pont his youto focus your ee ar Ropu rom rani + eve fier ake a lnk see nd then wie down eveything ouknow about {pectic eapct of Weng ask 2 what ou know abot nvoauctons wat comenen Sentence uncions you we wht conan cacing wor nd pases you kno or fu and 5a te Ths sow you what You now ard wht you don't know. Il lp you ge your Roushs and ncreae yor coniece ae hee You Speed. + Above lho yursel yer suengts and your lentatons ae your con ‘ites Ten push you ans and otc your mistakes, + Asyoubscome more confident ou can bus hese equenes and you ite a {canto combine whatever ay su, = mewsuresseason: geet example specie erp | cena 7 Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. condo uns) rest; wal example robl caus; soluten restr: general and pectic example cpio: eplaraten, reason gereral expe pectic example my ain ‘+ yand thnk abou these sequences wahout writing them down. yo combine rd recombine + Developing you esbily hes develop the fuencyincoonecting ts ad prevents creraeneraang, 1+ Me ftonng ccs te on guidlines nd canbe adopted in many dite wa ‘eu can combine infermaton mendes Sent wy, + Youcan tt prs om one cect anda he oan oa - —a es specter csrton canoe ‘ieaton brs ss ralmnie-wanoe fs | example _alteady happening somewhere now: \oa Pits esstremess eo | ra oer tema (es ‘were adopted ae 4 Sie = 3 ‘statement/foaus ~ pectic measure | statementicess = probiem general resuitbenehit -_ explanation by examples ‘oc entet eat ! secomsn | | oeae } ‘onto: Heng sk thc | sion a eal ene of what Samal Eee || ate oe ome ore cnaison = seutenhpsttcl eale—enre ay Senn fafa | TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM How to expres your opinion + Thue a my way to xpress your opin. you ica, ute ame ‘aw check an gue, + rcs wit your statements of pinion Then practise supporting tem, Use Fees rts eonaton,contast ee onde. + ach tne you te a seatence, quaty what you haves Sate you opin bout ature ‘eaten ~ gor url: fe en mony Sunes ch Wee No Specc amp or emo | spec ample more ‘unger secu energie Howee oe pene teste oie: Neverthe eo. | Opinion expresions niet bine How tink your sentences ‘+ Below are conan wrt nd pases you kno, But wich yout forge fo se ‘ae nig your wring Cheek how Sey awed “+ Mich he eps bow wth the function cect. > See How oops 3 paographon page 35 + ie racing forthe exam, tr to we ese expressions. + before you wre nd berth xan, 0 trough the expressions asin. + ld ores cormecing words, speci too many aiton wor. + feon to ont set of ot we ater, compen ae pot ~ Ader morcover whats mee fartherare, farther i adele otha) addtional Mew sia bess, equal 25 Wea aba, tp fat ‘onuncons: and, whictataheecforerlanaion/gadion! internation Comparison >>> Se sk 1, How to canpare an conta on poe 26 onion Conjunction if unless, whet on candi tht, roi that ppc 3880 longa cthenwse xomples = es or eample frist, suchas, 25 he = Exsions: ae. fr eompl 2a) good ample best amo mary > See aban plana on page 5. As you ster sean the recon an the questi oregon mates >> See labeling pennaps on gage 55 Be sware of common patrsin questions, wor ranma et ssbescngs = word nok nthe ees = beaingsin ets These ae al mares for you to ten fo Usethe internation nthe questions top answer ater gsons. Do nt chcse asi that contra th general sre of he eteig se the general infomation you hve abut sein oped an anv bout ‘pected >> Se Pet and check on page #4 Practise checking he sere a random you aay din sue, you se wha "Mate ast your conenon mistakes and ead he at lore and after rng Date your homewark wring and go bck and check the rogreson ade how mistakes af made fe sar of mistaes that ae common to sunt of Engh with your mother tong, 9. arcs, th ends of woes, counalekincutabl nos ee, ve "you feel confident din so, heck for mikes and ese a te er of ach xa. The wl aba into lok back yo te reer an gg a Preietond check + Prec not eng You gus when you donot hk abou an ane or when ‘ou donot ave ne o wore our You pet en you use the foaten You Fave or know og ananawer—ofn a general word to match ith pci etal intro recog. + Fer ups, where you can predet, werk out the grammar word atte. Tink stotwhat kind of word noun, eth adc, set) ema + Prec an ten match th he stein, Een your pesto