Anglès ?

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Present simple:
+ I work. / She works.
- She does not work. / She doesn't work. / I don't work. / I do not work.
? Do you work? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
Does she work? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
-Hàbits, rutines i accions habituals.
-A general truth or a scienti c fact.
He smokes. / Cats drink milk. / Dogs bark. / How often do you wash your hair?
It rains in winter. / I go to church on Sundays.
-Es pot utilitzar en lloc del present continu amb verbs que no es poden utilitzar en forma
contínua, p. estimar, veure, creure, etc.
I love you but not I am loving you.
-Es pot utilitzar per a una acció futura plani cada o una sèrie d'accions, especialment quan es
refereixen a un viatge.
We leave London at 10.00 next Tuesday and arrive in Paris at 13.00.
Time expressions
always, usually, generally, regularly, occasionally, frequently, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom,
never, at 1 o'clock, at night, in the morning, on Fridays, every week, once a month, how
often...?, etc.

Present continous:
Present tense of the auxiliary verb be + verb -ing
+ I am working. / I'm working.
- She is not working. / She's not working. / She isn't working.
? Are you working? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
-Accions que estan passant ara.
It is rainning. / I am not wearing a coat as it isn't cold.
-Una acció temporal.
He's teaching French and learning Greek.
-Un pla de nit per al futur proper.
I'm meeting Peter tonight.
Stative verbs are not normally used in the continuous tenses.
-Verbs of senses: feel, hear, see, smell, look, taste, etc.
-Verbs expressing feelings and emotions: admire, adore, hate, like, etc.
-Verbs of mental activity: agree, believe, realize, mean, know, feel, etc.
-Verbs of possession: belong, owe, own, possess, etc.
Time expressions
now, right now, at the moment, this year, at present, today, these days, this month, this
evening, tonight, tomorrow, next Friday/week/year, etc.
Past simple:
+ I worked. / She worked. / I ate. / She ate.
- She did not work. / She didn't work. / I didn't eat. / I did not eat.
? Did you work? Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
Did she leave? Yes, she did. / No, she didn't.
-Una acció completada en el passat en un moment determinat.
I met him yesterday. / Pasteur died in 1895. / When did you meet him?
-També s'utilitza per a un hàbit passat.
He always carried an umbrella. / They never drank wine.
Time expressions
yesterday, last week/year, two days ago, in 2007, in the 1980s, in the 18th century, when, then,

Past continuous:
Past tense of the verb to be + v.-ing
+ She was working at 10 o'clock yesterday .
- She wasn't working at 10 o'clock yesterday. / She was not working at 10 o'clock yesterday.
? Was she working at 10 o'clock yesterday? Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't.
-Una acció incompleta en curs en un moment concret del passat.
Sam was reading at 5 o'clock.
-S'utilitza sense expressió de temps. Pot indicar un desenvolupament gradual.
It was getting darker / The wind was rising.
-Una acció incompleta interrompuda per una altra acció.
When I was walking home, it started to rain.
-Dues accions incompletes en curs al mateix temps en el passat.
She was upoading some videos while we were posting our latest photos
Time expressions
last night/week/year, at 4 o'clock, when, while, etc

The future simple:

Will + In nitive
+ The phone is ringing. -I'll answer it. / I will work.
- I will not/won't work.
? Will I work? Yes, I will. - No, I will not/won't.
Decisions espontànies.
-The lm will start in an hour.
Prediccions i anuncis futurs
-You will be thrilled with this innovative device.
Expressions per identi car:
This evening, tomorrow, next month, etc…
Be going to;
Be going to + in nitive
+I'm going to buy a bicycle.
- I'm not going to buy a bicycle.
? Are you going to buy a bicycle. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
-Una intenció premeditada i un pla en un futur proper.
He's going to be a dentisht when he grows up.
-Predicció quan tens una prova.
Look at those clouds! It's going to rain.
Expressions per identi car:

Future continuous:
Will be + v.-ing
+I will be working next summer.
-I will not/won't be working next summer.
?Will I be working next summer? Yes, I will. / No, I won't.
-Una acció que serà o que esperem que estigui en curs en un moment futur determinat.
-Plans futurs.
-S'utilitza normalment amb un punt en el temps, i expressa una acció que comença abans
d'aquest moment i probablement continua després d'aquest.
Imagine a class of students at this moment -11.30 a.m.
Now they are sitting in their classroom. They are listening to a tape. This time tomorrow
(Saturday) they will be sitting in the cinema. They will be watching a lm.
Time expressions
(at) this time tomorrow / next ... , on Thursday, in the next decade, fty years from now, etc

Future perfect simple:

Will have + past participle
+I will have worked.
-I won't have worked.
?Will you have worked? Yes, I will. - No, I won't.
-Una acció que serà o que esperem que es completi en un temps futur determinat.
By the end of next month he will have been here for ten years.
Time expressions
By then, by that time, by the 24th, by 2 o'clock, in four months, etc.

Future perfect continuous.

Will have been+ v-ing
+ By the end of the year, he will have been working for 30 years.
- By the end of the year, he will not (won't) have been working for 30 years..
? By the end of the year, will he have been working for 30 years? Yes, he will. / No, he will not
-Accions que continuaran ns a un punt en el futur.
By the end of this year, he will have been acting for thirty years.
Time expressions
at this time tomorrow, on Thursday, next, etc
Present perfect continuous:
Have/has + been + -ing
Acció que es va començar en el passat i continua ns el present.
He has been running that company for 10 years.
(Ell ha estat dirigit aquesta empresa durant 10 anys)

Past perfect continuous:

Had + been + -ing
Expressa una acció que va començar en el passat i va continuar passant després d’una altre
acció: s’acostuma a possar la durada de l’acció.
We had been looking for the wallet for 2 hours when Susan found it.
(Hem estat buscant la cartera durant 2 hores quan la Susan la va trobar)

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