detent, you have something ost for + se thecalleaton of words to hlp you predic. Word ft together orm common + Pret i abou ig sie you skesdy ein fe general So ue ogi comma ‘sie andthe egarzaton of oman to pret multiple cae questo ee + efomaton and ideas, the wer, together Use hs to predct > See Wing page 34a acing pape 1+ hen you esc. lays sen oceck he ae “+ Prete ul you pret automat Skim the questions in ascton nay test boot ‘and prec the anaes, Check our arses vat the Arse Ke Concentrate ond writ + Concentrate trough the whole ar you ra, you end us heng what bing si on not tig 1+ Concentrate while you ne wing asi. f you dont sten to he ering, ou ‘ay mis the head of he doe “+ Us the your expan sis ad prediction to ep yu oes and concent 1+ Use the queon to ge you tough the eng Paci hexng nemtion onthe aco and then concious nein tos you get ed to swtcing on our cence, 1+ Aeswer ae general sailors Do not expect anything exvaarany. Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6: Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM ‘Manage your time 1+ Useyourtme efit + When you hve hiyscondslences, ue thar frtnming and cing the uestons or checking you anawes + tyouare content your answers, ue ehecking tne o ack send + As you stn the tie beteen ans ova ae speedy ond efcint Change your sil between sectors automata eure ad be civ This aso your peed an fen 1+ Stam and scan te txt red and wth cadence > See Reading pages 7-10. + youmssa question leet and goto the nest one beter to mis on gueston Porophvose Aas lok out sre + Undestanding pvetasing ad trent synonyms abou buidng your vocabulary eevee that you anno and do net hve know evening Hawes, you do neato row enough tobe able 0 work ote manings of wot ad phe. + Thomoreyouare comlrtabl with tb wore hat you do kn the mor itil be ese 1 undestand an anal new words. So ven repeating tens hat you have hearsbeore wil help to bal up your woeabday ange. + Speating and reacing wt ao help buisyourvosbuay or etening + Risen to become obsess with esing indi words ano fret about heir *+ hee possible tt yous t lating abou feo en word ay. You wil hen Probably ok up alt mre + hen working eu etd and pases you don't know she neato ne ‘ues and the eon te pret esning and any anowes _ ; Get Ready for IELTS; ‘Types of questions Completing notes + Look at any genera ean en he fermnots tobe completed. + smal ne austen inthe section to get a genera. + Insectan 1, vid making ay mikes you want a good grade You can easly make rates hte hs sco appe ae 0 corcanation apes. + Remember hs ston te for speci deta se wore Hines, bee names, rnamoes, “+ Check he ear hi ts you peal des and atari pint + teak atte ution: together rater than ech one inition. + Chak the grammar of he goo and check the were. Than ty to pred an rnwer tha germ wor +e ar with umber nd check you speting Know the numbers tt cause you probers penal Numb ae us sd in rons of 90 tree. Pract sang or etering onus ia sequence athe tan Spat se ary suecngein he earsagram as ey word when you ater ‘Aud overmacing the et “+ Know he ponuncan f the alphabet eternal and toner + Yourayhave o complete sntenes sig items rom at Make sue you copy he sealing corecy + Sim he eating and aro the rammarnearng down 3 you can preci ‘ete answer fl any ps + ‘One austin in a scon cn bap you ansneranathe + ent oe ata in the et they ae moe ic 7 Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM ———————— ‘Short anwar questions ‘Shite quis to get genres and lok at ny eng that red with ‘the questions THe quests sonetines eq two armor othe answers pat of asorlat ‘Check for aarp whic hp you wth he grater ofthe answer For example: nat pes farts does the pear mention? tn Look forthe organ werd he oes factors ces, cau, nthe questions co at hese pes of gang words in wting ar ren, Tebloe ‘Check the gnarl easing an the heedings of ach colin These oars the IStening for you, a5 they gle you tough the cen, You can se them os ‘erecang ‘Check me worden and what pe fans eques ‘Check cer words inthe els where the acs ar. They wi ge an ample of what ype wd segue Follow ates of ranma, ype of ward amber of word thin ach clr. Nalthe ote tana clunn ae on ene word, ten te answer may be the sae, Multiple choice qustions >>> Se fang pag 15 orbit on mute doce questions inthe reading acto, These arly ae to. ‘se the cutis to hlp you predic what you wil et, _Alaasook tthe cramp Wi Oke a staring pont dace to wher you a6 teaining, Yeu can gata very god aa the contr fhe doe fom he tm an the seo your knowledge of the war commen srs, and the ober quests fo, thesecion to pret your anawer Then hack your ane you en Asin the reading, muliplechoke ques became more fut you poses hough he est The questions hangs rom facts oan and hen o generis Types of mubiplnchoee questions ‘Theil cece quests may vary in presentation +The qussion stm cam be ‘ sntence hat aque completion + Amore complex variation i where the stem asks ou what or nduded rs apast {ndes Ths coud be ether ara tenet for ompieton oan anew to a usr + Youcan abe ated to sect two acantges, ee om ist he tens The importance of analsing questions + Pay peter anton wo artng the stm and ansysng mulches questions ‘jou separ or he exam, The wchiques sled ave vey smi thosedescibad forte reading, + Howey fr tering you need tobe mich ate 6 cdo once he econ has ‘rowed in you con Baca confused member tat you ms an ane move on, 1+ Thebes you can denop overcome ths ising orgie ad sib, + Asyou prepa er he xa, sy miplcokequesion pe carefully Make sue ‘youte prepare othe rotesson of culy a meaning 2s You mow om section 1+ Anetint neni ook a the question andar Wak out why the ‘wes cect whe okng atthe apes or steing to he recor, 4+ Look fr ates inthe teats and se how the wong arses te ested, [Althe begining ofthe est the questions ar cten sor spl fers, The wong mover can nde este re entered te ecg maybe nt gen, Trees rabble wanna row, ep asanaWe, hot sac asad 3 cree ‘+ Ts how you ho the questo we cute nd how te questorng opened + Tstecnique apples toa aspect the ram, but especial Isning and easing + wnenyou have fried your ana, etn to recog, sacs do the ame ‘cress ag ar agin wl ou fed canoe wth aang the questo, 1+ Then when you come te question ou have never head before you wl have “+ As elt yu wl fel more lane about the ex a your endrstndng and spend 4 Sti dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM ‘+ when you hve iho make notes abowt what You know ering melee ‘uesios or her question you ae stxhng Then cack them with Boks ec Keep your nots any to te ther out aga ae on a lnk sbet 1+ Tum them in 2 hectst each ype of qxstn, + emembe ning a anguge ke ain othe gy, the baa nad eee rept exec or th Body to del. + joy exising! ‘Semnmanies + Fer bistype of question think about redicion cxganaaton ~ gener tom sini ~ amin forty words ~ icandcomenn sere 1+ summary cn be a whol xeon wth on sa Sich sas uly table fer monologues AS heya sghty mere comple, te acu Seton Secon + Leake for the genera aang of te summary andskin any other general haan. 1+ Stimalline sucheadings qc Each heading vay ae st of aust pts ater The subheadings tl you about he exeanteaten ofthe mandtgue or leave + Undene worsen fx and wor to hep you undertand mesing + Check the tems inthe summa kin very ua you may ave oly ne 30 secon sence te being + you do not have tne wo stim and prepare fo the who ecg, ok st tthe ‘hin hen then the suohesings andy athe ssc etal a any the ams 5 you can, + im one grup of ies anead as yu sen. Tying take he whl uray in at ‘one une ca conse you Ue the ang fo guide you haugh fe Ite. + rd te grammar and gurl ye of word you ae locking fr andthen match as ulster + always chek for egining wd, ares impact, ana ane ay parle _ttenton colceatons The sae aplso shar sera. Completing sentences 1+ Folow he previous hts on ganization sd prediction 1+ chuck fr colocaions >> Se Rng, Camping Sotances, p97. “+ Insects, to anames ae aque You have o geben coe get ama, at the order in whch you wt them nt ergata 1+ Remember check he wee init and the grammar fe scons elt 3 ‘ube then at eet ne of the save kel fo ba umbne Labeling plons/maps +t te ara to get general ea ad Sida eerence point for staring. + Leo fest er general names en te mappa ie enrance. cura read hen nyspec ter ke hee you howe ame typeof bulange + aot a the gaps 10 be ied an pei the pe of words needed + To nagote maps and pans you wl need oundersand dectons, + Conan decion wordt thro on he ght onthe fon Ang ‘nyourour let ight i he Bote Hane and) comer opps reat! anfocant to. ese. onthe taloer sei ont of ove tere, 1+ ate forte ord rou is id indicate he ee fen ee a iefrmaton land te begining of anche Pras Ike: Yugo oun) tend hen are ako + You maya have 1 chaos tes rom alt of names wth a pln and wrt own 2 7 Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM Labeling @diogrom/borchort/graph {+ Fall tensions for competing sentences on pape 50 Remember o chek word it ond rae. 1+ >> see ming, isk 1 pages 39-40 for wel ngage + Ana the chat and rake se you know he ales he tens you can match turers ote ramesin te recorng. + Use any tens gen td paterns when you ier, + Late for martes ithe recoding The net on he gash my be sara of ideo the et 0 Iter for meaning and papas. Morching 1+ Mating can ake wer foms can nude matching tens wit a raphehar or ‘maptiogom. >> Se Labeling plasmas en page 50 + Yovean tested o alate tems tke people ook, ces ec sing a cle wh op to seven oles ain or Bad to Vy good fr eal, Don eto Hoh recommenced, 1+ ok at he fat nat inthe ange on the eit ad hen sen he ange "+ Asyou ten focaon one ter to be ete, whe oking athe sce + ea up th ask nto nv ices of oration. *+ Berend to move on rom one pee of fcematon othe ext one on he et. ‘+ Remember ht the questions guide you 1 Bergan and dei neleing tener st ‘Use he en mines to ase he arses you hae a he er the tng sam fy Use you tne fly and ofc 1+ sey us tbe satis hat you a finshed and hen eerber that you have something out Check to the st posse roms. + Use pen to complete te ana et and avid ing ouside the sac forthe 1+ Bea wih snp answers cae ts where mary mitts are made {nwa wea concent on te moe act questone anc ak wi he 57 + Keap your concentaton up thoughout he at and especialy when you ae arse ares + hink as youre, dost copy wort + Aways be ana ofthe tne 1+ Bevery corel as you tans the ansiars, een ey sem very sralghtonwad Ws 1+ check spting, era nthe word iit 1+ Make sue youd ot repeat wor fm the tm. “+ Make rehearses ain the oret space Concentrate as you wie them cont jit coy trating + Rementer atone wrong math canal your grade “+ wen you have completed the het, check eenthing aula aaa do ck 1+ Check usng he questions if you hve ine + Check saquences of mule choice answers to make se hy aein oe +e nef about changing areas check ay anew psn the infomation inthe + atti stae thre ae ary gapsin he anes, ges you cannot ped, special 1 e arowers ae mull dace quests ores _ Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM Exam summary speaking mode hes 11-14 mine Thar tree scion. = Past 14S il ior he Ennio nde hm nln ok yo eee ~ Pat 2 [3-4 mini x you © pepe and ge 9 tht of 1-2 inv on 9 een abies ~ Pot 34-5 minds} fr you ond he Eom hve @ cain kad oe sib hom Po 2 + You wlbeonesd on yo ~ hany ond core roe | ~ onge of gonar ond ccxuacy Golden rules peak as much Engh as you cn. Prepare yours forthe exam by knowing what ile ‘You need 9 sound natal and not sf you have leat ass by heat Be ‘Do nate putt bythe tape rece in the oom is there fo hep youn he Be pote, The ea eae 0 smite and breathe een emamber that theaters produced by yur renouselings actualy ps you to se wie range of ocular Pople general use ss han they ow when they {Concentrate gna n what ou ae saying ater han bing accurate Yeu wl thn mae ever es 4 Pct spesing cry his doesnot mens doy, but natu and ee How tbe nt + Cencezae en the planing nt orpnzaton, There help yout contol your nares do be fue you goto te exam ungreased, wl ake yeu NeWOLS + concent ey n the part you ate doing Forge about the other pas of he 2am Eye contort 1 Kean eye contact wth the ami, ue i heh ks aay oF makes ates. you ‘4 not aay mala ee contact your cutie, pace sean hie Keping eye ‘ona blr hear + he famines ita ong aay or not sig, hs dons ot ean that you are (ding body it rans the miner ig hier or 1: nroduction end interview 1+ Remenber atthe Buijs he your tscher. nae, ares re say teachers 20 they ar sare of Pow you fel, ease the oun tant fel he same +The Brine as a tof ution nner the questo wth tag to ep ne ok question in yur ase iat’ he most ines bling your heme rn? Do not ep hemontinterstn pee ie + state your anata hen expan posse ‘nary eecple dt fining becuse + oe sony of te word ed bythe Baie, you can, don neupt 1 The tpi are usu ata tpi and the amar you abut yous. ty t0 ‘ve enol a Cate dee. Do not ar noe ‘ou might be aed about = apiece or toby ~ your diy outne your interests places inyour country seca feodseventin your county. The questons re desged to encourage you to tak They ate no ew a reed Par 2: Individual long tm The ops onthe task card are abst» book, fm, eeson programme ches pece ‘of muse bec place you the, sed four, speci day people ou ke who {se he ue oo. commen ct of candies that hay not lan. Yoo tne rot mpeaing he amine # you sat medal wihout panning, wae Your ler Make ie wen ln ast hp o Keep you cn the sect and pt {ou rom wandering say fom the pins you ae asked about your ta isnt organized, you wl se mans ameter you we eng check on your Fen) and coherence, Coherence moles folowing logical and ces arqurent 1g reeant a ergot beg Huet. ‘when candies ot lan, they tn to cre the general epectof the question ‘at thn he pele prs fe sware how mich yu an syn two mites mas, You wl pcb be Nate sure what you sa snatual aed dent sound sf you have ert somtng by emamber the Exner wl row you are doing the task ope oF nt = Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM Panning and making notes 1+ wt nots nt sentences. The ask car asks you to deere a place. and then {e.g reson for your eo, For ec gin, we any neo wo wor fr ech Prompt In fotl you shoul hve no ore an 10-20 wore + ee the pons a vera st and nore 5 at se the hs Way + awa in between he wrt eth to the destin and the explanation. wil make tere for yous you speak 1+ Asyouspeat, reer to he sto organize your nse Ths shuld ensure hat you Snowe apr of he as 1 Use uns, vers sven an actives or your notes {+ Do not am your ots al anes by hear and then repeat them word fr word Inthe exam qty Te sve ae ad ate your sae ‘+ Think about conning wordt tha wl guide you a you speak, but dont we Orgonizavon + Uke te ater pats ofthe tes the Spesking tts your ably fo rganie wht you say. {od onsniation prover fancy and coherence and reduces your Mistakes. civ ing note ard ing ther 1s hel you speak + Les to bull wnat you sy aound the prompts onthe card and your nie ‘+ Recor ous even vr your anne down to Se haw much you ned ty. ‘+ Do notin what you have witan by hea, but do ar words and phrase that romp and guide yu. Prompt words for Pare 2 + Use prompt words to guide you rater than ening whole tpi. 4+ Hee are some inter prom ss: keto atk about 1m gpng otk abode how 0 + Hoe ae some phrases otk abou background ett Pcie ner Nome A eae cate _fssusted.. onthe shores the dye of Time: ok pace... happened ~ Recent tine: hasbeen goiog on ..Dhave known propane “+ Heveare some wots prae tohel develp your heme: at ofa Scone location: — ow: Fist ofa you prepare hen Aste thing Anthea |.Aootber zon hy |. dAnater essen (tind my dcsont = Av ty do (ke so mach? Wa 1+ ee are some words and phases tak abou things you tee elroy something tong someting. ~ ike. mre ton ating be ~ Neve sometningtong someting - v Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM sop 0 me ce Port 3 wowey disusion ~ ae gett 0 pase oof 1+ Late atu tothe Barner qustions. a ford of + tobe fuent and ony cone yore tse 10 do so. Do oes on your «+ eae sre word past state that somthing mad in irpaon on you 3 penne + Concent onthe organation and beng coherent + Remember he Examine 93 you a ene of questions to encourage you sea Intend me you se + Yu naed to oto grater depth o ena your opin, ie reasos and speculate dan fremous) pact on shout te ate eee + Tosa yours rom arcing about at 3, hak how ng lasts; Row many dan efect on me {ues the amine can ek ou cto hand the atte oe guess rs tohave had gett on +The qvestons lb pen questions fr ape: brought fe ome ~ What urdsoartsiypetitereteseect) of. a thre? changed te way look tgs = what inde of ngs? cred = What ctorgecchatagethadantaestiieenceays 7 pres me. = wimyaoyu tink 2 ouched me sep = Hew impotantaaitbeneeessnta 7 = utd me = He dete? 1+ Use synonsot words inthe task ad (sateen) Why do you tik so? = benefits scantages poste aspects Whar lt happen i the fre? ~ ways: measures ses, cures ofan, utons ~ Ganyou gieme sore eros? ‘causes scons bend = Dou think. 7 Why? ~ effets: consequences repercussions resus Frets tet of 7 developments charge: + Te Emin can invite yout commartby aking: Wha about? ~ example: stance ood eames best empl 1+ Keep tothe tpi Tink of our rower 8 the Gaines patna + ales your own eres of spon Did i ceccatieen tits + Asyou tink abou and ave your al, Be prepared or quesons to connect hat ou + yu dnt undestand he Examiners aston tl hinvber oak rr epesit aw sid in Pu 2 lad aa 3. Tht pin answering a question you do hot undesand, 1+ Mate sett our answer sth xaminers queso, 7 Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM 1+ memorized spans to seething ir you hve leat net sub Hower, repre some prompts for yours 0 tat ou can et ous aking. These romps ‘he you a ew seconds tik ond egarize what you wae Say + Remeber that he faints aero checking wheter you ae lig the uh, but eur sity spe Engh +The xamierinrodies 3 genera toc ad he ss you question abou a specie + When the famine aks you a gusto tite fo werd ou can Bul your arcar sour What do you thnk he ana of bing ble pk mar than ae [srguag re? Obvious you ned speak about he Beefs When ou arse ae a puaphase ahonagecbostie pecs of ere + utyourIstito an oe: The mai acne! tink and ge one oF more + Youare tating pat a twos consenaten Allow spac forthe sami 10 you uertons Dont a ove the xorner Hever the amin doer ep Yu, ‘ore pening + or spesk ator som but ey * Organize nha ouare sayin. Dent mate st the begining reean but abo your suppering eer, Bean mind the pindples a wring = apes, + Concentrate onthe menage ad he organisa te hn you gna and tw 1+ The iominer might ask 2 quston tat changes decen ight Flow hither ad Developing ideas 1+ nen you stat somata, ty to qua it and expan to suppor yur epinonreasa: = Themain wolteotmens think so cae th ian esd. and abo ~ Foreramp, ~ And another way. a kettles my ophiantron my paint ot + Ut, bt dot ovr, adding words: Morne is more . v Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM You canary the esporze nary way You hea ng asi fs an eta The Bane ight ak an unexpcied uestin fr you 6 comment on iat aout? Agno ogres: hts pase ut thnk and gh You resins Use word nd pases to state ferent ies ofan argue To some pep. a dmsttrantacidsaena, bt cn bate thnk namoweverinevertnets “ak about posse eee conaguences nd sate When you asad to speculate about theft, use: wilpaing rng! shoul sreathing Keep tothe subject ar ty at ope 00. Spas and athe tae sw ‘teak up wht you soy into hu tht you cin Take aslo beth betwen exch chink ‘Your wc goes uo tthe sme pins were you nave a conan wring. YoU tho go up the mide of aang stance maybe onc oe ie, Thi eae © ‘he Emin hat you are conting to speak ard abo ges 2 re chance ake & shores 1 Ther wn tik tb cones rors 1 tocol a to ate none le whe they oe ‘ex ings ey ght on te ors tt, ers nd pl anaes {id bent bore thi retin tigi tbe up wat ou we yng ter ont king ‘reg beth and ening te end Be ete. trac the ecu wth ec nd ten to Engle pol ming. hep ‘Bop you tom png ay eeing ane eth Tips for ITS Sle Chace canals {Task + Wing Skis Checkist Date: [Wows on progress RS athe ba poet ee Cane BE 7 iperer esa iz + at empresas ta ed Hee ocamoes pasate r es iti ceri Taare + Ge ember the 9 te Habe The ese wil pose he cert Rats as renarrated ye inaeg os a + Tytometeyouret te nots homer el and compare them asyougo song Taaseres + aay cys you an maou own denopnent piatoectner rrasereg EA al pl cd A pteanesaunerasinaweee “To rere Ted + “Hsia a rene + (abl so oe a ape da gee Fa Tn oa a= ——ret Tichctlomninte eiang [ITP 4S 6789 ‘roineplon e urnbenerae Just before the exam sti dase questo a od rerasoreal + Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6.5; Get Ready for IELTS; Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Brey Varo) Cel oy) ing Se Co Os eae Noite psa ‘enn, nsdand rie enareouy [12 34 567 3] 7 ied tans ay asses =| 7d orogs sen faaeseres| To-marage my teint hsaser es a i eon ie ows Set at [357 | eset ge ato Sw dung Mindset for IELTS; Complete IELTS 4-5, 5-6: Collins for IELTS dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM a Get Ready for IELTS;

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